DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE 27TH MAY, 2014 A MEETING of the PLANNING COMMITTEE was held at the CIVIC OFFICE, DONCASTER on TUESDAY, 27TH MAY, 2014 at 2.00 pm. PRESENT: Vice-Chair – Councillor Eva Hughes (In the Chair) Councillors Iris Beech, Susan Bolton, Monty Cuthbert, Mick Jameson, Alan Jones, Tracey Leyland-Jepson, Jonathan Wood and Paul Wray. APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from the Chair, Councillor Chris McGuinness and Councillor John Sheppard. 106. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST, IF ANY In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, Councillor Monty Cuthbert declared an interest on Planning Application 14/00638/3FUL, which is referred to as Application 5 in the Schedule of Planning Applications, which is attached hereto at Appendix ‘A’, as he was a Bessacarr and Cantley Ward Member and, wished to speak in opposition to the application. Therefore, Councillor Cuthbert took no part in the deliberation thereof and did not vote thereon. 107. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 29TH APRIL, 2014 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 29th April, 2014, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 108. PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS RESOLVED that upon consideration of a Schedule of Planning and Other Applications received, together with the recommendations in respect thereof, the recommendations be approved in accordance with the Schedule hereto and marked Appendix ‘A’. 109. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING RESOLVED that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 18.11(f), the meeting stand adjourned at 2.59 p.m. to be reconvened on this day at 3.04 p.m. Page 1 of 12 110. RECONVENING OF MEETING The meeting reconvened at 3.04 p.m. 111. TOWN AND COUNTY PLANNING ACT 1990, SECTION 106 AGREEMENTS RESOLVED that prior to the issue of planning permission in respect of the following planning application, which is included in the Schedule of Planning and Other Applications marked Appendix ‘A’ and attached hereto, the applicant be required to enter into an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, regulating the development:- Application No Description and Location 14/00297/4FULM Erection of 65 dwellings on 2.09ha of land (Being Application Under Regulation 4 Town and Country Planning (General) Regulations 1992) at land to the north of Athlestane Crescent, Edenthorpe, Doncaster 112. PLANNING COMMITTEE SITE VISITS The Committee was invited to look at applications outlined within the report and requested to determine whether Members wished to hold Site Visits in advance, should the applications be presented to the Committee for consideration. RESOLVED that the following application site be visited by the Planning Committee in advance of the application being presented to Committee for decision:- Application Location Proposal Number 14/00743/FULM Rockingham House Erection of 14 flats on (Former Rockingham approx. 0.14ha of land Arms Hotel) Bennetthorpe Doncaster DN2 6AA Page 2 of 12 113. APPEAL DECISIONS RESOLVED that the following decision of the Secretary of State and/or his Inspector, in respect of the under-mentioned Planning Appeal against the decision of the Council, be noted:- Application No. Description & Location Appeal Decision 13/01560/FUL Erection of single storey pitched roof Appeal double garage to rear of detached Dismissed dwelling including external alterations 15/04/2014 within the site boundary at The Leylands, Doncaster Road, High Melton, Doncaster 114. EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from the remaining proceedings of the meeting, in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, on the grounds that exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 of Schedule 12A to the Act, is likely to be disclosed. 115. ENFORCEMENT CASES RECEIVED AND CLOSED FOR THE PERIOD 12TH APRIL TO 9TH MAY, 2014 (EXCLUSION PARAGRAPH 6) The Committee considered a report which detailed all Planning Enforcement complaints and cases received, and closed during the period of 12th April to 9th May, 2014. RESOLVED that the Planning Enforcement Cases received and closed for the period of 12th April to 9th May, 2014, be noted. Page 3 of 12 APPENDIX A DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – 27th May 2014 Application 1 Application 13/00812/FULM Application 12th August, 2014 Number: Expiry Date: Application Planning FULL Major Type: Proposal Erection of buildings to be used for Class C2A purposes (secure Description: residential institution), including 3.2m high fence on approx. 