x j / ’-'• . .110. and aite. JuMua Bau of Blin A — i TOrraeo have aa thoir guaata, Ura. hold Annia Lewla Catmody and aniall o'clock at tho BMdtn Oastar On m Haynaa atnat. 5.769 P tnuH nt oi MlintoBo* daughter, Annabella, of Briatol. Member o< the AodM Tann. Showwa tonight and SateMsyil ^ M, L O. R. wlU Tho uaual open air aerviea of the FORSiDATflimNi I ( i C. 1 R A S T i: R Borean of Otowilatloas.« somewhat warmer. -.ovr.idgbt la naker »t Salvatloa A^rmy wlU be bMd tonight FOR GEO. WILLIAMS ' 6inNl]TE CAUCUS X dnup. A d w of c«n< A apodal meeting of Nathan Hale MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM __ i bo InitioUd Into tho Lodge, L.O.TA., will take place to­ at 7:80 o’clodc. AH aoldtera and Final Flnas Maflg for Partv nt night at Orange hall. All membera frlenda are urged to'attend. VOL. LVn NO. 282 (UlaasUM AdverHitag om Page 14.) Itlofro*. aro urged to be preaent aa Import­ Villa Loulae—Heavy De- H E W 1988 MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1936 (SIXTEEN PAGES) ant budneaa will be dlacussed. Vr. and Mra. John Leandar of Over SO Gather at His Home ■uwd for Tldiota. Coiroitira Delegates Naio^ , naOboUi FhalU of Chorch Ridge atreet are apendlng the week K N ettaaI irotuinod after a vacation ,j«ka apent with relativeo In Lou Foater, manager of Bvery- at the MiUie-Aim cottage, lUa- to Assure Him of Support body*B Market, In company with hla quamlcut. At a well attoaded moeUng of the EASY __ , laog lalond. Her mother, Rod Mea’a antortalameot oommit- When Landon Blasted New Deal XSeanor HoCann of Church former analatant manager Samuel too last night, flaal plaaa wore mad* ^ t who haa been paaalnc the Belflr, la apendlng an extended va­ The SpUce dub win meet tonight . m Contest 100 m Attendaiice. R A M i n S LANDON BACK HOME; CHINA PIRATES cation at South FaUaburg, N. T., In at 7:80 o’clock, membera 'belhg for tho outing to be bold thia Sun­ SPANISH REBS PLAN nth of Auguat In BayvlUe, will day at tha VUla Loulae ia Bolton. the Adlrondacka. aaked to gather In front of Diana’s Mete Iw>eee awaey la H i sew untU after Labor Day. package store on Center , street. Tho ticket committee reported that IXRWsitewlfe ROB SU P, TAKE More than fifty frlenda of Mr. and there has Men a heavy demand for b one of the shortost caucuses BKMB TUS-ereMw week Mrs. George H. WlUlams, of 105 tickets and a- large crowd seenu as­ ever held, the Republican town com­ lev eupatJli TO MAP NEW MOVES sured. Members who havj not as REAL DICTATORSHIP Oxford street, assembled at tha mittee last night named state. Con­ Mocm jieerjuoR-*** WUllama home laat night to iret made reservatlona are aaked to wadibv •cOos -. ■ 22 AS HOSTAGES Manchester assure Mr. Williams of their support do so before 8 o’clock tonight gressional and Senatorial convention Chowder, as onW Bill Schleldge commtj^es in High school hall. Mrs. ■MPunsD o u i In his coming campaign for tax col­ aewqalele>ei«w4eaMee«iw Spoke in States b Ovw COUNTRY MOURNS Buy A Good Used Date Book lector of the town of Manchester,^ con make i t wlU be served from 11 Emma L. Nettloton, vice chairman IF THEY GAIN RULE; M 0. m. untU 2 p. BL, and dinner wlU imp wamcni mvo Chihli Bay Ferry Steamer A delicious buffet luncheon was bs served at 3:80 o’clock. A pro­ of the Republican town comfiiittee, lella eartwale oeSpe, taiw ' 50 Rear Platform Appear- Next Week served by the hostess in the beauti­ gram of sports wUI bold the spot­ presided, and Judge Raymond A. wMw Nawiel SECRETARY’S DEATH Aug. 80.—^Annual outing of Ml- ful rustic summer bouse in rear of light before and after dinner and a Johnson was elected chairman and Latest Prey of Sea Ban­ Car Now For The antoDomoh Tribe, L O. R. M- at the Williams home. Following the Thomas Ferguson, clerk. Then, If People Want repast the evening was spent dis­ day of fun has been plaimed for aU Y e i O n l f ances; Nombee to Make TROTZKY ADMITS Villa Loulae. attending. Free transpoitatloa wiU The following convention commit­ Aug. 31-Sept 6.—KnighU of Co­ cussing the campaign and singing tees were elected: State conven­ dits Bands in Existence familiar popular songs. be furnished a t a time and place to They WiH Restore lumbus carnival and county fair at be announced later. tion, William J. Thornton, Thomas Second Tour Sotm. Guns Boom at Army Posts Big Labor Day Holi­ grotmds next to club houae on Main ”A meeting with old friends on aa J Rogers, Frank Mullen, Charles ADVISING REVOLTS p i atreet. occasion like this is indeed pleas­ O’Dowd; Congressional convention, ^ 5 9 * 5 0 for Centuries. ant," said Mr. WlUlams at the close archy, Chiefs Amo Sept. 5, 6, 7.