Volume 35 April 2003 Number 4 www.utuia.org www.utu.org The Official Publication of the United Transportation Union THE VOICE OF TRANSPORTATION LABOR “It wasn’t our desire to bring remote control into this industry. It is new technology, we were confronted with it, and we addressed it for the betterment of our membership.” – International President Byron A. Boyd Jr. NewsNews && NotesNotes FRA says latest data New mental health website backs safety of remotes CLEVELAND, Ohio – UTU members and WASHINGTON, D.C. – Federal Railroad tion of American Railroads (AAR), which cited their dependents covered under the NRC/UTU Administrator Allan Rutter issued a statement remote control operations as leading to “a dra- Health and Welfare Plan or The Railroad last month asserting that safety statistics offer matic reduction in switching-accident rates.” Employees’ National Health and Welfare Plan “nothing to indicate that remote control opera- Joining the FRA and AAR in considering looking for professional help or information on tions should be banned from use,” a position that remote operations as inherently safe is the Union depression, anxiety, stress, addiction, relation- appears to validate the claims of railroads where ships or other mental health topics, can visit Pacific Railroad (UP), which is starting to use the new Achieve Solutions website. The web- such operations have been implemented. remote controls at it rail yards across the nation. site contains a provider search tool, timely arti- Rutter said the Federal Railroad Administra- UP spokesman John Bromley recently told the cles, interactive quizzes, online courses, news tion (FRA) has closely monitored the safety and Associated Press (AP) that training on remote- stories and other mental health resources. Visit use of the technology since first controlled systems started on the site at “achievesolutions.net/utu/” or click issuing guidelines on the use of Statistics offer Feb. 3, 2003, at Bailey Yard in on “Healthcare” in the menu bar of the UTU remote control in February 2001. North Platte, Neb., which the website (utu.org.) The site is presented by Val- In instances “where the FRA has “nothing to indicate railroad advertises as the largest ueOptions, which administers mental health identified potential problems that remote control rail yard of its kind in the world. and substance abuse benefits under NRC/UTU associated with remote control Health and Welfare and The Railroad Employ- operations should Bromley told the AP that all of ees’ National Health and Welfare Plan. operations, railroads have been the yard’s locomotives will be extremely responsive in address- be banned from use.” switched over to remote opera- ing such issues,” Rutter said. tions by June, despite protests by N.D. locals to meet “Our commitment remains to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers BISMARCK, N.D. – UTU locals in North Dakota proceed cautiously, closely monitoring the use of (BLE), which claims its objections are based on will be holding special meetings during the first remote control technology,” Rutter said. “If we safety considerations. week of May. The meetings are held annually to identify safety problems associated with this The BLE’s concerns are unfounded, Bromley provide members with information on important technology, we will move quickly to mitigate issues related to their jobs and benefits. Various told the AP, asserting that testing showed the International officers, general chairpersons, and those safety risks, using the full range of enforce- technology to be safe. “Some people are resistant State Legislative Director John Risch will be in ment and regulatory measures at our disposal.” to change,” Bromley told the AP. “Change is attendance, as will representatives from UTUIA, The 2001/2002 time period addressed by Rut- always hard to sell to some people.” United Healthcare and the Railroad Retirement ter likely “will go down as the safest year ever for Board. All active and retired UTU members are railroad employees,” according to the Associa- Continued on page 10 invited to attend any or all of these meetings, regardless of their local. Spouses also are wel- come and encouraged to attend. Reservations are not required, Risch said. Anyone needing addi- tional information can call Risch at (701) 223- UTU helps pass MTA must stop 0061. The schedule is as follows: bus security law paying ACRE Local 1344: Mon., May 5, Royal Fork Restau- rant, Bismarck. 1 p.m. meeting with 5 p.m. din- WASHINGTON, D.C. – UTU lobbying WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congress has ner; efforts on behalf of UTU bus members resulted in ordered New York’s Metropolitan Transit Local 1059: Tue., May 6, International Inn, a notable victory before the House Transporta- Authority to cease using federal transit tax dol- Minot. 