A Generalization of the Thermal Wind Equation to Arbitrary Horizontal Flow CAPT. GEORGE E. FORSYTHE, A.C. Hq., AAF Weather Service, Asheville, N. C. INTRODUCTION N THE COURSE of his European upper-air analysis for the Army Air Forces, Major R. C. I Bundgaard found that the shear of the observed wind field was frequently not parallel to the isotherms, even when allowance was made for errors in measuring the wind and temperature. Deviations of as much as 30 degrees were occasionally found. Since the ther- mal wind relation was found to be very useful on the occasions where it did give the direction and spacing of the isotherms, an attempt was made to give qualitative rules for correcting the observed wind-shear vector, to make it agree more closely with the shear of the geostrophic wind (and hence to make it lie along the isotherms). These rules were only partially correct and could not be made quantitative; no general rules were available. Bellamy, in a recent paper,1 has presented a thermal wind formula for the gradient wind, using for thermodynamic parameters pressure altitude and specific virtual temperature anom- aly. Bellamy's discussion is inadequate, however, in that it fails to demonstrate or account for the difference in direction between the shear of the geostrophic wind and the shear of the gradient wind. The purpose of the present note is to derive a formula for the shear of the actual wind, assuming horizontal flow of the air in the absence of frictional forces, and to show how the direction and spacing of the virtual-temperature isotherms can be obtained from this shear. A method of drawing a sketch (see accompanying figure) is given which can be used qualita- tively to examine all possible cases of gradient wind shear. NOTATION 2 v wind velocity for cyclonic (anticyclonic) cur- v wind speed vature v0 geostrophic wind velocity RH 1 /KH — radius of horizontal curva- Vg geostrophic wind speed ture VH horizontal acceleration « specific volume V dv/dt T* virtual temperature t unit vector along v p pressure k unit vector pointing toward zenith — V//( ) horizontal vector gradient of ( ) n k X t, the horizontal unit vector to — ( )p horizontal isobaric vector gra- left of v dient of ( ). [The variable ( ) <p latitude is plotted on an isobaric sur- <t> geopotential face and the whole plot is pro- angle between v and v0 jected onto a horizontal plane. angular rotation of earth, positive — Vff( )p is then the gradient of (negative) in northern (south- ( ) on the horizontal plane. See ern) hemisphere page 212 of Holmboe, Forsythe, ttz il sin | <p | and Gustin, op. tit.] zp pressure altitude KH horizontal component of curvature S* specific virtual temperature anom- of trajectory, positive (negative) aly (see Bellamy, op. tit.). 1 John C. Bellamy, "The Use of Pressure Altitude and Altimeter Corrections in Meteorology," Journal of Meteorology, vol. 2, no. 1 (1945); section 2. 2 The notation is that of Holmboe, Forsythe, and Gustin, Dynamic Meteorology, John Wiley & Sons, 1945, q. v. for detailed explanation of the symbols used here. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 03:50 PM UTC 372 BULLETIN AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY [Vol. 26 DERIVATION OF GENERAL EQUATION The horizontal equation of motion of air in the absence of frictional forces may be formed by equating the horizontal acceleration (v#) to the sum of the horizontal Coriolis force per unit mass (— 2£ls Xv) and the horizontal pressure force per unit mass3 (— VH4>P): (1) VH = - 2xv -VH4>P. The acceleration V// can be written as VH = vt + IPKHU-, and the Coriolis force can be written as - 2£lz x v = - 2ttzvn. By substitution from the last two equations into (1), it is seen that vt + vPKnii = — 2Qzvn — VHcf>Pf or (2) vt + (2ttzv + v2KH)n = - Vh4>v- It is convenient to multiply equation (2) vectorially with the unit vector k, thereby rotating all vectors clockwise by 90°, as seen from above: - vn + (2VZV + V2KH)t = - X k. Since vt = v, the last equation can be written in its final form: (3) - vn + (2+ VKH)V = - VHCF>P X k. If I) is set equal to zero, the solution v of equation (3) is the gradient wind; if both V and KH are set equal to zero, v becomes the geostrophic wind. Equation (3) is now ready to be differentiated with respect to geopotential <t>; we obtain (4) - + (2fi2 + vKH) g + 5) v = _ fe) xk. The left-hand side of equation (4) is already in finished form; there remains only to trans- form the right-hand side. Since 8<f> is assumed equal to — adp, — 5(V//<£p)/5<£ is equal to 5(VH4>P) /a8p. Now the operations 8/dp and V#( )p are independent of each other, and may be interchanged. Hence 5(Vh4>p)/a8p is equal to