- '1Ti9 Weather Foiaeaet ol U. 8. Wcathqr Bareao Fair and eonttaued eold toatght; Thursday considerable high eload- Mr. ilnd Mrs. Harold Keseler of The Poet’s Column Prize Awards 8,537 laess; rising l<anperature and 34 Deepwood Drive have ad their j J| Ellis Island Manchester m YMCA Note* Pastor, Hero windy. About Town house guest Mrs. Jack Emigh o^ Member af the Audit Recalls old Poem Dale. Book Dunellen, N . J. Tomorrow At Aircraft Buteaa e< ClrenUtloBS • * - - Of Bear Hunt Study Topic 4 City of Village Charm ' 8:00— Banquet 1 — Girls o l the James N. Nichola, of Norman MiM m n r MMfIre, dMirht«r of DelU Chapter, No. 51. Royal Tonight Town HaU. street, who for years conducted M n . Tillio Slu^rtro, of 15 Ash­ Arch Masons, will hold its regu­ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C E ^ 6:30— 7:30 p. m. Gym— Boys. the general store at Highland Combined meeting. KIwanis, MANCHESTER, GONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1943 lar meeting at the Masonic Tem­ Orforil Parish Chapter Rotary and Exchange Clubs at the Four Local Residents (aassifled Advertising on Page 16) worth •traot. li one of 7:30— Board Of Directors meet_ Local Girl Writes to Park, recalls a poem he recited at women to tiio oountry to enlist in ple tomorrow evening at 7:30. ing. an entertainment here a number Y. Among Winners; One tHw A ^ W A O il the new branch of The Past Master degree, will be Mother How Clergy­ D. .A. R. to Meet oif Election of officers, Stanley 8:00-10:00 p. m.— Manchester of years ago, and which contains ttie W m t a 's A i B iy Corps attach­ Group, W . S. C. S. of South office. conferred on a class of candidates. Ski Club. some facts, he belle/es,’ some of Thiirsilay Afternoon. Receives $1,000 Bond ed to the A ir Forces. A fter a man Felled Bruin. A social hour with refreshments 6:30— All bowling alleys taken the younger generation- aren’t ac­ Wednesday, Deo. 1 Japs on Tarawa Die in Their Field Kitchen eonrse at a W AC base Miss Sha­ 1^' will follow the business. by Wednesday Night League. quainted with. Orford Parish Chapter. D.A.R., Annual Christmas program and Donald H. Colburn of this town, piro wlli be assirned to dut^ in Miss Ruth Larson, daughter of will rVicct at the home of Mra. Gil­ supper Center churcla Women’* Eighth Army Slashes I'- It follows: member of the machine repair de­ Bonga Is Occupied the Air Forces. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Larson, of Manchester Chapter of Hadas- The Atlantic Cable bert E. Willis. 16-1 East Center Federation. 31 Middle turnpike, east, who is partment and Ralph T. Harbron of sah will meet this evening at Tem­ Come listen all unto my aong treet, Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Thimday, Dec. 2 Pvt. Arthur E. Freeburg. son of employed as a secretary at the ple Beth Sholom. Mrs. Nathan It is no .silly fable; The subject will be ’’Ellia Is­ Bazadr of South Methodist 144 West Center atreet were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Freeburg, of W ork Sunday Army Air Forces base at Asheville, Eisenberg will review Pierre Van It’s all about the mighty causa. land” and pictures taken recently W . S. C. S: among the eleven W a r Bond win­ 239 Hartford road, has been trans­ Paassen’s book, ‘”The Forgotten N. C.. has written her mother tell­ will be shown. Gifts may be Zoning Board of Appeals meets By, Aussie Troops; They call the Atlantic Cable. ners of the Pratt A Whitney A ir­ ferred from Fort Jackson, S. C., to ing of a big bear hunt in NantS- at Municipal Building. Beyond Seized Ridge; Ally." On Turnpike brought— most desired is money Nashville. Tenn., where he will go hala National Parl^ near Asheville. Bold Cyriii Field he aez, aeziha, as material used there can be Ladies’ Night, Dairymen’s craft Company for submitting bc.st on maneuvers. .She was particularly intere.sted in manufacturing improvements dur­ The Ladle*’ Guild of St Mary's I have a pretty notion bought to better advantage in a Bureau at the Y. the hunt because the pastor of the That I can build a telegraph large quantity. Other articles Christmas Party, Past Matrons, ing the first six months of this No new cases of reportable dis­ church will meet Thursday In the Snow Held Up Joh for Gusika Also Taken Asheville Gospel tabernacle, which Temple Chapter, O. E. S., at M a­ Guild Room from 10 a. m. to 4 Across the Atlantic ocean. much needed are: Woolen cloth of eases of any kind have been foimd she attends, fell the biggest bear sonic Temple. year. p. m. to finish the sewing in con­ any color, woolen yarn— gray for in Manchester the past week, ac­ Days So Overtime Is reported in that section in yebis, Then all the people laughed, Colburn's prize was a 11,000 Heaviest Air Backing socks— blue for caps and scarves; nection with the sale on Decem­ Monday, Deo. 8 bond and Harbron's $’J00. Two cording to'today’s bulletin of the His First Bear Hunt They'd like to see him do It: crochet cotton of any size and col­ Seaward Anchor of Main ^ ber 9.