GenerationGeneration 33 NuclearNuclear ReactorsReactors FrenchFrench-- SlovakSlovak summersummer schoolschool TheThe differentdifferent generationsgenerations ofof nuclearnuclear reactorsreactors FromFrom GenerationGeneration--11 toto GenerationGeneration--44 G. Cognet CEA Delegate for Central Europe Nuclear Counsellor – French Embassy CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 1 NuclearNuclear energyenergy inin thethe worldworld EUROPE ASIA + RUSSIA NORTH AMERICA 177 reactors 131 reactors 120 reactors Ukraine Candidats Chine Mexique Taiwan Suisse Arménie Canada Inde Japon Corée États-unis UE-25 Russie SOUTH AMERICA 4 reactors Afrique du Sud Argentine Brésil 2 réacteurs CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 2 NuclearNuclear :: aa veryvery concentratedconcentrated energyenergy 1 kg of natural uranium yields 100 000 kWh in a thermal fission reactor while 1 kg of coal generates 8 kWh, i.e. 12500 times less The first nuclear reactor was a natural one (Oklo, 2 billion years ago). CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 3 TheThe treetree ofof nuclearnuclear reactorsreactors •WPu: Military plutonigenous reactor. •SGHWR: Heavy water reactors supplying industrial heat (Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor). •AGR: Graphite-gas reactors (Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor). •(V)HTR: (Very) High Temperature Reactor. •SCWR: Super Critical Water Reactor. • ADS: Hybrid spallation- fission system (Accelerator- Driven System). •FR: Fast Reactor. •MSR: (Molten Salt Reactor). CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 4 TypesTypes ofof GenGen--22 reactorsreactors PWR Two main types of water reactor coexist: pressurized water reactors (PWR) and boiling water reactors (BWR) CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 5 CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 6 SafetySafety principleprinciple ofof PWRsPWRs Three barriers and 3 safety functions ¾ Control of the chain reaction ¾ Evacuation at any moment of the residual power (energy produced in the core at the level of a few % after stopping the chain reaction) ¾ Containment of radioactivity, the main part of this relating to the fission products formed in the fuel CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 7 GenGen--22 :: OptimizationOptimization && EvolutionEvolution ofof thethe FleetFleet ¾ Competitiveness improvement : 10% less of kWh production cost ¾ Increase of the availability factor and of core management ¾ Increase of life-time from 30 or 40 up to 50 or 60 years ¾ Reactor safety improvement (evolution, for example: H2 recombiners) ¾ Reduction of the radiological impact ¾ Optimization of spent fuel management ¾ Seismic risks: take into account new rules ¾ Ageing of structures 9 Containment structure 9 Steam generator 9 Pressurizer 9 Circuits (primary loop) 9 Internals 9 Vessel CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 8 Simulation tools for nuclear systems Simulation : - multi-physical, multi-scale modelling - co-developed numerical platforms ECHELLE SYSTEME ECHELLE 3D-LOCAL ECHELLE COMPOSANT ECHELLE SIMULATION NUMERIQUE DIRECTE CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 9 FuelFuel CycleCycle CEA – DelegationCEA – Delegation for Central for Europe Central & Eastern Europe - BudapestKočovce (Slovakia) – September March, 2010 2010 10 Conditioning of ultimate waste Glass casting in the laboratory at Standard vitrified Marcoule (Gard) waste container (SVWC) CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 11 TwoTwo majormajor accidentsaccidents Tchernobyl (1986) TMI2 (1979) CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 12 TheThe INESINES scalescale ofof nuclearnuclear eventsevents (1991) CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 13 GenerationsGenerations ofof NuclearNuclear PowerPower SystemsSystems 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 2070 2090 Generation I DISMANTLING UNGG Generation II OPERATION CHOOZ REP 900 Generation III OPTIMIZATION REP 1300 EPR Generation IV DESIGN & R&D N4 PROTOTYPES 2020-25 COEX DIAMEX/SANEX, GANEX CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 14 EUR:EUR: EuropeanEuropean utilitiesutilities requirementsrequirements EUR: a hub to harmonise European utilities views & requirements ¾ A utility network 9 to share experience in plant specification, design evaluation, licensing … 9 to build common specifications for the European Gen 3 LWR NPPs ¾ A common bridge with the external stakeholders 9the vendors 9the EUR utility counterparts outside Europe: EPRI, Asian utilities,… 9the regulators: safety, HV grid, … 9the international organisations: