The Inventory of the Alec Waugh Collection #220 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center INDEX TO ALEC WAUGH COLLECTION Page Number oflnventory Addams, Charles 23;44 Aldington, Richard C Amis, Kingsley 23 Anderson, Beth 23 Archer, William 58 Arlen, Michael J. 19;23 Askwith, Betty C; D; F; 17; 19; 22-24; 44 Atyeo, Sam 16-17; 24 Avery, Ronald 24 Bagnold, Enid C Balchin, Nigel B;24 Balfour, Michael 24 Balfour, Patrick 17;19; 24 Bantock, Raymond 19;24 Barrett, William E. 24 Bartlett, Sir Basil 24 Bawden, Nina 17; 24-25; 44 Bax, Clifford C; D; F; 11; 51-52; 61 Behrman, Samuel N. 25 Belgion, Montgomery 25 Benchley, Nathaniel 16;25;44 Beresford, John Davys D Berthoud, Sir Eric D; 17; 19; 20-22; 25-26 Betjeman, John 16;26 Block, Lawrence 16 Bodkin, Thomas 48 Bosschere, Jean de D Bowles, Jane 53 Bowles, Paul 26;53 Bradley, Jenny 19;26 Brandt, Carl D. D; 13-15; 26 Brandt, Carol F; 13-14;20;26-27;45 Brighouse, Gilbert 17 Brothers, A. 58-59 Browning, Oscar C;ll Buckley, V.C. [Vivian Charles] 22;27 Buckley, William F., Jr. 27 Burn, Malcolm 17 Burns, Sir Alan E Busch, Noel 27 Butler, Gerald 27 Caldwell, Erskine 27;44 Callil, Carmen 27 Campbell, Elaine 27 Cannan, Gilbert D Cardus, Neville D Carew, Dudley 27 Carver, David 11; 16; 27-28 Chancellor, John 28 Chase, James Hadley 16;28;44 Clemens, Cyril 16;28 Connolly, Cyril 20;28 Cooper, Diana (Manners) D Cooper, Jane 28 Coward, Noel 28;45 Crackanthorpe, Hubert F;G Crane, Walter G Crockett, Samuel Rutherford F Croft-Cooke, Rupert 28 Cushing, Lily 28 Dainty, Peter 28 Daly, Patricia 17 Darlington, W.A. 28;51 Davie, Michael 28 Day-Lewis, Cecil 20;28 de Camp, L. Sprague 21 de Kay, Ormonde 29 Dickey, James 29 Dobson, Austin F Durrell, Lawrence 29 Eames, David 29 Eden, Clarissa, Countess of Avon 24 Einstein, William 22;29 Eliot, Robert 17;29 Elstob, Peter 29 Ensor, Aubrey 16 Ensrud, Barbara 29;44 Fair, Diane 29 Falkner, Sir Keith 30; 52-53 Farrar, John E; 14; 16;30 Farrar, Margaret Petherbridge 30 Ferrell, Tom 30 Flower, Desmond 20 Flower,Newman D Footman, David 20 Forbes, Bryan 18 Forbes, Malcolm S. 30 Ford, Ford Madox D Foster, Sir John 30 Fox, William E Frede, Richard 16;30 Fremantle, Anne 30 Gale, Norman G Gerhardi, William 30 Gibbings, Robert 31 Gill, Brendan 31 Gillett, Eric 16;20;31;51 Gladstone, William E. 59 Glyn, Anthony 17;31;44 Goodner, Carol 31;52 Gornall, Anthony 19 Gosse, Edmund F;G Gosse, Philip 53;60 Gosse, Tessa 59 Gotlieb, Howard B. 16;22;52 Goulden, Mark 18; 31 Grand, Sarah F Graves, Robe1i D; 31 Guild, Carrie E Hadfield, John 31;48 Hamburger, Philip 31; 44 Harris, Marilyn 20; 31-32; 44 Hartley, Leslie P. 32;45 Hastings, Jack 22;32 Hastings, Selina 32 Haynes, Renee 16;32 Hellman, Geoffrey 32 Herbe1i, A.P. 32 Heron-Allen, Edward E Heygate, John 20 Hill, Carol 32;45 Hiller, Bevis 56 Hogg, Arthur 19; 22; 32-33; 44 Holland, Merlin 33 Holland, Vyvyan 16;33;56;60 Hone, Sir