-:.i^' /-^iv^^S"i%: ^«S^- <"-'- The Notre -.jin,eli ! k^''- Pecembei£:14r 1956 « 6> - ,*- s*-- • .t.s^ K>^T^- •'-T-^^-i i'i-i ^ ^5>^^ ,. A NEW IDEA IN SMOKING! Switch to ...smoke refreshed j(% Created by Take a Puff—it's Springtime! mr R.J. h'cijiiokls v' Tobacco Co)npaiiy This inviting spring scene tells you how refresh­ ing SALEM tastes. Pure menthol-fresh comfort... full rich tobacco flavor with a new sw-prise soft­ ness ... modern filter, too. You smoke refreshed! New experience for any smoker. Try SALEai! It's delightful to smoke Salem...you'll love 'em! ^-^^;r S--^^^ ^5"* '•'•'^•- • Wedding Ring HAT little round object is a new kind of Timken* It's how the Timken Company works with industry. Ttapered roller bearing for your car. It's the big change Working drawing board to drawing board, we anticipate in bearings that meets the big change in cars. It helps im- needs. Design new products and develop new production pro\e ride, increases safety, prolongs car life, aids styling, machinery and techniques to meet new demands- This protects trade-in value. And it's available! kind of cooperation has paid off for the Timken Company It's also a wedding ring. and for the industries we serve. With it the Timken Company recements the 57-year It's helped make "Timken" the best-known bearing in partnership between ourselves and the auto industry. America. It's kept us moving up. And if you think you'd It's the product of a whole new approach to the design, like to keep moving up, you might be interested in what manufacture and supply of automotive bearings. A concept the Timken Company has to offer college graduates. For pioneered by the Timken Company and launched in a new details, write for our booklet: "Career Opportunities at kind of bearing plant, built at a cost of $12,000,000. A the Timken Company." The Timken Roller Bearing Com­ concept mated to the swiftly changing needs of a fantasti­ pany, Canton 6, Ohio. cally mushrooming auto industry. We call it the Moto-Mated Way. From the Moto-Mated Way comes a whole new breed of Timken tapered roller bearings for wheels, pinion, differ­ ential, steering gear. Smaller bearings to save space. Lighter bearings to cut unsprung weight, improve comfort. TIMKEN Lower-priced bearings. Strong bearings to handle all the TRADE-MARK REG. Ua S. PAT. OFF. new power. Wear-resistant bearings to maintain your car's TAPERED ROLLER BEARINGS resale value. Timken"" beorings keep America on the GO ... and you keep going up when you go with the Timken Company December 14, 1956 —j'^gq." •.u'-"-*}* v^mjs^^axKfnvvisivvfaLiMJtLXBamfaam m. SMOKERS EVERYWHERE The Notre Dame f^ ARE DISCOVERING WHY Scholastic VICEROYS Vol. 98 December 14, 1956 No. 11 Disce Quasi Semper Victurus ARE SMOOTHER Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Founded 1867 Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 23, 1918. CHARLES McKENDRlCK Editor JOE NORTON Associate Editor DAVE THOMPSON Associate Editor _- JIM STEINTRAGER News Editor | JAMES MCDONALD Copy Editor f DAVID KUBAL Feature Co-Editor h Twice As Many Filters JOHN QUAGLIANO ....Feature Co-Editor % GEORGE CLEMENTS Assistant News . AS THE OTHER TWO JIM DULAN .\ssistant News ^ LARGEST-SELLING FILTER BRANDS BOB VONDRASEK Assistant News ' HARRY McKEE Assistant Copy J?^ MARSH PIDGEON Assistant Copy ^ COMPARE! How many filters in your filter tip ? (Remember—the DON STUHLDREHER ...Circulation Mgr. more filters the smoother the taste!) HARRY CONLON Business Mgr. i JOHN GLAVIN Sports Editor 'i^ BOB EARLY .Assistant Sports -. MIKE FITZPATRICK Assistant Sports : NEWS ST.'VFF : Tom BanchofF, Mark Bradley, Jack Coughlin, John Fitzpatrick, John Ford, ; David Karnath, Bob LaMontagne, Jini^< Lenox, Jim Loeffier, Jeny Leppek, Jim'^ Naughton, John O'Hara, Ed Plumly, Walt 7 Rudge, Dave Schwartz, Pete Stafford, Jim I Sutter, Bob Williams, Jim Yoch. i: SPORTS STAFF: Pat Defoe, Jim Goethals, Jack Grady, Roger Laur, Jim Merz, Greg s Rogers, Ed Rohrbach. Ted Thompson, Doug Zilliox. SPORTS FEATURES: Joe Bride, Tom Ed­ wards, Bruce Huot, John McMahon. s =:^=^=^^==^=^===^^^^^ I Member of Catholic School Press Assooation, As- | sociated Collegiate Press. Represented for national I advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., f 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. t THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the school ^ear, except during vacation and esamina- tkm period* at the University of Notre Dame. Ad- drcM all manuscripts to the Editor, Box 185, Notre The exclusive Viceroy filter is made Dame, Indiana. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $4.00 per year. Single copies 25c. ^. from pure cellulose—soft, snow-white, natural! The Scholastic QG4HfU€i Scenm MARDI GRAS FESTIVAL SET FOR MARCH 1-5 bution to the Center of $17,000 is sur­ Cadillac, Ford Named passed this year, Mr. Joseph LaFoitune Debaters Cop Second will bear the rest of the |150,000 cost •Top Carnival Awards of expanding student facilities. In Pittsburgh Tourney The Mardi Gras opens March 1 with Last weekend the Notre Dame Debate A 1957 Cadillac will be awarded at the annual ball, duiing which the new Team ranked second in the University the conclusion of the 1957 Notre Dame Center addition \v\\\ be dedicated. The of T'ittsburgh tournament. The fresh- Mardi Gras, Emmett Malloy, chaimian, renovation -will be completed for the ball mej and sophomore debaters recently announced this week. Mardi Gras fes­ and will increase the main ballroom WO; tournaments at Butler University tivities will be held from March 1 dancing space for an additional 150 an the Univei-sity of Illinois at Chicago through 5, 1957. couples. Also included in the new addi­ ai I on Dec. 1 the freshmen debaters The student prize this year is a 1957 tion are a new "Huddle" and recreation V m another tournament at Butler. Ford Custom, also to be awarded at the rooms. At the Pittsburgh tournament last Mardi Gras Carnival on March 5. For The carnival opens Saturday, March /riday and Saturday, the varsity de­ 'each ticket a student distributes he has 2, and continues until the following bate team placed second in a field of one opportunity to win the automobile. Tuesday. The theme of the carnival is 50 teams. The ND aifinnative team of Proceeds from the Mardi Gras Ball, New Orleans, and a new booth aiTange- Paul Coffey and Jack Martzell and the carnival, and ticket-book-sales go to the ment to eliminate congestion will be in­ negative team of Pat Curi-an and Gerald LaFortuiie Student Center expansion troduced. Also new this year is award­ Goudreau gained 118 points in ten fund and a $4000 contiibution to the ing of the cars in two separate contests. rounds, two points behind the winner. Notre Dame Charity Chest. Committee members for the Mardi Gras, Northwestern University. Since 1953, the Mardi Gras has con­ in addition to Malloy, general chaii-man, tributed to the LaFortune Student Cen­ are Jeriy Murphy, contest; Joe Reich, At Butler University the Notre Dame ter development, in that year paying for carnival; Don Renier, ball; Dave Mor­ debate teams have swept two tourna­ kfurnishings of the building. The stu­ ris and Teriy McCaiFerty, booths; Ed ments in the past two weeks, winning dent fund raising project has also helped Lynch, supplies; Tom Nicknish, bogus fii-st place in each. Last Saturday fresh­ provide for other improvements in the money; Joe McMahon and Tom Carroll, man and sophomoi-e debaters placed Center including the Rathskellar, Mal­ publicity; and Owen Desmond, business first in a field of 50 teams, while on Dec. loy emphasized. If last year's contri­ manager. 1 the first year debate team registered 16 straight \vins ^vithout a loss at the Butler University Invitational Novice tournament. A Notre Dame team has now won two out of the fii"st three of these tournaments. Eight men repi-e- sented the University this year, on two separate teams. Five of the Notre Dame debaters ranked in the top ten of the tournament on the basis of their point totals. The winning team was composed of Dennis Shaul, Thomas Banchoff, Robert Demp- sey, and Gerald Goudreau, while the members of the second place team wei-e Michael Phenner, Michael McCarthy, Claiborne Johnson, and Thomas Clus- serath. The annual Freshman-Sophomore In­ vitational Debate tournament sponsored by the Uruversity of Illinois at Chicago was also won by a Notre Dame team. The ND team won the fii'st place trophy with the highest point total of the tom^- THIS IS IT. nament. They won over 200 debaters \ Cadillac to be awarded at Mardi Gras from 39 different schools. December 14, 1956 m Campus Clubs Announce Plans for Holidays; Annual Christmas Dances Highlight Activities A full schedule of holiday social plans will also be a New England Club car heads the calendar of Notre Dame's on the New England States, leaving geographic clubs for the coming Christ­ South Bend at 3:48 p.m. Wednesday, mas vacation. Clubs from coast to coast Dec. 19. have planned activities for the vacation The Villagers of Notre Dame will period. hold their annual "Home for Christmas'' The Met Club will present its annual dance Dec. 27 at the Knights of Colum­ Christmas foiTnal at the Starlight Roof bus Hall on North Michigan. Music of the Waldorf Astoria on Thursday, will be provided by Kenny Taylor. Danc­ Dec. 27 from 9 p.m. until 12 midnight. ing Avill be from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets Fi-ancis Walther and his orchestra will are $3.50. provide the dance music.
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