A B C D E F G H I A3 ! ! ° 1 WOBURN SANDS 1 Hay Wood Sandylane Aspley Guise Wavendon Plantation Husborne 2 Crawley 2 6A Ridgmont 6A 6A Lower 2 Junction End 13 6B 3 3 3 5C Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire 1 Claylands 6B 1A Hulcote 4 4 Salford Brogborough Moneypot Hill Breakheart Hill Jackdaw 5 Hill 5 User note Based on 5m resolution OS Terrain 5 Digital Terrain Model, incorporating Woodland (13m) and Buildings (7m), extracted from OS VectorMap. Lidlington ZTV Modelled on tallest potential scheme feature (lighting columns at 12m). Legend: © Crown Copyright and Database Rights 2016 OS 100030649 ° Client Scale at A3 Proposed site clearance boundary 6A: Woburn Greensand Ridge Zone of Theoretical Visibility NORTHAMPTON 1:25,000 Not visible J16 P04 09-05-17 CC RH CS Road centreline 6B: Mid Greensand Ridge 5 J15A Milton Keynes LCAs Visible J15 Role 1Km study area 4 Rev Date By Chkd Appd Specialist Designer - Environment National Character Areas 6A: Southern Clayland Fringe Project Title Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire 6B: Broughton Flat Claylands TOWCESTER Metres Claylands 3 Suitability 0 320 640 1,280 Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge Representative Viewpoint (! Smart Motorway Programme M1 J13 - J16 S2 Northamptonshire Vales Salford Rd, Brogborough 2 J14 1 Job No Rev MILTON Bedfordshire LCAs Lower End Rd - National Cycle Route KEYNES J13 Drawing Title 248769-00 P04 2 No.51, Wavendon 1 1A: Cranfield to Stagsden Clay Farmland BUCKINGHAM Landscape Character and Visibility 3 Cranfield Rd Bridge, Wavendon Name www.amey.co.uk Sheet 1 of 5 5C: Salford - Aspley Clay Vale www.arup.com HA549348-AMAR-EBD-SWI-DR-YE-000039 MXD Location: J:\248000\248769-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\1_GIS\Workspaces_ESR\Landscape\Map36_Landscape_CharacterAndVisibility_000039.mxd © Arup Do not scale A B C D E F G H I A3 ! ! Kents ° Hill Monkston Park Downs Barn Stantonbury Woolstone 1 Newlands 1 Monkston Neath Brinklow Middleton Hill Downhead Milton Willen Lake Park Keynes Pennyland Fox Great Linford Kingston Village Milne Willen Park 2 2 Northfield Milton Bolbeck Broughton Keynes Willen Park Milton Keynes Atterbury Tongwell Giffard Park Little Linford Blakelands 6B 3 4 3 Newport 6 Pagnell 5 2B 7 6D Junction Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire 5B 14 Caldecote Claylands 1B 5A 5C 4 4 2B 2D Tickford End NEWPORT PAGNELL Moulsoe 5 5 User note Based on 5m resolution OS Terrain 5 Digital River Terrain Model, incorporating Woodland (13m) and Buildings (7m), extracted from OS VectorMap. Great ZTV Modelled on tallest potential scheme feature Lathbury (lighting columns at 12m). Ouse Legend: © Crown Copyright and Database Rights 2016 OS 100030649 ° Client Scale at A3 Milton Keynes LCAs Proposed site clearance boundary Representative Viewpoint (! NORTHAMPTON 1:25,000 1B: Hanslope Plateau J16 P04 09-05-17 CC RH CS Road centreline 5 4 PRoW Moulsoe FP 014, Willen J15A 2B: Ouse Valley Urban Fringe Role 1Km study area J15 Wolverton Rd, Newport Pagnell 4 Rev Date By Chkd Appd 5 Specialist Designer - Environment National Character Areas 2D: Ouse Valley Northern Slopes Little Linford Ln Bridge, Little Linford 6 Project Title Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire 5A: Undulating Clay Plateau TOWCESTER Metres Claylands PRoW Haversham/Little Linford FP 