The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys VOLUME 43 : ISSUE 2 WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 27, 2008 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Malloy recovers after kidney operation Sterling President Emeritus donates organ to anonymous recipient in four way proceduregiven Malloy said donating his kid­ never imagined it as a reality,” “At first, I thought I was too By JOHN TIERNEY ney was a sort of natural pro­ he said. old, but they told me I wasn’t,” News Writer gression in his life. There are about 80,000 peo­ Malloy said. “My father only had one kid­ ple in the United States waiting Until two weeks before the new role 67-year old University presi­ ney from the time he was born for kidney transplants and for scheduled August 11 date for dent emeritus Father Edward A. to age 77,” he said. “It never Rorapaugh to move to the top of the procedure, Malloy expected “Monk” Malloy, C.S.C, returned had any bad effects. It was just the list he needed a family his kidney to go to Rorapaugh. to work last week after donat­ a fact about our family.” member or friend with the However, his doctors notified Former Arts & Letters ing a kidney to an anonymous Malloy had discussed organ same blood type to volunteer to him of the anonymous mother- dean to lead grad school 61-year-old woman on August donations in an academic set­ donate their own kidney. Other son pair, who were incompati­ 11 . ting in the 1970s and early family members were unable to ble for each other. Malloy, how­ The procedure was part of a 1980s while he taught biomed­ offer their organs to him ever, was a compatible donor four-patient operation during ical ethics as a professor of the­ because they didn’t match his for the mother, while the son By JOSEPH McMAHON which the woman’s son donated ology at the University. blood type or there were other was a compatible donor for Assistant News Editor his kidney to Johnny “I discussed all the issues of health reasons preventing them, Rorapaugh, Malloy’s nephew. transplant theoretically, but so Malloy decided to donate his. see MALLOY/page6 Gregory Sterling, the former executive dean of the College of Arts and Letters was appointed dean of the Graduate School over the summer. The appointment follows a split between the University’s ND opens year with Mass, picnic Graduate School and Office of Research in 2007 and Sterling plans to use his new role to help Sustainability a theme throughout the evening, Jenkins calls for a hopeful perspectivestrengthen the Graduate School and increase collaboration between graduate and under­ centered on Psalm 104, graduate programs. By AARON STEINER which asks God to “send “The Graduate School has long News Writer forth [His] spirit and renew been seen as a secondary citizen the face of the earth.” Both in the University of Notre University president Fr. tied in part to issues of sus­ Dame,” Sterling said. “The John Jenkins told the Notre tainability, a theme through­ University has made its reputa­ Dame community to pray out the evening. tion on the basis of the under­ they are “afflicted with Jenkins’ message made graduate programs and the hope” when facing problems note of the Notre Dame graduate school has, to a great — especially emphasizing Forum on Sustainable extent, been an afterthought. My global environmental and Energy on Sept. 24. task is to help put the graduate sustainability issues — dur­ The challenges of sustain­ school on firm footing so that it ing his homily at Notre ability go beyond high prices takes its rightful place in the Dame’s Opening Mass at the gas pump, Jenkins University.” Tuesday evening. said. The complex issues Notre Dame has only one Students, faculty, staff and include depletion of fossil graduate student for every 4.3 their families were invited to fuels, higher energy prices, undergraduates, Sterling said. participate in the annual increased food prices associ­ By comparison, Princeton has Mass in the Joyce Center, ated with increased malnu­ 2.3 undergraduates of every and enjoy the traditional trition in certain areas, and graduate student, and Brown University picnic dinner increased competition in the has 3.5 he said. afterwards on the Hesburgh search for resources, partic­ “I don’t know of any of our Library Quad. ularly oil. peers that would have as few The Mass, led by Jenkins, In response, Jenkins said graduates in comparison to JESSICA LEE/The Observer included words of welcome his “fervent prayer... is that undergraduates as we do,” University president Fr. John