Tonawanda Community Fund An affiliate of “The Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo” Community Soil Study Fact Sheet In November 2012, Tonawanda Community Fund (TCF) led a preliminary study in a Tonawanda neighborhood to find out if air toxins were contaminating surface soil; and, if pollutants were present, do levels pose a health risk. TCF tested the soil for toxic chemicals on Kaufman Ave/James Ave/Sawyers Ave. streets in the Town of Tonawanda, NY. This neighborhood is located off of River Rd in the heart of Tonawanda’s industrial corridor. The study was initiated due to recent community complaints of a black gooey substance apparently coming from a close by air source and depositing on soil, vegetation and vehicles. The study gained more significance when Jackie James Creedon, TCF member and former director of the Clean Air Coalition of WNY, learned that a similar community’s surface soil in Birmingham, AL, where two foundry coke plants reside, was contaminated with a dangerous chemical called Benzo[a]pyrene (BAP). How the Soil was Sampled and Tested Ken‐Ton residents and TCF members, Charles Matteliano from TEQ Solutions, and Andrew Baumgartner, a student at University of Buffalo mentoring under Chemistry professor Dr .Joe Gardella, collected soil samples from a playground and 5 homes in the neighborhood. They also collected a background sample at Beaver Island State Park. Each soil sample, a composite of 6 sub samples, was tested at Test America (Amherst, NY) for 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds and 8 heavy metals. What Was Found Harmful Chemicals: Many chemicals were elevated above background sample. The highest levels, and of particular concern, were that of BAP and BAP equivalents or BAP‐TEQ. BAP‐TEQ is a measurement used to determine the total toxicity effect of PAH’s in soil. The BAP‐TEQ for Tonawanda samples ranged from 0.5‐4.1ppm. 5 Tonawanda Soil Results for BAP­TEQ In Birmingham, AL community, the EPA is 4 Total Benzo(a)pyrene Equivalents currently using a value of Background 1.5 ppm and higher as 3 EPA Clean‐Up Req'd (Birmingham, AL) criteria for cleaning up the soil there. Three out mg/kg 2 of seven yards in the Tonawanda study 1 would trigger clean up if in Birmingham! 0 2345678 Sample No. About PAH’s and BAP Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons or PAH’s are a group of many different chemicals that are formed during the incomplete burning of coal, oil and gas, garbage, tobacco or charbroiled meat. PAHs are suspected of causing cancer in humans. • PAHs can occur in air attached to dust particles, and are subject to short and long‐range air transport. • Some PAH particles can readily evaporate into the air from soil or surface waters. • PAHs can break down by reacting with sunlight and other chemicals in the air, over a period of days to weeks. • In soils, PAHs are most likely to stick tightly to particles; certain PAHs move through soil to contaminate underground water. • PAH contents of plants and animals may be much higher than PAH contents of soil or water in which they live. Benzo[a]pyrene is often considered the most dangerous PAH. Harmful effects of BAP include: • Likely causes cancer in humans: has shown to cause tumors and cancer in experimental animals. • Causes skin disorders in humans and animals • Causes harmful developmental and reproductive effects In the Tonawanda community, there are two main industrial air sources of BAP: NRG Power Plant and Tonawanda Coke Corp. Non‐industry specific sources include diesel trucks and automobiles. Is Our Soil Dangerous? We are not sure because we are getting conflicting opinions. Furthermore, N.Y.S. Department of Health (DOH), Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have no “clean up” level for BAP‐TEQ for our area! According to the EPA region 4, where Birmingham, AL is located, three of