Cochran Chapel Tlhe speaker in the CochranSaudysFl Cliapel this Sunday, March 25, at wilb a"itury'of Feim wt 11:00 will be Dr. Rockwell G. Hamn, President ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RaYMilland. Tonight's Film So- of Mt. Holyoke ceyfauei Cbni h OlClee Sky." starr'ing Rochester. etiiiiEtalsed17 Ment, - '.Enlotao, fltfi Vol. LXIX, No. 22. mtfor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., MARCH 21, ess,iitk 1945. Prc nudes F, -MARCH DAEWdndvPHIPAN Night. Club Curfew O E AC OR ; haaTo Be Debated Toa Music VilBePodd Talks ViewTOR IET DA it is illoz ~~~~~~~~~~ByNorman Hill's Band esialitBradford, Thaw Uphold Affirmative; contrary to former notices, th~e U S S R l n 67th Editorial Staff Anno-unced; y skills KoGould,. lberg Take Negativefirst tea dance of the spring term Messrs. James, Cory cliil)Iloayad,0 KOhclock, T k Ne aiewill be held,--at 4:30 this coming Discus Population, Suisman, LowerB sn sM a ge 'Ini hall Toa t1:0ocok Pnilo will debate the topic, "The Saturday afternoon. The Norman eiigfo ofcte6hPiLLIPssBoiussoetaite Bonagrdi Iidnight l i Curlew Should flemain." Lindsay Bradford anid Hill Orchestra of Lexington, which 'Pltc, oeniiisRtrngf mofcth 60 PHLI ANBad _ inatioii Dave Thaw will defend James Byrnes' i'ecent decree, while has played here numerous times Getting under way with Mrcluding Editor-in-Chief C. ChesneyMcrkeBses ilthliabp~George Guold and Larry Kohlb~rg wlil uphold the rights previous to this, will provide music .2ory's speech last week conce1. ng Maae onG.HlroMnaigEioIJh .Sok t lay~ien~ of the______________________________tforethecoccason.otheaeffectsaofepopulationtchangessFdt. night-club owners. LouishF.. Jrth anand hotogogr hphcEEdito and niani Bradford and George Gould will de- Copyace\wichisunertseeer, dpoltislnd., Xe need(~~~~~-nes' recent deThcdrceeichis CHAPEplitcs ndOCtheonN nd M. eJsesJames A. Lebenthal, held its anntial banquet in the Andover fendlene James Byrns rcndee, CO H A CAPL supervision of~Iessrs. Cobb, Sides, discussion this morning of "The Inn last Sunday evening. Present t thegavtthengwereMr d. uii1deil. I~while Dave Thaw and Lari-y K"'ohl- They e will be an opportunity and Leavitt, will be preceded by a People and .olitics of Russia," the d'~~li" ~br will uphold the rights of the of joining the Academy Church baskgtb~all game between the var- Spi'ng Ter'i program o Wednues- TEA DANCE RULES visoi' of the PHILLIPIAN, Mr. iihtclbones onl Thuisday evening, March 29, sity wrestling team and the faculty lay inoruiing speakers will continue General Principles: At all tea GeadCaiia ftePb at the Holy Week Communion at 2:30 and another basketball ie,,ulai'ly foi' the eighit remaining dances at Andover, girls are the help) on, Next Wednesday in he Senio- Seivice. Mr. Baldwin will be game between the Andoveir Info-- Wednesday mnorning assemblies, guests not only of the members licatioiis Committee, and the of- ante.1tato tl Siit Coounci wille ebeo glad to talk with any intei-ested mals and Tony Lavelli's team at Next Wednesday Di'. Dari-lig of the~'school but also of the ficeis and memlbes of both the 'ogiai i thi'ee faculty members o the sub- studlents in his study at the 4:00. Supper will e sei'vtid as usual Diectoir of te Histoi'y (lepaitinent, Headmaster ad of the Faculty Editorial a Business boards. ftar'is t jb~t~6f Student Council powers. The Chapel each weekday except at 6:00, after which the dancing will lectuie on "The Histoi'y of of Phillips Academy. Annouiiced by their predecessors_ The i student speakers will be Art Mohler, Satuoday between 11:15 and will continue until 7:15. The patron- Ui S -Russian Relations." The week Students and their guests were the officei-s of the incoming ~y oI andrt~soadC between .M~ak 12:00.1:00 and esses will be Mrs. John Colby, Mrs. afte- next, on Api-il 4, M. James should greet the patronesses at boai'd' Managing Editor Martin Be- ly s ~ i-o Bsford, Md . o.ntcu',cken. 2: 00. Kenneth Minard, and Mrs. Floyd will lpiesent his views on "Russia the beginning of the dance and )nthi fiom thii-d member of the faculty wvill The Chui-ch of Chi-ist in Phil- IHumphreys. There are also tenta- as a Great Powei-." M. James, i- also at'its close, glen. Business Manager Michael Ii. I wan:theStudent oppose Concil. Ar- lips Academy includes in its tive plans for one o two inome tea 'cidently. has aanged these in- Smoking is not permitted Suisman, Sports Editor Roland R. infoml rangemnents will be made to ac- inninbei-ship people . of many dances this teim. toinial talks since their conception above the first floor of the Algiant. Assignment Editor Edwin tendencr commodate at least 400 people. Al- CrsindnmntnsMenlatyr.ad srspsbefo' omn.Smoking ont the first C. Joi-dan. Features Editor John W. bership is open to anyone in the oieoineetg-hecnitn flrofheCm nss'pn 's. I do, though