End of the Line at Kinneville THE INGHAM Ninety-Third Yoar, No. 25 M~son, Michl!lan, Thursday, June 19, 1952 Three Soct1ons, 24 P11gcs Ketchum &Son Gets Contract Candidates Qualify For New Drain For Early Primary Cnundlnwn Ileal' Rt~queRts Fur Watm· und Sowt~r Linm> 1'o Outlying Sections Set for August 5 I.eon Ketchum & Son, Ma­ son coni ractm·, received the ' noel from the council at the Republican Candidates Stampede session Monday night for con­ For State and Legislative Offices structing the drain from Roosevelt :-;1 reet to the 4-H Fear that public office is no lmtgcr at I mel ivc was dis· building at the fah·grounds. pel led Tuesday afternoon. A1 1he~ o'clock deadline fm• filing Keldlllm suhmitlcd a low bid nominating petitions 01' putting up lite long green to qualify, of $5,185 for Iflying 1,300 feet of there wet·e 35 Republicans and <!:2 Democrats willing lo '!'he old Imn hrldge at I<lnneville has hec.t rem'overl, 'J'h(• new 10-lncil vltrlncd sewer pipe, 60 serve their state m· county. one hasn't yet been started. So travelers tu Kinncvllle will want to feet of 6-incil pipe ami construct· lni-: ii manholes, Tile d!y will pay Republicans sllllnpeclecl for slate, congl'cssional and legis­ stup right here and turn around, If they really want to get to $2,000 towards the dmlnagc pro} lative posts. There arc few Klnrwvillc they can bacJ(traci( to Onondaga road. From then• they er•t. The fair bourd will pay the new Jaces in cithct· the Rc· can go north to Stimson road, \Jest to Gale wad, over I he btirlge on rest. Floyd W. Estes Gale road to Klnnevllle road and then bar• I< cast a hal [-mill' to J(illiH'· publican 01' Democmtic camps "This project Is only half of a ville. An alternate route is by wuy of Onondaga road to Onondaga, ., hii-:ger drainage area," Mayor C. Has GOP Vote fot· coun1 y offices. nor!ltwest on Bellevue road to Gale roa'd, and north to KuJncvtlle 1-1. II,tll said. "Bciorc the parlt ________,__ .c___ CandidatcK have 3 days In road. area Is fixed right, unothcr drain Nearly 1 ,500 saw the Joie Chitwood auto thrill show at Floyd W. Estes, 1G08 Moores which I o reconsider. H they don't Under tlw contract with Brown Bros, of Lansing, the county with a pumping station will have the county fairgrounds in Mason Sunday afternoon. Biggest River drive, Lansing, 1~ the llle wl thdrnwul noliceH before Frl· got the steel beams ami the cuntrador could ~alvage lite It LISS and to he built linking the grandstand Weed Spray Crew tlu·lll of the day was the 75-foot ramp-to-ramp sail by AI dlst rlct delegate to the Reptth· clay a!tet·rwon at ~ o'clor.l< their tile planl<s In the dec!\, The beams have been hauled to the 1oad and horse barns at the south end. Gross. The tl1rill artist spurred his auto past the grandstand licnn presidential convent Ion. names, will ~o on the ballots. That will probably be completed at higb speed ·and over the first ramp of pre-determined Irs is listed as leaning tr1warrl commission wmelwuse In Mawn to be eventually used in re]mir Has Instructions Taft, The Mlch1gan rlel(•gation ln~tcad of having the primat•y work on other btldgcs. Brown Bros, cut up and sold !he tntss lor next year. What we are doing height, elections In September they have this year will sallsfy the county is not bound by the unit rule. scrap and will use some of the planking to brace fu1 ms .fur the' con· In the pictut·e above, Gross is piloting the stock model been nJovml up to August 4 this health department." To Save Shrubs Each delegate is permitted to cre!r• bt irlgP. IInghatn County News Photo) Ford tiigh above the roof of another speeding car on the vote his own ballot. year. Advancement of the date is for lhc 'bcncnt oi men sct:vlng Ketchum will start the drain at Extra caution will be used by g~·ound. A second later the leap wm; complete as Gross 0. K Grettcnbcrger oi Okc· in m·rned forc·es oversea~. 