PARTICIPANTS American Reader American ) Cultural Services. Cultural The The Moderated by Uzoamaka Maduka ( Maduka Uzoamaka by Moderated 8:30 PM | COCKTAIL | PM 8:30 the reading room and bookshop at the French French the at bookshop and room reading the Paris Review Paris Believer Le ). ). ( Rudick Nicole ), sale at Albertine Books in French and English, English, and French in Books Albertine at sale LAETICIA ATLani-DUAULT is a HEIDI JULAVITS is a co-editor of THE RAPHAËLLE RÉROLLE works as a PATRICK DE SAINT EXUPÉRY Inculte, Inculte, Believer The ), Oliver Rohe ( Rohe Oliver ), ( Julavits Open Letters Monthly, Wall Street Journal Street Wall Monthly, Letters Open ) ( The French and American journals will be on on be will journals American and French The Research Professor in Social BELIEVER. She is the journalist at LE MONDE, is the co-founder and Diacritics, Labyrinthe Diacritics, ), Heidi Heidi ), ( Dubreuil Laurent Times Book Review Book Times ). Moderated by Sam Sacks Sacks Sam by Moderated ). Anthropology at the French author of four novels and co- where she heads its editor-in-chief of XXI. Les Temps modernes Temps Les ), ), ( Bourgault Jean With New York York New Magazine Harper’s ), Jennifer Szalai ( Szalai Jennifer ), ( @FRENCHBOOKSUSA @FRENCHBOOKSUSA new collaborations. collaborations. new National Development editor, with Leanne Shapton CULTURE ET IDÉES Previously, he reported Culture et Idées” et Culture ), Christine Smallwood Smallwood Christine ), WWW.FRENCHCULTURE.ORG WWW.FRENCHCULTURE.ORG attendees to engage in informal discussions and and discussions informal in engage to attendees Research Institute and a and Sheila Heti, of the book supplement, after having for the newspaper LE publishing in another format? another in publishing Le Monde “Supplément “Supplément Monde Le Raphaëlle Rérolle ( Rérolle Raphaëlle recommendations will provide opportunities for for opportunities provide will recommendations member of the Centre for Women in Clothes. She is been a literary critic with LE FIGARO for twenty years. journal decide to end production, or to begin begin to or production, end to decide journal New York Review of Books of Review York New ), ), ( Mendelsohn American Foundation, and Y.-A. Istel Foundation. Foundation. Istel Y.-A. and Foundation, American one-on-one professional meetings, and reading reading and meetings, professional one-on-one Ethnology and Comparative a professor at Columbia MONDE DES LIVRES He is the recipient of the its editorial committee? At what point does a a does point what At committee? editorial its La Vie des idées des Vie La ), Daniel Daniel ), ( Guénard Florent With Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wildenstein, the French French the Wildenstein, Guy Mrs. and Mr. research, and critical theory. Public debates, debates, Public theory. critical and research, Albert Londres prize and the Bayeux prize for its content evolves over the years, along with with along years, the over evolves content its Sociology at the CNRS. Atlani-Duault teaches at University and the recipient of a Guggenheim for 15 years. She also organizes, for Le Monde, sponsored by the Institut français in Paris, Paris, in français Institut the by sponsored journalism and reportage, book and art reviews, reviews, art and book reportage, and journalism editorial stance and identity? How can it ensure ensure it can How identity? and stance editorial the EHESS and Paris 1 Sorbonne. She is a visiting Fellowship. Her book The Folded Clock will be the International Forum on the Novel (AIR), war correspondents. His publications include countries? Services of the French Embassy, and co- and Embassy, French the of Services wide range of writing styles, including long-form long-form including styles, writing of range wide publication? How might a journal form its its form journal a might How publication? L’inavouable, la France au Rwanda (2004), books in print and online differ in the two two the in differ online and print in books This program is presented by the Cultural Cultural the by presented is program This professor at Hunter College and a Visiting Research published in 2015. an annual literary event taking place in Lyon’s counterparts. The two-day event will showcase a a showcase will event two-day The counterparts. What motivates a group to launch a new new a launch to group a motivates What and ethics involved in reviewing (and reading) reading) (and reviewing in involved ethics and re-published in 2009 under the title Complices will travel to New York to meet their American American their meet to York New to travel will Fellow at CUNY Roosevelt House Public Policy Villa Gillet. She has directed two movies: Erri THE LIFE CYCLE OF A JOURNAL A OF CYCLE LIFE THE SOCIO what extent do the approaches, contents, tone, tone, contents, approaches, the do extent what frenchculture.org JOHN R. MACARTHUR and authors of a dozen French publications publications French dozen a of authors and Institute. She is co-editor-in-chief of , and has been the De