—40th annual conven­ Thomas Ferguson, Aaron Cook, Sid­ Topeka, Kas., Aug. 28.—(AP) — from Goyemor’s Island to tion of Hartford District Luther of the luncheon. ‘Tt is our object in HOSPITAL NOTES ney Elliott Mrs. Olga Davis; Sena­ League of Emanuel Lutheran life to spread cheer at aU times torial convention, Charles S. Hoime, Mose sr Cosw hi ROW—lee Back home. Governor Alf H. Lon­ 'nentatn, Aug. 38.—(AP)—Au­ Tells Norwegians He Sent Former King Ready tnS day Coming Soon church. • through nedghborllness, regardless Harry Russell, Mrs. Mildred Dougaa, TiTT=-T=w-«.6!»Jff*“ wiesrwJiSHH l i b don expressed himself today Tientsm in China. thorities were balked by a watery of the Issue that might be at stake, Miss Lillian Toung. SALES AND SERVICE Coming Events and the fact that eo many of you Admitted yesterday; Joseph W. 'deeply gratified” by his first taste trail today In their investigation of Late Summer and early Fall la one of the most Sept 8. — Republican and Demo­ A meeting of the delegates to the STANDARD PLUMBING COMPANY of Presidential campaigning—a Letters to Friends m Retnm; Ifis Heir have come here tonight to voluntar­ Smythe of 173 Spruce street George Republican State convention for the M l Mala Street the latest daring coup of sea brig­ •ttactlTe times of the year to go touring. ^ cratic Primary elections. ily offer your aid In my coming cam­ H. Neely of Vernon. Phone 8804 2,880-mile stumping tour through Washington, Aug. 28.—(AP)— ands who have plundered the China Sept 9-10.—Autumn flower show purpose of organizing and naming As saluting guns boomed a mourn­ paign Is heartening and generous.” Discharged yesterday: Mra. Fan­ two delegates at large wlU be held eight states embracing three major seas for centuries. France, and Elsewhere. Already Conferred of Manchester Garden club at Ma­ Mr. Williams said ho entered the nie Boynton ot Wethersfield. apoeches and more than 50 rear ing note from every Fort flying the The pirates, employing a time­ sonic Temple. in the East Hartford High school platform appearances. Sept 20.—Sub-Alpine annual ban­ race for tax collector this year only Birth; A daughter tojiA<r,«an4 auditorium, Saturday, August 29, at American flag, the Army prepared worn but effective ruse. Impersonat­ upon the Insistence of many of his Mrs. Clifford Gleason of Vernon, to­ 11 a. m. The Republican nominee reached today to render its. highest honors ed passengers when they boarded NO MONEY DOWN quet clubhouse, Eldridge atreet friends. For busUess reasons he day. the Kansas capital city shortly after ths ferry steamer Llho before it Oslo, Norway, Aug. 38.—(AP)— About 100 persons attended the at the funeral of George Henry has repeatedly declined to become Admitted today: George Johnson Gaining In Popularity midnight, ending a swing to vote- sailed yesterday from Tangku. Leon Trotsky, pale and patently meeting and but six minutes were ih tT A lK Dern, secretary of war. nervous, told a crowded court today On Any Car Under $300. a candidate for town office he main­ of 50 Clinton street Melvin Shm idt required to transact the business. Every Day— __ important eastern states that start­ While Mrs. Dern anu the secre- While the ship was on Tta way BULLETIN!* tained. As manager of a credit and of 11 Arm street Elaine Carlson of ed eight days ago in Colorado. taiy’e three sons and two daughters here aorora the Bay of Chihli they be had sent letters to colleagues In POLICE COURT Investigation company with The standard-bearer ia expected held up anc robbed 100 Chinese pas­ France and other countries, advis­ ^ ^ M ^ F n u w e . Aug. , 20 MONTHS TO PAY 63 Essex street Irehe Ponticelll of These WonderFul Specials made final plans for thi Iasi rites, —(AP)—Tlte FniMli prtm branches In Norwich and Wllltraan- 63 Homestead street Dorothy Mc- to announce soon plans for a sec­ the Cabinet offictars body lay In a sengers, seised 23 of them as host­ ing revolutionary acUvlUes. Leroy O. Howard, 50, of 104 East- tlc, he Is conversant with all phases ages and escaped to rea in a wait­ He was testifying against flvs night quoted refugee* fresD^^ wood road, Torrington, was lined Creedy of 22 West street Richard From Our New Kitchen ond tour, this time a trip through coffin at Walter Reed hospital in the Spain ae saying lOO Rightist of municipal and state tax assess­ Heady of 89 Ridgewood street' Ray­ ' TOWN the middle western farm belt.
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