THE DELL COMPUTER GAMES SERIES MORE THAN 25 FASCINATING, ORIGINAL PROGRAMS FOR ARCADE-STYLE GAMES, BRAIN TEASERS, WORD GAMES, PUZZLES, AND MUSIC TO CHALLENGE AND ENTERTAIN YOU Alastair Gourlay I .1 , II I· GAMES I FOR YOUR Vle20 I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE DELL COMPUTER GAMES SERIES GAMES FOR YOUR TIMEX-SINCLAIR 1000 GAMES FOR YOUR TIMEX-SINCLAIR 2000 I GAMES FOR YOUR VIC20 GAMES FOR YOUR ATARI COMPUTER I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I THE DElL COMPUTER I GAMES II SERIES II I GAMES FOR YOUR I VIC20 I I Alastair Gourlay I Series editor: Tim Hartnell I I A DELL TRADE PAPERBACK I I I A DELL TRADE PAPERBACK I Published by Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza New York, New York 10017 I GAMES FOR YOUR VIC 20 was first published in Great Britain by I Virgin Books Ltd. as part of the Virgin Computer Games Series. I Copyright © 1983 by InterfaceNirgin Books I All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or I mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. Dell ® TM 681510, Dell Publishing Co., Inc. I Printed in the United States of America First U.S.A. printing-November 1983 I Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Gourlay, Alastair. Games for your VIC20. (The Dell computer games series) Bibliography. 1. Computer games. 2. VIC20 (Computer)-Programming. I. Title. II. Series. I GV1469.2.G68 1983 794.8'2 83-14357 ISBN 0-440-52789-9 I I I I I ALASTAIR GOURLAY-THE AUTHOR Alastair Gourlay is studying computer science at I Paisley College, near Glasgow. He has also written 34 Amazing Games for the lKZX81 published in the UK by Interface. I SUE WALLIKER-THE ILLUSTRATOR Sue Walliker is a freelance illustrator. I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank Ken Staples, Ric Kube, Mike O'Neill, Adam Burbidge and Kevin Smith, who have all contributed material to this I book. Especial thanks to John Cade who spent many hours testing, debugging and running the programs I contained herein. I I I I I 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS I Editor's Introduction 11 Author's Introduction 13 I Control characters used 15 New Kid in Town 19 Combat 21 I Trail Blazer 24 Piano 2001 26 Sketchpad 27 II Amaze 28 Wumpus 30 Digit-Dodge 33 Tail Gunner 35 I Space Dock 37 Golf 39 Breakout 41 I Moonbase 43 Life 45 Fruit Machine 47 I Spots from Outer Space 49 Destroyer 51 Car Race 54 Sub Chase 56 I Reversi (Othello) 58 Apollo II 61 Sound Effects 62 I Hangman 64 Simon 67 Blackjack 69 I 9 I 10 • GAMES FOR YOUR VIC20 I Ski Run 72 Diamond Glory 73 I Zombies 75 Micro Music 79 Rat Trap 81 Jupiter Run 84 I Vogon 87 How to Write Better Programs 91 I Glossary 101 Bibliography 117 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Editor's II Introduction Your computer is waiting to challenge you. Arcade-style games, brain teasers, word games and puzzles are all here I and ready to entertain you. A wide variety of games are included in this book. The programs have been written by some of the most talented young programmers around at the moment, and represent a I variety of approaches to solving programming problems. An examination of the listings should teach you many tricks and techniques to apply to your own programming. I And once you have mastered the programs in their present form, you might want to try your hand at improving them. There is no such thing as a "perfect program" so these I games are sure to benefit from your programming skill. All that now remains is for you to turn the page and enter the programs. I can only hope that you enjoy playing the I games as much as we did when preparing this volume. TIM HARTNELL, series editor London I March 1983 I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Author's I Introduction The VIC 20 is a remarkably flexible computer, yet many collections of programs designed for the VIC 20 seem to I ignore this fact. In this group of programs I have looked for ones which