OldSmokeys Newsletter Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Retirees—Spring 2016 President’s Message—Jim Rice It sure has been a busy year for your OldSmokeys Board of Directors officers and committee members. They planned the Spring Banquet, the Summer Picnic, and the monthly luncheons. They maintained the membership directory, sent out eNotes on important matters, managed our finances, enthusiastically welcomed new members, and renewed commitments and connections with old mem- bers. They also published four quarterly newsletters and helped out employees and retirees affected by last summer’s wildfires. And, on top of all this, the Board fully funded five new grant applications for a total of $10,750. Thank you to all the Board officers and committee members who made all of this possible and made my year as your President such a memorable one. My favorite part of being involved with this organization has been the opportunity to meet so many past Forest Service employees who retired before or just after my career started. They have so many great memories of their good old days and are so willing to share them. It has also been great to get so many recent retirees and current employees to join and share their memories, too. We have members who had their good old days in the 1950s and 1960s all the way up to those whose good old days were close to the turn of the century. It is hard to believe that the next generation of OldSmokeys will be reminiscing the good times they had in the Forest Service during the 2010s and 2020s. I truly hope that today’s OldSmokeys continue to find more ways to support current em- ployees so that they will want to join us and pass their memories on when it is their turn. Now, back to current business. Don’t forget to sign up for the Spring Banquet on May 15. We will be installing Ron Boehm as Pres- ident and Tom Mulder as President-elect. We will also be thanking Al Matecko for his great leadership as he completes this three- year term through the successive presidential roles. Also, put on your calendar today that the Summer Picnic will be on August 12. The registration forms for both the Spring Banquet and the Summer Picnic can be found on page 4. You can mail both in one envelope and save yourself a stamp. Thank you again, everyone, for such a great year. Jim Rice In This Issue… Forum: “National“National ForestForest LumpingLumping is is Wrong” Wrong” by by Zane Zane Smith…“OldSmokeys Smith…“OldSmokeys Should Should Join, Join, Support Support NAFSR”...more..…………. NAFSR”...more..…………. 2 2 OldSmokeys News:News: Spring Spring Banquet Banquet and Newand Officers...Summer New Officers...Summer Picnic...Grants...Volunteering...more………………………….… Picnic...Grants...Volunteering...more……………………2 2 OldSmokeys Say: “Let’s CreateCreate aa Henry Henry Tonseth Tonseth Award” Award” by by Jon Jon Stewart………………………………………………………………………... Stewart……………………………………………………………...7 7 Forest ServiceService News:News: Ranger Ranger Station Station Closed Closed During During Standoff...2016 Standoff...2016 Wildfire Wildfire Season Season Without Without Budget Budget Fix...Lumping...more...... Fix...Lumping...more......8 8 Feature: “Slim,“Slim, a aU.S. U.S. Forest Forest Service Service Mule” Mule” by Les by Joslin………………………………………………………………………………. Les Joslin……………………………………………………………………………….1212 Changes: UpdatesUpdates toto the the OldSmokeys OldSmokeys Membership Membership Directory…………………………………………………………………………… Directory………………………..…………………………………………………………1313 New Members:Members: IntroductionsIntroductions of of New New OldSmokeys………………………………………………………………………………………… OldSmokeys………….………………………………………………………………………………………1313 Memories: RemembrancesRemembrances of of the the Recently Recently Deceased……………………………………………………………………………….….…. Deceased……………………………………………………………………………………………...1414 Letters: SharingSharing of of Thoughts Thoughts and and News…………………………………………………………………………………………………....... News………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1515 Books: “Jack“Jack WardWard Thomas’sThomas’s Trilogy” Trilogy” by by Les Les Joslin...Cheryl Joslin...Cheryl Hill’s Hill’s ‘Fire ‘Fire Lookouts Lookouts of Oregon’”...more…..…………………… of Oregon’”...more…..…………………….1717 Uncle Sam’sSam’s Cabins:Cabins: “Antlers “Antlers Guard Guard Station, Station, Wallowa Wallowa-Whitman-Whitman National National Forest, Forest, Oregon” Oregon” by Lesby LesJoslin…………..………... Joslin…………..………...1818 Out ofof thethe Past:Past: “Before “Before Smokey Smokey Bear, Bear, Uncle Uncle Sam Sam Himself Himself got got into into the the Forest Forest Fire Fire Prevention Prevention Act” Act” by byLes Les Joslin…………... Joslin…………...1919 My FirstFirst ForestForest Service Service Job: Job: “How “How Sonny Sonny J. J. O’Neal O’Neal Joined Joined the the U.S. U.S. Forest Forest Service Service in 1963”in 1963” by Joyceby Joyce O’Neal……..………... O’Neal……..