Claudia Jones Part 6 of 10

Claudia Jones Part 6 of 10

1:->-'2-"':J_ ,_92".i- - *- _ .;.-Q :_.'_ ' 1-,3..' . .--1." u5' " .- --tn". --.1 3;; ,- 1- QA <2 tl . SH? jiisiiizi J. '.f-.~'.-'.-.92.- 92 ~ .. TSP. NY100-18% CUM. "NTlAL G- Health The subject on June 20, 1951 advised Dr, MICHAEL J. HORAN, JR. that she was at that time tdcing treatment for bronchitis. Witness: MICHAEL J. HORAN, JR-, M.D. 1185 Park 5-Q3?-I t Avenue, New York City ,_s- .'_.'- . __ 1*?4 ' 1 1-. Ef 1»".-F1"! gt? ret -, .__'+ ' - F .~:' -".;'~.*-.;l.:" - 24- _ B - '»_:>.'.v,?_. -' '4 -. ." ; Q.-..<éF. --+-11.4 .. .-..,:»_ HEW P _;. __. 3:'.',._.1 I :1 J1. z "". _- .1. |__.92§ e .~,2 _..?-'.r ~:1'?l: T" ._;;.2 G --92:..!?.-. -1 $- . _.»:92 ,H~¢ .-'.'.;"92"?=I- .»'.~>.-=- ..;mk . F >'.a.-'-2<T..'»~;' .sj-_=<;-',-:3 4'.'T_'-<".r. -.T-,;'., .1' . .-,__ "pg .-_'3'- I.92;92. e;¢' ten- 92 1.-:'-er. " . it->..:,. .5. -_.. .:,._. , ,; %f',§;_ct ' 15¢,1"? if _... ._r ,- 2 ls.._ iau NY 100-18676 . .- = 5». II.. COMUNIST PARTY CONNECTIONS ..:'__.§-dig;-_:f_w; _.. Y T 7 ' In. _ 7 ' .~92-._'- -- Q? A. Data Surrounding Admission -.$al=11@.°amm_1.aP Peru. a "5".-e. a. A biographical sketch of CLAUDIA JONES as . -._-J_. m -.. a Young Communist League-personality revealed that N,'..'v-"Ii; n . in 1936, she metJA1~1¥g'I92'SHIFORD, negro Zoung._C_Q111|11IlJ;1;- a ist League leader, w introduced her to the Young " Communist League and was responsible for her Joining the Young Comunist League. ' § .'-7~ 3. ' .-" :' E =1 --- ..~I Exhibit #6: "New Masses" 5 M. _ I May 16; 1939 5-.;~f1-Z; -.5: Witness to anu- Introduce: Librarian ;§h§ Library of Con- grass seed CLAUDIA JONES became active in the Communist Party as a recruit to the Young Comunist League ranks in about 1936. She was active as a Young Communist League organizer and as an officer for the Young Com- munist League. She was considered one of the ablest =&§ young Communists in America and was elected to the Naéional Councilof the Young CommunistLeague. She su es quently becameactive. inthe Communist Party. kc1B1d92 age "°= B. History of Comunist Party I-+=ri'?§ fa;-5:1_g_1gqs.git_i0ns Held Subject was described as the Chairman of the .§@g New York County Young Communist League and a member of the National Council of the Young Comunist League as -.:.. of October, 1938. as ea Exhibit #7: Young Communist League "Review" v. - October, 1938 12.1' 92 92 '7';-' :5 J 1,jag? ,_ :1 92 _ . .'|1'-.-.. _. ., ,. ,. ~.-- _ -1 -Y - , ,. .-, . ~ -.»., -A. -_-:, . ,;f.-._.-' _92_-'-'=_.:.~;___,, -:-~,- J _'F-2, =1. -. " ,~ ,:.92.-1?-_.