Single CQPY 75~ Sections· 3 Pages.24, Pli . OP911yof P28 ENT'[J 13LIC LIBRARY' , ",' '. :" ." ': ~., '., '~-..-' ". ..' .; .. .'. , .' " .: i" .' ~ed~veJopment planappr,9yed ny Clai'a Osien de~elopinentaDd seve~al suggestion~ for 9~m:muIl;ity' . HoiJ:sing Development WtheJI~rald , .implementing cost sa\rhlg ineasiire~ before '. Corporation for us40f the North Meeting using TIF~ ",', '" '. ;Room?~ the Wa~?? City AU~itorium, .A ,redevelopment plan for the Western Following discussion, a resolution 'was approvIng ,an . agreement WIth the Ridge Development. Project W8.!i approved passed, approving the plan with ~e follow- " Nebias.k~. :O~partm~nt o~Roads for a 2008 with sliv~f1il adjustments dUring Tuesday's ing stipulations - no less than .32 feet str~et Improyemen~ proJlpcton, East 10th tileeting of the WaYne City Council: streets, proper thickness (seven inches) for Street from Main Street to Wmdom'and a The cqilncil, acting both as' a council and the streets' and a maximum price pf Iplan to extend city ~~rvices and set a pub- , a CommUnity Development Agency (CDA), $150,000 per house. lic l).earing d~~ fQ~ ~he p~ogosed annexa­ has spent a considerable amount oftime in, . During TuesdaY's meeting, Council 'tion of We~tE1,rn Ri~ge Property into the recent months collecting community input President Doug Sturni, in the absence of city of Wayne: " t - ' . iDio the development area, which islocat- Mayor Lois Snelton, read a proclaniation Or~ance 200~69; :was passed and the ed just west of Greenwood Cemetery. " in regard to United Way' Month, which three rea,dings wa ,ed on' an ordinance' During'a public heariiig at Tuesday's occurs in October.'. ,'. which a:meri~\ the .ty code in regard', tb ,meeting, .' City Administrator Lowell The council approved a :t;~quest to waive unauthoriied ~ar : g, ...,' ,.'" Johnson diso/ibuted a list of suggestions the rental fee for the Wayne Fire Hall for a Currently the citJI patrols I)lore than' 20 that have been compiled in recent weeks.; benefit scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 15.' par~g lots. and currentlr fInes from viola- T1)e suggestions ranged from elimfu.ating· The council approved a number of ot;ber tors is sent to the s,tate. The change will the necessity of any "attached" garage, a "resolutions during the meeting. result in a $20, fin~being colle~ed and more thor~ugh review of financial need for, These include approving a ,preliminary remaining with the ~ity. .' , TIF (Tax I?<;reinent Financing) fundingj " plat for South Lincoln Street Subdivis.ion, The council also fook action to accept' tighter control of types of housing and approving an agrElement with ,the Wayne member~hips into ~~f Northe~st :t:rebraska '. .'•d ::"~' '1., . I"" ". , . ',j . 1 .,'; " EconomIC Devel~Emt DIstrIct. and HOll\ecoming'events I;lt WayneW~~l~e~~~~~; ~;sD~1~oP~:;~:~iy .' ',., : . .'. '. I.. Developrp.ent Agency,' the group voted to. State'College begin Oct. 6, " accepttherecelptof~napp~cationforTax · " - . " " " Inc~e~e~tFinancm~(TI~)fo~ a multi-unit Wayne State College Homecoming week- 11):30 a,m.: All Hon~l,'~dClasses &union ,resIdentIal p~ope~y ~t 814 WInd.om Street.' end eVEmts pegiil Oct. 6 On campus'. .The Brunch , ',The council will ext, meet In regqlar i publi<: is welcoIlle to attend. !'foon: Tailgate Party, Bob Cunningham .session on Tuesday, ct. