CB01 East Hatley and Gamlingay to Comberton Safford's 01767 677395. 0730 East Hatley Telephone Kiosk 0735 Gamlingay, Stocks Lane (Playing Field) 0738 Gamlingay Crossroads (Opposite Co-Op) 0740 Gamlingay, opposite Wheatsheaf PH 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1525 Gamlingay, Wheatsheaf 1527 Gamlingay Crossroads 1531 Gamlingay, Stocks Lane (Playing Field) 1537 East Hatley Telephone Kiosk CB01a Gamlingay to Comberton A2B Bus & Coach Ltd 07365 036036. 0745 Gamlingay, Poppyfields estate 0815 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1530 Gamlingay, Poppyfields estate CB02 Gamlingay to Comberton VC Safford's 01767 677395. 0733 Gamlingay, Heath Rd 0735 Gamlingay, Little Heath/West Rd 0738 Gamlingay, Green Acres 0740 Gamlingay, Beechside Bus Stop 0742 Gamlingay Cinques/Dolphins 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1534 Gamlingay, Cinques/Dolphins 1535 Gamlingay, Beechside Bus Stop 1537 Gamlingay, Green Acres 1541 Gamlingay, Little Heath/West Rd 1545 Gamlingay, Heath Rd CB03 Caldecote to Comberton VC Cambridge Bus & Coach 01954 432015. 0750 Opposite 89 Highfields Rd 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1515 Opposite 89 Highfields Rd CB04 Caxton to Comberton VC Cambridge Bus & Coach 01954 432015. 0732 Caxton Brockholt Rd 0734 Caxton Restaurant 77 0736 Caxton Well 0744 Longstowe, The Row 0747 Longstowe, Fox 0755 Bourn Riddy Lane/Caxton End 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1518 Bourn Riddy Lane/Caxton End 1522 Caxton Well 1524 Caxton Restaurant 77 1526 Caxton Brockholt Rd 1532 Longstowe, Fox 1535 Longstowe, The Row CB05 Caldecote and Bourn to Comberton VC Cambridge Bus & Coach 01954 432015 0746 Caldecote opp Social Club 0751 Bourn Broadway 0755 Bourn, Willow Tree 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1515 Caldecote opp Social Club 1521 Bourn Broadway 1526 Bourn, Willow Tree CB06 Haslingfield To Comberton VC Millers 01223 873002. 0750 Haslingfield, Lilac Close (Shop) 0755 Haslingfield, Sidney Gardens 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1520 Haslingfield, Lilac Close 1523 Haslingfield, Sidney Gardens CB07 Haslingfield to Comberton VC Millers 01223 873002. 0745 Haslingfield, Barton Rd,/New Rd 0749 Haslingfield Primary School 0755 Harlton, Haslingfield Rd 0800 Harlton, Hare & Hounds 0802 Harlton, Eversden Rd 0808 Barton, Wimpole Rd 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1512 Harlton, Eversden Rd 1514 Harlton, Hare & Hounds 1516 Harlton, Haslingfield Rd 1520 Haslingfield, Barton Rd,/New Rd 1524 Haslingfield, Primary School CB08 Caldecote to Comberton VC Cambridge Bus & Coach 01954 432015 0750 Caldecote Primary 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1520 Caldecote Primary CB09 Lt Eversden to Comberton VC CL Travel 01763 209328. 0750 Lt Eversden, Post Box 0753 Lt Eversden, Bus Shelter 0759 Gt Eversden, Hoops 0801 Gt Eversden, Brook Cottage 0803 Kingston Green, Bourn Rd 0815 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1508 Kingston Green 1510 Gt Eversden, Brook Cottage 1513 Gt Eversden, Hoops 1516 Lt Eversden, Bus Shelter 1518 Lt Eversden, Post Box 1525 Barton, Wimpole Rd CB10 Grantchester to Comberton VC Millers 01223 873002. 