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ILLT The Daily Student Voice of Howard University - VOLUME 90, NO. 46 VlEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2006 VlWW.THEHILLTOPONLINE.COM BREAKING NEWS A 0 0 D "'E~ DC NEW IPOD SlnJFFLE SEU.S IBIS FRIDAY IS CELIBACY LINKED TO CHILD ABUSE? ~ll/1~ ...... un: NC PM.l\.Y Cl.OUOY M9LQI OS E~ APPLE IS REL~ ~G HE NEW IPOD SHUFFLE ~HIS FR DAY ONE PSYCHIATRIST SAYS THAT PRIESTS ARE MORE !.IKELY H GH 68, LOW 48 HIGH: 54 LOW 34 s~ WHICH IS TH2 SMALLEST IPOO TO DATE AND HAS THE CAPACITY TO ABUSE CHILDREN BECAUSE Of THEIR VOW OF CELIBACY. oC FOR UP TO 240 SONGS ACCORDING TO THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE FIND OUT MORE IN NATION & WORLD A~ ..._. PAG£4 Student Athletic Trainers Continue Strike BY CARYN GRANT but it can't happen." Datcher, enter­ Datcher said that the department Spott$ Ed or Kelsi Oa\is, also ing into just his is attempting to fill the void of a head a senior pre-ph) sical eleventh month as trainer. The student athletic trainers sub­ therapy major and the Athletic Director "If eve!}thing was clear to have mitted a notice to the athletic depart­ representative for the at Howard. "You a head trainer in September, then we ment that the) v. ould go on strike student athletic train­ ha\c to stop and would have done that." he said. "No Monday. ers, said that initially think that there's one's benefiting from us not having a The letter was gJ\Cn to Athletic those student train­ a reason these head trainer." Director Dv.1ght D.1tchcr, Vice ers that were here last things haven"t \\"ith multiple Howard sports Prov<ist for Student Affairs Franklin year met with Datcher happened in the teams still in competition, both par­ Chamher s, Associate Athletic at that time in order past." ties want to resoh'e this issue as Directors Dexter llurrts nnd Kc\in to see what types of Datcher said quickly as possible. Cntt nclon, nss1 tant athl1·t1r. trainers tliings they could that he undcr- Datcher initially responded to and team phy 1c11111 rcce1\ e. tands tht: \'al ue the notice of strike hours after he "WP'rc sic!\ of vol1111tccring with "We followed up that student train­ received it, Kimble said, but the stu­ no compcno;at io n," said st•nior pr<• ­ with him at the begin­ ers bring to an dent trainers declined because as out­ physin 1I tlwr:1py major and student ning of the semester athletic program. lined in their letter, they would not athll'lil· trni11 cr Kristin Kiruhle. "\.\'l' and it seemed that 'Tm tr)ing to meet with him until there was a writ­ do so 11111ch and it's s 11d1 a time c-on ­ eve rything was in the give them respect ten statement. i.uming joh. \\'t• want soml' form of works and in order," like that of our A meeting between the two par­ COfll()CllSat 1011," Davb said. "From varsity teams, but ties has been scheduled for today. The trni1wrs say they ha\ C hcen them until now, there that takes time," "We enjoy doing what we do, but offered rompensation in the form has been a \\hole lot of he said. we have to look out for ourselves of S\\eats, shorts 1111d shoes in tlw run around and noth­ "They have a right now," Kimble said. "Hopefully past, and more recently \ ouchers a nd ing has happened." big value to us as ''e don't have to miss any games, but n sii:.tuncc \\ith housing rind registra­ "We were told student trainers," if that's what it comes down to, we're tion. that we could have Datcher said. "I'm prepared to do that.n "Bns1cnlly, ''c're tin.'CI .111d frus­ these things," she attempting to up "(The athletic department] would trated," Kimbl said. " \\'e hn\c; been said. "\\'c \\ere told their value by giv­ ha\·e to do the best we can. That's all promised thing 111 the p:ist nncl it that these things were .......... ing them compen­ we can do," Datcher said of the pos­ h.1sn't happened." coming to us, but now Athletic Director Dwight Datcher and athletic trainers will sation, but it also sibility that teams would have to con­ Datcher s,1id that the he and the they're not here." meet today to resolve a strike regarding multiple Issues. depends on how tinue to compete without the services nthlctic dt'IMrtnwnt arc taking the Datcher said that Howard ,.,.;11 allow of the student athletic trainers. malt er vcr) seriousI) . he is attempting to give the student what their qualn1s are and what is the this to happen." "But I think we can work some­ '"\\'h,1t !'111 ahll' to gather i-; that trnincrs "stipends that arc unstipu best route to go. The student trainer's complaints thing out, so I won't even put that it's 1111 i<;Sue ol spC'l'd," Datd1er said. lall'd," but that he prefers to sit down "No other athletic director has also included concern of a vacancy in scenario into play." ··\.