SlU Wins Esso Division Vote Story On Page 3 SEAFARERS LOG OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SEAFARERS INTERNATIONAI, UNION • ATLANTIC, GULF, LAKES AND INLAND WATERS DISTRICT • AFL-CIO Delegates Convene In Puerto ft/co; • Backs Caribbean Maritime Group • Pledges Domestic aUNA TACXUS Trade Campaign • Urges Overhaul Of US Subsidies KEY • Supports National Bargaining Body • Calls Organizing FISNINC ISSUES Major Objective • Seeks Protection Seamen, Fishermen, For US Fisheries Allied Crafts Draft i Endorses Health, Program Of Action Safety Programs Alaska, Canada, continental US and Puerto Rico drafted programs to build mari­ time and fishery industries at SIUNA 10th convention in San Juan. Major speaker. Senator E. L. Bartlett (Dem.-Alaska) above, stressed need to act on domestic shipping. (Stories on Page 2.) Fac« Two SWdWJimMRS LOG mnngh, M61 lOth Convention In Son Juan SlU M«mliers Convention Quests SlUNA Maps Program On Ship, Fish Issues SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico—Two hundred delegates attending the 10th bienniel convention of the 75,000-nieniber Seafarers International Union of North Amer­ ica reviewed the organization's considerable organizing progress and drafted pro­ grams to revitalize the mar-^" itime and fishing industries port a Maritime Federation of tariffs in this area, adding that the Caribbean in conjunction even in the Federal school lunch in the United States. with other democratic unions program, 80 percent of the fish Delegates attending the in that area, as proposed by purchased is from foreign sources. convention from SIUNA the Maritime Trades Depart­ Weller praised the SIU for the ment, and suggested that "forceful steps" it has taken to affiliates in Alaska, Canada, headquarters be set up in San salvage the domestic shipping in­ the continental United States and Juan. dustry. He repudiated the accusa­ Puerto Rico heard reports on or­ • They specifically supported tion that trade unions were in any ganizing gains involving several the position of thg National Com­ way responsible for the industry's thousand workers on the Great mittee on Maritime Bargaining on problems. "Featherbedding is not Lakes, in the West Coast, in the the need to revise Government and our problem as it is said to be else­ Members of SIU Puerto Rico Division sit under common­ . Inland Boatmen's field and in industry approaches on sych issues where" he declared. On the con­ wealth flag as they attend proceedings on first day of the Puerto Rico. They resolved to con­ as subsidies, domestic shipping, trary, the existing domestic trade SIUNA convention in San Juan. tinue the effective organizing pro­ MSTS competition with private operations are a "model of mecha­ grams which have been so success­ shipping and others. nized efficiency.".The problem lies ful in the past two years. • Delegates also ptaced particu­ instead in the railroads' "reckless lar emphasis on the need for re­ Prior to approving steps aimed campaign'"' to destroy shipping. viving domestic trades and on pro­ The close ties which have been at rejuvenating the maritime in­ tecting American-flag fishing op­ Digest Of SIUNA dustry so as to protect and expand forged between seamen's unions on erations, as. well as the fisheries job opportunitie.s, the convention the issue of joint bargaining were "heard a report from SIUNA Presi­ themselves, now threatened with" pointed up by Ed Altman, president depletion by an upsurge of Soviet Convention Actions dent Paul Hall in which he in­ of the Marine Engineers Beneficiaj dicted the "flabby management" of fishing activity. Association. One of the objectives • They voted their unani­ of4he joint bargaining approach is American-flag shipping. Labor must mous support for the princi­ The SIUNA convention acted on 47 resolutions tJealing take the lead in providing a fresh to obtain revisions in the operation ples of vigorous organizing in of US shipping so as to make it an with a wide variety of issues confronting the Union and the approach to the problems of the all areas so as to continue the rest of the labor movement. The following represents a samp­ industry and must work with man­ effective industry and help pre­ impressive growth of the in­ serve and expand job opportunities ling of some of the more im-*" agement in developing new ideas ternational union. on the subsidy issue and on. re­ for seamen. MEBA attorney' Lee portant issues taken up by the of the present membership and • Strong support was voted for Pressman, who also addressed the convention. to organize the unorganized. vision of the 1936 Merchant Ma­ the AFL-CIO program of social rine Act so that US shipping can meeting, charged that major oil HEALTH AND SAFETY: Would legislation including medical care companies were road-blocking the DOMESTIC TRADE: Pledges to promote and intensify medical cope "with the realities of world intensify efforts to secure revival for the aged and aid to housing and program Because they do not want and safety programs for the pro- trade." of the coastwise industry and as­ education. US operators to. discuss the runa­ tecfion