'l'here the corner of Roosevelt and Law· the county road commission weed settled the car down on the ramp at the lt!ft. Gross said he mos is the rlistrJCt delcga tc to ton stt·ects and taltc it to Ash spray crew this season, accr:il'd· will nnw be lime enough between Blood Donors wasn't even jarred. The picture was taken with a trembling the Democratic presidential the p1·Imary and the general elcc· street and urthe fence row to the ling to Fran)( K. Evans, highway convention. Raymond II. Rapa· School District Are Needed cast oi the pari( drive. It will engtncer. , finger at 250th of a second at f 3.5. (Ingham County News t ion to pre rare ami to mall hal· Photo) port of Lansing is the alter· lots over seas and huve thcrn Nc•mh•d 'l'hursday ut'lr•r·uoon slop near the 1·H butldlng. Wo;J( Owners of propct·ty alqng·higll· nate. Democmllc delegates arc w1ll be completed before the fmr, ways wlll be visited before the marl<ed and returned by Novcm· 1111 until li o'l'lrll'll nrc: hlooll pledgei:l to Governor. WJI!lams her 4. Has Access to clruwrs ut. :i\lnson. h:etchum said, spray Is applied, Evans said. In Have You Met? on the first ballot only. After 'flw mollilP JtprJ C:r·oss unit Other bids received !rom con· cases where owners want shrubs that they arc on their own. By action of the lcgislatut·c Engineer Joins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Tuesday nigJ1t the election ma• Wa~ Sl'l IIJI nl till' I.Pginll iHr:· t r,tclors were Ted Beauchamp, and trees spared, their wishes 1 Illrlrciler, who recently bought •-------------- chinet·y was S[lCeclcd up anothet• mm·Jnl builrliu~-;. Hmun·s lwgun Slockbrirlge, $7,!JH; Ferris Co., Will be followed unlc:;s tralllc West Side Site the Don C<tdy home, 725 East notch. The law did require that to re11urt 111 noon. Mason, $6,920; Angell Constt·uc· hazards would result, the e11'gi· (Qmmission Staff J\1;11 '! That's I he old Rayner ballots be delivered to township Stl'et•t I~dcn~ion lion Co., Lansing, $6,195; Noy!'C· ncer stuted, .. Ray Ne! joined the Ingham Attorney General A.o;;h fmm home Which stuncls op· and ci ly I' Jerks 10 dnys before an Is Not Ut•qulrctj lor Bennolt·N o Y c c, Inc., Lansing, Edward Leiicclm, a uraduate county, road commission Monday positc the entrance to Rayner clcclir,n. By legislative enactment ' on Cady Buys $5,71?; am~ M~urlcc Vermcersch, forester. f:om Michigan Sli).~e Ill:\ office engineer. rmrk. Discusses Issue Tuesday night t11c time of de· Reaching New School Lansmg, $.J,66v. college, 1s charge of -spraying; Following his graduation from D m. Til~ Hirlrcilcrs came to Ma· livery was changed to 20 days be· Want~ SeWl'l' Moved He does nul mtcncl to follow m.1y· Michigan State, Nef worked 1 son from Long Island by way fore election. Extension or Asi1 street fot• Of all the people who pctillon scorched earth policy, Evans satd. years. for ·the :)tate highway de· Of Building Fund Rat hb urn Store of Allentown, Pennsylvania. Cundidulcs fm· (;ovct·not• aeee~s lo Mason's West Side 1he council on drains. there arc Spray will be applied along part\nent and then for 2 years Mr. Ilirtrciter is an engineer I11gham officials arc awattJng­ Repuhltcans have 3 eandidateK school is not being asi\Cd by Don Cady ltns purcilused itw few who as!( for less drainage. guard ralls, at either s.lde of n~r· was an engineer with W. H. Flood with Reo Molars, Inc. They the opinion of Attorney General willing to serve as governor and hardware husmcss of Frank However, Max McCarn did just row and a. t lughway Ill• Co. at the ·Kalamazoo labora- thc school boal'd. t b~lclgcst 1 t tl 1 & lived for 2 months on Jeffcr· Fran!~ Millard on a program to 5 as lleutcnant·governor. There Rathburn. Tile sale has been that ¥onday night. In a letter he ersec tons, <tecon mg 0 Je Pan tory. There he was engaged in son before buying the Cady finance construction of an in· arc 1 <mxiou:; to be United States Arthu1 W.. Jewell owns lhc hangmg fire Ior 2 weeks. cxplalt<ed that a .city drain cuts m~pp~d by ~vans and ~eHccka. bituminous testing and in soils home a Iew days ago. , flrrnary arldllion. scnat()r and 3 to serve as con• land whwh would huvc to be Cady was formerly a partner r·ight through his property on Elimtnatmg brush .111 dlleheH testing. ,. · Both Mr. and Mrs. IIirtreltcr The bo,ml oi social wclfam hus gressman. used for tile extension. Ile owned wlth Jim Dar·t in Dmt & Cady, Hall boulevard. IY.IcCurn plans to ~~ltc~ fa; bctt~r dral~?,li~ and Ncf'ls looldng for quarters in are intcrcslccl in gardening $256,000 available to pay for con· Fred M. Alger, Jr., now scere• it when he sold and traded to the plumbing and llcatlng contrac· digk al blascmltcntt lllltl3 weeks tls·rz adetccslatl·telcl s.~S~pwrayrecmoon~:ol o'vatlnlCS' Mason.
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