New Inside Out Elementary Companion Italian Edition Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones & Jill Leatherbarrow IIOO eelem.complem.comp iitalian.inddtalian.indd I 112/6/072/6/07 009:44:289:44:28 Welcome to the New Inside Out Elementary Companion! What information does the New Inside Out Companion give you? • a summary of key words and phrases from each unit of New Inside Out Elementary Student’s Book • pronunciation of the key words and phrases • translations of the key words and phrases • sample sentences showing the words and phrases in context • a summary of the Grammar Extra Reference from New Inside Out Elementary Student’s Book Abbreviations used in the Companion (art) article (phr v) phrasal verb (m) masculine (v) verb (pron) pronoun (pl n) plural noun (v*) irregular verb (prep) preposition (adv) adverb (adj) adjective (det) determiner (conj) conjunction (n) noun (f) feminine VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS CONSONANTS /p/ pen /pen/ /s/ snake /sneIk/ /A…/ calm start /kA…m stA…t/ /I/ big fish /bIg fIS/ /b/ bad /bœd/ /z/ noise /nOIz/ /Å / hot spot /hÅt spÅt/ /i…/ green beans /gri…n bi…nz/ /t/ tea /ti…/ /S/ shop /SÅp/ /I´/ ear /I´/ /U/ should look /SUd lUk/ /d/ dog /dÅg/ /Z/ measure /meZ´(r/ /eI/ face /feIs/ /u…/ blue moon /blu… mu…n/ /tS/ church /tS‰…tS/ /m/ make /meIk/ /U´/ pure /pjU´(r/ /e/ ten eggs /ten egz/ /dZ/ jazz /dZœz/ /n/ nine /naIn/ /OI/ boy /bOI / /´/ about mother /´baUt møD´/ /k/ cost /kÅst/ /N/ sing /sIN/ /´U/ nose /n´Uz/ /‰…/ learn words /l‰…n w‰…dz/ /g/ girl /g‰…l/ /h/ house /haUs/ /e´/ hair /he´/ /O…/ short talk /SO…t tO…k/ /f/ far /fA…(r/ /l/ leg /leg/ /aI/ eye /aI/ /œ/ fat cat /fœt kœt/ /v/ voice /vOIs/ /r/ red /red/ /aU/ mouth /maU∏/ /ø/ must come /møst køm/ /∏/ thin /∏In/ /w/ wet /wet/ /D/ then / Den/ /j/ yes /jes/ IIOO eelem.complem.comp iitalian.inddtalian.indd IIII 112/6/072/6/07 009:44:349:44:34 Unit 1 (p. 4) answer (n) /"A…ns´/ risposta Write the answers to the questions. article (n) /"A…tIk“E‘l/ articolo Read the article. board (n) /bO…d/ lavagna Look at the board. conversation (n) /ÆkÅnv´"seIS“E‘n/ conversazione Listen to the conversation. dictionary /"dIkS´n“E‘ri/ dizionario Use a dictionary. easy (adj) /"i…zi/ facile Do you think English is easy? favourite (adj) /"feIv“E‘rEt/ preferito/a I love London. It’s my favourite city. look (at) (v) /lÁk“œt‘/ guardare Look at the board. No (adv) /nEÁ/ no “Are you American?” “No, I’m not.” partner (n) /"pÅ…tn´/ compagno/a Work with a partner. piece of paper (n) /Æpi…s ´v "peIp´/ pezzo di carta Write your name on piece of paper. Right (adv) /raIt/ bene Right. What’s in your bag, sir? song (n) /sÅN/ canzone Listen to the song. text (n) /tekst/ testo Read the text. Yes. (adv) /jes/ Sì. “Can I see you in London, Helen?” “Yes, phone me.” city (n) /"sIti/ città I love London. It’s my favourite city. email address (n) /"i…meIl EÆdres/ indirizzo di posta elettronica What’s your email address? phone number (n) /"fEÁn ÆnØmbE/ numero di telefono The phone number for Air France is 0870 142 4343. surname (n) /"s∏…neIm/ cognome What’s your surname, Helen? this (pron) /DIs/ questo/a “What’s this?” “It’s a mobile phone.” these (pron) /Di…z/ questi/e “What are these?” “They’re sweets.” love (v) /lØv/ amare I love London. It’s my favourite city. phone (v) /fEÁn/ chiamare “Can I see you in London, Helen?” “Yes, phone me.” repeat (v) /rI"pi…t/ ripetere Can you repeat that, please? see (v) /si…/ vedere Can I see you in London, Helen? Bye. /baI/ Ciao. OK, bye, Helen. See you. Goodbye. /gÁd"baI/ Ciao. / Arrivederci. “Goodbye, Mike.” “Um, can I see you in London?” Hello. /hE"lEÁ/ Ciao. “Hi, I’m Mike.” “Oh, hello. I’m Helen.” Hi. /haI/ Ciao. Hi, I’m Mike. What’s your name? 1 IIOO eelem.complem.comp iitalian.inddtalian.indd 1 112/6/072/6/07 009:44:349:44:34 How do you say? /ÆhaÁ dE jÁ "seI/ Come si dice? “How do you say ‘Francia’ in English?” “France.” How do you spell? /ÆhaÁ dE jÁ "spel/ Come si scrive? “How do you spell ‘France’?”.