0749 Grantchester, Stulpfield Road 0758 Coton, Sadlers Close 0800 Coton, Silverdale Avenue 0803 Coton, High Street 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1517 Coton, High Street 1519 Coton, Silverdale Avenue 1521 Coton, Sadlers Close 1530 Grantchester, Stulpfield Road CB11 Hardwick to Comberton VC Safford's 01767 677395. 0759 Hardwick, Russet Walk 0802 Hardwick, Worcester Ave 0805 Hardwick, Egremont Rd 0808 Hardwick, Blue Lion 0815 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1508 Hardwick, Blue Lion 1515 Hardwick Egremont Rd 1517 Hardwick, Worcester Ave 1518 Hardwick, Russet Walk CB12 Hardwick to Comberton VC Cambridge Bus & Coach 01954 432015 0745 Hardwick, St Neots Rd Bus Shelter 0750 Hardwick, Limes Rd/Merton Walk 0752 Hardwick, Recreation Ground car park 0755 Hardwick, Portway Rd 0815 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1511 Hardwick, Portway Rd 1513 Hardwick, Recreation Ground car park 1515 Hardwick, Limes Rd/Merton Walk 1518 Hardwick, St Neots Rd Bus Shelter CB13 Dry Drayton to Comberton VC Collins 01223 420462. Capacity 87, loaded 63 0746 Dry Drayton, Oakington Rd Bus Shelter 0748 Dry Drayton, Park Lane 0750 Dry Drayton, Bus Shelter 0755 Madingley Hall Gates 0800 Hardwick, 35 St Neots Rd 0808 Hardwick, Meridian Close (same side as houses) 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1510 Hardwick, Meridian Close (same side as houses) 1512 Hardwick, 35 St Neots Rd 1517 Madingley Hall Gates 1522 Dry Drayton, Bus Shelter 1524 Dry Drayton, Park Lane 1525 Dry Drayton, Oakington Rd Bus Shelter Paid-for services run by Comberton VC and Sixth Form Bassingbourn Millers 01223 872003 0710 Bassingbourn, The Hoops 0715 Litlington, Bassingbourn Rd 0720 Steeple Morden, Hay St 0724 Guilden Morden, Church 0734 Croydon, Memorial 0739 Arrington, Church St 0745 Caxton, 77 Restaurant 0750 Lower Cambourne, Co-Op 0752 Lower Cambourne, Apley Way 0759 Bourn, Broadway 0804 Bourn, Willow Tree 0814 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1510 Bourn, Willow Tree 1515 Bourn, Broadway 1522 Lower Cambourne, Apley Way 1524 Lower Cambourne, Co-Op 1529 Caxton, 77 Restaurant 1535 Arrington, Church St 1539 Croydon, Memorial 1549 Guilden Morden, Church 1553 Steeple Morden, Hay St 1558 Litlington, Bassingbourn Rd 1603 Bassingbourn, The Hoops Cambourne Cambridge Bus & Coach 01954 432015 0733 Elsworth, Smith St 0743 Gt Cambourne, Broad St 0744 Gt Cambourne, Monkfield Arms 0746 Gt Cambourne, Monkfield Lane, Jeavons Lane 0748 Gt Cambourne, Jeavons Lane/Chervil Way 0758 Childerley 0815 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1513 Childerley 1520 Gt Cambourne, Broad St 1522 Gt Cambourne, Monkfield Arms 1524 Gt Cambourne, Monkfield Lane, Jeavons Lane 1526 Gt Cambourne, Jeavons Lane/Chervil Way 1540 Elsworth, Smith St Girton Collins Coaches 01223 420462 0730 Bar Hill, Crafts Way/Acorn Ave 0740 Oakington, Crossroads 0743 Girton Farm 0748 Girton, Redgate Rd 0750 Girton, Thornton Rd 0800 Dry Drayton, Bus Shelter 0807 Hardwick, Millers Way Bus Stop 0811 Hardwick, Limes Rd/Merton Walk 0815 Hardwick, Portway Rd 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1508 