\\• \\11111 to makt• l'hn ll);t'S to qukk, with the student trainers to clarify opened up as much as I am," said the position of head athletic trainer. Haunted Hilltop: Frights and Delights Tutorial Programs Howard University Residence Life sponsored the annual Haunted Hiiitop, Tuesday night In Cook Aid HU Students Hall. The free event was open BY MERCIA WILLIAMS­ to Howard students and the sur­ a day. When it's closer to mid­ MURRAY rounding community. Contnbutmg Wnter terms or finals, we see about a The spooky attraction featured 100 [students] a day.~ classic and contemporary hor­ A student has :i plethora of Most of the students who ror movie villains such as Jason options when it comes to seek­ come to the lab seek help with from the " Friday the 13th" series, ing assistance for their academic algebra i and 2, pre-calculus, Jigsaw from the " Saw" series, and woes. Almost every school has· and calculus 1-3. A few come in the Cryptkeeper from "Tales From some sort of tutorial program with questions about linear alge­ the Crypt.·· set up to help students that may bra and statistics. Crowds began gathering before 6 be having problems with one or Goodlett said, "occasionally p.m. for the Halloween event, which more courses. some of the teachers will drop also offered free popcorn and cot­ Chair of the mathemat­ by and assist. Tutoring doesn't ton candy. The event ended at 11 ics department, Dr. Abdul-Aziz only go in the center. Students p.m. Yakubu said, "We do have a can come in my office with vari­ Students and community members tutorial service here in Academic ous levels of mathematics and alike donned their costumes In Support Building B. It's on the get individual help." celebration, while music and danc­ first floor. The tutorial lab is run Goodlett also praises the ing took over the street . Despite almost every day and students director of the program. He said, lengthy lines, visitors were enter­ can go there to get help," he said. "Dr. \"alerie Lawson is very sup­ tained with the common Halloween "The lab is run by some grad stu­ portive to students and students performance of the dance to dents and undergrad students as can feel free to come at any time Michael Jackson's " Thriller." well. Students can always come to arrange for help. Don't wait up to the math department and until you're in trouble. People ask indi'\idual professors for are friendly and willing to help." help. Tutorial scniccs arc just CAR operates in Academic an extra senice. HUSA runs Support Building B. }fondays one [a tutorial senice] in the tlirough Thursdays from 9 a.m. Health Fair Promotes Better Lifestyle Engineering Building, another to 6 p.m. and Fridays from 9 source of help for our students." n.m. to 5 p.m. BY EBONI FARMER ~m<'rican women bceause Senior mathematics major The \\'riling Center is anoth­ HJ1/lop SlaJ! \-\ the' ore d)ing nt hi~hcr and tutor in the Center for er popular stop for students rntc" than any other race ..\cademic Reinforcement (CAR), in need. It is located in Locke In ordt'rto l rcate n more in the country; said health l\takeda ~turray said, '"\\'e Hall, Room 100 and operates on ht'aith ron.. cious "taff, the profc or Ocnnb \\'nllt•r. require that (students] come in Mondays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Uni\'cr,.,ities Offi<:'C of Totnl " !~ting he:ilthy and ,.,.;th their textbook and notes. Tuesdays from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., Compensation ,pun ored cxt•rd.,ing arc the basic \\'e go through practice ques­ \\'ednesdays from 2 p.m.
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