Louella Kerr Old Fine & Rare Books 17 Pal ace St Peter sham NSW 2049 Ph: 0430 344952. By appoint me nt and on line at www.LouellaKerrBooks.com.au Email [email protected] Cat a logue 129 Art & Lit er ature, of fer ing some fine li brary sets, rare mod ern first edi tions, and un usual art books 1. BARNETT, P. Neville. The Book - 8. BERTIE, C.H. Old Syd ney.. il lustra ted by Sydney plate In Aus tra lia. Its de vel op ment and G Smith. Sydney , A&R, 1911: pp76, 14 full-page b/w in spi ra tion. Sydney , 1930: pp30, with plates, many text illus; foli o, boards, cloth spine (boards 10 tipped-in bookplat es; 8vo, Origi nal darkened, spine chipped). Inter nally fine. No203 of 250 wrap per with clear d/w. A fine copy. copies , signed by both Bertie and Smith. $145 $145 9. [BLACK. D] NORTH, Ian. The Art Of Dorrit 2. BATTARBEE, Rex. Modern Aus- Black. By Ian North. Mel bourne, Macmillan, 1979. tra lian Ab orig i nal Art. Syd ney, 1951, First edi tion: pp152, profusel y illus. in col. & b/w; 4to, first editi on: pp56, 33 full-page plates, cloth. Owner name, faint tape marks to endpapers, else 21 in col; 4to, cloth. Very good in dust very good in fine d/w. The de fin iti ve book on Black, the jacket (sl. wear). $95 im por tant Aus tra lian art ist paint ing be tween the wars, who is credit ed with in tro ducing modern ism into Aus - 3. [BATTARBEE, R] STREHLOW, T. trali an art. 26 works in colour and 57 in black and white G. H. Rex Battarbee. Art ist and are repr o duced. Lists all Black’s known works, ex hibi - founder of the aborig i nal art movem ent tions, and gives a com pre hen sive bib li og ra phy. Of fered in Cen tral Aus tra lia. Syd ney, Leg end with a cat alogue of 29 works from the Josef Lebovic Press, 1956, first editi on: 48 pages, 18 Gal lery. $110 colour plates; 4to, deco rated cloth. Owner name, else a very good copy in 10. BLACKMAN, Charles. The Lost Dom ains. Text like d/w. $50 by Nadine Amadio. Sydney , Reed, 1980, first editi on: pp144, col. & b/w plates; foli o, cloth. Faint fox ing to 4. [BAUDIN, N] BONNEMAINS, preli ms, else a very good copy in dustwrapper. $485 Jac que line, Elliott Forsyth and Ber nard Smith, ed i tors. Baudin In Austra lian Water s. The Artwork of the 11. BLAX LAND GAL LER IES. Ar chi tec tural Ex hi bi tion by French Voyage of Discov ery to the South ern Lands 1800-1804. the New South Wales Chap ter of the Royal Aus tra lian In sti tute of With a com plete descri p tive cata logue of drawings and paint ings Ar chi tects Blaxland Gal ler ies, Farmer and Company , March 7th to of Austra lian subject s by C.A. Le sueur and N.M. Peti t from the Le- 12th, 1938. Sydney , 1938: pp24, plus 24pages of il lustra ted sueur col lection at the Mu seum d’Histoire Naturelle, Le Havre, advertisments. 4to, il lus trated wrap per. Fine. With an essay ‘150 France. Mel bourne, Ox ford Uni ver sity Press in As so ci a tion with Years of Austra li an Ar chitec ture The Story of Prog ress’ by Adrian the Austra lian Acad emy of the Hum ani ti es, 1988: pp348, num er- Ashton, and, another , unattributed, ‘The work of an Ar chitec t’. 579 ous col. & b/w ills; foli o, cloth (hard cover). A fine copy in fine dust ex hib its are listed, with a sep a rate list of ex hib i tors. There are 23 wrap per. A beau ti fully il lus trated book, the de fin i tive work on the very at trac tive full-page advertisments. Rare. $175 sub ject. $295 5. [BECKETT, C] HOLLINRAKE, Ros ali nd. Clarice Beckett. The art ist and her cir cle. Mel - bourne, Macmillan, 1979, first edi tion: pp64, 30 col- our plates, b/w ills; oblong 8vo, boards. Slight shelf rubbing to lower edges, unused bookplat e pasted onto free endpaper; very good in dustwrapper (one closed tear). $175 6. BENNETT, Alan. Untol d Storie s. Lon don, Faber, 2005. First editi on: pp658 b/w photoplates; roy. 8vo, cloth. Neat owner name, else fine in like d/w. Prose writ ings. $25 7. BENNETT, Alan. The Com plete Talking Heads . London, BBC, 1999. Reprint : pp208, b/w photoplates; 8vo, cloth. Neat owner name, else fine in like d/w. Contai ns twelve monologues , plus ‘A Woman of No Impor tance ’. Insert ed