Volume 13, Supplementary Issue, December 2020 ISSN 1995-6673 JJBS Pages 701 - 707 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences Morphology and Distribution of Empoasca decipiens Paoli and Asymmetrasca decedens (Paoli) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), in Jordan * Zaid Nabas and Ahmad Katbeh Bader22TP0F Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. Received: February 11, 2020; Revised: March 8, 2020; Accepted: April 19, 2020 Abstract A survey was carried out from May 2018 to November 2019 to collect the green leafhoppers from different ecosystems in Jordan using a battery-operated vacuum device or a sweeping net from 27 localities in Jordan. The collected specimens were identified as Empoasca decipiens Paoli or Asymmetrasca decedens (Paoli). Both species were found widely distributed and overlap in their range. Accurate species identification depended only on the microscopic examination of male genitalia. Data on the distribution, collecting dates and morphology of these two species were given including color images of adults and male genitalia. Keywords: Leafhoppers, survey, male genitalia, Typhlocybinae, Empoascini. Museum (UJIM) were examined. Locality names, their 1. Introduction coordinates, host plants, collecting dates, number of males, number of unidentified females and the total number of The genus Empoasca Walsh, 1862 includes more than specimens are given in Table 1. Coordinates were taken by 643 species distributed worldwide while genus Global Position System. Leafhoppers were sampled Asymmetrasca includes 17 species restricted to the mainly by a battery-operated vacuum device Palearctic and Oriental regions (InsectaZooka, BioQuip products, Rancho Dominguez, (http://dmitriev.speciesfile.org, Liu et al., 2014). The CA) and occasionally by a sweeping net. Collected green leafhoppers, Empoasca decipiens and A. decedens specimens were preserved in alcohol or pinned on cards are widely distributed in the Middle East, North Africa, and housed at the University of Jordan Insect Museum. central Asia and most of Europe (Raupach et al., 2002). Male genitalia of all collected specimens were removed Both species are considered pests on economically and soaked in hot 10% KOH for 3-8 min, washed in important agricultural crops, including grape, tomato, distilled water, and then transferred to glycerin for further potato, corn and other host plants (Raupach et al., 2002; dissection and identification. Specimens were identified Atakan, 2011; Emam et al., 2020). However, using the key of Le Quesne and Payne (1981) and the misidentifications of the two species caused confusion interactive key at (http://dmitriev.speciesfile.org), which over their identity due to high morphological similarity to included relevant literature about Jordan or other adjacent each other and closely related species (Poos, 1932; areas. Color photographs were taken for adult insects by Karimzadeh and Dworakowska, 2011; Aguin-Pombo, Canon EOS 40 attached to Leica M165 C 2014; Qin et al., 2015). For example, E. punjabensis has Stereomicroscope provided with Dome LED illumination. often been misidentified as E. decipiens (Karimzadeh and Male genitalia were photographed using the same camera Dworakowska 2011). Al-Asady (2002) illustrated the mounted on a Leica DMLS binocular microscope. Body morphology of male and female adults and the male length for adults was measured from the tip of the head to genitalia of A. decedens. the tip of the wings. The objectives of this study were to survey, identify the species of the green leafhoppers and contribute to their 3. Results morphology to facilitate their identification. A total of 368 specimens of leafhoppers were collected 2. Materials and Methods from 27 different locations on 28 host plants including grasses, fruit trees, vegetables, ornamentals and wild Specimens were collected from 27 localities from plants. Sampling sites, their coordinates, collecting dates, various habitats in the Jordan including the highlands, male and unidentified female numbers of both species are Jordan Valley and desert areas from May 2018 to given in Table 1. Distribution of both species is shown in November 2019. In addition, specimens collected Figure 1. The examination of all male genitalia (Plates 1, 2 previously and preserved at the University of Jordan Insect and 3) from each sample revealed that they belonged to * Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]. 702 © 2020 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved - Volume 13, Supplementary Issue either Empoasca decipiens and/or Asymmetrasca and A. decedens male genitalia were shown in Table 2. decedens. Morphological differences between E. decipiens Figure 1. Map of Jordan showing the distribution of E. decipiens (Red) and A. decedens (yellow). The Black and white circle shows areas of overlapping populations. Source: Google Earth (US Dept. of State Geographer, accessed March 2020). © 2020 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved - Volume 13, Supplementary Issue 703 Table 1. Collecting localities, dates, hosts, number of males and total numbers of E. decipiens and A. decedens. Host plant No. of No. of No. of Common name, Collecting undetermined Total No. of