THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2013 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Third annual Bowwow Fest brings canine fun to the Lakes Region BY ERIN PLUMMER Bowwow Fest is a fun event fering from a twisted stom- [email protected] held in conjunction with ach, a condition that is of- LACONIA ? Dogs and the WOW Trail and has tra- ten fatal. Ike’s predecessor their human companions ditionally benefited a local Agbar suffered from this had a morning of fun bene- police K9. condition, and narrowly fiting an important canine The beneficiary of this survived. during the third annual year’s event was the Gilford A procedure called gas- Bowwow Fest. Police Department’s new tropexy can staple the More than 100 dogs of 55 K9, Ike, who will receive a stomach to the abdominal different breeds gathered in procedure to prevent stom- wall to prevent this condi- the parking lot of the Lake ach twisting. tion. The cost for Ike’s sur- Opechee Inn and Spa for the Large dogs such as Ike gery is estimated around annual event for dogs. The are at greater risk for suf- $2,500. Hebert said the event hoped to raise around $1,000 to $1,500 toward the procedure. Local fundrais- Lakes Region ers have taken place and more donations are being sought. Chamber honors Hebert said attendance was close to where it was last year. More than 100 community heroes dogs from around 55 differ- ent breeds were brought BY ERIN PLUMMER PHOTO BY ERIN PLUMMER [email protected] scribed as leading forces for out to the event. Gilford Police K9 Officer Adam Vansteensburg demonstrates some of Ike’s training during the third annu- LACONIA ? A number of the WOW Trail and formed Gilford’s K9 officer al Bowwow Fest. The event raised money for Ike to undergo a procedure preventing a stomach twist. local heroes received hon- Pub Mania for the WLNH Adam Vansteensburg gave ors from the Lakes Region Children’s Auction to help a demonstration with Ike, mand. Vansteensburg said house collecting donations man friends then went on Chamber of Commerce last children in need. Last showing the commands Ike will only bite on com- during the event. parade around a section of week. year’s Pub Mania raised used for Ike to take differ- mand and the command to Father Alan Tremblay of the WOW Trail. On Wednesday evening, more than $160,000. ent actions. Officer Jim bite can be retracted with a St. Andre Bessette in Laco- Several businesses took the Lakes Region Chamber “A truly amazing fami- Callahan assisted with the following command. nia led a blessing of the an- part offering dog-related of Commerce, with pre- ly!” Bailey said. demonstration with a large Later Vansteensburg imals. products and services in- senting partner Citizen’s SEE HEROES PAGE A11 mitt for Ike to bite on com- stood with Ike at a big dog- The dogs and their hu- SEE BOWWOW PAGE A12 Bank, honored 16 commu- nity leaders who were nom- inated for four Community Hero Awards. Eighth graders show their history knowledge in competitions Chamber executive di- BY ERIN PLUMMER rector Karmen Gifford and [email protected] April 6 at New Hampshire the chamber’s First Vice National History Day at Chairman, Warren Bailey, A group of with graders Plymouth State University. presented the awards. from Gilford Middle School McNeil did an Individ- The Beetle Family of showed their knowledge ual Documentary on Paul Patrick’s Pub and Eatery and talent in two history Revere’s Midnight Ride and were declared the winners competitions, one of which the events leading up to the of the Irwin Award. will bring some students to Revolutionary War. The Irwin Award was a regional competition in McLaughlin did an Indi- first given to James R. Ir- Washington, D.C. vidual Performance on win in 1964, and is given to Students took part in the Amelia Earhart. She said those who “portrays serv- National History Day Com- she had 10 minutes to per- ice to the Lakes Region, is a petition, as well as the Na- form and five minutes each community leader, demon- tional History Bee. of set up and takedown. strates a spirit of progress Catherine McLaughlin, McLaughlin said she en- in the community and a pi- Ian McNeil, Johanna Mor- joyed the experience, but oneering attitude.” ris, Mark Young,and James was nervous during her “From the day they ar- Buckley took part in Na- performance. rived in the Lakes Region, tional History Day. Nation- “My thing was live; I the Beetle Family reached al History Day is a nation- couldn’t mess up,” out to our community and wide competition where McLaughlin said. “It was is charitable organiza- students present projects really scary.” tions,” Bailey said. “From based on the annual theme. Morris did an