’y.' . o: V ''-■ - itiUi^ii'^r-4. - •; :c'!^ XUS WEATHER NET PRB8S RUN Wtmmrni » * • .* . Ww«bw Bamra. AVBRAGB DAIUY CIRCULATION Near / OF THE EVENING HERALD V ■ for the month of October, 1927 ■Mr traight and Snnddir. Conn. Slate U b ra ry 5 , 0 4 2 . S >• BIANCHESTER, COI^Nn SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1927. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLII.. NO. 43. Adrertialiig ob P«Ee 10> JOHN IS BACK AGAIN WITH LOCAL CHURCH MISS TRU>IBULL EUCTROCUnONS Sleuthsf Crook, Fight THREE KILLED, BOOTLEGGER, ANGRY I Boston, Mass., Nov. 19— John ! Coolldge, son of the president, It Out In Apartment B E A i m F e B Y 1 and Miss Florence Trumbull, AREUSEDASAN ONE IS DYING, daughter of Connecticut’s gov­ THREATENS THE SON ernor, were here today for the New YorK Nov. 19.— Flrlng^n his Jaw, and his partner, Detec- Harvard-Yale football game. from behind a barricade of tables, live FranK Hogen, had a bullet hoie INAUTOCRASH BOSm ARTIST Florence came with her father OBJEmESSON chairs and trunks in an apartment 'in his trousers. from Plalnville, Conn., and John on the fifth floor of an exclusive McLaughlin, whom detectives had OF WILUAM H. TAFT by automobile from Amherst eight-story apartment house on sought to arrest as a burglar, .was college. West 92nd street, Edward Mc­ taKen to KnibKerbocKer hospital. DrunKen Driver Escapes St Bridget’s Handsome In­ “ We thought we had been lost Jersey Governor Creates Laughlin, claiming to be a Chicago He had occupied the apartment for in the crowd,’’ they grinned salesman held off two detectives the last two weeks. when discovered at a night-be- SensatioD At Banquet early today until, ha fell dying with Two' girls, who unwillingly di­ When Car HHs Pole Near Renras, on Trial For LifeT terior Decorations— Sanc­ fore-the-game dance. three bullets , in his body. rected police to the address, were 10 POST $100,000 Inquiring reporters asked the 'Twenty-four families living in held on charges of burglary. They happy young couple about the When He Has Lights Dim­ the house were In a panic as the are Gertrude Smith, 19, a Harlem Webster, Mass.— Last of Shouts at Charles P. Taft m tuary, Altars and Audi­ reported rivalry between Miss pistol battle raged, with bullets fly­ dance hall hostess, who was. said to HSIKCUIR PROBE 'Trumbull and Miss Sarah Kun- med During Address. ing through windows and into case­ have occupied the apartment with Indian Tribe Dying. T WouU WrecK You Phy­ torium a Delight. sig, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., a ments. McLaughlin, and Esther Oleska, 16-. Mount HolyoKe college student When the twenty-minute siege In the room where the wounded that John escorted to a college ended, McLaughlin lay sprawled on man collapsed police found Jewelry, sically If I Had You In the clothing and biic-a-brac valued at Lawyers For Missing Wit­ dance last week. Jersey City,. N. J„ Nov. 19.— the floor with a bullet in his mouth, Webster, Mass., Nov. 19.— Three For some time it has been gen- $5,000 believed to be loot taken In “ Ask John,’’ replied Miss “ This minute four men, four young one in his chest and another men of Quinebaug, Connecticut, eraily known that an elaborate men, are marching through the lit­ through the groin. Detective Ed- recent roVberles from Riverside CorrHor”— Court Repri­ Trumbull. Drive apartments. were Killed and a fourth was prob­ ness to Contest Constitu­ ■worK of Interior decorating was “ All bosh,’’ said John with tle green door to their deaths, and ■ward Schnalble had a graze wound I stand here the only inan who can ably fatally injured early today being done at St. Bridget’s church true Coolldge brevity. mands Him. save them—-----’’ when an automobile went out of tionality of Walsh Act. \ on Main street. The presence of A tenseness almost weird faced control of a colored chauffeur In ■woi'Kmen during week days, and Gov. Harry Moore of New Jersey, DEMOLAY DEGREES CALLES ASSISTED the speaker last night. Several Rochdale, broKe off a telephone Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 19.