IAEA, OECD, EU, … ¾ Making Gen 3 a reality in Europe CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 15 TheThe EUREUR documentdocument CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 16 EUR:EUR: aa strongstrong basebase forfor harmonisationharmonisation && standardisationstandardisation ofof thethe designsdesigns ¾ Continuous activity over more than 15 years has made the EUR organisation one of the central actors in the development Gen 3 LWRs in Europe and worldwide ¾ In its current stage the EUR document is fully operational ¾ Actually used as technical specification to call for bids ¾ Actually used by the NPP vendors willing to be present in Europe, as a guide for designing their new products ¾ A living document living document that follows up the progress of technology and the constraints coming from Europe integration CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 17 MainMain ObjectivesObjectives ofof GenGen--III/III+III/III+ ReactorsReactors ¾ Standardised design for each type to expedite licensing, reduce capital cost and reduce construction time ¾ Simpler and more rugged design, making them easier to operate and less vulnerable to operational upsets ¾ Higher availability and longer operating life – typically 60 years ¾ Reduced possibility of core melt accidents ¾ Minimal effect on the environment ¾ Higher burn-up to reduce fuel use and the amount of waste ¾ Burnable absorbers ("poisons") to extend fuel life The greatest departure from Gen-II incorporates passive or inherent safety features which require no active controls or operational intervention to avoid accidents in the event of malfunction, and rely on gravity, natural convection or resistance to high temperatures CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 18 EPR:EPR: aa maturedmatured concept,concept, basedbased onon experienceexperience feedfeed-- backback ofof currentcurrent PWRsPWRs Containment Containment Heat designed to Removal System withstand hydrogen deflagration Prevention of high pressure core melt by depressurisation means In Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank (IRWST) Spreading Area Protection of the Basemat CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 19 EPR:EPR: thethe firstfirst GenGen--33 licensedlicensed inin EuropeEurope The Path of Greatest Certainty 1650 MWe PWR X Generation III+ PWR 4-Loop >4500MWth SG pressure 77bar at 100% power 4x100% redundancy of active safeguard systems Backup in case of total loss of safety function X High power output (1650 MWe) X Evolutionary design (Konvoi/N4) X Low global power generation costs X Outstanding safety level X Maximized benefit from size effect TheConstruction Path to Greatest in Finland, Certainty France & China Licensing engaged in USA, UK and India CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 20 EPREPR PlotPlot PlanPlan Safeguard Buildings 2+3 Diesel Turbine Building Generators 3-4 Reactor Building Building Safeguard Building 1 Fuel Building C.I. Electrical Building Diesel Generators 1-2 Nuclear Building Auxiliary Safeguard Building 4 Building Waste Building CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 21 EPREPR SafetySafety Systems:Systems: BestBest--inin--classclass APCAPC resistanceresistance Prestressed 1,8 m thick Annulus Concrete Reinforced 1,8 m Containment Concrete Building Shield Building Steel Liner Outside Inside BASEMAT EPR™ Reactor, Fuel and two Safeguard Buildings are airplane crash resistant for both military and commercial aircraft: - No licensing delay - Bolstering public and political acceptance CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 22 EPREPR SafetySafety Systems:Systems: RedundantRedundant andand DiverseDiverse ¾ 4×100% capacity allows for preventive 3 4 maintenance at power (n+2 concept) 2 ¾ Common cause failures – safety system diversity: 9 Every system has a diversified back-up 1 ¾ External hazards through systematic Four Train concept physical separation of the safety systems and physical separation ¾ Clear separation of redundancies with 4 Safeguard buildings ensures robustness against hazards (flooding, fire) and Airplane Crash ¾ Reactor building, Safeguard buildings Proven yet evolutionary and Fuel building on a single raft to cope safety systems ensure a with seismic and Airplane Crash loads high reliability level P19 –S1 CEA – Delegation for Central Europe Kočovce (Slovakia) – September 2010 23 EPREPR SafetySafety Systems:Systems: ProtectionProtection ofof thethe environmentenvironment withwith PassivePassive andand ActiveActive SystemsSystems Active System (Long-term) Passive System (Short-term)
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