Vh(84>/8p)p/(x, or to — (Vhocp)/<x. By loga- rithmic differentiation of the equation of state, it is seen that — /A equals — (VHTP*)/T*. Thus we have transformed the right-hand side of equation (4) completely: xl VhTp* x 8<j> T* The general thermal wind equation takes the final form 3 The vector — VH<T>P is the equivalent for constant-pressure analysis of the horizontal pressure-force vector — OC^HV considered in constant-level analysis. Strictly speaking, the vectors — VH<T>P and — AXIHV are equal only when the hydrostatic equation 8<j> = — a8p is satisfied—that is, when the air is stationary. Since 8<f> must be assumed equal to — a8p in the derivation of the thermal wind equation proper, it seems reasonable to accept their equality at this point. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 03:50 PM UTC Nov., 1945] ARTICLES 373 In terms of the variables used by Bellamy, op. ext., equation (5) takes the form DISCUSSION When V = KH = 0, equation (5) assumes its usual form (9) for the geostrophic wind, stating that the geostrophic wind shear is parallel to the isotherms of virtual temperature, with a strength directly proportional to the magnitude of the horizontal isobaric virtual temperature gradient and inversely proportional to the virtual temperature itself. When the wind is not geostrophic, the terms VKH8V/8<!>, V8(VKH)/8<f>, and — 8(VN)/8<f) of equation (5) show exactly how much the wind shear must be corrected in magnitude and direction in order to become equal to the right-hand side—that is, equal to the shear of the geostrophic wind. It is to be noted that v, n, v, and KH may all vary with increasing geo- potential, and that all the terms of equation (5) can theoretically be evaluated numerically. The three correction terms can all be of the same general order of magnitude as the shear vector 212z8v/8<F> itself, thus causing the vector — (1 /T*)(^HTP*) Xk sometimes to, deviate markedly from the vector 21225v/5</>. This fact undoubtedly accounts for the lack of success frequently experienced by upper-air analysts in attempting to orient and space isotherms by (in effect) using the actual shear vector 2ttz8v/8<t> as the left-hand side of equation (9). Of the three correction terms on the left-hand side of equation (5), the term — 8(vn)/8<f> is undoubtedly the hardest to estimate in practice. The quantity v is seen from equation (2) to be equal to the component of the pressure-force — Vn<f>P in the direction of the wind v. Let p denote the angle between the wind v and the geostrophic wind direction vg (with p taken positive for a wind blowing toward lower pressure). Then v = \VH<f>P\ sin 0, and the geostrophic wind law states that = 2£lzvg. Hence, from the last two equations, v = 212zVg sin p, and (6) - vn = — 2Qevg(sin p)n. By differentiation of equation (6) with respect to geopotential, it is seen that (7) - = - 202 g (sin p)n - 2Q^(cos P) g n - 2l2^(sin p) g- Now p is very difficult to determine in actual upper-air analysis, and 8p/8<t> is still more diffi- cult. It appears, then, that — 8(vn)/8<j) is next to impossible to estimate accurately. THE CASE OF GRADIENT W^IND Because of the difficulty of evaluating the term — 8(vn)/84> in equation (5), the practical use of that equation is probably limited to the case of gradient wind v (1) = 0): 6V 5V b{vKll) V T (8^ ) 90 si 4+ - nvKK h a 4+ - v = ~ » ** * kV> and to the geostrophic wind VY {V = KH = 0): (9) It will be noted that the quantity VKH and its variation with geopotential comprise the only difference between equation (8) and the ordinary thermal wind formula (9) for the geostrophic wind. Therefore, assuming the wind to be gradient, it is necessary to know values only of v Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 03:50 PM UTC and VKH on various isobaric surfaces over a given station, in order to determine the direction and spacing of the virtual-temperature isotherms above the station. As usual, nature com- pensates: The advantage of the more exact equation (8) over the usual equation (9) is paid for justly by the requirement that, in addition to the wind v, the analyst must keep track of the quantity VKH. The price does not seem high. Comparison of equations (8) and (9) reveals the properties of the gradient wind shear. Since it is presumed that the reader is familiar with the use of the geostrophic wind shear for determining the virtual temperature field, the right-hand side will be eliminated between equations (8) and (9): In practice, v is given at various levels from wind observations, and KH can be estimated at various levels from the curvature of the contours and speed of the systems.
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