RAHKAT PUBLIC LIBRARJ U75 ST.C OBOES HAflttT^JU. 07065 w PUBUC UBRAR^ •'-' V or None' VOL. 19 NO. 41 CLARK. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 198S 20 CENTS ,".V :<.'..>. * r.- * - ^ %••-••• '•"•>*••; i. Regional Board uses '••'"• •'•;?»* i &' J ' /'• •,?/• A. A-fit- r«f.. $260,000 from surplus The Union County Adult school 40 of his students to visit Regional High School salaries, including a pay- the Smithsonian Institute in District No. I Board of ment to former director, Washington, D.C. tomor- Education, which governs Harold Linkin, for unused row. Arthur L. Johnson vacation days and 100 sick A former custodian in the Regional High School in days$5,000: regional district, Michael Clark, Oct. I voted to Summer school Stojka, was authorized to transfer $260,000 from cur- salaries-57,000. be paid $2,145.42 for 29 rent expense surplus to a Summer school unused vacation days, and variety of accounts in its supplies-53,000. another former custodian, 1985-1986 current expense The Board also accepted Francis Domaratius, will be budget so that it would not an emission control unit, paid $175.46 for two unus- overexpcnd the tab. donated by the New Jersey ed vacation days thanks to The following accounts Motor Vehicle Division Board approval. received funds: through the efforts of Mrs. Katherine Zigmont, DEMOCRACY IN ACTION - Principal David M. Hart (left) offers the Presidential can- Course re- William Sangiuiia'no, a a member of the foreign didates and their campaign managers his congratulations on well-organized campaigns vocational advisory com- imbursemcnts-S 10,000 language department at and offers them his best wishes. They are (left to right): Jason Pressman and his can- -CAMPAIGN TIME - Campaign managers and their candidates for Vice President are Transportation mittee member, for the Johnson, will have her didate John Heller, Sherri Santos and her candidate Shannon Qrady. John Poznanskl automobile shop at salary raised from $33,600 pictured. They are: Front row (left to right): Jamie Slack for Jake Doran and Michael contracts$40.000. (extreme right) served as emcee during the speech assembly. Pressman for Brian Paris. Mlddle.row (left to right): Kelly Bennett for Nicole Jacobs and Maintenance con- Johnson, at a cost of $l. to $36,300, effective on June 1 of this year, and Angela Del Sordl for Stephanie Cannone. Back row (left to rlght);_JodrFavor for Carrie tracts for Board members gave Brennan and David Petersen for Mike Chin. computcrs-SlO.OOO. their permission for two again, effective on Scpt.l of Repairs to buildings English teachers nt the this year, to $38,300, for Decision '85 at Kumpf School to make them more accessi- Clark school, Mrs. Sharon completing 30 credits Weiskopf and Mrs. Susan beyond her masters degree. ble to the handicapped as Candidates for the students "threw their hats 20th. Mr. James Carovil- required by • the federal Dougherty, to participate in The education body also a special state department 1985-86 Executive Board of in the ring" and then pro- lano, faculty advisor, coor- govemment-SlO.OOO. gave a student from Clark ceeded to prepare1 their plat- dinated the developing Property of education conference on permission to receive the Carl Kumpf School Stu- "Computers and Writing forms and present their stages of this election which insurancc-$5,000. hospital instruction for ap- dent Council waged im- qualifications to their fellow culminated in a school wide Medical Skills" at the Regional Cur- proximately two months. riculum Services Unit in pressive campaigns over the students in an assembly pro- decision on Tuesday. insurances-585,000. The Johnson student is past several weeks. The gram on Friday, ^September Liability East Brunswick on Sept. 30 hospitalized at the insurance$45,000. and Oct. I and 2. Elizabeth General Medical Clark chapter of AARP Special education School body approval Center in Elizabeth. Patriot mail Council sets plant event* tuitions-520,000. was also given for Carmine Tuition will be charged at Student body activi- Vitolo, a science instructor $15 per day for an now at Brewer special session The Clark Chapter No. ty deficits-520,000. at the township school, and estimated total of $600. 3733, - American Associa- The Clark Pa The Clark Township tion oL&giMLEpsons. will mail pickups at the Clark Council will hold a special meet on Friday. October Municipal Building on executive sessions today at 9 11, at 12:30 p.m., at the • • • Monday, Tuesriny ind Pri.'- ~p.Vrff iri-the Serm Citizeris*f -CharW DnwHii 'Sohool. day mornings' Conferenc*ii<RiBBrt»u<rf-- the Wratfield Ave. Steven H. Charles H.