012, 3 Suitability 7 Little Linford 0 320 640 1,280 Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge 5B: Plateau Fringe Smart Motorway Programme M1 J13 - J16 S2 Zone of Theoretical Visibility 6B: Broughton Flat Claylands Northamptonshire Vales 2 J14 Not visible Job No Rev 6D: Ouzel Valley North MILTON Bedfordshire LCAs KEYNES J13 Drawing Title Visible 1 248769-00 P04 5C: Salford - Aspley Clay Vale Milton Keynes BUCKINGHAM Landscape Character and Visibility Name www.amey.co.uk Sheet 2 of 5 Newport Pagnell www.arup.com HA549348-AMAR-EBD-SWI-DR-YE-000039 MXD Location: J:\248000\248769-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\1_GIS\Workspaces_ESR\Landscape\Map36_Landscape_CharacterAndVisibility_000039.mxd © Arup Do not scale A B C D E F G H I A3 ! ! ° Ashton 1 1 Church End Long Street Hanslope 11 2 2 Little Linford Wood 2D Hartwell Tathall End Yardley-Whittlewood 6A Ridge 2D 12 1B 3 10 3 Bedfordshire and 14 Cambridgeshire 13 Claylands Gayhurst Wood 8B 9 Hartwell Prentice Clear Copse 8 2D Copse 15 Knighton's Rawlesmere 6B 4 Copse Copse 4 Stokepark Wood Dean's Copse Salcey Forest Gayhurst River Great Ouse Stoke Goldington 5 5 User note Ba sed on 5m resolution O S Terra in 5 Digita l Terra in Model, in corpora tin g Woodla n d (13m ) a n d Buildin gs (7m ), extra cted from O S VectorMa p. ZTV Modelled on ta llest poten tia l schem e fea ture (lightin g colum n s a t 12m ). Legend: © Crown Copyright a n d Da ta b a se Rights 2016 O S 100030649 ° Clien t Sca le a t A3 Proposed site clea ra n ce b oun da ry Northa m pton shire LCAs 12 Forest Rd Bridge, Lon g Street NORTHAMPTON 1:25,000 6A: The Tove Ca tchm en t J16 P04 09-05-17 CC RH CS Roa d cen trelin e Forest Rd Bridge, Sa lcey Forest 5 13 J15A 6B: Ha ckleton Cla yla n ds PRoW KZ16 n ea r Ashwood Fa rm , J15 Role 1Km study a rea 14 4 Rev Da te By Chkd Appd Ha rtwell Specialist Designer - Environment Na tion a l Cha ra cter Area s 8B: Sa lcey Forest a n d Y a rdley Cha se Wootton Rd - Na tion a l Cycle Route No.6, Bedfordshire a n d Ca m b ridgeshire 15 Quin ton Metres Project Title Represen ta tive Viewpoin t TOWCESTER Cla yla n ds ! 3 Suita b ility ( Zon e of Theoretica l Visib ility 0 320 640 1,280 Y a rdley-Whittlewood Ridge Ga yhurst House, Ga yhurst S2 8 Not visib le Smart Motorway Programme M1 J13 - J16 Northa m pton shire Va les PRoW Ga yhurst FP 008 n ext to 2 J14 9 Lon gla n d’s Wood, Ga yhurst Visib le Job No Rev MILTON Milton Keyn es LCAs KEYNES J13 Dra win g Title PRoW Ha n slope BW 026 n ea r Y ew Tree 1 248769-00 P04 10 Fa rm , Ta tha ll En d 1B: Ha n slope Pla tea u BUCKINGHAM Landscape Character and Visibility Na m e 11 Ea stfield Dr, Ha n slope www.a m ey.co.uk Sheet 3 of 5 2D: O use Va lley Northern Slopes www.a rup.com HA549348-AMAR-EBD-SWI-DR-YE-000039 MX D Loca tion : J:\248000\248769-00\4 In tern a l Project Da ta \4-03 Dra win gs\1_ GIS\Workspa ces_ ESR\La n dsca pe\Ma p36_ La n dsca pe_ Cha ra cterAn dVisib ility_ 000039.m xd © Arup Do n ot sca le A B C D E F G H I A3 ! ! ° Roade 1 1 Courteenhall Rothersthorpe 2 21 2 Milton Malsor 6A Junction 13B 15A Junction Northamptonshire 19 Vales 16 15 Yardley-Whittlewood 3 20 3 Ridge 17 22 18 15 18B Collingtree 6B Northampton Quinton Shelfleys 4 4 Merefield Camp Hill Blacky More Hunsbury Hill Upton Wootton River 5 Briar Hill Nene 5 User note Preston Based on 5m resolution OS Terrain 5 Digital