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in i' Ev~n~s thr~~ghout the we~kend will Fi~~~40.~ 1 p.m: P~e-ga~~ show _ WSC couD;cil ~ha~bers.~., '1 :.' . .Pie your'R.A. '. inClude:', ... :.' , . .',': ' . " Band' . of fUndraise~ ~ociety FridaY,Oct. 6~ Noon - i p.m;; Ahimni,'1 p.m: WSC football vs~ NOrlhernState, !;efJJ [t~I" :11:i1;;t:}I!(:.,!i~L; :....:, .. A for Northeast Nebraska Humane was held·, and Cat Club Lunch~on' - Cats Corner" .. ijob Cunningham Field, , Monday night at Wayne State College. For $2, a resident as~istant lowedoodcourt of studentcentel'" , ' .' 3:30 ~ 5:30 p.m.• ,'60s decade reunion received a pie in the face. There were 13 staffmembers ofMorey orPile i · 3:3Q1.•..' J?m~ ~ ·~.Bl,'oadcastingiMas$. reception, student center: atrium: Football Hall to pie. A total of$230 was ra~sed in less than anbow. The fundrais­ Communications . Reunion ReceptioD, '. Players Reunion Recepti,on,stUdent.ceiJ.ter . : . er ended at that time because they ran'out 9fwhipped ~J;eam (47 cans .ati-iii~, humanities IoUrige " • '., '" '.', "',, ,'." . ,', '. '.... , l. were used). R.f\.s. ha:v~ progrl:!:n1 requirements, to meet. Greg ..... 5 p.rn:: GreeJ{ Olyinpics, Wmo* aowl· '4 '- 5:30 p.m: Pre-Professional Health ! ' ~eunion Rec~ption; Pradervalld ofSwitzerland, a WSC student, had the idea and set it up. >. (3 p.in: QutstandiAg Alumni' Awards 1989-'96 Women's assista:nt~ Banquet, Frey Comerence Suite, .' Basketball Reunion Reception Above, Nick Ell of West Point, Pile Hall. senior resident pies 8 p.in: Bollnre and; Pep. Rally, tennis, . 5:30.6:15 p.m: soci~ - Frey C9merence Jodene Barta, assistant director of residence life, ,Morey-Pile complex. \ court area,. ,', . •.... I Suite «(or banque~ tIcket holders) , Saturday," '. O~t•..•.. 7:'. $:30 ,a.m:. 6:30 ~ 8 p.rn: Hpmecomi'ng an~ Hall- of Registration for Women' Help~ng Women Fame Banquet, Frey Conference Sui~.. American F,lag 'Project underway Walkathon, MemQrial Stadium (9 a.JP.. Sunday, Opt. 8: 11 a.m. alUmni 'softbalJ, Comme~ce start)' game The Wayne Chamber of and Chadd Friederes, a member of the Jaycees. 9:30 a.m: ,Parade • 1 p.m: alumni baseball game the, Wayne County Jayces are asking for The. flags will be ordered by Tuesday, support of the Ame;rican Flag Project. , Oct. 10. Sponsors will be recognized in a With, . members' of the 189th thank you in the Wayne Heralq. Transportation Company scheduled to Anyone who is sponsoring a flag in honor 'Ig·Wayne~'proje~t Ulld"te·v..esented' return home soon, the groupS are encour. of someone is asked to list that name on aging the community to show their'contip­ .the sponsorship. , . : Scoti,,~rli,mn;iond, Ji>ro~~,?t ~iu;ager for th~ Hig4way 1~ "In Wayne~ proj~~t,'· ued support by sponsoring flags. All'sponsorships can be,dropped off at has prOVIded the fol~owmg updat~ of wor~ ~o:p1pleted m th~ l~st week and "The flags fly over Seventh Street and the Chaml;>er Office or sent to Wayne Area i .~ work to be completed within the next wee~. ! '.; .' ' " '. i?