LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 773 land la the vicinity suitable for farming opera- ton branch of the I.C.K., 12 miles from St. Joan. tions. QUIL.L LAKE, BIG, a body of water lu the QUODDY, a settlement in Halifax co., N.S., Prov. of Saskatchewan (formerly Assa. B., 55 miles from Brookfield, on the I.C.R. the N.WT.); It is skirted on the north by QUODDY (or MU3QUODOBOIT) RIVER, a line of rhe Can. Northern RR. Area, 104,000 river of Halifax co., N.S., at the eastern end of the county. a post settlement In Mac- QUILL PI^IX. QUYON, an incorporated village in Pontlac Sask.. 15 miles from Wadena, on kenzie dist.. CO., Que., on the Ottawa River, and a station Northern Ry. the Can. ^ . (Quio) on the C.P.R. (Waltham, north shore Renfrew co., Ont., QUILTY, a ix>st office In branch). 31 miles west of Hull and 25 miles Station, on the Kingston 4i miles from Ashdod from Aylmer. It contains 3 churches (Episco- & Pembroke RR. pal, Roman Catholic and Methodist), 9 stores, QUINAN, a post village in a good agricul- 3 hotels, 1 saw, 1 rolled oats and 2 flour mills, tural and horticultural dlst. in Yarmouth co., 2 sash and door factories, 1 printing and news- NS on the Tusket River, with seaport at paper oflfTce (Pontlac "Advance") and express and telegraph offices. Pop. 800. Tusket Wedge near the Atlantic. Its nearest Belleville, on the RABBIT POINT, a post settlement on the station (7 miles distant) is east side of Lake Manitoba. In Selkirk co., Halifax Southwestern RR. It has 1 Roman & Man., 25 miles from Oak Point Station, 66 Catholic church, 3 stores, 1 liotel and 1 lumber miles north-west of Winnipeg. It has a fine mill. Pop., about SOO. and shingle boach on Lake Manitoba. Pop. (chiefly Ice- a river In Vaudreuil co., Que., QUINCHIEN, landic, engaged in farm operations and flsh- falls Into a bay that lies runs north-east and Ing In winter), 40. the Lake of Two between Isle Perrot and RABBIT'S ARM, a settlement in the dist. of Mountains. Twillingate, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 79. QUINN. a lake In Wright co., Que. RACINE, a post village in Shefford co.. Que., Kent It contains QUINN, a cioss-road post settlement In on the Orford Mountain Ry. 2 on the 1 grist mill and 1 but- co Ont., 4 miles from Tilbury Station, stores, 1 hotel, saw and miles west Pop., 80. C.P R. and Michigan Central Ry., 16 ter tub factory. church and a post hamlet in a good agri- of Chatham. It has 1 Methodist RADFORD, cultural section of Pontlac co.. Quel, near 1 store. ,„ . mining village In Calumet Island, on the Ottawa River, and 2% QUINNVILLE, a post and Morehead and Shawville Stations miles from the Gatmeau miles from Wfl^ht CO. Que., 4 (Ponilac or Waltham branch), East TemiJleton. a sta- on the C.P.R. River and 6 miles from Ottawa City. It Montreal North Shore about 50 miles north-west of tion on the Ottawa & churches (Episcopal and Holiness Move- miles east of Hull (oppo- has 2 uSe of the C.P.R 11 flour mill. Pop., under are rich mica min- ment), 1 school and 1 Ottawa City . There si?e well as sev- 50. Ine properties In the vicinity, as is good post office In Yukon Territory. Attractive lakes in which there RADFORD, a e?fl there a station in the Prov. of Sas- Ashing. In the woods in the region RADISSON, trout deer and par- katchewan, on the Canadian Northern RR. (Ed- so hunting, Including ila g^ Catholic and monton div.), 103 miles north-west of Hum- Iridgl It has 2 churches (Roman cheese boldt and 44 miles south-east of North Battle- Methodist), 2 stores, 1 saw mill and 1 and ford. It has a branch bank. ^cto^. and at East Templeton telegraph exwress offices. Pop. 200, RADNOR, a station on the C.P.R.. in Cal- QUINTE, BAY OF, a large Inlet west of gary dist.. Alta., 33 miles west of Calgary. Kingston. Ont., very singuiatly formed between RADNOR FORGES, a post village In Cham- on the irregular peninsula of Prince Edward plain CO., Que., in the municipality of Fer- county) the south and the mainland (Hastings mont, a station on the Three Rivers & various on the north. Length, through the Grandes PUes branch of the C.P.R., 2 miles mile;s; breadth crooked turns it makes, about 50 from St. Maurice and 15 miles from Three This inlet varies between 6 and 12 miles. Rivers. It contains an Episcopal churcTi, 2 gales fre- affords a safe shelter from the heavy schools (Protestant and Catholic) and a free An Isth- quently experienced on Lake Ontario. public reading-room and library. The village western extremity