Evelyn D. E Horland, Henry G Hurst, Fanny D Inman, Philip F Jameson, Storm 33 Jeffs, Julian 22;33;45;56 Jenkins, Alan 33 Jones, Shirley 50 Kavanagh, Pat 15; 33-34 Kenyon, Frederic G. 59 King, Noel 19 Kirby, Janet 34 Knollenburg, Bernhard E Lane, Margaret 18; 21; 34 Laver, J runes 17; 19;34-35;48;56 LeGallienne, Richard G; 59 Lehmann, Rosamund 35 Lindemann, Kelvin 21;35 Lindsay, Kenneth 18; 21-22; 35; 51-52 Locker Latnpson, Frederick 59 Lowe, R.H. C; 53 Lord, Graham 35 Lunn, Sir Alfred 35 Lunn, Hugh Kingsmill D;E MacColl, Rene F Mackintosh, Hugh 16;21;35-36;45;60 Maclean, Helen 21 MacManus, James 36 MacMillan, Harold 36 Mailer, Norman 36 Mais, S.P.B. 36;59 Man, Rosamund 17 Mann,Peggy 18;22;36;44 Marshall, Arthur Calder D;36 Martin, Willa 36;50 Maughatn, Robin 18; 36-37; 44 Maugham, W. Somerset 53 McLoughlin, Mary 10; 37 McKelway, St. Clair 37 Meyer, Michael 37 Middlebrook, Martin 37 Minney,R.J. 37 Morgan, Ted [Sanche de Gratnont] 16; 28-29 Morris, Ira 37 Mortimer, Arthur 19 Muir, Augustus 48 Mulock, Julyan 19 Mure, David 37 Napier, Elma E Neville, Jill 38;44 Nevinson, Henry Woodd G Norton, W,E. 59 O'Hara, John 38 Palgrave, Francis T. 59 Parish, Betty V✓aldo 17-18; 38 Parker, MJchael 38 Parkes, Kineton F Paff, Louisa 59 Fawson, Tony 38 Payn, James 59 Perehnan, S.J. 38 Penitz, Kathxin 16-18;21;38-39;45 Peters, A.D. 14; 16; 21; 39; 51 Phillips, .Till M. 39 Piyarangsit, Rangsit, M.C., grandson of 19;39 Chulalongkom, King of Siam Poole, Francis Postgate, Raymond 19 Powell, Anthony 22 Powell, Dilys 39 Priestley, J.B. 39 Pullar, Philippa U; 39 Pullein-Thompson, Josepl1ine 39 Quenne11, Peter 39 Rattigan, Terrence 39 Ray, Cyril 20 Reid, T. V✓emyss 59 Rlioa<les, .fames F;59 Rhodes, John 22;40;45 Rhys, Emest E;G Rhys, Jean E;40 Rice, Charles D. 51 Rice, lvfrs. Charles D. 40 Richards, Grant D Richards , I. A. 40 Ritchie, Anne 59 Roberts, Cecil 18; 40 Ruck, Berta D;40 T"\. T: Si:Ul1iUffi, Geu1gii:tlm v,n Sassoon, Siegfried E Sassoon, Victor 40 Scott, Gerald Wesley 40 Scott-Moncrieff, C.K. F Searle, Alan 40 Secker, Martin 40 Sergeant, Adeline 59 Shah and Shahrina of Iran 53 Shann, Renee 40 Sherry, Norman 40 Shively, George E Sillitoe, Alan 18;40 Silver, Rollo 52 Sions, Harry 40 Small, Doreen 18 Smith, George Hudson 40-41 Snow, Lord C.P. 18;41 Snow, Philip 21;41 Soames, Mary 41 Sonnenberg, Ben F; 21; 41 Sontag, Susan 53 Sorensen, Virginia 12-13; 52-53; 55 Speaight, Robert 41;48;56 Squire, J.C. [Jack Collings] 11 Stern, James 21;41 Stewart, Angus 41 Strachey, Peggy 41 Strachey, Richard 16; 21; 41 Straus, Ralph F;Q Straus, Roger W., Jr. E; 15; 17-18; 41 Streeton, Richard 41 Sutro, John 21 Swanton, E.W. 41 Swinnerton, Frank 41 Sykes, Christopher 13; 41 Talese, Nan A. 41 Tennyson, Hallam 59 Tomlin, E.W.F. 41 Tour, O.B. C Tovrov, Orin E Tracy, Honor 21; 41 Ullman, James Ramsey 20; 41-42 Unwin, Sir Stanley F Usborne,Richard E-F; 13; 17; 19-22;42;45;49 