__-__ ; ;.:____ _,_~ _. _ 1:. __ ,~-92- -'-.r_~ _ ._:. _ _'__,_-'-_._'. .~ -;92.;- -_f=_. ,_,_'=-._-,:-_. '. ----' ,3-f,f._,92_92.-ft. "1;_':.|;"¢,...-...__ ~17 , J, ._'-:__ _': ;__,~.-_ _<_.'__-/~' _4_ _ ._ ,,_ ._ .:: - » ;-I _.- I .NU.-7. -. , -...._ . ___._;_,'____,92 -'-;-'.~1--'-. ,_,/H.-.,___,._k"._____w_,._,.." 1- 92.;_ .,____"-92r-=-'¢_,"»*'_-.'____-..___ ._ M.._, l .. -_ .92_-- >,-92.'._,.-192,,- 92 I-_l=-if . -< ». -_"92-'r.-.V - ._. 92 1-," .-»' 92,.-. _, __._--' H ._ .____92'-._-_.;92 -_ 1-'_-__:__;_'.,:92_ '_-_".3; _ _f-J~';.'j,..- " -.-_f_92._ AT, | _1-_:'.:_;;'.,-'.~92_ "__.r .1-_ :_;~_."-51,, .;_- 1;" ' ' 92.*_'-W.-1 -_ =_- ' 1 - -= 4 5-.., 11 "3 ,- 1 s i_V92:. ..::|..¢;_-_- .-, Xi--;@-..a4.>_- ' ' .1;7_-Q3; _?f_"i-1:.J- - 57¢ -2' _ @ ~ Q ' - ; Z} ,". :2»-L L-Q .1 _.a- 1"" '. 4 -1-., »_:!:1 .I .,.., ., ..;-_~ "<1 .5-4", NY 100-18676 Subject was described as a leading member_o§ S -92 the NewYork State Young Comunist League in June, l9u0. F Exhibit #8: Young Communist .?;'¬'-'-1-. League "Review" ire: - December 9, l9uC Witness to ,_i .. V Introduce: Librarian '92 ._-92c._-'1 Library of _ Congress saw-1! CLAUDIA JONES was identified as the National *3-.**'*%"?5 92 i Educational Director of the Young Communist League as of C . it "1? August h, 19hl. I-=.. a I 1..' ru ! , '1 ~_.. Exhibit #9: Young Communist , 1! 5! I ..'§.§ 92 pf !92 A' League "Review" .55. -_ . ~. <..__ '.'-'_- 1 August n, l9hl ,'._.'. - . .'.A,_'u-a _-.4 __|- Librarian _- 1 Witness to Introduce: '.=I-- IQ? .-~ --, 1-;¢; Libraryof r ;-pg- -:1 I . Congress .,¢ ., . -1-.1-=.1'-pi CLAUDIA JONES was aprointed Associate Editor es of the Young CommunistLeague eview"as of February, "'n l9u2. She was also described as a member of the National .-L 4-Q Council of the Young Communist League as of the above- 01'1 H".-W'.~, mentioned date. P. 55$-I Exhibit #10: Young Comunist .%E::a§ 1 i'4u;_5> ' League "Review" February 3, 19h2 . -_. _,_. 22-e;" Hitness to -_-.24¢»; - an,-"9,L Introduce: Librarian 92. 1-..:92:'/-1,:. _'c'.',~ .' Library of I '~',""_='T. - Congress ._ji,=.-Y; - ~~ ._A ,0-> U 4- CLAUDIA JONES attended a "National War Service Conference of the Young Comunist League held in New York i G P January 9 and 10, l9u3. She was elected to the National A ~ We i .3 .1'__.": 3 _.-Q ;.=* C gfx _-. -.- 1.=.92'- "o_92. h ..'.--,"'s- i=.'_ f.- -IF3-;".92-* " ; .-;=.- ;.»".--'?'rs{S ._-_ .4-"'--F_..._ ,. ~-, q A . ;¢ 3. A -,-_! '_~".92f_§5'.' ~I; 13*:-155'? I1-"3'? _x,"1 1-'1-'.--I. ji'T-7-#1 . ' n92"-zri--J-'1- ../§ . 