sepa- mus of a mile at its abounds Is the seat of a large Iron Industry, owned and Stls the bay from Lake Ontario. It controlled by the Canada Iron Furnace Com- pike bass and every w^th whiteflsh. pickerel, pany, Ltd.. Montreal, with furnace for the fish. There are other variety of freshwater manufacture of charcoal plg-lron, used prin- cipally for the manufacture of carwheels, the affording ^^QUIO,^a^riv*e?of'Pontlac co., Que., capacity of furnace being about 12,000 tons per annum. The manufacture of charcoal for the of St. Barbe, %mRpSN,\'S'lsUnd in the dist. furnace is also largely carried on In the vil- of lying off the northern extremity Nfy'^J^^f" lage, which is situated about the centre of the Belleisle Strait in land! at the entrance of Three Rivers bog ore iron district. It also 16' It is settled by lat 5P 40' N.. ion. 55^ W. contains a large limestone quarry, operated by fishermen. Pop. (1901), 57. the same company, with modern plant for the QtJiaiBIS, a station in Victoria oo., N.B., on manufacture of pressed and re-pressed bricks; the C.P.R., 17 miles south of Edmundston. The also a saw mill worked by water-power, and name of the village or local post office is now the "Radnor" Mineral Water Spring, the waters Ste Anne de Madawaska. near Green River, of which are pronounced by eminent chemists and 3 miles from Theriault. and physicians of Europe and America to rank QUI3PAMSIS. a post settlement in Kent co.. with the waters of the famous springs of Ger- N B. and a station on the St. John & Monc- many. Pop., about 350. 774 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. RADSTOCK, a post village in Joliette co., length. Its banks are covered with small tim- Que., on the Riviere Blanche, lli^ miles north ber. of Joliette, a station on ine Cl^.R. and the RAINY LAKE, a station on the Ottawa & about 50 miles Can. Northern Quebec RR., Parry Sound branch of the G.T.R., in Parry Montreal. It has 3 churches (Epic- north-east of Sound dist., Ont., 73 miles east of Parry Sound. Pres.), and 1 Roman Catholic copal Meth. and RAINY RIVER, a growing manufacturing chapel, 3 stores, flour, saw and carding mills, town in Rainy River dist., Ont., at the foot telephone office. Pop. 200. besides of the Lake of the Woods, on the Rainy River, a post settlement in Dauphin co., RADWAY, and a divisional point station on the Canadian on the Teulon branch of the Man. Stonewall, Northern RR. It has 4 churches (Epis., Pres., C.F.R., 20 miles north of Winnipeg, is the Meth. and R.C), 25 stores, 4 hotels, 2 saw and nearest station. planing mills, 1 tie factory, 1 bank ("The Com- of Ontario, on the RAFT LAKE, a lake merce"), 1 printing and newspaper office ("The 46° 31' N., Ion. north shore of Lake Huion. Lat. Rainy River Gazette"), besides express and 83° 54' W. telegraph offices. Pop., 2,500. RAGGED, a lake in Nipissing dist., Ont., RAINY RIVER DISTRICT, N.W. Ont.. situate close to the northern boundary of Peterboro' between Thunder Bay dist., and Vhe Prov. of CO. Manitoba, and from Minnesota on the Inter- RAGGED CREEK, Parry Sound dist., Ont., national boundary and the English River on a splendid stream for speckled trout. the north. RAGGED HARBOR, a fishing settlement on RAITH, a station in the Province of Alberta, the Atlantic, on the north side of Trinity Bay, on the Canadian Northern RR. (Edmonton Nfld., 16 miles from Trinity, and 60 miles from div.)i 7 miles west of Vegreville, and 21 miles Claienville Station, on the Reid Nfld. RR. It south-east of Chipman. has 1 R.C. church, and 1 cod liver oil refinery. RALEIGH, a station on the C.P.R., in Rainy Pop. (1901), 183. River dist., Ont., 167 miles west of Port Arthur. RAGGED HARBOR. N. & S., settlements in RALEY,. a station on the Alberta Ry. & Ir- the dist. of Fogo, Nfld. Pop. (1901), So., 53; rigation Co.'s line, in Alberta dist., Alta., 3 No., 15. miles from Cardstoii. RAGGED ISLANDS, a settlement in the dist. RALPH, a station on the Portal branch of of Placentia and St. Mary's, Nfld., and ports the C.P.R., inf Qu'Appelle dist., Sask., 67 of call on the Labrador line of the Reid Nfld. miles from North Portal, 101 miles south-east Steamship Co., 814 miles north of St. John's. of Moose Jaw. Pop. (1901), 127. RALPH, a post settlement in Pontiac co., Que. RAGGED RAPIDS, a post hamlet in a farming Mackay's, on the C.P.R., on the opposite side and lumbering region in Victoria co., Ont., of the Ottawa River, is the nearest station.
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