<tongrrssional1Rcrord· United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 85th CONGRESS,. SECOND SESSION of America SENATE CALL OF THE ROLL Iilaho.-Henry C. Dworshak and Mr. MANSFIELD. I suggest the ab­ Frank Church. Illinois.-Paul H. Douglas and Everett TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1958 sence of a quorum. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ McKinley Dirksen. The 7th day of January being the day tary will call the roll. Indiana.-Homer E. Capehart and prescribed by Public Law 290, 85th The Chief Clerk <Emery L. Frazier) William E. Jenner. Congress, 1st session, for the m-eeting of <mlled the roll, and the following Sena· I owa.-Bourke B. Hiekenlooper and the 2d session of the 85th Congress, the Thos. E. Martin. tors answered to their names: Kansas.-Andrew F. Scboeppel and Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Aiken Goldwater Morse Capitol · Allott Gore Mundt Frank Carlson. RICHARD .M. NIXON, of California, Anderson Green Murray Kentucky.-John s. c ·ooper and Barrett Hayden Neely Thruston B. Morton. Vice President of the United States, Beall .Hennings Neuberger called the Senate to order at 12 o•clock 13ennett Hicken1ooper O'Mahoney Louisiana.-Allen J. Ellender and meridian. .Bible Hill Pastore Russell B. Long. .Bricker Holla;nd Payne Maine.-Margaret Chase Smith and The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Bush Hruska. Potter Harris, D. D., of the city of Washington, Butler .Humphrey Proxmire Frederick G. Payne. offered the following prayer; 13yrd Ives Purtell Maryland.-John Marshall Butler and Capehart Jackson Revercomb J. Glenn Beall. Our Father God, in the stillness of Carlson Javits Robertson Carroll Jenner Russell Massachusetts.-Leverett Saltonstall this hushed moment, in this solemn hour Oase, s. Dak. Johnson, -Tex. Saltonstall and John F. Kennedy~ of national counsel and decisions, we Chavez .Johnston, s. c. Schoeppel Michigan.--Cbarles E. Potter and Pat would bow before Thee, with contrite Chmch Kefauver Scott Clark Kennedy Smathers McNamara. hearts and supplication, knowing, a.s we Cooper Knuwland Smith, Maine Minnesota.-Edward J. Thye and search our own hearts, that in this time Cotton Kuchel Smith. N. I. .Hubert H. Humphrey. of tumult and tribulation our direst need CUrtis Langer Spa.l'kman Dirksen Lausehe Stennis Mississippi.-James 0. Eastland and is of Thee, and that we are lost without Douglas Long Symington John Stennis. Thee. Dworshak Magnuson Talmadge Missouri.-Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., · In these clamorous times, when all Eastland Malone Thurmond and Stuart Symington. mankind are facing the blessing or the Ellender Mansfield Thye ~tn MartUn,lo~ VViley Montana.-James E. Murray and Mike curse, may the leadership of this dear Flanders McClellan VVilliams Mansfield. land of our hope and prayer rise to Frear McNamara. Yarborough Nebraska.-Roman L. Hruska and greatness of vision and action, to meet Fulbright Monroney Young Carl T. Curtis. the most crucial challenge since the Mr. MANSFIELD. I announce that Nevada.-George W. Malone and Alan Liberty Bell first. rang .out its glad ti· the Senator from Oklahoma IMr. KERBJ Bible. dings, as the precious things we hold is absent on official business. New Ham~hire;-Styles Bridges and nearest our hearts are now threatened Mr. DIRKsEN. I announce that the Norris Cotton. by malignant forces which have not Thee Senator from New Hampshire IMr. New Jersey.-H. Alexander Smith and in awe. BRIDGES], the Senator from Pennsylvania Clifford P. case. Give Thy servants, the few out of the t:Mr. MARTIN], and the Senator from New Mexico.-Dennis Chavez and many who for the Nation speak and Kentucky IMr. MoRTON] are absent be· Clinton P. Anderson. think and act here, to see clearly that cause of illness. New York.--..:Irving M. Ives and Jacob our salvation will be f.ound, not by wail· The Senator from New Jersey [Mr. K. Javits. ing about the things we might have done. CASE] and the Senator from Utah IMr. North Carolina.-Sam J. Ervin, Jr., but by the mighty things we here highly WATKINS] are necessarily absent. and W. Kerr Scott. resolve to do today for the tomorrows.. The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is North Dakota.-William Langer and In the furnace of Thy refining fire, burn present. Milton R. Young. away the last vestige of our easy com­ placency. Show us, even if Thou must Ohio.-John ·w. Bricker and Frank J. LIST OF SENATORS 'BY STATES Lausche. startle us, that there can be no gains Oklahoma.-Robert S. Kerr and A. S. without pains. Purge our outlook of all Alabama.-Lister Hill and John J. defeatism and despair, and, above Mike Monroney. an, Sparkman. Oregon.-Wayne Morse and Richard of the perilous fallacy that the final vic­ Arizona.-Carl Hayden and BaTry L. Neuberger. tory of Thy truth which makes men free Goldwater. depends on the massing of material Arka113as.-John L. McClellan and J. Pennsylvania.-Edward Martin and might alone.. W. Fulbright. J'oseph S. Clark. - May our America with her allies mo­ California.