Ite Missa Est Going Chinese 去中国 1 January - February 2021 Newsletter of the SSPX in Great Britain and Scandinavia Consecration of the Chinese People to Our Lady of China O Mary, Mother of God, our Mother, with sincere filial love, we consecrate to thy most tender, most loving Immaculate Heart, our bodies, souls, abilities, lives, words and deeds, and all that we have. We also consecrate to thee the Chinese people throughout the world. We pray that thou wouldst be the Mother of priests and all missionaries. May they loyally and zealously proclaim the kingdom of God. Be the Mother of all Christians. Help them to progress in virtue and make to shine forth evermore the splendour of faith. Be the Mother of all unbelievers. Deliver them from darkness and lead them into the light of Faith. We beseech thee to show mercy to the immense population of Chinese descent. They have all been re- deemed by the Precious Blood of thy Di- vine Son. Through thy most efficacious in- tercession, may they all take refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Source of life and holiness, and become one fold under One Shepherd in the Church. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us. Ite Missa Est Newsletter of the Society of St. Pius X in Great Britain & Scandinavia Price: suggested donation £2 To Order: request in writing or by email Publisher Society of Saint Pius X St. George‘s House 125 Arthur Road Wimbledon SW19 7DR United Kingdom +44 20 8946 7916 [email protected] District Superior Rev. Fr. Robert Brucciani Donation options (specify "St. Michael's School" if desired) 1. Cheque to: "The Society of Saint Pius X" at the above address 2. Standing Order: contact us for a form either: at the above address or: [email protected] or: www.fsspx.uk/en/donate-gb 3. Transfer to: Lloyds Bank plc Account: The Society of St. Pius X Account Number: 00279661 Sort Code: 30-99-80 BIC/SWIFT: LOYDGB21061 IBAN: GB07LOYD30998000279661 4. Paypal: [email protected] Please ask for a Gift Aid declaration form if you pay income tax or complete online form at www.fsspx.uk/en/donate-gb Internet fsspx.uk 4 Going Chinese Editorial 6 Can I take the Covid-19 vaccine? 16 Divini Redemptoris 18 Spirituality Father Zhu Shude SJ 21 Cardinal Kung 22 Too many vocations? 26 Catechism Light of the World 30 Ite Missa Est Society of St. Pius X in Great Britain and Scandinavia Chronicle 32 Liturgical Calendar 36 Year Planner 2021 40 Mass Times 41 Addresses 45 Editorial Going Chinese Chinese communism with western characteristics Rev. Robert Brucciani, District Superior My dear faithful, subvert the Catholic Church. In the light of recent events, it seems that Summary: Political, economic and Our Lady of Fatima’s prophecy of cultural power in China is concen- global communism is being real- trated in the hands of the Chinese ised and that we would do well to Communist Party (CCP). Cultural emulate the faithful Catholics of power includes power over reli- China who preserved their faith in gion. With direct help from the a godless communist state. west, China has embraced state- controlled capitalism and is now a global superpower. In the west, Essence and properties of political, economic and cultural communism power is similarly concentrated, not in the hands of a political or- The essence and properties of com- ganisation or individual state, but munism are described by Pope Pius in the hands of a less visible finan- XI in his encyclical Divinis Re- cial elite. In both China and the demptoris. Communism is atheistic west, cultural power has been exer- materialism in which: cised to promote an antithetical culture of death and to oppress and there is no room for the idea of 6 January - February 2021 God; there is no difference between matter and spirit, between soul and body; there is neither survival of the soul after death nor any hope in a future life. .. Communism, moreover, strips man of his liberty, robs hu- man personality of all its dignity, and removes all the moral re- straints that check the eruptions of blind impulse. There is no re- cognition of any right of the indi- vidual in his relations to the col- lective; no natural right is No room for God in the Cultural accorded to human personality, Revolution of 1966-76. The current which is a mere cog-wheel in the regime of 2020 is again destroying Communist system. In man's rela- churches and religious symbols. tions with other individuals, be- sides, Communists hold the prin- ciple of absolute equality, rejecting all hierarchy and di- godless, classless society with the vinely-constituted authority, in- common ownership of property. cluding the authority of parents. Perhaps, Mao Tse-Tung’s ignorance of human nature was so profound Communism in China that he believed that a communist utopia was possible, or perhaps he Shortly after Mao Tse-Tung, the Sec- just saw the communist ideology as retary-General