1 p.m. meeting, 6 p.m. social hour, 7 p.m. tion and Infrastructure Committee, which unan- lars to pay salary, benefits and/or expenses to retirement banquet; imously approved legislation to enhance bus elected or appointed officers of the Association of Local 525: Wed., May 7, Ramada Inn, Grand transportation security. Commuter Rail Employees (ACRE), which rep- Forks. 3 p.m. meeting followed by dinner; The Over-the-Road Bus Security and Safety resents engineers and conductors on Metro- Locals 980 and 1137: Thur., May 8, O’Kelly’s Act of 2003 (H.R. 875) now moves to the House North Commuter Railroad. These employees Tastes and Toddies, Fargo. 1 p.m. meeting with floor for a vote. House passage, which is expect- previously were represented by the UTU and the soup and sandwich buffet at 5 p.m. ed, will result in the bill moving to the Senate for Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE). consideration. The congressional action came following The bill authorizes $99 million for fiscal years intensive lobbying by the UTU Commuter Rail Department led by UTU Vice President Tony TO REGISTER FOR AUTOMATIC 2003 and 2004 for discretionary grants to private intercity bus service operators for security Iannone. MAIL PDATES ON SSUES E- U I improvements, said UTU National Legislative The efforts began after the New York Daily IMPORTANT TO YOU, Director James Brunkenhoefer. News reported that “four top union leaders on the VISIT THE UTU’S WEBSITE: The security improvements may include con- MTA’s Metro-North are drawing full salaries from WWW.UTU.ORG Continued on page 10 Continued on page 10 Around the UTU News from around the U.S. and Canada Local 84, Los Angeles, Calif. Local 1252, Fresno, Calif. International Vice President Tony Iannone is Members of this Burlington Northern Santa Fe scheduled to attend the Amtrak local’s April 21 local, along with members of Brotherhood of meeting at the Burbank, Calif., Ramada Inn at Locomotive Engineers Division 553, have started 10:30 a.m. to make a presentation to Jesse a collection through their credit union to assist Bryant, who survived a grade-crossing accident local member John J. Mathieu, a 33-year-old sec- that turned his cab car on its side, said Secretary- ond-generation railroader afflicted with Treasurer Richard Albitre. Myelodysplastic Syndrome, a condition that mir- rors leukemia. Brother Mathieu, a husband and Local 113, Winslow, Ariz. father of three boys, all under age three, has been Burlington Northern Santa Fe conductor unable to work since last June and is waiting for a Cherry Ray is set to run in the Boston Marathon Recently proving the value of having professional, well- marrow transplant. For information about the this month while wearing UTU colors, thanks to trained UTU-represented crew members aboard Amtrak fund, contact Legislative Representative and the local’s financial assistance. An experienced trains, conductor Joseph S. Loran (left) and assistant con- Fresno Site Safety Team member Ken Abell at marathon runner, she participated in the Marine ductor Phillip Q. Brown played key roles in saving the life 2832 Adler Ave., Clovis, CA 93612, or retired Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C., in Febru- of a passenger who experienced a miscarriage. member and former Local Secretary-Treasurer ary, said Treasurer Bob Olague. Professional crew Don Heffernan at [email protected]. Local 367, Omaha, Neb. Local 1393, E. Buffalo, N.Y. Locomotive engineman David M. O’Brien saves woman’s life Members employed by the South Buffalo Rail- has been nominated by the Council Bluffs Ser- road offer their best wishes for a long run to new vice Unit as a candidate for the annual J.C. RIVERVIEW, Mont. – A 19-year-old woman who recently rode Amtrak’s Empire Builder and General Chairperson/Local Chairperson Paul Kenefick Safety Award, said Secretary-Treasurer Haley, who will receive assistance from Interna- Joe Brown. Since its inception in 1986, the experienced a medical emergency is alive and well today, thanks to a well-trained, quick-think- tional Vice President Pete Patsouras as he nego- Kenefick award has recognized a UP agreement tiates a new agreement, said member Eric Feld. employee who has demonstrated outstanding on- ing crew that included conductor Joseph S. the-job safety achievement. Loran and assistant conductor Phillip Q. Brown, Local 1558, Bergenfield, N.J. both of Local 117 in Vancouver, Wash. Negotiations with Coach USA, which began Local 463, Thunder Bay, Ont. The woman, a passenger aboard Amtrak Train in February, are progressing smoothly for all four CP Lines West General Chairperson Lou O. 7 on Feb. 18, began to miscarry while the train craft divisions on the Rockland Coaches proper- Schillaci recently presented Scott Baxter with was in a rural area between Whitefish and Libby, ty, said Secretary-Treasurer Michael Byrne, who an award honoring his 15 years of service to the Mont. notes the local now has a website where updates local as both local chairperson and vice general Crew members, veterans of Amtrak’s PRE- are posted at http://www.utu1558.com.
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