Terrain Model, incorporating Woodland (13m) Deanery and Buildings (7m), extracted from OS VectorMap. Far ZTV Modelled on tallest potential scheme feature Cotton (lighting columns at 12m). Hardingstone Legend: © Crown Copyright and Database Rights 2016 OS 100030649 ° Client Scale at A3 Proposed site clearance boundary 6A: The Tove Catchment Towcester Rd Bridge, Milton Malsor 20 NORTHAMPTON J16 P04 09-05-17 CC RH CS 1:25,000 Road centreline 6B: Hackleton Claylands PRoW HW17 next to Drawbrigde Lock, 5 21 Shelfleys J15A J15 Role 1Km study area Northampton 4 Rev Date By Chkd Appd 22 North St, Rothersthorpe Specialist Designer - Environment National Character Areas Representative Viewpoint (! Zone of Theoretical Visibility Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire TOWCESTER Metres Project Title Claylands Wootton Rd - National Cycle Route No.6, Not visible 3 Suitability 15 Quinton 0 320 640 1,280 Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge Visible Smart Motorway Programme M1 J13 - J16 S2 16 PRoW KY1 near Quinton Green, Quinton Northamptonshire Vales 2 J14 Job No Rev PRoW LF1 next to Quinton Screen, MILTON Northamptonshire LCAs 17 Grange Park KEYNES J13 Drawing Title 1 248769-00 P04 13B: Bugbrooke and Daventry BUCKINGHAM Landscape Character and Visibility 18 Watering Ln, Collingtree Name 18B: The Nene - Weedon Bec to Duston www.amey.co.uk www.arup.com Sheet 4 of 5 Mill 19 Collingtree Rd, Milton Malsor HA549348-AMAR-EBD-SWI-DR-YE-000039 MXD Location: J:\248000\248769-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\1_GIS\Workspaces_ESR\Landscape\Map36_Landscape_CharacterAndVisibility_000039.mxd © Arup Do not scale A B C D E F G H I A3 ! ! Upper Weedon ° 1 Lower Weedon 1 Bugbrooke Stowehill Nether Heyford Weedon Bec 23 2 2 13B Upper Heyford 13B Northamptonshire Junction Vales 16 Flore 3 24 3 18B 13C 25 13C Kislingbury River 4 Nene 4 Brockhall Harpole 5 5 User note Based on 5m resolution OS Terrain 5 Digital Terrain Model, incorporating Woodland (13m) and Buildings (7m), extracted from OS VectorMap. ZTV Modelled on tallest potential scheme feature (lighting columns at 12m). Legend: © Crown Copyright and Database Rights 2016 OS 100030649 ° Client Scale at A3 Proposed site clearance boundary 18B: The Nene - Weedon Bec to Duston Mill NORTHAMPTON J16 P04 09-05-17 CC RH CS 1:25,000 Road centreline 5 Representative Viewpoint (! J15A J15 Role 1Km study area 4 Rev Date By Chkd Appd 23 Kislingbury Rd, Bugbrooke Specialist Designer - Environment National Character Areas Bugbrooke Rd Bridge, Kislingbury Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire 24 TOWCESTER Metres Project Title Claylands 3 Suitability 25 Willow View, Kislingbury 0 320 640 1,280 Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge Smart Motorway Programme M1 J13 - J16 S2 Zone of Theoretical Visibility Northamptonshire Vales 2 J14 Not visible Job No Rev MILTON Northamptonshire LCAs KEYNES J13 Drawing Title Visible 1 248769-00 P04 13B: Bugbrooke and Daventry BUCKINGHAM Landscape Character and Visibility Name www.amey.co.uk Sheet 5 of 5 13C: Long Buckby www.arup.com HA549348-AMAR-EBD-SWI-DR-YE-000039 MXD Location: J:\248000\248769-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\1_GIS\Workspaces_ESR\Landscape\Map36_Landscape_CharacterAndVisibility_000039.mxd © Arup Do not scale.
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