………...1919 Visit the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Association website at: www.oldsmokeys.org Sign Up Now for May 15 Banquet—See Page 3! OldSmokeys Newsletter — Spring 2016 Page 2 Forum OldSmokeys News National Forest Lumping is Wrong OldSmokeys Will Welcome New PNWFSA By Zane Smith President Ron Boehm and President-elect I don’t agree with the recent consolidation of the Helena and Tom Mulder at May 15 Spring Banquet Lewis & Clark national forests (see page 8) at all. It’s time to reserve your place or places at the table of your Pa- Forest Service and Department of Agriculture officials con- cific Northwest Forest Service Association (PNWFSA) annual tinue to consolidate ranger districts and national forests and do Spring Banquet on May 15, 2016, at which Ron Boehm will nothing to improve regional offices and the Chief’s office. The take the presidential reins from Jim Rice and Tom Mulder will present leadership does not subscribe to the long held position take on the duties of President-elect as Jim replaces Al of the Forest Service that the work of management and service Matecko in the Past President slot. is done at the field level. The result is the deterioration of com- That peaceful transfer of power all happens after all attend- munity support and congressional appreciation as well as stew- ing OldSmokeys enjoy an afternoon of fellowship and fine din- ardship of the National Forest System. ing at beautiful Charbonneau Country Club just south of Port- There’s a better way. As a minimum, regional offices should land near Wilsonville, Oregon. You won’t want to miss it! So, be consolidated and/or reorganized. When I was a regional for- if you haven’t already reserved, use the Spring Banquet reser- ester in the 1980s I proposed converting the region to be simply vation form on page 3 to book your seats for just $28.00 per a chief’s representative with a skeleton staff—in my case reduc- person. Reservations must be made by May 1. ing over a thousand staff to 100 and sending those positions out Doors will open at 1:00 p.m., and social hours with appetizer to the national forests and ranger districts. Chief Peterson was table and no-host bar begin at 1:30 p.m. The buffet-style dinner agreeable to try it, but his staff and the other regions went will be served at 3:00 p.m. Door prizes will be awarded during “bananas.” The next best thing would be to consolidate the nine dessert. regions into four or five. OldSmokeys Should Join, Support NAFSR OldSmokeys May Reserve Early for PNWFSA’s August 12 Summer Picnic In addition to their membership in the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Association (PNWFSA), primarily a “social” organiza- OldSmokeys may reserve early for the Pacific Northwest Forest tion, OldSmokeys who want to support positive action on be- Service Association (PNWFSA) annual Summer Picnic in the half of the National Forest System they once served should con- Woods scheduled for Friday, August 12, 2016, at the beautiful sider joining and supporting the efforts of the National Associa- Wildwood Recreation Area near Mt. Hood. You may use the tion of Forest Service Retirees (NAFSR). reservation form on page 3 to reserve for the Summer Picnic at Chaired by OldSmokey Jim Golden and run by OldSmokey the same time you reserve for the Spring Banquet (please write Corbin Newman, its executive director, NAFSR is the Forest separate checks for each event) and send both reservations in Service retirees’ “political” arm that brings retiree influence to with the same stamp. bear in Washington, D.C. Among current issues, it is working Again this summer, the picnic will be catered by Job Corps to help federal agencies to do the right thing with the Westside culinary students at a cost of just $15.00 per person. Fire Recovery Project on the Klamath National Forest. For membership information—and much more—go to OldSmokeys Award $10,750 in Grants NAFSR’s website at <www.fsx.org>. The Pacific Northwest Forest Service Association (PNWFSA) “I may disapprove of what you say, Board of Directors at its February 26, 2016, meeting approved but will defend to the death your right to say it.” increasing the 2016 grant budget to $10,750 to permit full fund- —Attributed to Voltaire ing of five grant requests submitted to the Grants Committee chaired by OldSmokey Charlie Krebs. Three of the proposals approved were for new projects and OldSmokeys Lost Phil Hirl on March 15 totaled $5,750, and two were for continuing projects that totaled $5,000. The grants approved for each were: Phil Hirl succumbed to cancer on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, Frank Collett reported that same day. Dufur Historical Society in Dufur, Oregon, working in coop- “The OldSmokeys have lost one of their strongest sup- eration with former Mt. Hood National Forest district rangers porters and dedicated members,” Vern Clapp commented and OldSmokeys Jim Davidson and Mike Hernandez, re- in OldSmokeys eNote 1840 which passed the sad news. ceived $1,750 for new roofing, repair of some siding, and paint- Phil will be memorialized in the Summer 2016 edition ing of the Barlow Ranger District’s former Dufur Ranger Sta- of your OldSmokeys Newsletter by which time more com- tion.
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