% ftw vieai) {Q m tyi ÍDissiot) 1 9 0 5 . e d it e d b ÿ R ev. HENRY FAIRBANK.' RiNTED BV THE SooiT.su M ISSI0N I n d OSIKIES C o , t o . New Church, Bombay. uGb ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you : and lo, I am with you ahvay, even unto the end of the world. ” CONTENTS. I. STATIONS AND DISTRICTS. Pages. Pages. A hmednagar ... ... 16-28 Roha ... 14-16 Bombay ................ ... 6-14 Satara ... ... 58-63 J kur ............... ... 33-36 Sholapur ... 48-57 K oloaon............... ... 29-31 Sirur ... 45-48 Parker ............... ... 31-33 V adala ... ... 36-41 R ahuri .. ... 41-44 W at ... 63-69 II. BY MISSIONARIES. Miss Abbott, 4, G, 59, 62, G3. Mrs. G. H. Harding, 48, 56, 57. Rev. and Airs. Abbott, 6, 8, 14. Miss Hartt, 4, 18. Rev. and Mrs. Ballantine., 4, 31, Rev. and Mrs. Hazen, 4, 18, 48, 4], 44. 54, 56. Dr. and Mrs. Beals, 4, 16, 2-°., 24, Rev. and Mrs. Hume, 4, 16, 21, 2".. 22, 25, 27, 81, 33. Miss E. R. Bis,sell, 21, 25, 63. Dr. Ruth P. Hume, 16, 23, 24. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Bissell, 3, Rev. and Mrs. H unsi »erger, 5, 6, 16, 30, 33. 8, 10. Mrs. L. Bissell, 5. 22, 35, 63. AI iss Judson, 48, 57. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce, ">9, 60, 61. Rev. S. V. and Dr.G.Karmarkar, Miss Campbell, 16, ¿3. 6, 12-13. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill, 5, 16, Rev. and Mrs. P. B. Keskar, 48, 18, 25, 27. 53, 54. Rev. and Mrs. ('lark, 5, 36, 40, Rev. and Airs. Lee, 63, 67, 69. 41. Aliss Millard 6, 10, ] 2. Airs. Dean, 4, 6. Aliss Moulton, 16, 21, 33, 36. Rev. and Mrs. E. Fairbank, 21, Aliss Nugent 16, 18, 20, 21. 30, 36, 40. Air. and Airs, Peacock, 5, 6. Rev. and Mrs. H. Fairbank, 16, Airs. Sibley, 63, 65, 67. 18. 22, 59, 61, 62. Rev. and Airs. Smith, 4. 16, 18, Miss Fowler, 4. 21, 25. Rev. and Mrs. Gates, 48, 50, 52, Dr. Stephenson, vi. 54. Rev. X. V. Tilak, 41,44. Miss Edith Oates. 4. Rev. and Airs. Winsor, 3, 46, 48. Miss Gordon, 16, 18. 63,68.' Air. David Winsor, 3, 46. Dr. Grieve, 5;j, 61. III. BY TOPICS. Acknowledgements, 69, 71-75. C h u r c h e s , 6, 28, 36, 48, 50, 62. B a p tis m s , 26. E d u c a t i o n . B i b l e R e v i s i o n , 6. Boarding Schools for Boys, Christian Endeavor, 20. Christian Literature, 6, 13, Boarding Schools for Girls. 44, 60, 63., CONTENTS III. BY TOPICS— (Continued.) Common Schools, 8, 12, 21, Leper Work, 14, 54. 30, 33, 38, 41, 51, 53, 61, List of M issionaries, v.-vii. G3, 66, 67. Medical Work. High School Bombay, 8,10. For Men, 24. 43, 54. High School Ahmednagar, For Women, 13, 23, 61. 16, 18 New Church Buildings, 6, 28, Kindergarten, 44, 57. 43. Normal School, 21. New Bungalows, 40, 63. Schools for the Blind, 1 0 ,4 7 . Personal Notes, 3. Teacher’s Convention, 19. R e v i v a l s , 2. Theological Seminary, 16. Self-support, 33, 48. Famine, 1, 41. Statistics, 78-82. F a m i n e C h i l d r e n , 2 5 . Sunday Schools, 11, 21, 43, Orphanages, 20, 25, 26. 5 0 , 6 2 , H a i g , Mr. 2 1 . W o r k f o r W o m e n . I n d i a n C h r i s t i a n s . 6, 8, 9, 16, Biblewomen, 12, 22, 24, 39, 18, 21, 27, 30, 31, 40, 44, 48, 43, 46, 52. 50, 5 9 . Biblew omen’s T rain in g I n d i a n H o m e M i s s i o n a r y Class, 20. S o c ie t y , 3. Widows’ Homes, 27, 47, 62. Industrial Work, 9, 11, 18, Work for Non-Christians. 19, 47, 55, 57. 2, 12, 13, 16, 21, 23, 35, 44, 51, Itineracy and Preaching, 12, 6 7 , 6 8 . 39, 62. IV. LIST OF MAPS. General Map to follow viii. i Roha District 15 Ahmednagar City - 17 Satara District 58 Bombay City - 7 Sholapur District 49 Jeur District - 34 Sirur _ 45 Kolgaon District - 29 Yadala 37 Pamer District 32 Wai - 64 Rahuri District 42 Principal Work and Addresses of Missionaries. M i s s i o n a r y . W o r k . A d d r e s s . Rev. J. E. Abbott, d .d . Mission Secretary ; Editor, “ Dnyanodaya ” ; M a n a- ger “ Dnyanodaya ” a n d “ Balbodhmewa,” Ch a r g e of Roha Field ; Bible Revision Tardeo, Bombay. Mrs. J. E. Abbott Oversight o f Primary Schools. 9’ ?