is a long admir - ing typed letter from Syd ney Univer sity’s Dr Barry Spurr, corr ect ing Bennett’s charac ter Miss Frozzard about some top o graph i cal points on Aus tra lia, and Alan Bennet’s hand-writ ten postcar d reply . $65 Louella Kerr Old Fine & Rare Books Email: [email protected] Ph/fax 02 9569 0156 3 (Fran cis Webb’s ‘Five Days Old’) is signed by Webb. Richar ds quotes Bolton that of the 100 copies printed Webb signed about twelve shortly be fore his death. Number 10, Man ning Clark’s eu- logy for David Campbell , is per haps just as rare. It was given away, not sold. This copy is signed by Clark (not called for by Richar ds) and further inscri bed To Roger [McDon ald] and Rhyll [McMaster] from Judy [Campbell - the poet’s widow]. In addi ti on to these thirty items, the col lec tion in cludes other re lated Brin da - bella printings and flyers and ephemera. These include Nan Mc - Don ald’s ‘For Pris on ers, an Unpub lished Poem’, 77/150, signed ‘ATB’, 8 pages in ochre wrap pers, ‘Hand set and printed by Alec Bolton for friends of Nan McDon ald and of Brin da bella Press’, Octo ber 1995. There are four news let ters, ‘Publi cati ons from 1973 to 1989 of the Officina Brin da bella with a note on the Beginnning of the Press’, (Oc tober 1990), ‘Brin da bella Press, The Name Regained and Other News’, about 400 copies , (Sept 1992), News from Brin da bella Press (1993), and ‘News from Brin da bella Press’ (Sept 1996). In addi ti on there are nine flyers for Brin da - bella pub li cati ons and other ephemera relat ed to the Press as well as a copy of Mi chael Rich ards’ ‘A Licence to Print’.The collec tion has some slight poten ti al for upgrad ing. Number 24, Hanrahan’s ‘Iris in Her Gar den’, is here offer ed in the edi tion of 220 copies in pa per covers, (there were 30 in quar ter leather). Number 2, David Campbell ’s ‘Start ing from Central Stati on’, has an in scrip tion on 12. BLAX LAND GAL LER IES. An Exhi bi ti on of Pic tures and the lim i ta tion page (“To Betty, With Love, Bill), and three items Prints of Early Sydney and New South Wales, Sep tem ber 16th to have some very slight foxing to the preli ms, al though not affec ting 28th, 1929. [Tog. with] The “Blaxland Galler ies”, eighth and ninth the titl e pages. The three misssing items, two broadsides and a floors, new building, Farmer & Com pany, Lim ited. Of ficia lly suite of linocuts, are not rare. Apart from the blemishes mentioned opened 16th Septem ber, 1929, by His Excel lency the State Gover - the collection is never less than fine and generally mint.. $12,500 nor, Adm iral Sir Dudley de Chair. Sydney , 1929: pp8 (cata - logue), 24, b/w ills (brochure). 8vos, wrappers. Fine cop ies, with the own ership blind stamp of Francis O Bloxham. The first ex hi bi - tion of the Blaxland Gal ler ies offer ed 69 works, in cluding oils and water colours by Conrad Martens , prints by John Lycett and John Eyre, and litho graphs by S. T. Gill and Eugene Gerrard[sic]. Charles Bertie wrote the forewor d to the bro chure. $295 13. BLAX LAND GAL LER IES. Over-Seas Photo graphi c Ex- hi bi tion of Min ia ture Camera Art Un der the di rec tion of Mr Hermann Junge. Farmer’s Blaxland Galler ies, 2nd to 8th March, 1938. The first Ex hibi ti on of this nature to be held in Austra lia. Of - fi cially opened by Mrs. Flor ence M. Taylor. Sydney , 1938: pp4, 4to, printed wrappers. pa per tanned, but very good - no tears or chip ping. 116 items are listed, includ ing 13 by Paul Wolff, and 62 by Anton F. Baumann. Very rare. $95 14. [BRIN DA BELLA PRESS] Col lec tion of Alec Bolton’s legend ary Brin dabell a Press (known from 1985-1992 as Officina Brin da bella). The out standing Aus trali an private press both for the chaste beauty of its de sign and the qualit y of the writ ers pub- lished. These in cluded A D Hope, James McAuley, Les Murray, Geoff Page, Eliza beth Riddell , Christi na Stead, Judit h Wright. The press be gan in 1973 with the issue of 150 copies of a sin gle sheet of folded paper for Rose mary Dobson’s ‘Three Po ems on Wa ter 15.
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