Hardwick, Portway Rd 1510 Hardwick, Shop 1515 Hardwick, Millers Way Bus Stop 1520 Dry Drayton, Bus Shelter (travel on CB13) 1530 Bar Hill, Crafts Way/Acorn Ave 1540 Oakington, Crossroads (travel on CB13) 1544 Girton Farm 1547 Girton, Redgate Rd 1548 Girton, Thornton Way Gransden Safford's 01767 677395 0745 Gt Gransden, Caxton Rd/Audley Close 0747 Gt Gransden, Reading Rooms 0750 Gt Gransden, West St/Webbs Meadow 0815 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1525 Gt Gransden Caxton Rd/Audley Close 1527 Gt Gransden Reading Rooms 1529 Gt Gransden West St/Webbs Meadow Potton Safford's 01767 677395 0735 Potton Market Sq 0737 Potton Bus Stop near The Manor 0745 Gamlingay Crossroads 0750 Waresley, Duncombe Arms 0752 Gt Gransden, 91 Meadow Rd 0755 Lt Gransden, Chequers 0759 Lt Gransden, Farm near Airfield 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1520 Lt Gransden, Chequers 1523 Gt Gransden, 91 Meadow Rd 1526 Waresley, Duncombe Arms 1531 Gamlingay Crossroads 1536 Potton, Vicarage Farm House 1539 Potton, Bus Stop near The Manor 1541 Potton Market Sq Royston CL Travel 01763 209328 0704 Royston, Rail Station 0706 Royston, Town Hall 0710 Royston, Green St 0719 Melbourn, Church 0723 Meldreth, Elin Way 0726 Meldreth, Opposite Manor School 0731 Shepreth, Memorial (tea rooms) 0736 Foxton, Station Rd (Burlington Park) 0746 Barrington, West Green (Orwell Rd stop) 0750 Orwell, village sign 0755 Orwell, Hillside 0800 Lt Eversden, Bus Shelter 0803 Gt Eversden, The Hoops 0808 Kingston Crossroads 0815 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1507 Kingston Crossroads 1512 Gt Eversden, The Hoops 1515 Lt Eversden, Bus Shelter 1520 Orwell, Hillside 1521 Orwell village sign 1524 Barrington, West Green (Orwell Rd stop) 1534 Foxton, Station Rd (Burlington Park) 1539 Shepreth, Memorial (tea rooms) 1544 Meldreth, Opposite Manor School 1547 Meldreth, Elin Way 1551 Melbourn, Church 1553 Melbourn, bottom of Water Lane 1600 Royston, Green St 1604 Royston, Town Hall 1606 Royston, Rail Station Sawston Millers 01223 872003 0730 Sawston, Police Station 0734 Stapleford, Granta Terrace, 0736 Gt Shelford, Woollards Ln/Spinney drive 0738 Gt Shelford, Church St 0740 Lt Shelford, Church St, Hauxton Rd 0743 Hauxton, St Edmund's Church 0745 Harston, Manor Close 0747 Harston, Primary School 0752 Harston, All Saints Church 0757 Haslingfield, Layby opposite rec 0759 Haslingfield, Opposite church 0803 Harlton, Hare & Hounds 0820 Comberton Village College 1500 Comberton Village College 1517 Harlton, Hare & Hounds 1521 Haslingfield, Church 1523 Haslingfield, recreation ground 1528 Harston, All Saints Church 1533 Harston, Primary School 1535 Harston, Manor Close 1538 Hauxton, St Edmund's Church 1541 Lt Shelford, Church St, Hauxton Rd 1543 Gt Shelford, Church St 1545 Gt Shelford, London Rd 1547 Stapleford, Granta Terrace, 1551 Sawston, Police Station St Neots Safford's 01767 677395 0730 Lt Paxton Gordon Rd bus stop (Mill Rd end) 0735 St Neots, Market Sq 0740 St Neots, Cambridge St/Longsands Rd 0745 Eynesbury, Cromwell Rd/Potton Rd 0750 Abbotsley, Church 0820
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