> Rev. 0. Ballantine, Charge of Rahuri Field Rahuri. H.A., M.D. Hi's. W. 0. Ballantine... Charge of Girl’s School and Bible Women Lester H. Beals, h .a ., Medical Work Ahmednagar. m.d. Mrs. L. H. Beals, h .a ., Studying the language M.D. Miss Emily R. Bissell... Editor “ Balbodhmewa,” Ahmednagar. Rev. H. G. Bissell, b .d . On furlough. South Haven, Mich, U.S.A. Mrs. II. G. Bissell, b .l . Mrs. L. Bissell Ahmednagar. Rev. H. J. Bruce, b .a . Charge of Work in Satara City and near Villages. ... Satara. Mrs. H. J. Bruce Charge of Station School and Biblewomen. Satara. Rev. A. H. Clark, b .a ., Charge of Bov’s Station b.d. School Vadala ria VamborL Mrs. A. H. Clark, b .a . 5? JJ Rev. EdwardFairbank, Charge of Vadala Field. Vadala via Vambori. B.A., M.A, Mrs. Edward Fairbank, Charge of Biblewomen, Girl’s School, and Lace Class >> 9) Rev. Henry Fairbank, Charge of Outlying Work b.a ., b .d . Satara Field. Temporarily in charge of Mission High School, Ahmednagar. Satara. Mrs. Henry Fairbank. Temporarily in charge of Bible Woman’s Training School and ‘ of Biblewomen, Ah- mednagar Satara. Miss Esther B. Fowler On furlough Miss Edith Gates Studying the language Ahmednagar. Rev. L. S. Gates, b .a . Charge of Sholapur District Work Sholapur. Mrs. L. S. Gates Charge of Biblewomen and Primary Schools. Miss Jean P. Gordon Charge of Station School and 3 Girls’ Schools in Wai and 2 Village Schools. Tempo­ rarily Associate Principal Girls’ Boarding and Day School, Ahmednagar Wai, Satara District. ri PRINCIPAL WORK AND ADDRESSES OF MISSIONARIES. Miss Louise H. R. Medical Work. ... Satara. Grieve, m . d. Airs. O. Harding ... On furlough ... Oberlin, Ohio, u .s.a . Mr,s. George W. Hard- Principal Woronoco Girls’ School Sliolapur. ing, b a . and Charge of Hindu Girls’ School. Miss Mary B. Harding On furlough ... Oberlin, Ohio, u.s.a . Rev. William Hazen, Principal Boys’ Boarding and Sholapur. M.A. Industrial Schools. Airs. William Hazen... )5 Rev. E. S. Hume, m.a. On furlough ... New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. Airs. E. S. Hume ... New Haven, Conn. U.S.A. Rev. R. A. Hume, d.d. Charge Parner and Kolgaon Ahmednagar. Districts, Principal Theologi­ cal Seminary, Acting Princi­ pal Normal School, General Work Ahmednagar City. Airs. U. A. Hume ... Charge of Chapin Home and Ahmednagar. Alice House. Aliss Ruth P. Hume, Aledical Work. ... „ B.A., 11.D. Rev. B. K. Hunsberger, Principal Mission High School. Byculla, Bombay. B.A., B.D. Mrs. B.K. Hunsberger, „ „ B.A., B.D. Aliss Sarah P. Judson. Charge of Josephine Kinder- Sholapur. garten. Rev. Theodore S. Lee,'j 'i b.a. I Charge of Preachers, Bible-1 0 , -,v , . , Airs. Theodore S. Lee,j Women and Schools. j ai, . a .aia istiict. 15. Z l. J J Aliss Anna L. Alillard Charge of Blind School, Pri- Byculla, Bombay, niary Schools and Bible Women. AI i«s Alary E. Aloulton, C’harge Jeur District ; Three Ahmednagar. b .l. Hindu Girls’ Schools, Ahmed- nagar City. Aliss Belle Nugent ... Principal Girls’ Boarding and „ Day School. Alerrill A.Peacock, b .a , Alission Treasurer ... Apollo Bandar, Bom­ bay. Airs. AI. A. Peacock ... ........... Apollo Bandar, Bom­ bay. Airs. J. AY. Sibley ... Charge of Bible Women, Wai, Satara District. Orphanage and Village School Rev. James Smith, b.a. On furlough. Airs James Smith ... Charge of Boarding Depts. High Ahmednagar. School and Orphanage ; and of Primary School for Boys. AIis.>M. Eleanor Steph- Studying the Language ... Ahmednagar. enson, b.a., m.d.* Airs. R. Winsor ... Charge of Sirur Field ... Sirur, Poona District. 'D r Stephenson landed in Bombay on the 2nd of February, 1906. PRINCIPAL WORK AND ADDRESSES OF MISSIONARIES. vii The following, though not under appointment as members of our Mission, are closely connected with it, and engaged in important work in association with the Missionaries :— D. C. Churchill, B. Sc., Industrial Work Alimednagar. 1I.E. Mrs. D. C. Churchill, Oversight of Girls1 in the Rug „ b.a. Factory. Miss Madoline Camp- Nurse in Mission Hospital „ bell. Mr. David Winsor ... Charge of Industrial and Boys’ Station School. ...Sirur, Poona District Gov* Ph?toz/sun. Office, Pootul, 1.90-5. Report of the American Marathi Mission F O R i 9 0 5 . PfVHE year 1905 lias been signalised 1 >y the fact that plague has not . interfered with schools and other forms of Plague less.
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