STORES OPEN . c TIL 9 'TONITE Second Claso Postal? Paid Vol. LXXIV. No.'23/ 3 Sections, 22 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1967 • Cranford, New Jersey 07016 : TEN GENTS Outstanding Studen ts Honored James Heller,-oiajedictorian. .of this year's graduating class at Cranford High School, was pre sented with six awards, largest number accorded to any individual, For 7-Weefc^eason during the aanual. awards assembly held in the school auditorium on The' Cranford Recreatiop/T)epar.tment's annual summer Monday morning. playground program underlie direction of Recreation/Super- , He received- the G. K. Warner intendent Robert R: Shupin will open for a seven-week- season Award sponsored by tHe Cranford at eight areas next Moj*oay. Activities will be conducted;Mon- Lions • Club, a $50' bemd,-, as did day through Friday trom 9:30 ami. tdtioon and ltd 4 p.m. Susan Ril\a, highest ranking gir,l in the class. These presentations Registration will be taken on 1 • --•..• ..•••, • '-• . Photp byKurr Associates. were . made ' by Je.rry JDeRosa' of Monday at. the following play- OUT AFTER TROUT — Scene at North Union Av<>. bridge 'over .Railway River during "Fisjiiiag the Lions Cilub: grounds: Adams Ave., Brook- •Derby" sponsored by Cranford Jayeees with support of local business firms. Township youngsters D lomm side PL, Johnson Ave., Lincoln The valedictorian-' and Jakob, 1 under 14 years of ag« were eligible for prizes awarded on the basis'.of tags on fish they caught. The Sperling, salutatorian, received- # A;ve,, Memorial Field, Roose- Jaycees stockctithe river between the bridge and Hansel Dam with 300 trout for the derby; bonds .from the PTA, presented by lt , d Giv\ id CHS velt School, Sunny Acres, and . Mrs. Crosby Baker. Jakob and Diy ana Lynn Turner also were pre- Walnut Ave. sented with $25 bonds from Crane!s A summer day camp'for the re- Municipal Foi-d Chapter ;'of -,the"i>AR b/Mps. /Diplomas-we,re presented to'376 tarde'd children will open on July es AjinouAcg Wuiti$r$ members of-the Class of 1967 of 10 at' Cleveland School and con- . Norman • Kjcldsen, v• '•''*"• '" • James, also received an engraved Cranford High School as commen- ttinUe fox she weeks. Arts and, Pool Opening pluque for 'highest . scholastic cement exercises, postponed from crafts will be offered .under the In Fishing Derby Held Jlere achievement. from; the .Cranford Tuesday because -of wet grounds, direction of John Fedash -and Mi- This Saturday Winners in the "Fishing Derby" conducted for local youngsters .by Jaycees- presented by Dr, Frank were held at Memorial Field last chael Weiner; dramatics, Ann Mi- the Cranford Jaycees were announced thd week by fhe chairman, Ken- Krause, Jaycee ' .president;'-the' nigtet. - .. neur and Ronald Czebrowski; arch-j.., The Cranford Community Pool, neth Sharp, The derby began at 8 a.m. on 'Saturday, Julie .10,- and ended Bausch and "Lomb Sctenee plaque, ' The" program featured addresses cry, JBarbara Sibilski and Henry" j;- .under the supervision of Superin- at noon, last'Saturday. .' * • ' . • . presented by ^Courtland Daley, by James Holler, class Valedictori- Zielihski, and tennis,..„ Thomas - t HIGHEST ACHIEVEMENT — Dr. Frank KrSuse (at right), presi- Beam, John Patburg and Williarn tendent of Recreation-Robert R. There was a tur.noutf'jof approximately 300 young people on, the science instructor, the .Cornell dent of the Cranford Jaycees, nresents plaque for highest scholastic jn,,on "The Challenge We Face"- Shupin, will open its third season Cup, presented by. Dr. B. C: Bel- and JaVob Sperling, salutatorian, Foreman. * ' -• . opening day. The contest was open achievement' to James Heller, valedictorian of .Cranford -High' Miss Laura Frank.will be super- this Saturday at 10 a.m. The pool to all youngsters of the township den, and a. complimentary subscrip- on "The End of an Era." tion -to the Reader!s Digest, pre School graduating, class, during awards assemb|y at the school on yisor of. the playgrounds. •.'•'•. again wili? be managed by Herbert under 14 years of age. The -Jay- Dr, Charles Post, principal, pre- sented .by Assistant Principal .Monday.'. • ' • ' " ' ... " • . • / ' • ' '..._' • ' ..' sented the graduating class to Dr. The Lincoln Ave. and Adams'- •Farrell with Robert Bornstein as cees stoeked the Rahway River be-' on Henrfy Doscher. Ave. playgrounds will be open . tween th& North Union Ave. bridge Clark W. McDermiih, superinten- , assistant- manager. Booster Club scholarships were from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday through- and the Hansel Dam with 300 trout dent of schools, who in turn ma.de^Thilrsday with supervision. A .Lifeguards will be . Dougla^ presented to Willidm-Albans' arid the presentation to Robert Biunno, basketball, tournament, will be set in preparation for the event. To Boys State Thomas Baker by Howard Knauer. Summer School Programs ,B;yik\" Joseph Coyne," Paul D.een, president of the Board, oi Educa- up-for