American Mineralogist, Volume 62, pages 1057-1061, 1977 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Mrcsesl FLelscHrR,Aooln Pessr, J. A. MlNoARrNo AND Gsoncs Y. CHlo Archerite* Electronmicroprobe analyses on 39 samplesshow Cu 12.4-22.5, P. J. Bridge(1977) Archerite, (K,NHn)HrpO., a new mineral from Ni l9.l-36.5, Co 9.5-17.0,Fe0.2-1.2, S 38.3-417, with composi- Madura, WesternAustralia. Mineral. Mag , 41,33-35. tional range Cuo rrNir rrCoo.rFeoo,So oo to Cu, ,rNi, oo CoornFeo orSa oo. X-ray powder data for material with ratio Archerite occurs with biphosphammite, NHoH,pOn, (Am. Min- Cu:Ni:Co:Fe : 24:58.4:l7:0.7 showedstrongest lines (of 22 eral., 58, p. 806) and other phosphatesand salineminerals as a given) 2.87(m)(l l3), 2.39 (mX00a), 1.83(sXl ls), 1.68(VSX044), constituentof stalactitesand crustsin PetrogaleCave, 36 km east t.37 (m)(a4), t.2a @)Q3t),1.19 (mX800), 0.97 (m)(844),corre- of Madura. The tetragonalcrystals, up to 2 mm in length,have D spondipgto a unit cella = 9.520A,2 :8. Spacegroup is assumed 2.23,u | .513,e | .470,all closeto thoseof artificialKH,PO.. Partial to be Fd3m, but as with other members of the linnaeite group may analysis gave KrO 10.8, NH3 3.46 percent, corresponding to actually beF43m. The mineral is steel-gray, luster metallic. Hard- [Ko?1(NH4)or6]HzPO..Cell dimensionsare not reported but are ness(by Richard Hagni) 446-464 (25 g load), 368-446 (15 g load) close to those of artificial KH,PO., a 7.448,c 6 977 A, spacegroup kglsq mm. In reflected light creamy white, isotropic, reflectance 142d, Z = 4 Archerite is relatively soft, has no distinct cleavage,is (D. J. Vaughn) againstWTiC standardat 420 nm,36 4;500,42.5; white and water-soluble.The name is for Dr. Michael Archer, 546, 43.4;589,45.3; 640, 43.8percent. Curator of Mammals, QueenslandMuseum, who first drew atten- The mineral occurs in crystals ranging from less than I to 200 tion to the deDosit.A,P. microns, disseminatedin bornite, chalcopyrite, and digenite in copper-rich pods in the Fletcher Mine, Reynolds County, S.E Missouri. The name is for the mine. Type materialis at the Smith- Feroxyhyte* sonian lnstitution, British Museum, and Royal Ontario Museum. M.F. F. V. Csuxnnov, B. B. ZvvlcrN, A. I. Gonsnrov, L. P. Enur- r-ovn, V. V KonovussrrN, E. S. RuoNrrsreyn lNu N. yu. Yerueovsxnyn (1976) Feroxyhyte, a new modification of FeO(OH). Izuest Akad. Nauk SSR, Ser. geol., no. 5, 5-24 (in Gianellaite* Russian) George Tunell, J J Fahey, F. W. Daugherty and G. V. Gibbs (1977) a new mercury mineral. Neues Jahrb Min- It is shown that syntheticdelta-FeO(OH) consistsof two sub- Gianellaite, stances, both hexagonal, delta-FeO(OH), ordered, magnetic, and eral, Monatsh.,I l9-131. delta-FeO(OH),disordered or slightlyordered, and non-magnetic. Microchemical analysisby JJF on samples5-50 mg. gave Hg The latter, named feroxyhyte, for the constituents, has been found 83.6, SOn 8.5, N (by F. W. Brown) 2.9, Cl, MoO', H,O none, in iron-manganese concretions from the Pacific Ocean and from residue(SiOz) 0.2, sum 95.2 percent,corresponding to the formula the Baltic,White, and Kara gley Seas,and alsoin soils.Analyses of HgSOn.HgrN,, or (NHgr)r(SOa).Spectrographic study showed Si the synthetic