- Members are urged to at­ Used. ' Meeting, Manufacturers’ Divi­ men. C. A. Pierce of 17 Haynes New Threat State Health department. Rev. John Dunlap, on his first He might got half seas over or; rayon on the bias for weaving; tend and bring their lunches. sion C. of C. at the Y at 8. street, Manchester and W . N. Dou­ Jap Supply Line on bear hunt, shot a 600 pound bruin. But he never could go through. ,|t. Barber linen thread size 30 to 100; Wednesday, Qeo. 8 bleday of Glastonbury divided the Markfi l)| » Advances All Officers of the Stanley Group of The Highway Department of the It took four shots from a W in­ silk pieces in half-yard lengths; Huon Peninsul^a Falls; the South Methodist W . S. C. S. William Ostrinsky has returned town succeeded In oiling the sur­ But Cyrus was a valiant ipan, North Methodist W . S. C. S. $50 ninth prize. To Bombers chester rifle to put the big fellow scrap pieces of leather. supper and sale. Along; Line of One to will meet this evening at 7 o’clock to his home from the Hartford face of West Middle Turnpike in A fellqw of decision; Winning Suggestion Germans Stiffen out of commission, but only after The hostesses will he Mrs. Ray­ Establish Positions at Thursday, Dec. 9 ' w th the leader. Mrs. Alton Hall. hospital' Improved in health but two days, Sunday and Monday of he had badly injured two dogs and He heeded not their marking mond H. Burnham, Mrs. Gilbert The top prize winner received his Three Miles in Fierce Christmas party, St. Margaret’s 37 Holl street. The business will will be convalescent for several this week. 'There had been many had ,charged Mr. Dunlap. The words. E. Willis and Mrs. C. Read Rich­ award for suggesting the u se,of Mouth of Kaleung Riv­ Over Reich Circle, D. of I., at the Y. • Hand-to-Hand ' Fight­ Include election of officers for the weeks to come. i complaints over the condition of young minister -had to wait for Their laughter and derision. ardson. a ball-bearing fixture on a ccntei - coming year. Articles for the the street. This was the first time Supper and Sale, St. Mary’s La­ er on South Bank. — some, time before other hunters In Tw4ce did their efforts fail loss grinding machine in the place Their Resistance ing; "Americans Gain dies’ Guild. Christma.s Bazaar, Thursday after­ Charles W. Hitchcock, of 9 Vil­ in many years, except in an emer­ the party came to his location and of a fixed atop, the change permit­ But yet his mind was stable; .Saturday, Dec. II ■ ^ ... Plones Out of * noon and evening at the church lage street, was pleasantly sur­ gency, that the town has worked helped him cut up the bruin so that Fleaiior Freelove Southwest Paeihe Allied * . Dcspile Dense Mine Hft wasn't the man to la Christmas party. Local 53, T. ting an increa.se in speed of th* will be priced, and it is hoped all prised when a party of his rela­ its highway department on Sun­ it could be carried into camp. machine in grinding knuckle pins. Headquarters. Dec. l S»nge of American members will get them to the meet­ day. I head W. U. A.. Tinker Hall. Intensify Counter • Fields and Masses of tives and friends called at his The bear waa over six feet tall. The suggestions of the eleven men Know Delayed W ork Because he lost his cable. Heads Auxiliary Thursday, Die. 18 The fall of Bonga. seaward GuH» i Pour Shells Into Yankee Planes ing on time. home Saturday evening In recog­ From paw to paw it measured fix represented the best of over 3.000 However, the snow of las week Mobile Blood Bank Unit will be anchor of the main Japanese tacks in tlkraine as Barhed Wire Used. nition of his birthday, and to re­ feet one inch and the paws measur­ Once more my gallant boys he ideas submitted by workmen for j'l-i.f Formations. The Study Group of Gibbons As- held up the work for almost five Mrs.
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