Jenkins presided over the first Mass of from University provost the academic year. Tuesday, emphasizing environmental issues. Thomas Burishand and was see MASS/page 4 see DEAN/page 6 SMC opens new building Students reflect on first Spes Unica Hall will house 13 of the college's 20 academic departmentsday back on campus and some in specially-chosen By KAITLYNN RIELY By LIZ HARTER First Day of School outfits, Assistant News Editor Saint Mary’s Editor like sophomore Amanda Bremer. For some, it’s nerve-wreck­ Bremer, wearing a white It wasn’t just the freshman ing. For others, it’s a walk in polo, white tank top and a who had to find their class­ the park. For all undergradu­ blue and white striped skirt, rooms and navigate a new ate students at Notre Dame, laid out her outfit Monday building when classes began Tuesday was the first day of night. at Saint Mary’s Monday morn­ classes. “I wanted to go to the ing. Upperclassmen and pro­ Every year, students return Opening Mass, so I wanted to fessors have joined the first from a summer of doing noth­ dress up a bit,” she said. But years in exploring Spes Unica I I I I ing - or a summer of doing Bremer, who lives in McGlinn, Hall, the College’s new aca­ everything - and re-enter the had an 11 a.m. class at demic building, since it opened classrooms of O’Shaughnessy Planner Hall, across the cam­ at the start of the semester. and DeBartolo, Fitzpatrick pus from her dorm, so she The College announced and Planner. wore casual flip flops with plans to build Spes Unica — On a day in South Bend with her outfit. which means “our only hope” a high of 80 degrees and a Ronny Kunst, a freshman, in Latin, referring to the cross LIZ HARTER/The O bserver low of 58, Notre Dame stu­ said he did not experience Saint Mary’s new academic building Spes Unica Hall dents walked down the see SMC/page ‘ opened for classes Monday. quads, most with backpacks, see SCHOOL/page 6 page 2 The Observer ♦ PAGE 2 Wednesday, August 27, 2008 In sid e C olumn Question of the Day: W hat ad vic e do you h ave fo r th e in c o m in g f r e s h m a n ? Wake-up call So. Another start to another year here at Notre Dame. * I haven’t been on campus since December, and some things have Jenn Metz changed — there’s a gor­ News Editor Chris Esbers Kat Hake Rob Plasschaert Leo Rubinkowski Erin Wash geous new male ... dormitory, senior senior senior senior senior scaffolding all over the Basilica and Knott off campus off campus Stanford off campus modern bathrooms in Cavanaugh (finally). Some of the more unfortunate things “Enjoy the good “Call your “Don’t eat after “Don’t get “Four years at I remember from campus, however, life." mom. ” m idnight — and between the Notre Dame go remain the same. baby geese and by fast, so live When I was in Rome last semester, I stay away from loved (almost) everything about the water.” their mothers. ” it up!" vibrant city life — the open-air mar­ kets, the cafes, the constant activity, the people. The Eternal City, however, was home to eternal traffic — motorinos and Vospas going 100 miles per hour and unnecessarily honking at all hours. Considering that my bedroom in my apartment there was three-quarters windows, those motorcycle noises In B rief were particularly irksome at night, when I was trying to sleep. My room­ There will be a M eet and mate resorted to earplugs. G reet hosted by T he Imagine my excitement at finally H e l l Department of Film, returning to the Midwest, to a beauti­ Television and Theater today ful, clean campus that, most of the at 6 p.m. in the Philbin Studio time at least, is quiet at night. T h e a te r in D cB a rto lo Much to my dismay, I was awoken Performing Arts Center. my first night (or morning, rather) Auditions for “The Dispute ” here by the sound of various trucks will follow. near LaFortune delivering things. My bedroom in Cavanaugh, with its Campus Ministry will host one window (now open, to encourage an open house tonight from 7- air circulation) becomes filled with the 9 in the Coleman Morse dreaded sounds 1 thought I left behind Lounge. when 1 boarded my trans-Atlantic (light: the screeching of tires, the S e n io r s must attend a beeping large vehicles make when mandatory Career Center they back up, the droning of engines. Presentation in Stepan Center These noises followed me to Indiana. today from 6-6:30 p.m. And they wake me up. At 6 am. Every day. The movie “Ferris Bueller’s Except Sunday. Even delivery trucks Day O ff” will be shown on have a day of rest.
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