/iiiSi)i)0fi.iiCfi·j we would like to have enough to fly north Chamber, 108 West Third Street, P.O. Box ,~M always, We deElcrlption of ~tlU'e work is wea,th(;lr permitting and can. , on Main Street. The cost of the flags is $30 275, Wayne, Neb. 68787. ", change," Brummond cautioIl;ed. each. Our goal is to purchase 100 flag~. ~ontact · Worltcompleted includes. ' . .. '. .'j This will replace the flags that we have For more information,' Chadd I~en~ ,Wednesday through Saturday, Sept. 23:.. , , now and will give us'a few extra when the Frideres at (402) 369-2762 or at the wind and other elements tear them," said WAEI?I office at (402) 375-2240. ' • Paved drivewilys,atAIDeIitas ahd Our ~ayior Lutheran Church :rarking '''.1 Lot. .' .... ";"":~" 1 . .' .'., .' :. .. Began forrn,irig'andpouring s.ide walls for stepsnear ~aptilSt an<i Om: , Savior Lutheran Churches.· '" . .' .. Wayne State students find symbolic · ,. Continued cl~aning & se~ling jOir).tSi • General project cleanup after rain. " ., : .' ....., . "• Contirlued placingsidewalk on both sides ofthe project downtown. way tosupport friend's recovery . '; ',: ..' .' · ,.,~ Continue installation of light & signal pole b~ses~ •. Several frie~ds and fellow Wayne State , and Greg Pradervand ofA\lckland . ~ Continu~ interlocking paver ston~ placement behind ~ilck ofcurb, .• Monday, Sept. 25: '..' ,'•. ' ', .. ; ..,.... ',: ' students are hoping to unite the campus AndersonlNeilIardt: Emilia Jll,ramllio of and surrounding commuiuties for a cere­ O'Neill. , • P~uied·some iD1et throats today., ".' {' mony in Hoftbauer Plaza, located soutJ;t of While a student at WSC, Shuman was a .• Dig~ng and pohring light pole bases today.' " the student cellter, on Sept. 28 at 5:30 p.m. Neihardt Hall resident. Shuman's ,. CQ1?-t!mie installatio~,?.f ~aver stones; ."" .. " '. '., .• to make a difference for WSC student seizures' began,' to spiral out of control. '. '. Pour~d driveways and parking near Qitgo and First United Methodist Crista Shuman, a ¥oung woma~ fighting to After brain surgery to help the problem, Ch~ch ~.". .. ,- j' regain her We after a c()ntinue4 battle with Shuman was left paralyzlild on her leil side · " • 'Preparing grade at" south end near Car-quest for temporary pavi~g. seizures and complications due to epilepsy. and was m;:lking progress toward recovery . .... Pouring walls fOf steps near Baptist and Our Savior Lutheran "The most i,mportant thing that we want untilshe had'a status seizure on July 31. to' convey is that WSC hasn't forgotten In August, her doctors put her into an about Crif!lta Shuman. We miss her and we ~~c~t;~ ~~Pt,26~ ':"."",, ,! :." .'. , " , ': : induced coma with a feeding tube to aid in ; want her back. She's a great person and her recovery. She is ou,t of the comil~ but . ' • Paved the westb;,alf oftemporary tie in at the south en~ nel;lr Carque~t. we support her a~ she faces Ii number of must relearn basic skill!3 aJ?-d knowledge ,• formed, and paved driveway at White Horse off Fifth Street.. '. '. ,: challenges and medical costs," said Dr. Jeff about life in general. She remains at ii • PoUred sidewalks today.,:,.i , , , Carstens, WSC housing director and assis- Baptist Hospital as a patient in Jim '. Continued installation ofpaverstoIi6S•. , t~~ dean of students. .' ThOrpe Rehabilitation .Hospital, • • Dtig and poured light pole bases along project.. "A "Shaving With ShU1l1an" campaign Oklahoma's foremost system of inpatient, : • Formed and pou,red walls for steps near Al~teL· wa,s developed as a sYlllbolic show of ~up­ outpatient and commuroty-based rehabili­ port because Crista had to have her heaq tative care for children" and' adults with ~ I, .
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