ILLUSTRATIONS Gerard Sanders (1702- 1767) Dulwich College Picture Gallery. London (by courtesy of the owner) Archibald Hope, merchant at Rotterdam (1664- 1743) 455 Cosmo Alexander (1724-1772) National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh (by courtesy of the owner) Adrian Hope (1709- 1781) at the age of fifty-four Mezzotint by C.H.Houges (I764- tR37) Bank Mees & Hope N.Y., after a p ainting. now lost, Amsterdam by Sir Joshua Reynolds (J 731- J 791) Henry Hope (1735- 181 J) at the age of forty-one 457 Cosmo Alexander (1724- 1772) Owner unknown John Hope (1737-1784) at the age of twenty-six Angelica Kauffmann (1741 - 1807) Bank Mees & Hope N.V" Amsterdam John Williams Hope (1757-1813) 459 Angelica Kauffmann (1741 - 1807) Bank Mees & Hope N.Y. , AmSierdam Anne Goddard (1736-1820), wife of John Williams Hope Jacques Henri Sablet (1749- 1803) Lords Cricket Gallery, Marylebone Cricket Club, London (by courtesy of the owner) Thomas Hope (1769-1831) playing cricket with friends in the Italian countryside By an unknown artist Bank Mees & Hope N.Y., Amsterdam Pierre Cesar Labouchere (1772- 1839) Lithograph by H.W.Couwenberg (,8'4- ,845) J.A.siliem, The Hague Hieronymus Sillem (1768-1833) "'¢ \D "'¢ Mezzotint by I.Ward ([769-[8S9) Bank Mees &; Hope. N.V.• after a painting by Amsterdam Sir Thomas Lawrence ([769-[830) The partners of John and Francis Baring & Co. From left to right : Sir Francis Baring, John Baring and Charles Wall, a son-in-law of Sir Francis Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) Baring Bros. & Co. LId .• London (by courlesy of the owner) Alexander Baring ([774-[848) By an unknown artist Voute Vereniging, Amsterdam Robert Voute (1747-1823) Miniature on ivory by an unknown artist J.L.lnsinger, Laren (N.-H.) Hermann Albrecht Insinger (1757-1805) The Hope residence, Keizersgracht 444-446, Amsterdam. The building now houses the Municipal Public Library The warehouses Kerkkroon A and B, Prinsengracht 659-661, Amsterdam o '7t­ Engraving by Benjamin Comte (circa 1760-1845) Bank Mees & Hope N.V., after a drawing by H.P.Schouten (1747- 1822) Amsterdam 'Weigeiegen,' Henry Hope's country seat in Haariem, drawn in 1791. Henry Hope owned this property from 1788 to 1808 'Welgelegen' as it is today, It is now the centre of local government for the province of Noord-Holland 471 Fish-eye view of the circular music room at 'Welgelegen.' This is now used for the meetings of the Executive Committee or Gedeputeerde Staten of the province of Noord-Holland 472 Nederhorst den Berg Castle. The property of John Hope and his heirs from 1774 to 1803 473 Scales with weights in carats. Now in the possession of Bank Mees & Hope N.V. 474 APPENDICES A. ANNUAL TURNOVER millions of guilders banco DE SMETH 55 HOGGU ER* HOP E 50 45 40 35 > "I:j "I:j 30 t"r1 ~ Z -...l0\ 25 (') • For the s,ake of darity, the name Hogguer hiS been u~ed throughout. In (acL the t itle of " he house changed several limes between 1720 and 181 S. FOl.mded as Hogguer Bros .. It t"r1 t en bct..1me Horneu Hogguer & Co. in 1762 (ollowlng the merger with Horneu. In 1773 Daniel 20 Hogguer resigned and his place was taken by Henri Fizeau., whereupon the house usumed the title Horne,a Fizeau)C & Co_When Horneca left the rlrm in 1779. Fiz.eaux beume ilnoci. 15 lIed with George Grand. a SWISS. and the name wi.So chinged to Fizeaul( Grand & Co from 1785101787 the house bore the title Henri Flzeaux & Co. In 1 788 P,ullwan Hogguer. the son of D~nlel Hogguer. became a partner In what then beume Hogguer Grand & Co. From 179S 10 onwards the house bore the title Hogguer & Co. cr. Chapler- Two. 5 •••••_. _ _ . "r.. :-. :.::::•• •• •• ~ .... --.... -.:.:::::.-:.:.:.;:- ------- 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 A-I. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Hope, Hogguer and De Smeth, in the period 1720-1737 millions of guilders banco PELS 55 ell FFORD MUILMAN 50 45 40 35 > 30 "'CI "'CI ~ m -.J Z -.J 25 o (') m 20 en ,, \. 1 5~ 10 , .~ , , -- -- 5 - - . ........ "---"- ... ...... .............. .. .......................................... 1720 172 1 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 A-I. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Pels, Clifford and Muilman, in the period 1720-1737 millions of gui lders banco i 5J HOPE DE SMETH HOGGUER 50~ HORNECA 45 40 35 > 30 "1:1 "1:1 ~ m -...J Z 00 25 o () m 20 '" 15 10 --------- 5 .. _-- ~~.~.~.~.:::: ':!· ... - .. r.:.:.7.:.:.:: ....7.:-.: ::- .-: .•.•..•·•·••·• ..... .. ... ....•..•.• ..... ......... .. ............................ 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 A-n. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Hope, Hogguer, Horneca and De Smeth, in the period 1737-1754 , , , , > , " \ '\ , " \ "C '...... \ "C , tTl \ , Z , 1:1 (") tTl CI'l ~, ................... - ----, 10 ....................... ..................... ................................... .......... ................. ..... .............. ............ 