demonstrate convincingly just how flexible and agile a computer the VIC 20 can be. I From music making to space fights, from golf to tank battles on minefields, these programs should give you hours of fun with your computer, as well as teaching you more about its fascinating possibilities. I I do not want you, however, to regard these programs as Holy Writ, final versions not to be tampered with. Rather they should be used as jumping-off points for your own I games, your own developments, your own gradual discov­ ery of the flexibility-and even companionship-of a fully stretched VIC 20. I ALASTAIR GOURLAY Glasgow, Scotland I September 1982 I I I 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE FOLLOWING CONTROL CHARACTERS HAVE BEEN USED IN ALL LISTINGS- I Fl-Ii F2-. F3-!!! F4-M I F6-. FS-. CURSOR- UP-:",] DOWN-lIJ I LEFT-I. R I GHT-•• CLEAR SCREEN-:J I CURSOR HOME-. BLK-. I WHT-. RED-Ill C .... N-.... I PUR-. GRN-I. I BLU-:Z .... EL-m ***NOTE-IN THE GOLF GAME TWO LISTINGS HAVE I BEEN GIVEN. THIS WILL HELP IN THE ENTR .... OF I THE LOWER CASE TEXT. I 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GAMES I FOR YOUR VIC20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEW KID IN TOWN I This is the program to use to show off the best features of your VIC when you first get it. Written by Ken Staples, no instructions are needed. Just type in the program, and then II use it to impress your friends. I READY. II SI..·7688: CLoo38488: 81-36874: sz-368r.I: a-36876: S4-36W7: Y-3&878 " DIIIICI) 12 PRINT·:" DE/'IOHSTRATIOH TAPE" : PRINT·. A LIOHT 1EfIRTED· : PRINT·. LOOK A T A FEW·; I 13 PRINT· .. OF TI£' :PRIHTSPC(')· ......ILITlES· :PRIHTSPC(6)· ... TI£ YIC' :FORI.1T 01 ....: tEXT 21 PRINT·:JWSPC(6)·.-t1 THERE!· : PRINT·. PlY HfR IS YIC.· :PRINT· ..SPCCI)·YOUII 38 PRINT'. FflITHFI.L IlERYAHT' :PRINT·lIIOILD YaJ LIICE TO SEEII SOlE OF TI£ WDHIIERF UL· 48 PRINT"III'HINOS I CAN DO":PRINT""SPC(9)'YESIII" I ,. PRIHT"lIIOODl ARE YaJ SITTIHOI COPFORTAILY?":FORI·1T'lI .... :tEXT 68 PRINT": 1111 !lATCH 1£ CHAHOE IIORIIER" : PRIHTSPC(I)"AHII SCREEH COLOUR IN" 6S PRIHTSPC(2)"1£5:5 DIFFERENT WAYS" 78 FORI.1 TO:s888: tEXT: FORI.1T02:5:I: POI<E36879. I : PRINT'" I : FORJ·1 T0388 : NEXT J • I 7:5 FORI.l TO:5888: HElCT: FORI·l T02:5:I: POICE3&8n.1 : tEXT II· PRINT"=- JUST LET 1£ CIfHIE" I 98 PRINT"1rQ PlY ORIOIIR. COLOUII": FORI·1 TO:s888: tEXT: POICE3687!1. 27 " FORI·1TOI888:HEI<T 188 PRINT":' NOlI LET us PLAY TI£ PIAHO. JUST PRESS TiE FOLLOIIINO KEYS" "I PRINT"II 1 , , 6 6 '·SPC(9)"4 4 3 3 2 Z 1 , , 4 4 3 3 a" 121 PRINT"' , 4 4 3 3 Z"SPC(9)'1 1 , , 6 6 "SPC(9)'4 4 3 3 2 2 1 I 9' 138 FORI·1TOI:RElIDDCI) : tEXT 131 DIITfI223. I lZ DATA236. 136 DATA238.238. 227. 234. 231.238 137 1IATA238. 227.227 • 223. 23!1 148 POICEV. US 1,. IIETM: 1..... ··Tl£HI,. I 168 1-vAL(III): IFI-eoRI-m£If'OICES2. I: OOTOII1 178 POKES2 •• :FQRJ.1T02S:tEXT:P0KES2.DCI) :00T01,. III PRINT'~ lIlY HOT TRY fIOAIN. JR.TERHATIYELY. lIlY INOT TRY TO COlI' OSE' 181 PRINT'. YOUII 0lIl 1IJHE.JUST ~ 'y' OR 'N'" 1~ OEm: IFZtO·Y·IIIDZ$O·N·Tl£HI~ I 198 IF.Zt-"Y·THEIIIESTORE:OOT0111 a PRINT··:" LET us SEE IF I CAN lIIEI'IEIIIIER THAT 1IJHE lMlU!ERE TRYINO TO PLAY" I 19 I I 20 • GAMES FOR YOUR Vle20 268 FORI-lT0488I: NEI<T _ POKEY, 1:5: FORI-lT043: REftDD(I) : PCICES2, D(I) : FORJ-lTO"I:HEICT :PCIICEI2,. 311 ~: IFI-7(IU-l4ORI-210RI-zeoRI-~ I * FORK-lT(JA: HEl<T 311 HEXTI :POI<ES2,I: POKEY, I 321 PRINT"=- NOT ElCftCTL.'I' IACH BUT • I'll Tll<IHII LESSONSIII" 348 FORI-1To:seae:HEl<T:PRINT"=- HOW LET US HfIYE III FEW SOUHII fIFFECTI" 30e FORI-lTo:seae:HEXT _ PQKES4,228: FORI.-l:sT01lSTE1'-l : POKEY, L: f'ORIIool T03III: HEImI, L: 1'QICES4, I: POKEY, I I 361 POKEY, 1~: PQKES4, I: 1'ORO"248T0ZI3: PQKES4, 0: FORI·l T01II: HElCTI, a m ~TEP-l:PQKES4,a:FORI-1T0111:NElCTI,D:PQKES4,':POKEY,1 _ POKEY, 3: FORI.-23ITOl28STEP-l : POKES3, L: f'ORIIool T028: HEImI, L: 1'DICEI3,': 1'OICE&4, 211 391 FORI.-l:mJISTEP-.
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