— “ I the necessary scaffolding in evi­ Washington, Nov, 19„—^The Jinx hundred listeners sat in awed sil­ pole, crashed against two stone am only started. I’m going to tear dence Sundays gave indication of Y E E HAS EDGE ence. They were those who at­ figure of the oil scandals— one poles in succession and completely things wide open in this trial.” the elaborate scope of the work. tended the father and son banquet IMPRESS MASONS IN SOVIETS WORK hundred thousand dollars— again overturned as it smashed against a George Remus, the amazing in­ But it was not until this week, IN GAME TODAY at Bayonne, N. J. third. basked in the spotlight today as "In a few minutes they will be the government relentlessly con­ dividual who is staging a spectacu-v meeting their God, one by one— ’’ Eugene Jackson, chauffeur for lar, personally-conducted defense the governor was speaking on. Temple Lodge Room Crowd­ Contrilwted $100,000 of Samuel M. Conant, wealthy resi­ tinued its efforts to bring the ac­ in Criminal Court against the There was an unnatural tauntness dent of Dudley and Florida, escap­ cused principals to justice. charge of murdering his wife. Imo- among his hearers. ed with a slight head injury and gene, made this declaration empha­ Sat Harvard BacKed By Tra­ Mexico’s Funds to Spread was arrested charged with driving The $100,000 figure first came to Lights Dlinnied. ed to See Gronp of 29 Re­ light when the government charg­ tically today as he sat in his cell A suddqn dimming of the lights while under the Influence of liquor and mapped out the line of attacK dition Win Put Up Stiff in the banquet room. One had with more serious charges facing ed that B^ L, Doheny, California oil he will pursue when the trial Is re­ “ already met his God’’ and many ceived Into Order. Propaganda him. magnate, gave that amount to for­ sumed on Monday. There was no n: ■ shuddered perceptibly. The Dead mer Secretary of Interior Albert B. session of court today. Opposition, Experts Say. The dead: ■ - . ■ “ As the governor of the great Fall in return for a lease on the Pleased Over Sensation state of New Jersey I must do my Those Manchester Masons who Washington, Nov. 19— President Shava Condos, seventeen. Remus seemed rather pleased 'V,.: duty—I cannot Intervene. These Oliva Forget, twenty-six. ElK Hills waval oil reserve. over the sensation he created short­ witnessed the exemplification of the Calles contributed $100,00& of Fred Barry, thirty-nine. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 19— men are all young. They have Blackmer, the government al­ ly before the adiournmeut Friday two degrees in the Order of De Mexican government funds toward The fourth roan, Walter Henries. leges, Knows all about an oil deal when he broKe Into a wild rage Yale’s powerful and rugged foot­ gone through life forgetting God.’* The lights fiooded on for a mo­ Molay In the Masonic Temple here the expenses of sowing Soviet Rus­ 25. last of the NIpmuck tribe of which resulted in several million and almost came to blows in court Indians, was taken to Worcester ball eleven will battle both Har­ ment, and grew dim again as the last night were so generally Im­ sian propaganda throughout the dollars profit. These profits were with the chief prosecutor, Charles vard and tradition In the confines governor talked on, his usual ruddy hosnital dying. converted into liberty bonds and P. Taft, and his assistant, Carl Eas­ pressed with' the worK that It is world, the Washington Herald as­ Jackson, according to state troop­ of the classic stadium on Soldiers* face pale, his hands clenched. $230,500 worth found their way in­ ier, whom he flayed mercilessly in “ They discarded the Influence of quite possible a chapter of the or­ serted. today in continuing Its ex­ ers from the Grafton barracks, who to Fall’s hands. This transaction, a torrid tirade. Enraged because Field today. The Blue will go into their parents and homes at an early der will be Instituted in Manches­ pos# of Mexican activities under were early on the scene, had taken the government charges, was a Taft charged there were other rea­ the game a favorite to win by no age. Young boys of today should ter within a short time. Nearly the Calles regime. the four men to a chicken raffle bribe also and a part of the Teapot sons besides his conviction on a li- uncertain margin but it will be have the companionship of their The Herald reproduces a letter near Rochdale. They were enroute Dome deal. Blackmer has been in qu’>r vlolatiop charge that caused faced by a Crimson eleven playing three hundred men and young men, fathers and the guidance that goes Masons from Hartford, Manchester bearing the signature of President to Webster and their homes In Europe for the past three years, and his disbarment as an attorney in better football than It Knows how with companionship.” and surrounding towns, and mem­ Calles, addressed to the Mexican Quinebaug, across the Massachu- was finally served with a subpoena. Illinois. Remus, shaking with rage, if the tradition that has been built Grim L ^ o n . bers of the Order of DeMolay filled ambassador at Moscow, which is setts-Gonnectlcut state line, when At the outset of the Fall-Sinclair and his usually resonent voice ris­ up In the last twenty years Is main­ Another flicKer of the lights.
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