Official publication of the Ypsilanti Historical Society, featuring articles and reminiscences of the people and places in the Ypsilanti area SPRING 2020 In This Issue... The Old Family The Old Family Farm ........................1 By Rick Katon The History of Ford Lake ................10 FARM By Robert Anschuetz BY RICK KATON Women’s Sufferage Display ...........16 By Marcia McCrary A Secretary Comes Home ...............18 By Janice Anschuetz “They Shined Me”– The Murder of James Richards ...........................20 By James Mann A Visit with Wallace & Clark ..........28 By James Mann Society Briefs From the President’s Desk ................2 Society Board Members ..................2 Contact Information ........................2 Gleanings Staff .................................2 Museum Board Report .....................8 Acquisitions ...................................19 Gleanings Sponsors ........................30 Membership Application ...............31 The Katon home that was the family’s first house built on a family farm that extended south from Michi- gan Avenue (US-12) beyond Textile Road. The horse barn is shown in the rear. Advertising Application .................31 hen I was about five years old When I got home I talked with my old- www.ypsilantihistoricalsociety.org I remember sitting and play- er sister about it. She said that Mike’s Wing on the basement floor of sister Gail had told her the same thing. my neighbor Mike’s old farmhouse. She asked if Mike had shown me I remember Mike saying, “My house the secret passage into their grand- was on the Underground Railroad.” mother’s apartment. Mike had indeed I’m sure I must have replied by ask- shown me a removable panel under ing, “What’s that?” He explained that it the bottom shelf of an old corner cabi- was about slaves escaping and people net in the front parlor. We had opened helping them. I was brought up in the it and crawled through a hole in the 1950’s on Walt Disney and television wall. My sister said that it was part of Watch for our westerns, so I recognized it as a good the story, but I didn’t quite understand guys and bad guy’s story. I knew that how. NEW WEBSITE the people helping them escape must Ever since then I have always had • www.ypsihistory.org • be the good guys. He showed me a an interest in stories about the Un- root cellar under the stairs of the old derground Railroad. Now that I am a Note: the new web address Michigan basement and told me the is linked to our current website runaways had hidden there. The Old Family Farm continued on page 3 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK BY BILL NICKELS ook for a new Ypsilanti Histor- toric district. On his own, Scott start- Ypsilanti HISTORICAL SOCIETY ical Society website in a month ed a walking tour of both Downtown Lor so. Our new website will be and Depot Town last summer. Before easily edited allowing us to keep our the virus closed activities down, Scott Board of Trustees: calendar of events current. Annual was to present an indoor version of the Jim Curran, Maria Davis, events will be listed on a separate tour during our March Quarterly Meet- Pattie Harrington, Rick Katon, event page that will automatical- ing. The program will be rescheduled Gerald Jennings, Marcia McCrary, Bill Nickels, Alvin Rudisill, ly transfer events to the home page for a future date. Scott will be present- Tom Warner, Bette Warren, when the time gets close. Attractive ing tours live again this summer. His Daneen Zureich pictures will make our museum a schedule is as follows: must see place for visitors cruising Museum Advisory Board: the web. Links to our companion lo- May 28, 2020 Downtown Kathleen Campbell, Jim Curran, Virginia Davis-Brown, cal Ypsilanti museums and our Con- June 25, 2020 Depot Town David Mongson, Louise Nagle, vention and Visitors bureau will make Fofie Pappas, John Stewart, our website a convenient place to July 30, 2020 West Cross Nancy Taylor, Nancy Wheeler, find out about other Ypsilanti events. August 27, 2020 Downtown Daneen Zureich We will have a new web address too September 24, 2020 Depot Town Archives Advisory Board: – www.ypsihistory.org. Courtney Beattie, Kelly Beattie, October 29, 2020 West Cross Kim Clarke, Maria Davis, Rick Katon, Late last year, Ypsilanti Mayor Beth Alvin Rudisill, Louise Schmaltz, Bashert formed a committee to plan In the future, Scott would like to ex- Bette Warren Ypsilanti’s Bicentennial Celebration plore the historic potential of the Amos coming soon in 2023. Ypsilanti’s Bi- Washington subdivision, the grain el- Endowment Fund Advisory Board: centennial will be the first in Washt- evator on West Forest, the Preston Don Loppnow, Bill Nickels, Tucker house, the Normal Park neigh- Alvin Rudisill, Bette Warren enaw County. Normal Park resident Joe Capuano volunteered to lead borhood, and the east half of the Col- the undertaking. A group is meeting lege Heights neighborhood. All may monthly and will be asking for sup- have the potential for receiving the porters with many different interests honorary National Register of Histor- • and skills to help make the event spe- ic Places designation. Thanks to Scott cial. Look for announcements soon! and the City of Ypsilanti for their part Ypsilanti Historical Society in keeping the history of our commu- 220 North Huron Street After years of struggling with city nity alive. Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 finances, the City of Ypsilanti has -fi Museum: 734.482.4990 nally been able to properly afford to Our museum is 160 years old this year! Archives: 734.217.8236 have a full-time employee manage For the building’s age, it is in pretty www.ypsilantihistoricalsociety.org the historic district and historic pres- good shape. Like all buildings, new • ervation. Scott Slagor was hired in and old, our museum building needs February of 2019 as a Preservation both interior and exterior maintenance GLEANINGS Staff Planner. He is a graduate of EMU’s from time to time. Jerry Jennings has been responsible for everything for Editor ...................................... Al Rudisill Historic Preservation program. His Assistant Editors .....................Peg Porter main responsibility is being a liai- over twenty years. Let us know if you Fofie Pappas son between property owners in the have a particular house maintenance Design & Layout .........Pattie Harrington historic district. He welcomes new skill you enjoy and would like to ap- Advertising Director ..... Lindsay Dascola ply it to our historic gem. We are not Finance Director ................Bette Warren property owners and informs them of Distribution ................... Lindsay Dascola their rights, responsibilities and ben- expecting another Jerry who has been efits of owning a property in the his- responsible for all maintenance. If you have suggestions for articles or if you have questions, contact Al Rudisill at 734.476.6658 or [email protected]. Ypsilanti GLEANINGS is published 4 times a year by the Ypsilanti Historical Society, 220 N. Huron Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 MUSEUM ARCHIVES 734 482-4990 734 217-8236 [email protected] [email protected] 2 Ypsilanti GLEANINGS • SPRING 2020 • www.ypsilantihistoricalsociety.org The Old Family Farm continued from page 1 volunteer docent at the Ypsilanti His- among the remaining Dutch families torical Museum I have had a chance there. They produced a son known to learn much more about what I had as Aree Van Guinea who was given been shown and I have a much better his freedom by his father and taught understanding of the old family farm in lessons in business. Aree became a Pittsfield Township and the people who highly successful “free man of color,” lived there. investing wisely in large tracts of land across the river in New Jersey. Les is At one time the land that my family’s researching the history of his family first house was built on was part of a (whose last name became “Aray”). fairly large farm. My mother’s family Les wishes to learn more and share name was Hopp and my great-grandpar- his family history at a later date, so ents’ farm extended south from Mich- we will skip ahead to his more recent igan Avenue (US-12) beyond Textile ancestor Asher Aray’s story. He was Road. Our house was on the south side involved in one of the most daring of the highway. It was east of where episodes known to have taken place US-12 crosses Textile Road at an angle within the Michigan Underground toward the southwest and just west of Railroad network. where US-12 crosses US-23. The family sold part of the farm to the government The author Carol E. Mull offers a de- for the freeway when it was built in the scription of what happened in her 1950’s. The old farmhouse next door book, The Underground Railroad in was built in the late 19th or early 20th Michigan. I will try to encapsulate it century. It was there when the farm was here. In 1853, a large group of twen- purchased for my great-grandparents ty-eight slaves, including one infant, by my great-great-grandfather in 1922. escaped from a tobacco plantation in northern Kentucky. They were hotly I now know that the entire farm was pursued. During a raging storm, they once part of an even bigger farm that lay managed to cross the Ohio River into on both sides of Michigan Avenue. The the Cincinnati area. After hiding out original farmhouse was on the north there in safe houses for a short period side of the road along with more land of time they were able to make their and farm buildings - and it happened to way north. With the help of several Un- be the home of my friend Mike Blystone derground Railroad operatives, they who had told me about the Under- travelled from Ohio into Indiana, then ground Railroad.
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