material are given. The DTA curve shows endother- trace. The absenceof water was verified by infrared analysis The mic breaksat about l60o and about 320', the latter corresponding mineral is not attackedat 20-100" by HzSOn(l * l), conc. HNO3, to the loss of hydroxyl water. Infrared spectra are given. or HF. Decomposed by conc. HCI at room temperature Darkens X-ray data are given with detailsof the structure.The mineral is when heatedabove l30eC, turns white at 400'C, volatilizes.Pre- hexagonal,a 2.93, = c 4.60 A, Z l, G 4.20 calc.The strongestlines cession photographs showed the mineral to be cubic, spacegroup are2.54 (l0Xl00), 2.23(5Xl0l), (3)(102), 1.69 1.47(8Xt l0). The F43m,a : 9.5215A,Z = 4,G. calc7.l3, meas7.19. The strongest mineral is unstableand is transformedin air to goethite. X -ray lines (33 ) are 5.5 I I (8 X I I I ), 2.872 (10)(l l3), 2.743 (10)(222), Samples preserved are in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, 2.37t (7)(004), t .67 e (7)(044), 1 .432 (7 )(226). Moscow. M.F. The mineral occurs as rosettes of flattened subhedral crystals, rarely as euhedral crystals0.2-1.0 mm. in diameter of distorted octahedra.Color straw yellow. H about 3. Isotropic, n 2.085.It Fletcherite* occurs in the Mariposa Mine, Terlingua district, Brewster County, J. R. Craig and A. B. Carpenter(1977) Fletcherite, Cu(Ni,Co)rS., Texas, associated with terlinguaite, calomel, montroydite, native a new thiospinel from the Viburnum Trend (new lead belt), Hg, and cinnabar, on fracture surfacesand in veinletsin limestone; Missouri. Econ. Geol., 72, 480-486. it is a late-formed mineral The name is for Professor Emeritus Vincent Paul Gianella, Mackay Schoolof Mines, University of Nevada. Type material is at the SmithsonianInstitution, Washington. * Minerals marked with an asterisk after the name were ap- Note. Gianellaite is very similar to mosesite in composition, proved before publication by the Commission on New Minerals differing in not containing Cl. The X-ray patterns are very similar; and Mineral Names of the International Mineraloeical Associa- gianeflaiteshows a line 1.449(4) not noted in mosesite.The unit tion. cell of mosesitehas a 28.618A.M.F, t057 I058 NEI'I/ MINERAL NAMES Kusuitex heated for two hours in air at 900'C the peak was no longer observedon the DTA curve Mossbauerparameters of the mineral MrcHBr- Dsr-rrus lNo PeuL Prnrr (1977) La kusuite, are: Fe2+quadrupole splitting = 2.5mm/sec, chemicalshift = 1.25 (Ce8+,Pb'zn,Pbn+)VOn,nouveau mineral Bull. Soc.fr. Mineral. mmlsec; Fe3+ quadrupole splitting : 0.95 mm/sec and chemical Cristallogr., 100, 39-41. shift : 0.47 mm/sec. The Fe3+:Fe2+ratio derived from areas M icroprobe analysis gave V2O, 3 I .76, 3l .83; Ce,O. 35.20, under the peaks is l:0.65. IR (K Br pellets) absorption bands 36.41; PbO 17 22, 16.88;PbO, 18.46, 18.08;sum 102.64,t03.20 (cm-') are: lll0 (vw), 1040(vw),955 (vs),885 (m),830 (m), percent The lead was divided equally between Pb,+ and Pb.