5 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 175 1 1752 1753 1754 A-II. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Pels, Clifford and Muilman, in the period 1737-1754 millions of guilders banco DE SMETH 55 HDPE HDRNECA 50 HOGGUER 45 40 35 :> 30 ~ ~ .j::>. m 00 Z 0 25 o ("l ---- .. _-- m 20 en //'._.-.'. "'\ ............................" ......... , 15 '. ',. , .-. , . , .... .... ..... , I ," , ,,'.' \. ,. \ ,,' , 10 \ ", \ ,." .,' \ .,' , ..' \ 5 ..... " ,-' .................... .................. ...... ....... ----------- 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 A-Ill. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Hope, Hogguer, Horneca and De Smeth, in the period 1754-1771 millions of guilders banco PELS 55 CLIFFORD .............. MUILMAN 50 45 40 ",' -~ , , -- , , , , 35 ;.. '"C '"C .j:>. m 00 30 Z o (") 25 m C/l 20 15 .................. 10 ......................................... ... .............................. 5 ro······ ... 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 A-III. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Pels, Clifford and Muilman, in the period 1754-1771 millions of guilders banco HOPE 55 HOGGUER DE SMETH 50 45 40 35 ----/ ;I> '"0 '"0 .j::>. 30' m 00 Z IV o 25 (") m '" 20 ............................. 15 ...........•.•..•.•..... .:::.:.::.: ...........•...•.../ •.•.....•.•../ ..•.. •... \.\....• ;,/:.:.::.:;;;.: ::.: , " ..... , , , , , ,,,................ ...". , 10 ','" ...... , , 5 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 A-IV. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Hope, Hogguer and De Smeth, in the period 1771-1788 mi llions of guilders banco ______ CLIFFORD 55 MUILMAN __ PELS 50 45 40 , I , " I ;l> 35 ~,' I , I -0 I -0 I .j:>. m 00 I Z w 30 I I o !'") 25 t":': C/l .... ............... .. 20 ~ I ........ 15 f··················\·································· ..................................................................................... 10 \\I 5 I I I ~ 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 A-IV. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Pels, Clifford and Muilman, in the period 1771-1788 APPENDICES millions of guilders banco HOPE 80 MUILMAN HOGGUER 75 DESMETH 70 35 .......... ............. 30 .................. 25 20 :.:. ,.(~:. ,- ... -... - / , I , 15 I , I , I , I , 10 ... --- , 5 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 A-V. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Hope, Hogguer, De Smeth and Muilman, in the period 1788-1800 millions of guilders banco HOGGUER 55 DE SMETH MUILMAN 50 HOPE 45 40 35 » "0 .... "0 DC 30 m Vl Z o 25 (") M r/J 20 ,f,f·· ............. .... 15 t~ ", '~,: ~., 10 - -, - :;,;;::.~:;,;.:::.: 5 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 A-VI. Annual turnover with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank of the houses of Hope, Hogguer, De Smett: and Muilman, in the period 1800-1808 B. THE HENRY HOPE COLLECTION OF PICTURES CATALOGUE A OF PICTURES IN THE HOUSE NO. I THE CORNER OF HARLEYSTREET, BELONGING TO MR. HENRY HOPE, ON WHICH IS ENSURED TWELVE THOUSAND POUNDS Master Subject Value in £ Albano Diana & Acteon 160.- Do. Bacchus & Ariadne 160.- Do. The Fortune Teller 50.- Bolognese 2 Landscapes 100.- Lud.Backhuysen View on the Maze 200.- Bassano The Saviour comforted 40.- N.Berghem Landscape 120.- Do. Do. 100.- Bloemaert A Patriarch 40.- Bourdon Jacob & Laban 10.- Breughel Stable in Bethlehem 20.- Ch.le Brun Family of Jabach 1,000.- Do. Allegorical 50.- Do. Do. 100.- Lod.Caracci Birth of Bacchu~ 50.- Do. A Saint comforted 20.- Do. Holy Family 80.- Do. Diana & Acteon 500.-- Do. St.John in the Wilderness 200.- Do. Hercules & Cacus 300.- Guido Canachi Susanna & Elders 100.-- C.Cigniani Virgin & Child 50.- Do. Woman & three Children 40.- Corregio Ascension of the Virgin 100.- Do. Holy Virgin 100.- Do. Two Children 160.- Seb.Concha Virgin & Child 10.- Cocci Diogenes & Alexander 20.- Pedro de Cortona A Bible Composition 100.- Do. Herodes' Cruelty 100.- Do. Holy Family 100.- Crocci Holy Family 60.- Crespi Jupiter & Semele 20.- Cuyp & v.d.Elst Landscape & Figures 110.- 486 APPENDICES Master Subject Valuein£ B.Denner Portrait 40.- Do. Do. 20.- Do. Young Elector Palatine 20.- And.del Sarto Holy Family 120.- Do. Do. 100.- P.Dorner Roman Charity 10.- Domenichino Susan & Elders 300.- Doudijns Allegory 20.- Carlo Dolci A Magdalen 50.- Do. Head of the Virgin 70.- Do. Dying Magdalen 40.- Dufresnoy Achilles discover'd 100.- VanDyck Two Children 20.- Do. Portrait, halflength 100.- Do. Paris 150.- Do. Portrait 40.- Do. Do. 40.- Do. Dr.de Vos 150.- Do. D.hisWife 150.- Do. Full length portrait of Gaston de F oix 300.- Elsheimer Toby & the Angel 20.- van der Elst Portrait 40.- Do.
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