Individual COURTESY PHOTO the smallest to the largest, This year’s theme was National History Day participants, left to right: Mark Young, James Buckley, Ian McNeil (kneeling), Johanna Exhibit on Motown, put- they’ve always said ‘yes’ to “Turning Points in Histo- Morris, and Catherine McLaughlin. ting together a video with any request. They made ry.” information about the leg- ‘paying it forward’ popular In the beginning of the had until March 3 to finish searched different topics pers, Web sites, exhibits, endary performers in- long before Oprah Win- year, students chose proj- their projects. and presented their own performances, and docu- volved. frey.” ects for the National Histo- Starting in September, analysis and interpretation mentaries. Students then Young and Buckley The Beetles were de- ry Day competition, and students extensively re- of the topics through pa- presented their projects on worked as a team doing a Group Documentary on “The Potato: Turning Point The Mount stretches its legs in preparation for 2013 season in European Agriculture.” Social studies teacher BY ELISSA PAQUETTE GRANITE STATE NEWS tunity to rev up the engines the company, before a gath- orful against the bright ployment ceremony for C Rob Meyers said the panel of the 230 foot cruise ship ering of town officials, New blue sky,as passengers took Company, 3rd Battalion, of judges went around and CENTER HARBOR — once again. Hampshire State Represen- out their binoculars to take 238th Aviation Regiment. asked the students differ- Monday, April 29, heralded New Hampshire State tatives, law enforcement in the sights of the snow State representatives ent questions, saying most the start of the M/S Mount Fire Marshall William Deg- professionals, Marine Pa- covered Mt. Washington though were spotted taking of the judges were college Washington cruise ship’s nan and Commissioner of trol officers, and a large and the mountain vistas for in the sights among the professors. season. The annual shake- Safety John Barthemes contingent of Granite State which the state is known as crowd in support of one of In the end, McLaughlin down cruise was a celebra- were on hand to grant the Ambassadors volunteers the ship cruised from Cen- New Hampshire’s iconic won first place in her cate- tion of the disappearance of go ahead to a clearly happy from around the lake. ter Harbor and toured the long-standing tourist at- gory, and Young and Buck- ice from Lake Win- Captain Jim Morash, Vice The United States flag familiar sights around the tractions. The M/S Mount ley won second place for nipesaukee and an oppor- President and co-owner of snapped in the breeze, col- lake. Washington visits five their category, all three be- Passengers were invited ports on Lake Win- ing guaranteed a spot at the to visit the wheel house up nipesaukee and takes on national competition. Mc- above and the engine room passengers in Wolfeboro, Neil and Morris came in down below deck, where Meredith, Center Harbor third in their respective Master Chief Engineer and Alton Bay,May through categories and will be al- Fred Nashawaty and Engi- October. ternates for the national neer Dave Ross offered “The Mount,” as it is af- competition. tours of the engines to fectionately known, has a The competition will be those willing to negotiate capacity of 1,250 passen- held at the University of the steps and don ear gers, and offers daytime Maryland on June 10-13. phones to dull the roar of scenic, evening Participants stay on the the shiny propulsion en- dinner/dance and special University of Maryland gines and massive genera- theme cruises. With ports campus during the event. tor. of call in Weirs Beach, They also have the oppor- Gov. Maggie Hassan was Meredith, Wolfeboro, and tunity to into Washington, not able to make the tradi- Alton Bay, the ship’s home D.C. and visit significant MATTHEW FASSETT – COURTESY tional trip from the gover- port is in Center Harbor. sights such as the Smith- Passengers gather for a group photo during the M/S Mount Washington’s annual Shakedown Cruise nor’s office to join in, as du- For more information, call sonian, the Capital Build- Monday. ty called her to attend a de- 366-5531. SEE HISTORY PAGE A11 A2 THE GILFORD STEAMER ALMANAC MAY 9, 2013 Notes from the Gilford Library BY ABI MAXWELL And so, because I love li- alize that this place has tru- ing log. He loves a good book Saturday, May 11 Warner. This program is LIBRARY CORRESPONDENT braries, and because I had ly sustained me in so many and won’t give you a funny Mother’s Day Tea, 11 sponsored by the New When my husband and I signed up, I would walk other ways.
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