V anne, Marda E Van Vechten, Carl E; 50 Vijayatunga, J. 21;42 Wade, Rosalind 17;42 Waugh,Arthur D-E; G-H; 13; 58-60; 62 Waugh, Auberon 13; 22; 48 Waugh, Evelyn C-F;6; 12-13;62-63 West, Rebecca 19; 42-43; 53 White, W.L. 43 Whitehorn, Katherine 43 Wilder, Alec 43 Willert, Florence S. 43 Williams, Richard L. 20;43 Williamson, Henry 43 Wilson, Sir Angus 43 Wilson, Edmund 43 Wodehouse, P.G. F;21 Wood,Peggy 43 Woolf, Leonard F Wright, William Aldis 59 Wyatt, Woodrow 43-44; 48 Wykes, Alan 44 Wylie, Philip 44; 53 Young, Edward M. 59 Yoxall, Harry W. 48 WAUGH,ALEC #221 1898-1981 I. Manuscripts Box 1 A. MULE ON THE MINARET (1965) 1. Author's rough draft. Typescript with holograph corrections and insertions, 895 1. a. Part I. 509 1. mainly typescript carbon b. Part II and III. 3 84 1. original typescript Box2 2. Final draft. Typescript carbon with printer's marks, 8721. Box3 B. AFAMIL Y OF ISLANDS. A HISTORY OF THE WEST INDIES, 1492-1898 (1964) 1. Typescript with holograph corrections, publisher's copy, 5811. A WAUGH,ALEC 1898-1981 #221 Addenda: Nov. 1965 Note: Almost every piece is identified by AW and its relevance noted. I. Manuscripts Box4 A. AFAMIL Y OF ISLANDS. Holograph MSS in 3 notebooks and on leaves torn from notebooks. Enclosed in half morocco green case with gilt lettering Box4-5 B MULE ON THE MINARET. 2 boxes 1. Box 1. Green cloth with morocco label with gilt, with notations inside in author's hand. "This book contains the first 2 attempts at this novel..." signed by AW and dated Oct. 20, 1965. 4 notebooks 2. Box 2. Green cloth with half morocco and gilt with holograph notation inside by AW. "I began this novel in Nice, Hotel Windsor on May 17, 1962 .... " 1 1. 5 notebooks and loose leaves. Box5 C. "Destruction Test." pt drafts of screenplay by Nigel Balchin, 1956, mimeo in blue paper cover with holograph notations by AW on cover re: his writing of the original in 1952, signed and dated Nov. 1965 Box 11 D. Autobiography. In brown envelope with holograph notes by AW. "Begun in MacDowell Colony, Petersboro, NH in May, 1952 ... " Inside is another note on its inception dated Sept. 30, 1965, 11. 6 tan notebooks numbered 1-7 [5 is missing, p.81-127]. Holograph Box6 IL Diaries A. Diary of Arthur Waugh. Dark blue "Boots Commercial Diary" (folio size). 2p. of accounts. Holograph. See Boxes 8-10 for diaries, 1931-1942 III. Scrapbooks Box6 A. Green scrapbook. Unlabeled, folio size. Inside in author's hand: "Press cuttings, 1961-1965 (August)." Books reviewed: MY PLACE IN THE BAZAAR; THE EARLY YEARS OF A.W.; A FAMILY OF ISLANDS. Trips undertaken: Beirut, 1961. B IV. Correspondence Box 6 A. "Letters written by AW when he was in the Army during 1st World War" 1. Sept. 1915-July 1917 14 ALS to parents and 3 holograph poems 2. July 1917-March 1918 6 ALS to parents and 4 holograph poems 3.
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