2-_92 ',L_ -.kL.:, F6 ~ '_,~ . gt 1! *ee : 1 U-~ ". , '-51}? -'- - *5; . ; . *-»..""? , *-ck ' . .- _c . -1 "4+1 --.s_ .5 4 at ! __.. AH. -vi .14 ¢-»'- - 51?;-+55..;. 1. '3 a-=5--2 -w- '.'-"h1w"I_!1 ! - _ . *%5§ I.-__/, ~._ ;, -i4 L. H..- §:»A;;f~jNY 100-18676 Council of the Young Communist League as well as to the "National war Service Council" of the Young Com- HQ... munist League. F T Exhibit #11: Young Communist +1.11. League "Review" .-I January 26, 19h3 '-_92v-c,.,,, . Witness to Introduce: Librarian 1' 1':-:3-L1 -.-», :_ . Library of _§;'_4 ;;¥.}922 ' 213- Congress CLAUDIA JONES was elected as the editor of . _<__:' 3' i the American Youth for Democracy "Spotlight," which was first published in December, l9h3. 92 = ",'~;<E,=:.~"' Fe! -0 A Exhibit #12: American Youth v. :3 for Democracy :~_ .41 .-_.*"¢ .--'.| "Spotlight" =:- »;- December, l9h3 ..._.__ .s. W Witness to 3.275? -"' 9?: Introduce: Librarian Library of Congress It was stated in the American Youth for Democracy "Spotlight" of February, l9h5 that "Claudia $?. Jones, editor of the 'Spot1ight* since its first issue, iww "-92'-'5":s: '..1 1..i t I45?_ .W . __.;- 5 9' :_;-.92§- Y: 0 *1 is .-'.<; 92-I.." '-.3 I-:-'-'1 '-. ~"':-1'; 5 ff". ~~ ~ . - -1 ~-'.- - - r-'.=r~.-'.:.=.;--.-i~"'- .-.'.'-r~;-.'--.£='--x:-'-.-;-=-;'=.i --I;-':-,:-'1:-'~.'-----'92-"H '-'.-" -- : 92..~ *5-9.92- I ' '-.92'. -.' F 1-Y¢.".,';~ _ 92'- :r1-*:'.''}.,~ ' sI¢--at gi_Y""7F='1 -¢_~. 4 '¢5~92- at C .--_» ;s~ 92 . e 1 ,.--.=--,- - --*-~- .- . -'-.-.= rs,-. --- .-I--~ . _---. --..,1.'<-9-..:-.~ ,- - .- 4 .UH=~-. '_r_ .-_-- _, - .-_;'- "~:%a"J*-"="".D=:hvw"draw;n*<<&¥¥*:L*T§£$*%W1h*is*~%*$F~w$a§¥?W>¬#=PL1'~mYJ-?-~*>_-_ _ .- .--V .. 92-'_ _ -. -_ - ., -92; _ -- ,".#" 92,"¢. -- '11- . .11» -..- >f'-3 '-I-. 1 _- ----=- - ¢' .¢ ~ ~ ~-,, ' __[L"-s ~- , ;~__ ~ -_t_1 _=,_,-_.-_.,i>;L;,:1_. I ~ _ ~i. _. - -1 ~;,.~,;._- -.,- ,_-, - -» -.1»-,.---..u~-~ -.~'i--=<.-:1 ad... Y I _' -;-._~'.. -1 0' gm *1-" .¢:~1. sad {Y :1; v "_-wa * -*- Q." ?.'._'f 5 5 NY 100-18676 "i-,<,-.a1:'|| E-'1 1 5'; s - _. Exhibit #13: American Youth for Demecracy "Spotlight" February, l9h5 u_. Witness to . I Introduce: 92'.. 92'. Librarian ';ii ass Library of sad A Congress 7 .1 Y. = 2 Eli .1, :-11 F gs? Witnesses: 4-.:..". '3 <a3 ¬% 1-:P_. ,_1_ . 1:. L-1 I 5 _ __ H _§LAUPIA JONES was described as the Secretary or the National Women's Commission of the Comnist Z='.:_ Party in the April 25, 19h? issue of the "Daily worker." Exhibit #1h: "Daily Worker" April 25, 19a? .35; Witness to §$' Introduce: Librarian .

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