*, the 640 (w), 590 (w), 535 (vw), 510 (vw),460 (vw),410 (vw). The presenceof both having been found by E.S.C.A Qualitative spectrum for material heated to 700oC showed significant dif- tests showed no other cations, including La. The analysesgive ferences,suggesting that a phase changeoccurred. + (Cel+uoPbfr,Pb61.)Vo *Oo. The mineral is black, opaque,with pale-brownstreak and sub- X-ray study showed the mineral to be tetragonal,space group metallic to metallic luster, weakly to moderately magnetic. Crystals 14,/amd,a 7.35, c 6.564, a:c = l:0.8925,Z:4 G (calc) 5.30.The are thick tabular to short prismatic,usually 0.3 to 0.65 mm in size. : = strongestlines (20 given) are4.89 (50Xl0l ), 3.678(100X200), 2.766 Cleavages{100}, {010} perfect, {001} less perfect G 3.92,VHN (90Xll2), 2.s94 (40)(220), 1.891(70X312), 1.638(40)(a20). The 890 kglmm'zor 6.1 on Moh's scale. structure is of the zircon type. In ultra-thin-sections(several microns) the mineral is brownish The mineral occurs as black crystalsof max dimension I mm, red, slightly translucent with parallel extinction. In reflected light showing {l0l}. Streak rust-brown. Microhardness440 kglsq mm the mineral is gray, weakly anisotropic,with indistinct bireflec- with 100g load (= 4.5 Mohs). No cleavageswere noted.Optically tance and slightly heterogeneousextinction. Reflectances(sphaler- uniaxial, neg., birefringencestrong, refractive indicies ) 2.0, re- ite as standard) are: 2.39 (red), 13.43(green), 12.39percent (yel- flectances(Na) l7-21 percent.Color in sectionhoney-yellow. low). The mineral occursin the oxidation zoneofthe Kusu deposit,85 The mineral occursin a Precambrianmetamorphic iron deposit, km SW of Kinshasa,Zaire, associatedwith mottramite, chervetite, Lai-He Village, northeasternChina. It is commonly associated cuprite, dioptase,heyite, malachite,plancheite, and vanadinite. with quartz, hypersthene,and magnetite.The mineral name is for The name is for the locality. Type material is at the Mus6e the locality. G.Y.C. Royale Afrique Centrale,Tervuren, Belgium. M.F. Luetheite* Laihunite S. A. Williams (1977)Luetheite, CuzAlz(AsOoL(OH)..H,O, a new mineral from Arizona, compared with chenevixite. Mineral. Laihunite ResearchGroup, Guiyang Institute of Ceochemistry, Mag ,41,27-32. Academia Sinicaand GeologicalTeam l0l, Liaoning Metallur- gical and Geological ProspectingCompany (1976) Laihunite, a Luetheitewas found at a smallprospect in SantaCruz County as new iron silicate mineral Geochimica,2 ,95-103 (in Chinese with minute crystalsin silicifiedrhyolite porphyry with chenevixiteand English abstract). hematite. Duplicate chemicalanalyses averaged CuO 28.9, AlzOs X-ray laboratory, Guiyang Institute of Geochemistry,Academia l8 4, As,Ou 40.5, HrO 9.3 percent,sum 97.1, the remainder pre- Sinica (1976) The crystal structureof laihunite. Geochimica,2, sumably being insolubleresidue The monoclinic crystals,tabular 104-105(in Chinesewith Englishabstract). on {t00}, with maximum dimensions0.2 mm, have an apparent symmetry 2/m.The crystalsare indian blue inclining to greenish, Three chemicalanalyses gave: SiOr 3l.00,31.07,31.85;AlzOa H = 3, brittle,cleavage {100} distinct. Cell dimensionsare a 14.743, -, -, 0.065; Fe"O" 43.57,44.24, 45.07; FeO 25.50, 23.64,22.52; b 5.093,c 5.598A, B = l0l' 49', Z : 2, D (meas)4.28, (calc) 4.40, MgO -, 0.87,0.47; CaO -, 0,21, 0.47; sum 100.07,100.03, 100.45 diffraction symbol P2,/* .
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