Locality Coordinates scientific name date E. decipiens male A. decedens male Female specimens specimens specimens (family) specimens Citrus Ash Shūnah ash N32° 28.15 Citrus spp. 19/12/2017 4 2 8 14 Shamālīyah E 35° 35.44 (Rutaceae) Field bindweed Al Jubayhah, UJ* N32ᵒ00.695 30/5/2018 5 3 13 21 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 Convolvulus arvensis L. (Convolvulaceae) Rosemary Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 Salvia rosmarinus 30/5/2018 2 - 6 8 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 Spenn. (Lamiaceae) Bermuda grass Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 Cynodondactylon (L.) 3/6/2018 - 1 1 2 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 Pers. (Poaceae) Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 Rosemary 3/6/2018 3 3 6 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 - Johnson grass Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 Sorghum halepense 3/6/2018 3 - 4 7 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 (L.) Pers. (Poaceae) Field bindweed Convolvulus arvensis N31ᵒ49.499 L. Al Yadodah 22/7/2018 3 - 4 7 E35ᵒ54.465 and Mint Mentha sp. (Lamiaceae) Al Jubayhah, UJ* N32ᵒ00.695 Citrus 1/8/2018 - 3 1 4 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 Olives N31ᵒ98.832 Ammān 6/8/2018 1 - 3 4 E35ᵒ83.039 Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) Almond N31ᵒ51.061 Ammān Prunus dulcis (Mill.) 9/8/2018 - 1 - 1 E35ᵒ52.888 D. A. Webb (Rosaceae) Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 Rose 12/8/2018 6 4 15 25 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 Rosa sp. (Rosaceae) Grape vine Vitis vinifera L. Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 12/8/2018 12 - 16 28 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 (Vitaceae) with Convolvulus arvensis beneath Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 Rose 14/8/2018 1 - 4 5 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 False yellowhead N32ᵒ02.753 Shafa Badran 14/8/2018 15 6 51 72 E35ᵒ89.996 Inula graveolens L. (Asteroideae) Silverleaf nightshade N31ᵒ49.499 Solanum Al Yadodah 19/8/2018 6 7 31 44 E35ᵒ54.465 elaeagnifolium Cav. (Solanaceae) Pomegranate N32ᵒ43.00 'Ayn ‘Aqrabah Punica granatum L. 31/10/2018 3 - 3 6 E35ᵒ48.00 Lythraceae Nettle N32ᵒ07.149 Slaihi Urtica dioica L. 20/1/2019 - 7 1 8 E35ᵒ49.886 (Urticaceae) Potato N32ᵒ07.149 Dayr 'Alla, Damya 26/1/2019 - 2 1 3 E35ᵒ49.886 Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae) Brambles N32ᵒ07.149 Tal ar Rummān 30/1/2019 3 - 2 5 E35ᵒ49.886 Rubus canescens DC. (Rosaceae) 704 © 2020 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved - Volume 13, Supplementary Issue Alfalfa UJ Farm, Ghawr N32ᵒ05.071 13/2/2019 3 - 2 5 Kabid E35ᵒ35.706 Medicago sativa L. (Fabaceae) Saltwort Dead Sea- Mādabā N31ᵒ39.688 Seidlitzia rosmarinus 20/2/2019 - - 1 1 Road (Panorama) E35ᵒ34.964 Bunge ex Boiss. (Amaranthaceae) Purslane-leaved Dead Sea Hotels N31ᵒ44.340 aizoon 20/2/2019 - - 4 4 area E35ᵒ35.794 Aizoon canariense L. (Aizoaceae) Toothbrush tree N30ᵒ55.640 Ghawr Fīfah Salvadora persica L. 20/2/2019 2 - 1 3 E35ᵒ27.555 (Salvadoraceae) Thorny burnet N31ᵒ50.001 Sarcopoterium Al Rawda 25/2/2019 2 - 2 4 E35ᵒ47.775 spinosum L. (Rosaceae) Sorghum halepense UJ Farm, Ghawr N32ᵒ05.071 (L.) Pers. 13/3/2019 2 - 3 5 Kabid E35ᵒ35.706 (Poaceae) Hopbush UJ Farm, Ghawr N32ᵒ05.071 31/3/2019 - - 3 3 Kabid E35ᵒ35.706 Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. (Sapindaceae) Ash Shūnah al N31ᵒ53.215 Grape vine 4/4/2019 3 - 7 10 Janūbiyah E35ᵒ37.418 Devil's thorn N29ᵒ36.809 Wādī Ramm Rumex spinosus L. 12/4/2019 1 - - 1 E35ᵒ29.262 (Polygonaceae) Ephedra N30ᵒ07.833 Aqaba Ephedra sp. 3/5/2019 - - 9 9 E35ᵒ24.459 (Ephedraceae) N32ᵒ15.736 Ajlūn Olives 8/5/2019 - 3 8 11 E35ᵒ47.506 Oriental plane N32ᵒ14.601 Rajeb 8/5/2019 2 - 2 4 E35ᵒ42.013 Platanus orientalis L. (Platanaceae) N32ᵒ08.573 Thorny burnet Slaihi 12/5/2019 - 1 - 1 E35ᵒ48.884 N32ᵒ20.323 Grape vine Al Mafraq 19/5/2019 - 2 - 2 E36ᵒ32.521 N31ᵒ47.079 Umm al ‘Amad Olives 29/5/2019 1 - 2 3 E35ᵒ53.414 N32ᵒ15.558 Jerash Olives 11/6/2019 1 - - 1 E35ᵒ55.758 Al Jubayhah, UJ N32ᵒ00.695 Rosemary 14/6/2019 - 1 - 1 Campus E35ᵒ52.380 Eggplant N31ᵒ49.499 Al Yadodah 24/6/2019 - 3 7 10 E35ᵒ54.465 Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae) N31ᵒ49.499 Al Yadodah Bermuda grass 24/6/2019 3 - 5 9 E35ᵒ54.465 Oak N32ᵒ08.326 Wādī Bayodah Quercus sp. 11/7/2019 - 2 2 4 E35ᵒ43.376 Fagaceae Oleander N31ᵒ58.487 Wādī as Sīr 20/9/2019 1 - 1 2 E35ᵒ48.851 Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae) N32ᵒ21.934 Al Mafraq Bermuda grass 16/11/2019 1 - 4 5 E36ᵒ47.036 *UJ: University of Jordan. Table 2. Comparison between morphological characteristics of E. decipiens and A. decedens male genitalia. Genitalia Structure E. decipiens A. decedens Anal styli Strongly curved, narrows gradually to a sharp point (Plate 2. A) Slightly curved, end rounded not sharp (Plate 2. B) Asymmetric, with L-shape projection situated laterally Aedeagus Symmetric, simple without a projection (Plate 2. A) and slightly beneath the apex. (Plate 2. C) Slightly curved in lateral view, distal part slightly curved tapered Almost straight in lateral view, distal part strongly Paramere (Plate 2.
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