the yards in Tonawanda would be considered dangerous and require clean up. What’s Next? And How You Can Help We Need….. • More testing. University of Buffalo, SUNY Fredonia and TCF will be collaborating on a more in‐ depth soil study in 2013. If you live in North Buffalo, Kenmore, Tonawanda’s or Eastern Grand Island, and want your yard/garden tested, Contact TCF to see if your neighborhood is included in our next study. • Our agencies to give us clear, consistent information as to what levels of BAP and BAP‐TEQ are dangerous. If you are concerned about exposure to BAP and live in one of the areas above, please contact the NYS DEC (soil) at (716) 851­7220 and ask them “What level of BAP equivalents (BAP­TEQ) is dangerous and trigger “clean up” in my community?” • Industrial air emission sources of BAP controlled. NRG installed state of the art controls in 2010. We need Tonawanda Coke (TCC) to reduce their BAP emissions by installing controls. Please contact the NYS DEC (air) at 716­851­7130 and let them know you are concerned about BAP exposure and that TCC needs to install “pushing emission controls” For more information, including a full report of the study: Visit Facebook group “Tonawanda Community Fund” or www.healthycommunitynetwork.com or call TCF at 716‐ 873‐6191 4.5 Tonawanda Soil Results for BAP‐TEQ 4 TtlTotal B()Benzo(a)pyrene EiltEquivalents Background 353.5 EPA Clean‐Up Req'dReq d (Birmingham(Birmingham, AL) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PAH Background Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8 NYS DEC Residential Guideline 375 SCO Benzo(a)anthracene 0180.18 141.4 0320.32 0770.77 0310.31 0 0620.62 131.3 1 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 0270.27 141.4 040.4 0970.97 0460.46 00.081 081 151.5 323.2 1 1 BBenzo(b)fluoranthene (b)fl h 0460.46 222.2 0610.61 161.6 0630.63 0110.11 191.9 424.2 1 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene() 0.15 0.81 0 0.57 0.27 0.0045 0.58 1.4 1 1 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.045 0.14 0 0.094 0.21 0 0 0 0.1 0.33 Chrysene 0.21 1.4 0.37 0.94 0.35 0.0061 0.67 1.5 1 1 Indeno(1Indeno(1,2,3 2 3‐cc,d)pyrene d)pyrene 0130.13 050.5 0110.11 0360.36 0260.26 0 151.5 313.1 050.5 050.5 Total Benzo(a)pyrene Equiva 040.4 2 050.5 131.3 080.8 010.1 191.9 414.1 AlActual CPAH BAP EiEquiv. 00.3757 3757 11.8195 8195 00.4724 4724 11.2666 2666 00.7621 7621 00.0921 0921 11.8465 8465 33.9455 9455 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Benzo(a)pyrene Equivalents 2 050.5 131.3 080.8 010.1 191.9 414.1 Background 040.4 040.4 040.4 040.4 040.4 040.4 040.4 EPA ClClean‐UUp R'dReq'd (Bi(Birmingham, i h AL) 151.5 151.5 151.5 151.5 151.5 151.5 151.5 2.5 2 1.5 Background Sample 2 1 0.5 0 2.5 Sample 2 Background 2 NYS DEC Guideline 1.5 mg/kg 1 0.5 0 1.2 Sample 3 Background 1 NYS DEC Guideline 0.8 0.6 mg/kg 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 Sample 5 Background 1 NYS DEC Guideline 0.8 0.6 mg/kg 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 Sample 6 Background 1 NYS DEC Guideline 0.8 0.6 mg/kg 0.4 0.2 0 2 Sample 7 1.8 Background 1.6 NYS DEC Guideline 1.4 1.2 1 mg/kg 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 4.5 Sample 8 4 Background 3.5 NYS DEC Guideline 3 2.5 mg/kg 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Tonawanda Soil Test Result Summary 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 mg/kg 1.5 1 0.5 0 Benzo(a)anthrac Benzo(b)fluorant Benzo(k)fluorant Dibenz(a,h)anthr Indeno(1,2 ,3 ‐ Benzo(a)pyrene Chrysene ene hene hene acene c,d)pyrene Sample 2 1.4 1.4 2.2 0.81 0.14 1.4 0.5 Sample 3 0.32 0.4 0.61 0 0 0.37 0.11 Sample 4 0.77 0.97 1.6 0.57 0.094 0.94 0.36 Sample 5 0.31 0.46 0.63 0.27 0.21 0.35 0.26 Sample 6 0 0.081 0.11 0.0045 0 0.0061 0 Sample 7 0.62 1.5 1.9 0.58 0 0.67 1.5 Sample 8 1.3 3.2 4.2 1.4 0 1.5 3.1 kd.
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