Streamlining Amendments for Social Studies, Nov. 16, 2018 Grade 8 5 (A) describe major domestic 5 (A) describe major domestic National security involves problems faced by the leaders problems faced by the leaders building a military so this is of the new republic , including of the new republic , redundant. Defining the authority [such as] maintaining national including [such as] of the central government. is security, building a military, maintaining national security, covered in the other content of the creating a stable economic building a military, creating a SE. system, setting up the court stable economic system, system, and defining the setting up the court system, authority of the central and defining the authority of government; the central government; Grade 8 7(D) identify the provisions 7(D) identify the provisions to streamline and compare the effects of and compare the effects of congressional conflicts and congressional conflicts and compromises prior to the Civil compromises prior to the War, including the roles of Civil War, including the roles John Quincy Adams, John C. of John Quincy Adams, John Calhoun, Henry Clay, and C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, and Daniel Webster. Daniel Webster. Grade 8 26(B) [(C)] analyze the 26(B) [(C)] analyze the to streamline relationship between the [fine] relationship between the arts and continuity and change [fine] arts and continuity and in the American way of life. change in the American way of life. U.S. History 4(A) (A) explain why 4(A) (A) explain why to streamline significant events, policies, significant events, policies, and individuals , including and individuals , including [such as] the Spanish- [such as] the Spanish- American War, U.S. American War, U.S. expansionism, [Henry Cabot expansionism, [Henry Cabot Lodge,] Alfred Thayer Lodge,] Alfred Thayer Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, and Sanford B. Dole [, and and Sanford B. Dole [, and missionaries] moved the missionaries] moved the United States into the position United States into the position of a world power; of a world power; U.S. History 4(E) analyze the impact of 4(E) analyze the impact of to streamline [significant technological [significant technological innovations in World War I innovations in World War I such as] machine guns, such as] machine guns, airplanes, tanks, poison gas, airplanes, tanks, poison gas, and trench warfare as and trench warfare as significant technological significant technological innovations in World War I innovations in World War I 1 [that resulted in the stalemate] [that resulted in the stalemate] on the Western Front; and on the Western Front; and U.S. History 7 (C) [(D)] analyze major 7 C) [(D)] analyze major Japanese Americans were the issues of World War II, issues of World War II, bulk of the people affected by the including the Holocaust; the including the Holocaust; the internment process. internment of German, Italian, internment of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans as a and Japanese Americans as a result of [and] Executive result of [and] Executive Order 9066; and the Order 9066; and the development of [conventional development of [conventional and] atomic weapons; and] atomic weapons; U.S. History 11(C) [(D)] analyze the 11(C) [(D)] analyze the to streamline impact of third parties on the impact of third parties on the 1992 and 2000 presidential 1992 and 2000 presidential elections; and elections; and U.S. History 12 (B) identify and explain 12 (B) identify and explain to streamline reasons for changes in reasons for changes in political boundaries such as political boundaries such as those resulting from statehood those resulting from statehood and international conflicts. and international conflicts. U.S. History 22 (D) summarize the criteria 22 (D) summarize the criteria This is covered extensively in and explain the process for and explain the process for U.S. Government. becoming a naturalized citizen becoming a naturalized of the United States. citizen of the United States. U.S. History (23) [(24)] Citizenship. The (23) [(24)] Citizenship. The Delete 25D and add Sonya student understands the student understands the Sotomayor to a new 23A to be importance of effective importance of effective studied in the context of her role leadership in a constitutional leadership in a constitutional as a judicial leader. Deleting republic. The student is republic. The student is “political and social” in the SE expected to [:] expected to [:] allows for a broader look at these 23 [(B)]evaluate the 23(A) [(B)] evaluate the leaders, as opposed to contributions of significant contributions of significant categorizing them as social or political and social leaders in political and social leaders in political leaders the United States such as the United States such as Andrew Carnegie, Thurgood Andrew Carnegie, Thurgood Marshall, Billy Graham, and Marshall, Billy Graham, and [Barry Goldwater,] Sandra [Barry Goldwater,] Sandra Day O'Connor [, and Hillary Day O'Connor [, and Hillary Clinton] . Clinton] and Sonya 25 (D)identify the [political, Sotomayor . social, and economic] 25 (D)identify the [political, contributions of women such social, and economic] as Rosa Parks and [Frances contributions of women such 2 Willard, Jane Addams, as Rosa Parks and [Frances Eleanor Roosevelt, Dolores Willard, Jane Addams, Huerta,] Sonia Sotomayor [, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dolores and Oprah Winfrey] to Huerta,] Sonia Sotomayor [, American society; and and Oprah Winfrey] to American society; and U.S. History 25 (E) [(F)] discuss the 23B discuss the importance of Move 25E to be the new 23B. importance of congressional congressional Medal of Honor Moving US.25E reflects an Medal of Honor recipients [, recipients [, including improved context in which to including individuals of all individuals of all races and study these individuals. Their races and genders] such as genders] such as Army First accomplishments reflect those of Army First Lieutenant Vernon Lieutenant Vernon J. Baker, leaders as opposed to cultural J. Baker, Army Corporal Army Corporal Alvin York, contributions. Alvin York, and Army Master and Army Master Sergeant Sergeant Raul "Roy" Perez Raul "Roy" Perez [Roy] [Roy] Benavidez. Benavidez. U.S. History 27 (A) analyze how scientific 27 (A) analyze how scientific This combines 27 (B) into 27 (A). discoveries, technological discoveries, technological innovations, and the innovations, space application of these by the exploration, and the free enterprise system application of these by the improve the standard of living free enterprise system in the United States , improve the standard of living including changes [those] in in the United States , transportation and including changes [those] in communication [, improve the transportation and standard of living in the communication [, improve the United States] ; standard of living in the (B) explain how space United States] ; technology and exploration (B) explain how space improve the quality of life; technology and exploration and improve the quality of life; and World 8 (B) [(C)]identify the major (B) [(C)]identify the major This combines the intent of the 2 History political, economic, and social political, economic, and social standards and streamlines. motivations that influenced motivations that influenced European imperialism; European imperialism; (C) [(D)]explain the major (C) [(D)]explain the causes, characteristics, and impact of major characteristics, and European imperialism; and impact of European imperialism; and; 3 World (14) History. The student (14) History. The student These changes clarify the intent History understands the development understands the development of the standards. and use of radical Islamic and use of radical Islamic terrorism. The student is terrorism in the second half of expected to: (adopted) the 20th century and the early 21st century. The student is (A) discuss the impact of expected to: (adopted) geopolitical influences on the development of radical (A) discuss the impact of Islamic terrorism in the geopolitical influences on the second half of the 20th development of radical century and the early 21st Islamic terrorism; in the century; and second half of the 20th century and the early 21st (B) discuss the impact of century; and radical Islamic terrorism on global events in the second (B) discuss the impact of half of the 20th century and radical Islamic terrorism on the early 21st century; and global events in the second half of the 20th century and (C) explain the U.S. response the early 21st century; and to Islamic terrorism including the events surrounding (C) explain the U.S. response September 11, 2001. to the events surrounding September 11, 2001 and other acts of radical Islamic terrorism. 4 .
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