of Union members; expand Subsidies Inadequate • They revamped the structure way issue with seamen's unions. sure representation for the ship­ clinic operations; bring foreign ping industry on the ICC. Among urgent needs, he de- of the SliJNA, providing for a Seek Peaceful Solution ship safety standards up to those dared, were subsidy aid in the broadened executive group to dis­ of the US, and strengthen PHS. In the international labor arena SUBSIDY: Support steps to over­ bulk ore and oil import trades and charge international union respon­ haul the subsidy program in light ANTI-TRUST ABUSE OF FISH­ in domestic shipping. Present sub­ sibilities. aside from acting on the Caribbean ERMEN: Exfend the coverage of Federation, the delegates agreed of changing patterns of foreign sidies, limited lo a small segment The five-day meeting at the La trade. the Taft-Hartley Act to fishermen of package trade, no longer meet Concha hotel heard a good deal on as recommended by the ^ interna­ and end anti-trust abuse through tional affiliations committee, that the requirements of existing trade the subject of domestic shipping AUTOMATION AND MAN- prosecution for price-fixing. patterns. from two major speakers, Senator a peaceful solution should be NING: Served notice on manage­ BANKRUPTCY SAFEGUARDi sought to the dispute between the The vehicle for a joint labor- E. L. "Bob" Bartlett (Dem.-Alaska) ment that it intends to take all Endorse provisions to assure.sea­ and John Weller, president of Sea- SIU of Canada and the National necessary steps to protect exist­ men of prompt payment of wages management approach in this area, Union of Seamen of Great Britain. he said, is the National Committee train Lines. Senator Bartlett ing manning scales and play a role and benefits in event of financial pointed up the twin problem of A committee is to be appointed to in determining scales for newer difficulties. for Maritime Bargaining composed resolve the issues arising out of of ten seamen's unions. domestic shipping—high freight ship types. QUOTAS ON FISH IMPORTS: rates to offshore areas such as the NUS charge against the Cana­ Support Federal legislation to pro­ The convention subsequently Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico dians before the International CIVIL RIGHTS: Strongly sup­ vide American fishermen with ade­ passed a resolution wholly support­ coupled with a decline in ship Transportworkers Federation. The ports the AFL-CIO Council's call quate share of domestic market. ing the committee's program and operation in that trade. He criti­ dispute arose originally out of the for a Federal Fair Employment SEARS-ROEBUCK BOYCOTT: calling upon those unions still out­ cized the failure of the Maritime practice of Canadian shipowners in Practices Act. Support Retail Clerks Internation­ using the British flag to escape side the committee to join it in Administration, the Interstate Com­ WATERFRONT COMMISSION: al Association boycott against its attack on the problem besetting merce Commission and other agen­ Canadian wage scales. Sears-Roebuck and its anti-union Nationally, the convention agreed Reaffirms its vigorous opposition the shipping industry. cies to come forth with solutions of to any extension of Waterfront policy. Among other significant actions any kind in this area. to affiliate the SIUNA with the PUBLIC HEALTH HOSPITALS: Railway Labor Executive Associa­ Commission authority and sup­ of the convention were the follow­ Turning to the fishing industry. ports legislative enactment of Reaffirm long-standing support of ing: Senator Bartlett noted the need tion. the Public Health Hospital system The convention approved the safeguards for longshoremen and • Delegates voted to sup­ for either quota restrictions or maritime workers. by the Union and asks for more findings of the international union generous appropriations and faiier executive . board on charges filed MARITIME FEDERATION OF interpretation of 90-day admis- in the Marine Cooks and Stewards THE CARIBBEAN: Urges the es­ rule. Union. The charges led to exten­ tablishment of the Federation as LANDRVM-GRIFFIN: Took par- INDEX sive public hearings by the inter­ soon as possible with headquar­ ^ticular exception to bonding pro­ national on the West Coast last ters in San Juan, Puerto Rico. visions of the Act, among others, To Departments August. because of enormous costs imposed International union officers NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR upon unions which benefit nly th^ The SlU inland Bootmon The SlU Industrifiil Worker MARITIME BARGAINING: Asks —Pages 8, 9 elected for the next two-year terms bonding companies. —Page 25 were: Paul Hall, President; Morris for efforts to obtain the partici­ • Weisberger, Hal Banks and Cal pation of all American maritime SlU Social Security Dep't SlU Safety Department Turner, executive vice-presidents unions in this program as in the ^FAFARERS LOG —Page 13 —Page 7 for the Pacific District, Canada and best interest of American seamen • the Atlantic, Gulf and Lakes Dis­ and' the maritime industry.
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