0.32ha of land At: Land adjacent Jewson, Barnsley Road, Scawsby, Doncaster For: Cheswold Park Hospital Third Party Reps: 700 Parish: Sprotbrough & Cusworth Parish Council Ward: Great North Road A proposal was made to grant the application Proposed by: Councillor Paul Wray Seconded by: Councillor Monty Cuthbert Upon the Vice-Chair, declaring that there was an equal number of votes for and against the application, the Vice-Chair, Councillor Eva Hughes exercised her right to a casting vote, the outcome of which was as follows:- FOR 5 AGAINST 4 ABSTAIN 0 Decision: Planning Application Granted In accordance with Planning Guidance ‘Having Your Say at Planning Committee’, Linda Stephens on behalf of the applicant, Cheswold Park Hospital, spoke in support of the application for the duration of 5 minutes. Page 4 of 12 In accordance with Planning Guidance ‘Having Your Say at Planning Committee’, Great North Road Ward Councillors Kevin Rodgers and Bill Mordue spoke in opposition to the application for the duration of 5 minutes each. In accordance with Planning Guidance ‘Having Your Say at Planning Committee’, the Chair of Sprotbrough & Cusworth Parish Council, Councillor Pat Haith, spoke in opposition to the application for the duration of 5 minutes. In accordance with Planning Guidance ‘Having Your Say at Planning Committee’, Jill Reeves, a local resident, spoke in opposition to the application for the duration of 5 minutes. (The receipt of an amended Site Plan, objections from Sprotbrough and Cusworth Parish Council, Children’s Services raising no objections to the application, 3 further letters of objection and further representations objecting to the application from Councillor Kevin Rodgers and a local resident and, further information from the applicant to enable a decision to be made on the proposal, were reported at the meeting.) Application 2 Application 14/00244/FUL Application 2nd April, 2014 Number: Expiry Date: Application Full Application Type: Proposal Change of use from offices/young person’s activity centre (Class Description: B1/D1) to 14 bedroom home in multiple occupation (HMO) (sui generis) and erection of two storey flat roofed extension to side At: Doncaster Pathways Community House, 7 Nether Hall Road, Doncaster For: Ms Belinda Grashion Third Party Reps: 3 Parish: Ward: Wheatley A proposal was made to grant the application Proposed by: Councillor Mick Jameson Seconded by: Councillor Iris Beech Page 5 of 12 FOR 7 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0 Decision: Planning Application Granted In accordance with Planning Guidance ‘Having Your Say at Planning Committee’, Dan Pattrick spoke in support of the application for the duration of 5 minutes. Application 3 Application 14/00352/3FUL Application 18th April, 2014 Number: Expiry Date: Application Planning Full (DMBC Reg3) Type: Proposal Erection of 3 extensions to school, formation of additional new Description: parking area, erection of 1.5m high fencing and gates, creation of new soft play area and landscaping (Being Application Under Regulation 3 Town and Country Planning (General) Regulations 1992) At: Hexthorpe Primary School, Urban Road, Hexthorpe, Doncaster For: DMBC (Mr A Mowforth) Third Party Reps: 5 letters of objection Parish: Ward: Central A proposal was made to grant the application Proposed by: Councillor Tracy Leyland-Jepson Seconded by: Councillor Paul Wray FOR 9 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0 Decision: Planning application granted In accordance with Planning Guidance ‘Having Your Say at Planning Committee’, Sandra Brooke spoke in opposition to the application for the duration of 5 minutes. In accordance with Planning Guidance ‘Having Your Say at Planning Committee’, Andrew Crabtree, Project Director, DMBC, spoke in support of the application for the duration of 5 minutes. (Receipt of a late letter of objection was reported at the meeting.) Page 6 of 12 Application 4 Application 14/00485/REM Application 24th April, 2014 Number: Expiry Date: Application Approval of Reserved Matters Type: Proposal Details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Description: design for the erection of 2 dwellings on approx 0.36ha of land At: Land within High Grove, Chapel Lane, Sykehouse, Goole For: Mr M Metcalfe Third Party Reps: 4 plus petition of 15 Parish: Sykehouse Parish Council signatures from 9 addresses Ward: Stainforth & Moorends A proposal was made to grant the application Proposed by: Councillor Jonathan Wood Seconded by: Councillor Alan Jones FOR 9 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0 Decision: Planning application granted subject to the amendment to Condition 01 to read as follows and the addition of the following Condition:- 01. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the details shown on the amended plans referenced and dated as follows:- (Location Plan) Land Registry Title Number SYK462320 Site Plan 2014/02/01 Revision A Jan 2014 5 Bed detached House (Floor Plans and Elevations Plot 2) 2014/02/03 Jan 2014 5 Bed detached House (Floor Plans and Elevations Plot 1) 2014/02/02 Jan 2014 Site Plan (Drainage) 2013/15/10 April 14 Page 7 of 12 REASON To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the application as approved. 04. Prior to the occupation of any dwelling, a designated bin collection area at the entrance to the site will be marked out and retained as such in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. REASON To provide a designated refuse collection area to service the new dwellings.
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