-William F. Knowland and Rhode I sland.-Theodore Francis bilize shining ideals and regnant ]lrin­ Thomas H. Kuchel. · Green and John 0. 'Pastore. ciples whiCh will march under the ban· · Colorado.-Gordon .Allott and John A. South Carolina.-Olin D. Johnston ners of mercy and help to all peoples Carroll. and Stram Thurmond. of the earth struggling to be free and Connecticut.-Prescott Bush and Wil· South Dakota.-Karl E. Mundt and yearning .for a righteous peace, for the llam A. Purtell. Francis Case. coming of 'l'hY kingdom fast binding an Delaware.-John J. Williams and J. Tennessee.-Estes Kefauver and AI· mankind. Allen Frear, Jr. bert Gore. We lift our living Nation a single sword Florida.-Spessard L. Holland and Tez.aB".-LyndonB. Johnson and Ralph to Thee. George A. Smathers. W. Yarborough. we ask It in the name of the Prince Geor,gia.-.Ric.hard B. Russell and Her­ · Utah.-Arthur v. Watkins and Wal· of Peace. Amen. man E. l"lmadge. lace F. Bennett. · · · Cl\7--1 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD- HOUSE January 7. Vermont.-George D. Aiken and Ralph HOUR OF DAILY MEETING pointed by the House _of Representatives to E. Flanders. wait upon the President of the United States Virgirz,ia.-Harry Flood Byrd _p,nd A. Mr. MANSFIELD submitted the fol .. and inform him that a quorum of each Willis Robertson. lowing resolution <S. Res. 206), which House is assembled and that the Congress is Washington.-Warren G. Magnuson was read, considered by unanimous con.. ready to receive any communication he may and Henry M. Jackson. sent, a~d agreed to: be pleased to make. West Virginia.-Matthew M. Neely Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting and Chapman Revercomb. of the Senate be 12 o'clock meridian unless Senate Resolution 205 Wisconsin.-Alexander Wiley and otherwise ordered. Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives that a quorum of . William E. Proxmire. the Senate is assembled and that the Senate Wyoming.-Frank A. Barrett and ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY is ready to proceed to business. Joseph C. O'Mahoney. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Prest.. dent, I move that the Senate stand in RESIGNATIONS SENATOR FROM. WISCONSIN adjournment until noon Thursday. The VICE PRESIDENT. While the The motion was agreed to; and (at The SPEAKER laid before the House junior Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. 12 o'clock and 11 minutes p. mJ the Sen­ the following resignations as Members PROXMIRE] was swor1;1 in, by unanimous ate adjourned until Thursda.y, January of Congress: consent, during the previous session, the 9, 1958. OCTOBER 8, 1957. official certificate of his election was not The Honorable SAM RAYBURN, •• ..... I I Speaker, House of Representatives, received until after the sine die adjourn.. Washington, D. C. ment on August 30, 1957. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MY DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to advise For the purpose of completing the you, sir, that I have submitted to the secre­ record, the Chair lays before the Senate TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1958 tary of state of the State of New York my res­ the certificate, which is in the form sug .. ignation as Representative in Congress from gested by the Senate; and, without ob .. This being the day fixed by Public Law the 37th District of New York State, effective as of December 1, 1957, in order to assume the jection, it will b.e printed in the RECORD 290, · 85th Congress, enacted pursuant to position and responsibilities of the Director and placed on file. the 20th amendment to the Constitution, General of the International Atomic Energy The certificate is as follows: for the meeting of the 2d session of Agency. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the 85th Congress, the Members of the With the expression of my highest esteem, THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, House of Representatives of the 85th lam, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Congress met in their Hall, and at 12 Most sincerely yours, To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE o'clock noon were called to order by the STERLING COLE, UNITED STATES: Speaker, Han. SAM RAYBURN, a Repre.. Director General. This is to certify that on the 27th day of ·August 1957 WILLIAM PROXMIRE Was duly sentative from the State of Texas. JANUARY 2, 1958. chosen by the qualified electors of the State The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Hon. SA.M RAYBURN, of Wisconsin a Senator from said State to D. D., offered the following prayer: Speaker of House of Representatives, represent said State in the Senate of the Washington, D. C. United States for the residu,e of the unex­ Almighty God, we are entering upon DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby resign my of­ pired term of 6 years, ending on the 3d day this 2d session of the 85th Congress, fice as Representative in the Congress of the of January A.
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