interested players... Prizes were awarded as follows Patrolman. Robert. A. Guertin, tion, for the conferring of diplomas. Archery will be offered at Or- . Charles .Diakon, William Haney, on, the basis" of numbered tags at- Announced president of Cranford -Loeal -52, > The "graduates processed to "Co- ange Avenue Junior High, School Earl Jobson,' James." Kline,. Carol tached to the fish: Cfanford Post 212, • American PBA, presented" PBA awards for Beginning Here Next Week ronation Match" from "Le Pro- and Hillside Avenue Junior; High. Klubefispies, .Roy Koening,. Pat- John Paredes of 56 Mendell Legion, in cooperation with the ^ * The Upper. Summer School at Cranford High School, and- the phett,".by GiaGOmo Meyerbeer, and Schoo'l. " Registration - for archery tilc bes rieia Mooipe; Charles Popik, Paula Ave., spinning rod donated by the announceCranford d Rotarthe sponsorshiy Club, thip so f week..four to Kennett athleteh Dinsmores i.ri the. senioand r Jacoclassb Lower. Summer School and Summer Band Scho.Ql at Hillside Avenue the recessionalwas the "Triumphal will be held next Tuesday at Orange Cranford Sport Center and' a reel Selby, Thomas Stokes and Anita local delegates to th'6 American Bayack. •'•••'. Junior, .High,School are scheduled lo-get-und^r way netft week. March," from "Aida," by Giuseppi, I Avenue Junior High School from" donated' 3>y trie Garcia Corp. of .Legion Jersey Boys' State,- which The' -annual Batting Champion * '• Sessions.at the high school will, begin next Monday and end- on Verdi, both played by the school 9:30 a.m« to. noon, and, Hillside • "Weil. .--.•• • ;• ' Clifton. , will be held from Sundaty through ship Trophy donated by Dr, Paul Friday, August 4; "The Upper Summer School will be in session five band: Avenue Jtihior High Schopl from William Wightman of Mofning- V. Buonaguro was ..presented to Admission clerks will be Wayne Saturday of next week at Rutgers days, a week. There will be no "Cry Out and Shout," by Knut 1 p.m. to 4"p.m.- Cooper and Janice Niesz. Attend- side PI., $5 savings certificate do- University in- New Brunswick, Douglas Ross- by -William Martin, Nystedt,' and "These Are the The playgrounds will be under nated by the Cranford Savings and athletic director. Saturday classes and no classes on • ants will be Dawp Bauman, James The .. selection committee at Times,"-- by 'Charles Bryan, were the direction of the following^ Loan Association. - • A Lions Club award of first Monday and Tuesday, July 3 and 4, ^Ada.rns-. Ave., John Krysiak and •.Farrell, James Haney,. Car_6l Juli- Cranford High School named the. sung.by the school choir.. > Stpven Levitt of 3 Aberdeen Ct., following boys to participate: Mark year's .tuition, ""to - Union" y The. program will include.60-hbur Invocation aria benediction were Patricia McGrady; Brookside PL, ana-, George, Keenan, Thomas Ken- 300 yards of spinning line donated, Ullom of .35 Spruce St., Nicholas Technical Institute went to. Betsy re view..classes, 120-hour classes for by. Rey. George White-, pastor of Michael Garvey".' and Alice Ga41ina; by the Cortland • Line .Co.of Cort- J, Colem.ah. , . ~ ue.dy.and Douglas. Weeks- Diakon of 216 Scherrer' St., Paul new subjects and also sessions• for the First BaptusfChurch. Cleveland School, Joyce Postick, " Thevgool will be open Monday land, N.-Y." • •" • Doscher of 29 Adams. Ave. and Harry Lawrence, head *4 the The sinjv:iJ.awards assembly was Jo Anne MacalUsso and Betsy Wag- .. James, Ells of 10* Retford AV*e-> school's 'business department, pre- personal-use- typing, hol&hand an« t,hqrugh Saturday and holidays Mark *Detering ol 208 Beech S-t.. held at itie high school Monday ner; Johnson Aye., Barbara Mit- trophy donated -by Cranford Rod sented the Cuanford Schools' Sec- driver education. There isno tui- chell; Lincoln Ave., Frank Hogan from 10 a.m! to 9 p.nvand Sundays "the purpose of Boys' State/' morning, and the^sfnior class din- and Gun Club', r- -- " • a . spokesman for the 'American' retaries' Award, a handbook, to tion; charge for* Cranford residents. -ner was held- in-^thc gymnasium of and, Carole Paataiiu. ,__ • from 11 a.m. fb. 8 p:m. Swimming Jeffrey and Patrick O'Donnell of Legion said, "is to,, develop good Frances Iaione; and the Business Registration for Upper Sumr Hillside Avenue JufHtw ••High Memorial Field, William La instruction -will be,offered, -Appli- 607 Brookside PI. and Thomas citizenship by inspiring the youth Education "-*• Department Service mer School may be made at the School that evening. The dinner Corte and Mary "Lou Falk; Roose- cations will 'be-taken' for participa- Volkmann of 24 Rcselle Ave., gift of New Jersey to take a more ac- Awards,, medals, to . Mary Ann high, school office between 8 a.m.- program Included entertainment velt School, Garol Waugh and , tion in the swim team, under-the certificates, donated by the Cran- tive and intelligent interest in the Vizzone and Mary Ann Colucci.
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