- Brewer School Marks, Attc-rney-at-Law, Hopefuls told Since the municipal will discuss the recent revi- government has moved its to discuss a proposed rent sion in the Inheritance Tax Clark UNICO offices to the former stabilization ordinance and Law of New Jersey and the Charles H. Brewer School the capital surplus. importance of making of a release dates to honor on Westfield Ave., across This will follow the 7:30 will. The holiday gift pro- ATTENTION; ALL AND TRIPLE SPACED the street from the former p.m. meeting of the public ject under the leadership of — PER WEEK - DUR- Columbus twice municipal building, a mail works and capital improve- Mr. and Mrs. William Lang- CANDIDATES IN THE staff continues with collec- TUESDAY, NOV. 5, ING THE CAMPAIGN. slot has been provided for ment committee, which will HATS IN RING - Pictured In the front row are campaign managers and their candidates In order to give candidates a In honor of Columbus be hold in Room No. 16 of tions of small shampoo for GENERAL ELECTION the newspaper at that facili- patients in . local nursing for Treasruer (left to right): Jennifer Bruno for Maureen Green and Anthony Ferrara for AND THOSE WISHING chance to respond to any Day, Clark UNICO will ty- the school. ERIc Moraes. Campaign managers and their candidates for Secretary are (left to right): charges made by opponents sponsor two events over the homes. N Doris—and- •W-illiam |-Marnle-PerezJojLSjTerLOIsen and Becky Latawiec for Laurie Guerrlero. holiday-wcckcndT Maguire have arranged The Rahway News- ACCEPTED LATER On Saturday, Oct. 12 a leisure time activities in- Record and The Clark THAN 5 P.M. ON Pasta Dinner • Columbus cluding a trip to the Patriot wilj publish their THURSDAY, OCT. 17 Day Dance will be held at Poeonos on October IS, a FOR PUBLICATION IN 7:30 o'clock in the stay at Brown's Hotel in the Local heart unit preelection; advance issues Catskills for November on THURSDAY, OCT. 31. THE OCT. 24 EDITION. American Legion Hall in EACH PIECE OF Clark. The price of SI2.50 17-20 and are finalizing All biographies und/or ELECTION-RELATED per person includes an plans for a trip to Expo '86, to elect officers pictures of the candidates COPY SUBMITTED tipasta, salad, all the pasta Vancouver, British Colum- which they would like to bia for June, 1986. A The- new Clark/Rahway dent. Chairmen of the MUST BE ACCOM- and meatballs you can eat limited number of member- appear in the advance issues PANIED BY A PROPER- soft drinks and setups (Br- unit of the American Heart development, program and should be in the hands of ships are open in Clark communications commit- LY NOTARIZED AF- ing Your Own Booze) Chapter No. 3733. Assn. will hold its organiza- the editor at 219 Central FIDAVIT. THESE ARE dessert and live music for tional meeting for the elec- tees will also be appointed. Ave., Rahway, N.J. 07065 AVAILABLE AT THE dancing. tion of officers on Wednes- Residents of the area NO LATER THAN 1 day, Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in should attend. The work of THURSDAY, QtT. 24 AT PAPERS OFFICES. All proceeds will benefit local scholarships and the Clark Senior Center. the unit will concentrate on 5 P.M. THERE WILL BE AB- Girl Scouts begin The center is in the former furthering the mission of FURTHERMORE, SOLUTELY NOT EX- charities. For ticket infor CEPTION TO THE rhation please telephone Brewer School at 430 West- the association — the ALL CANDIDATES OR 382-3547 or 381-3592. fall cookie sale ficld Ave. prevention of early death THOSE WRITING DEADLINES. IN THE and disability due to car- ABOUT ELECTION CASE OF AN ELECTION On Monday, Oct. 14, the At that time the diovascular disease and CONTROVERSIES WILL CANCELLATION THE second annual Columbus The Girls Scouts of Each box sold represents nominating committee of stroke. The unit will be BE LIMITED TO A MAX- EDITOR WILL DECIDE Day observation will be Washington Rock Council, SI.28 contribution to Girl Cheryl Martin, Pat Reilly directed by a board number- IMUM OF TWO ONE- WHICH DEADLINES TO held at noon at the Brewer which includes the Clark- Scouting., a portion of and Dan Kabana. chaired ing up to 40. Specific objec- AND-A-HALF PAGE IMPOSE AND WHICH School on Westficld Ave. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Spaulding for Children, the Winfield Girl Scout Assn., which goes to the troop by Jim Kennedy of tives for the program of the SUBMISSIONS, TYPED MATERIAL TO USE. Clark. Refreshments willbe free adoption agency for older and disabled youngsters are having their fall cookie treasury and the balance to Rahway, will present a slalc unit will also be formulated, served and admission wil needs volunteers. The Volunteer Auxiliary invites all to drive. Washington Rock Girl for president, vice president reports Mrs. Martin. be free. attend a New Member meeting, October 15, at 7:30 Hoping for good weather Scout Council. The council and secretary. p.m. at Scotch Plains Public Library, Bartle Ave., and friendly ports, members provides training, program "We are anxious to hove Scotch Plains.
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