E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2018 No. 200 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was ing offense. The offense was led by Mr. Greene was a stalwart of Moody called to order by the Speaker pro tem- their quarterback, Rogan Wells, who Air Force Base in Valdosta. In 2007, he pore (Mr. MARSHALL). was a finalist for best player in the was honored with the Exceptional Pub- f country. He passed for 349 yards, ran lic Service Award for his work on the for 39, and caught a touchdown pass in base. His colleagues said that they DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO the national championship victory. don’t know if anyone else could ‘‘com- TEMPORE Valdosta, though, is no stranger to pare with his dedication and contribu- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- victories. Located in south Georgia, it tions to Moody.’’ fore the House the following commu- has been recognized by ESPN as Title Mr. Greene had been working with nication from the Speaker: Town, USA. Over the years, Valdosta the base since the early 1970s, when he teams have won a combined 452 titles served as the first chairman of military WASHINGTON, DC, across different levels of competition December 19, 2018. affairs for the Lowndes-Valdosta I hereby appoint the Honorable ROGER W. and sports. Chamber of Commerce. Among a num- Congratulations, Valdosta State. Go MARSHALL to act as Speaker pro tempore on ber of other contributions, he has also this day. Blazers. worked with the Department of Trans- PAUL D. RYAN, RECOGNIZING DR. GEORGE E. FRANCISCO portation on roads leading in and out Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- of the base and even has a building f er, I rise today to recognize Dr. George there named after him. E. Francisco on four decades of teach- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Mr. Greene has truly been involved in ing pharmacists at the college level, every aspect with both Moody Air The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nearly all of which have been spent Force Base and the surrounding area, with the University of Georgia. ant to the order of the House of Janu- touching the lives of countless people ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- Known across campus as an out- standing teacher for his personable ap- who have been stationed there. His nize Members from lists submitted by family, friends, and everyone at Moody the majority and minority leaders for proach with his students, Dr. Francisco has won numerous awards using his will be in my thoughts and prayers morning-hour debate. during this most difficult time. The Chair will alternate recognition own, unique teaching skills. He was f between the parties. All time shall be awarded Outstanding Teacher at the equally allocated between the parties, University of Georgia, named to Out- FAREWELL ADDRESS TO and in no event shall debate continue standing Young Men of America, and CONGRESS was featured in the Georgia Phar- beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other macist Magazine, among many other The SPEAKER pro tempore. The than the majority and minority leaders accolades. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from and the minority whip, shall be limited His students say that Dr. Francisco Guam (Ms. BORDALLO) for 5 minutes. to 5 minutes. ‘‘exemplifies what it means to be a Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise f teacher in the truest sense’’ and that today in appreciation of the people of ‘‘he represents the kind of professional Guam for their trust, support, and re- HONORING VALDOSTA STATE spect and for allowing me the honor of FOOTBALL that someday they hope to become.’’ I am so proud that the State of Geor- representing Guam and their interests The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gia has Dr. Francisco training our next here in the Congress of the United Chair recognizes the gentleman from generation of pharmacists. Teachers States for eight terms. Georgia (Mr. CARTER) for 5 minutes. like him are some of the greatest as- I also rise this final time in apprecia- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- sets of our society, and I hope that he tion to my colleagues in this wonderful er, I rise today to recognize the Val- continues to make such an important institution, the U.S. House of Rep- dosta State University football team impact for years to come. resentatives, for their support over the for winning their fourth Division II Na- Thank you for your work and dedica- years as we have worked on many tional Championship on December 15. tion, Dr. Francisco. impactful issues for the betterment of The Blazers prevented a 2-point conver- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF PARKER GREENE our constituents and our Nation. sion with 40 seconds left in the game to Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- It has been my honor to serve in Con- defeat Ferris State University 49–47. er, I rise today to recognize Mr. Parker gress for the last 16 years, and I leave With a record of 14–0 this year, Val- Greene of Valdosta, Georgia, who here proud of what we have accom- dosta State had the Nation’s top scor- passed away on December 18, 2018. plished not just for Guam, but for our b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10271 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:32 Dec 20, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19DE7.000 H19DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H10272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 19, 2018 Nation and our allies in the Asia-Pa- tation in the Senate, and are denied II; enshrining the independence of Guam’s ju- cific region. the right to vote for the President of diciary as a co-equal branch of Government, As the nonvoting delegate for 168,000 the United States; and yet we serve enhancing regional security with the relocation Americans who live on the western- and sacrifice at the highest rates in our of Marines to Guam; holding the military ac- most territory of the United States of military. countable to its responsibilities to Guam’s civil- America, I worked with my congres- When I was first elected to Congress ian population, promoting Guam’s Chamorro sional colleagues to support policies, in 2002, one of my predecessors, the late culture, protecting our environment, and im- programs, and legislation that have Congressman Ben Blaz, commented to proving healthcare for veterans and all Guam benefited the people of Guam. I have me that, as Guam’s Delegate, I would residents. also secured billions of dollars in Fed- be a Member of Congress but not one of Some of our most exciting achievements eral investment in Guam and our peo- its true Members. I hope that we will are yet to be realized with the groundwork we ple. continue to see our Nation strive for have undertaken to further the development of With the support of my colleagues on that goal, and that includes giving full new opportunities for economic development both sides of the aisle, we saw the pas- representation and voting rights to our and self-sufficiency for Guam, our national in- sage of landmark legislation for Guam, fellow Americans living in the terri- terests, and the region. including passing war reparations to tories and the District of Columbia. In just this last year, I have worked with en- recognize the survivors of the occupa- Mr. Speaker, while I am saddened for trepreneurs to jump start the process for tion of Guam during World War II, en- my congressional tenure to come to a Guam to eventually become a commercial shrining the independence of Guam’s close, I leave proud of my work to ad- spaceport. judiciary as a coequal branch of gov- vance Guam’s interests and thankful I have also engaged leaders in the renew- ernment, enhancing regional security for the support and friendship of the able energy industry and sponsored legislation with the relocation of marines to colleagues with whom I have served for passed unanimously by the House to develop Guam, holding the military account- these past 16 years. I am also eternally offshore wind energy that will benefit Guam’s able to its responsibilities to Guam’s grateful to the nearly 200 staffers and self-sufficiency, sustainability, and electricity civilian population, promoting Guam’s interns who have aided me throughout needs for decades to come. Chamorro culture, protecting our envi- the years in the congressional office. We have strengthened relations with our ronment, and improving healthcare for I am especially appreciative for the neighbors in the Asia-Pacific and enhanced veterans and all Guam residents. staff who were with me during this last tourism, Guam’s largest non-military industry In just this last year, I have worked year in Congress. In my D.C. office: and employer. Finally, through engagement and coopera- with entrepreneurs to jump-start the Adam Carbullido, Rosanne Mantanona, tion with our regional allies, we have en- process for Guam to eventually become Howard Pangelinan, Edgar Yanger, hanced the security of the Indo-Asia-Pacific a commercial spaceport. I have also en- Brandon Westling, Iain Hart, and Kath- region and our national interests, countering gaged leaders in the renewable energy erine Lee.
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