an invitation to attend is ex- hecnitnchieoiti'sig forfteCmosispn Fr'eeman. Circulation Manager Ar- sense o allclassestendedto smokin will, school community, who believes i n c e and informative speakeis. Mr. only to those attending the thensae as usaleeneticed to thelasssokntwoll that in the life and teachings of T lete'kiii will assei't his opinion~ dance. tiui C Gallagher, and Advertising theberestrictedto pace. tguideoManager'a usual, h lc e Myles W. Chute. For the vould classes.like uppea-~ ~ ~ ~ hris we have the bestgud toI time ollowing Wednesday, April 11, Except by special invitation woudclsss. lhe ppe igh liingCCoiitioiontheecoocciadns ateictalof ththismateteiumn an tt eir workmtherwillil kniowiua Tedbt iiPiols week iiitlvn.o ieeooiaidsiaecva- fth Hamseraunind The debatelast in~ Philo ~ ~ ~ ~ ue o colonies, other persons not members of mme'be aided byfwihwl the retiring c board,na thed dent, noi Peace." Maintaining that Russia sia needed neithe- land nor re- A t G alle Power Politics o e iscussed theorschoolcimayTnoteattendldAn- uhsclows"eovd Rsi at jmmIL~ dover dances, fie fi.ot- "cadCp really desires peace after- this war sour-ces, since she had barely begun Drawings of Noted Trle- topic under' discussion for Students attending the dance ofieofEtrinCefad op wered Joda LnE RiHardis. on srtc supplyerawrmaterials.iJordnh of Response the ollowing thi'ee Wednesdais late must pay the full price. Editor have not yet been decided Oil te othrupplyof sid, LenRichadsonrw matrials Jordn wil bwillerbelipowei' ctionineStsen shouldl mmeet hetheir n Br Inn and Ed Jones attempted to show am-gued that Rusia might want to To Student Demand various theatei's of the wor-ld. First guests in the lounge of the An. Good Record that Russia would be the cause of control some neighboring territory The newest exhibition at the of these will be D. Floyd's speech dvrIn a future war. The student judges, in ordei to police Germany and to Adldisoni Gallery compi-ises forty- oii pil 18. He-will demonstrate Toe wtdaig fo h table Bill Stuckey, Charlie Grey, and Pete protect herself. He showed, how- si- rwns yPvlThlce, h mlyeto PwrPltc The Tea Dance will not con- PHILLIPIAN have an admirable alyreturned priced a, Forrestal,desix tchaticuwh ohe di'wingsinbyePve, emloyment oe"PoweI- Poliicsbeynu ndbyond07.00.ori-ecordnbhind ethem. sespitewwar ely etui-nepried Fom'estal,a deciion in ver, tht much f this ade tat- noted contempo-ai'y Russian ar- in the Middle East." The followingItm difclesathPrshy Agr. favor of the affirmative, Jordan and ready peacefully settled an htis.Ti olcin hc elcswe r otrwlosdrwa Hawkins, as did both the audience there was no reason why itcould tithhscletowicaelcswevm.Pttm ilcnie-wa ----------- ie difulie a tcheo pr te the recent exhibitions of i'ailroad effect Pow~xei Politics in the Dan- f% un Crew W rated high in journalistic circles. and the faculty judge, Mr. Cory. not continue to be peacefully set- photographs ad abstracts, will be ube Basini" have had on Eur-opean r u dv okoi The fst speaker for- the affirma- tled after the war. Lastly, he main- ve ''dy ac 3 n o'dhsoy umn Also with the innovation of the col- Bankwastive Ed' Hwkins.He began bytained that the Russians had no onve rdy.ac<3 adwrdhsoy umn th i o Clean C.ampus umns, "On the Sidelines" and "With showing that ignorance of Russia's fanatical "master -race theory" Pavel Tchelichiew is one of the upaI itrpltnIomIpnos qa nw the Clubs," they have aroused more economic and' political osition which would make them pug nogets od rit.oi play h at ifrn ntoswl qa hvee nw colitreti ,pprwihi prejudicedopin- war, and that the docti-ine of World He has excellent ability asaPlyithpotwrdma rCaDungW te rnbyndfrhesdns.I ionseB mansleofaprecetdreRvlto a cad to exist as drmaftsman. but the chief distin- James will discuss Global Politics Colduinoitr inb and fory he stnotsgtn he thattheproved people whopart of the Russian government's guishing cham-acteristics of hisingnmaonMy2D.Fus' Hvghepd utaratel the inter-ests of alumni, parents, _____ he__ edthtth polewhvor-k are his use of double imagery talk on Mlay 9 will pobably consist duming the winte- teirm, the ground and fiiends of Phillips Academy, could adequatelyquestions aims.andanwer at times of distorted perspec- of an analysis of the year- in for- cm-ew is once more in action aiding and, as a r'esult, the PHILLIPIAN abouttrusted Russia her. He con- - Continued on Page 4 tivye. The pictures of this exhibi- eigmr affaim's, including possibly a the school in its clean-up campaign. ti-I reet h h qultyo eludedbe toothat expe-n-it would tion tace the development of his considei'ation of the significance So far there are twelve boys on Mr. the school. piing sie o Richadso Spgeas PR ZwX M ~oik urimig the last fifteen years.
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