luca and Claudio Magris’ Italy (2013) and de l’inavouable ; La France au Rwanda; and La 11:15 AM | PANEL 2 PANEL | AM 11:15 Who drives taste in France and in the US? To To US? the in and France in taste drives Who open to the public. RSVP to: bookoffice@ to: RSVP public. the to open On November 7-8, 2014, founders, editors editors founders, 2014, 7-8, November On the editor of the book series Le (bien) commun. president and publisher of Ersi Sotiropoulos, Petros Markaris and Christos Fantaisie des dieux, Rwanda 1994 ( 2014). TWO CRITICAL CULTURES? CRITICAL TWO All events, apart from the Tête-à-têtes, are are Tête-à-têtes, the from apart events, All HARPER’S MAGAZINE Chryssopoulos’ Greece (2014). Tin House Tin ) ( Spillman 6:45 PM | PANEL 4 4 PANEL | PM 6:45 innovative and buzz-worthy. and innovative JEAN BOURGAULT has been a member since 1983. An award-winning JENNIFER SZALAI was previously a Feuilleton, Vanity Fair Vanity Feuilleton, ). Moderated by Rob Rob by Moderated ). ( * Tête-à-têtes are not open to the general public. general the to open not are Tête-à-têtes * from the prestigious and longstanding to the the to longstanding and prestigious the from of the editorial committee of journalist and author, he OLIVER ROHE is the founding member of senior editor at Harper’S The New Yorker New The ), Philippe Vasset Vasset Philippe ), ( Treisman Jacobin ). ( quality publications, in print and online, ranging ranging online, and print in publications, quality LES TEMPS MODERNES writes monthly columns the INCULTE publishing MAGAZINE, where she Nouvelle Revue française Revue Nouvelle ), Deborah Deborah ), ( Forest Public Books Public 12:45 PM | LUNCH | PM 12:45 ). Moderated by Karen Narefsky Narefsky Karen by Moderated ). ( As a result, both countries boast a variety of high high of variety a boast countries both result, a As since 2008. He has been for the PROVIDENCE house, for which he has co- oversaw the publication’s Socio ), Philippe Philippe ), ( Atlani-Duault Laetitia With des idées des ), Sharon Marcus and Caitlin Zaloom Zaloom Caitlin and Marcus Sharon ), featuring literary fiction, non-fiction and critiques. critiques. and non-fiction fiction, literary featuring working on Jean-Paul Sartre’s JOURNAL (in English) and for Montreal’s LE edited several essays and Reviews and Criticism. She La Vie Vie La Joshua Cohen Cohen Joshua ( Guénard Florent and Campos Lucie With , or journals, journals, or , publishing of traditions revues manuscripts for a number of DEVOIR newspaper (in French). His first book, contributed to collectively is currently an editor at book or artistic project? artistic or book Frieze XXI ). Moderated by by Moderated ). ( Tillman Lynne ), ( Both France and the United States have strong strong have States United the and France Both years and has written many Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the written opinion pieces. THE NEW YORK TIMES how can a journal piece grow into a full-length full-length a into grow piece journal a can how academic and public spheres ? spheres public and academic Esprit ), Patrick de Saint-Exupéry Saint-Exupéry de Patrick ), Olivier Mongin ( Mongin Olivier articles on the author. A doctor of philosophy, Gulf War, won the Illinois ACLU’s 1992 Harry Kalven He writes segments BOOK REVIEW and has analyze and describe the world’s realities? And And realities? world’s the describe and analyze directions in the study of inequalities, in both both in inequalities, of study the in directions Harper’s Magazine Harper’s ), ), ( MacArthur R. John With 7–8, 2014 V 2014 7–8, NO Bourgault teaches at the Lycée Condorcet in Paris. Freedom of Expression award. for France Culture’s radio program and has written for THE NATION, THE NEW YORK environment shape the way in which its writers writers its which in way the shape environment comparative approach shed light on current current on light shed approach comparative been published in various periodicals and TIMES MAGAZINE and THE LONDON publish longer pieces in a collaborative work work collaborative a in pieces longer publish economy in Europe and in the US. How does this this does How US. the in and Europe in economy political activism? activism? political LUCIE CAMPOS UZOAMAKA MADUKA LA NOUVELLE REVUE REVIEW OF BOOks Salon is a member of the is the co-founder magazines, including , among others. or a book? How does a journal’s ability to to ability journal’s a does How book? a or investigating different aspects of political political of aspects different investigating How can a journal work as a space for social and and social for space a as work journal a can How editorial board of LA VIE and editor-in-chief of THE FRANÇAISE, ETUDES, LA PENSÉE DE different from publishing a newspaper article article newspaper a publishing from different they play a role in directing public discourse? discourse? public directing in role a play they roundtable virtual a co-publish will idées idées DES IDÉES, where she AMERICAN READER.
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