of the Chinese Com- a vehicle to absolute power. Either munist Party (CCP), rose to abso- way, he used his absolute power to lute power when he declared the create a totalitarian regime, a servile foundation of the People’s Republic state. of China on 1st October 1950 in Tiananmen Square in China, he set The CCP started with the destruc- about dismantling Chinese society. tion of the natural order of society: The stated aim of the CCP was to it imposed its communist ideology create the ideal communist state: a and instilled fear in the whole popu- 7 Editorial lation by ever-changing laws, threats, and arbitrary arrests. It de- Chinese Communism: Capit- clared whole classes (landowners, alism with Chinese charac- businessmen, intellectuals, the en- teristics tire middleclass) and religions as enemies of the CCP and dispos- After a power struggle following sessed them. It even dispossessed Mao Tse-Tung’s death in 1976, Deng the peasants – taking away both Xiaoping was proclaimed “Para- their own land and the land that had mount Leader” by the CCP. Den been given to them from the spoils Xiaoping addressed the problem of of private landowners. It destroyed economic failure by introducing independent enterprise and wealth. market capitalism into China, ar- It killed as many as 60 million souls guing that it was simply a temporary in its prisons and labour-camps. adaption of Communist principles Catholics were especially perse- to suit local conditions in order to cuted and the CCP-controlled eventually achieve the communist Chinese Catholic Patriotic Associ- utopia of a classless society with ation (CCPA) was established in common ownership of property. The 1957 in an attempt to replace the reforms both encouraged enterprise Catholic Church in China. and tolerated ownership, but always under CCP control. This is the The only political party allowed was model that the current General Sec- the CCP; the economy was centrally retary of the CCP, Xi Jinping has de- planned by the CCP, culture was dic- veloped since becoming the “Para- tated by the CCP, and religion was mount Leader” in 2012. made subservient to the CCP. The result was a cruel backward failure. With a huge supply of cheap labour, How could it be otherwise when the massive investment from western natural law was trampled upon and banks and multinationals, open all aspiration to virtue extinguished? western markets, gifted technology All those who held positions of au- from the west (supplemented by thority were party officials and all state-sponsored industrial espion- party officials were corrupt. age), total political control and cul- tural tyranny, China has pursued a vigorous and unscrupulous strategy of economic imperialism. It has both purchased influence and se- 8 January - February 2021 cured resources abroad by hoover- is true for economic power because ing-up commercial assets, bank- almost every government, company rolling foreign politicians and aca- and individual is dependent on the demics, and enslaving developing banks who lend them money, countries with too-good-to-be-true thereby becoming dependent upon infrastructure projects. The net res- those who control the banks. Fi- ult is that China is now a super- nally, western culture, being driven power on centre-stage in world af- by global media companies, politi- fairs while remaining godless and in cians, academia and the host of in- contempt of the natural law. This stitutions of the capitalist state, con- contempt is clearly manifest in its forms itself to the money elite too. barbaric population control pro- gramme and extensive use of “re- Even the Catholic Church, once a education centres” for religious and powerful force for natural and su- political dissidents. It is important pernatural order in the world, ap- to note two facts: first, none of pears to be in the thrall of the same China’s development would have elite. Since the Second Vatican been possible without western cap- Council, its churchmen, wanting to ital, western markets and western be loved by the world, have shut collaboration; and second, China re- their eyes to the supernatural end of mains totally dependent on the west man and to the social reign of Christ for its continued prosperity. the King to embrace the new global culture with its new secular religion. They have even submitted them- Concentrated power in the selves to the Chinese authorities of west late, thus betraying their own perse- cuted children there. Political, economic and cultural power in the west has also followed a trajectory of concentration. The The party cannot last source of the west’s political power is dubiously claimed to be demo- In short, power has been purchased cracy, but in reality it is the money with money, but this resource has elite who exercise such control over its limitations.
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