“F-R-A-N-C-E.” madam (polite form of /"mœdEm/ signora What’s in your bag, Madam? address to a woman) Nice to meet you. /ÆnaIs tÁ "mi…t jÁ/ Piacere. “Hello, I’m Helen.” “Nice to meet you, I’m Mike.” OK, thanks. /ÆEÁkeI "TœNks/ Va bene, grazie. “Can you spell that, please?” “G-E-R-M-A-N-Y.” “OK, thanks.” See you. /"si… jÁ/ Ci vediamo. OK, bye, Helen. See you. sir (polite form of /s∏…/ signore Right, what’s in your bag, sir? address to a man) Sorry? /"sÅri/ Come prego? “How do you say ‘Alemania’ in English?” “Germany.” “Sorry?” “Germany.” What? (question word) /wÅt/ Cosa? What’s in your bag? What’s your name? /ÆwÅts jE "neIm/ Come ti chiami / si chiama? “What’s your name?” “Helen.” Where are you from? /ÆweEr E jÁ "frÅm/ Di dove sei / è? “Where are you from?” “I’m from New York.” COUNTRIES Brazil (n) /brE"zil/ Brasile People who are from Brazil are Brazilian. China (n) /"tSaInE/ Cina People who are from China are Chinese. France (n) /frA…ns/ Francia People who are from France are French. Germany (n) /"dZ∏…mEni/ Germania People who are from Germany are German. Italy (n) /"ItEli/ Italia People who are from Italy are Italian. Japan (n) /dZE"pœn/ Giappone People who are from Japan are Japanese. Poland (n) /"pEÁlEnd/ Polonia People who are from Poland are Polish. Russia (n) /"rØSE/ Russia People who are from Russia are Russian. Spain (n) /speIn/ Spagna People who are from Spain are Spanish. LANGUAGES Chinese (n) /tSaI"ni…z/ cinese People in China speak Chinese. German (n) /"dZ∏…mEn/ tedesco People in Germany speak German. Italian (n) /I"tœliEn/ italiano People in Italy speak Italian. Japanese (n) /ÆdZœpE"ni…z/ giapponese People in Japan speak Japanese. Polish (n) /"pEÁlIS/ polacco People in Poland speak Polish. Portuguese (n) /ÆpO…tSE"gi…z/ portoghese People in Portugal speak Portuguese. Russian (n) /"rØS“E‘n/ russo People in Russia speak Russian. Spanish (n) /"spœnIS/ spagnolo People in Spain speak Spanish. 2 IIOO eelem.complem.comp iitalian.inddtalian.indd 2 112/6/072/6/07 009:44:349:44:34 NATIONALITIES American (adj) /E"merIkEn/ americano/a Mike is from New York. He’s American. Brazilian (adj) /brE"zIliEn/ brasiliano/a People who are from Brazil are Brazilian. British (adj) /"brItIS/ britannico/a People who are from Britain are British. Chinese (adj) /tSaI"ni…z/ cinese People who are from China are Chinese. English (adj) /"INglIS/ inglese People who are from England are English. German (adj) /"dZ∏…mEn/ tedesco/a People who are from Germany are German. Italian (adj) /I"tœliEn/ italiano/a People who are from Italy are Italian. Japanese (adj) /ÆdZœpE"ni…z/ giapponese People who are from Japan are Japanese. Polish (adj) /"pEÁlIS/ polacco/a People who are from Poland are Polish. Russian (adj) /"rØS“E‘n/ russo/a People who are from Russia are Russian. Spanish (adj) /"spœnIS/ spagnolo/a People who are from Spain are Spanish. COMMON OBJECTS apple (n) /"œp“E‘l/ mela An apple is a type of fruit. aspirins (n pl) /"œsprInz/ aspirine Helen has a packet of aspirins in her bag. bag (n) /bœg/ borsa What’s in Mike’s bag? book (n) /bÁk/ libro Helen has a book in her bag. camera (n) /"kœm“E‘rE/ macchina fotografica You can take photos with a camera. coin (n) /kOIn/ moneta A coin is a flat round piece of metal, used as money. diary (n) /"daIEri/ diario A diary is a book that you write appointments in. magazine (n) /ÆmœgE"zi…n/ rivista Do you like reading magazines? mobile phone (n) /ÆmEÁbaIl "fEÁn/ telefono cellulare What’s your mobile phone number? MP3 player (n) /Æempi…"Tri… ÆpleIE/ lettore mp3 Have you got an MP3 player? sweets (n pl) /swi…ts/ dolciumi; caramelle “What are these?” “They’re sweets.” tissues (n pl) /"tISu…z/ fazzoletti Helen has a small packet of tissues in her bag. toothbrush (n) /"tu…TÆbrØS/ spazzolino da denti You clean your teeth with a toothbrush. umbrella (n) /Øm"brelE/ ombrello You use an umbrella when it rains. watch (n) /wÅtS/ orologio A watch is something that you wear so that you can see what time it is. 3 IIOO eelem.complem.comp iitalian.inddtalian.indd 3 112/6/072/6/07 009:44:359:44:35 Unit 2 (p. 10) married (adj) /"mœrid/ sposato/a We’re married. Our names are Bill and Hilary. age (n) /eIdZ/ età If you ask someone “How old are you?”, you want to know their age. airline (n) /"eElaIn/ linea aerea LOT is a Polish airline. animal (n) /"œnIm“E‘l/ animale Brad Pitt’s favourite animals are dogs. assistant (n) /E"sIst“E‘nt/ assistente Frank is Erica’s assistant. beer (n) /bIE/ birra One of Brad Pitt’s favourite drinks is beer. cat (n) /kœt/ gatto Does Brad Pitt like cats or dogs? coffee (n) /"kÅfi/ caffè One of Brad Pitt’s favourite drinks is coffee. Coke (n) /kEÁk/ coca cola Coke is a very popular drink. country (n) /"kØntri/ paese Japan, Italy and the USA are all countries. cycling (n) /"saIklIN/ andare in bicicletta Brad likes cycling and tennis.
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