Peg Goes Public again on page six Summit Herald ...Summit's only real newspaper Vol. 95 No. 13 273-4000 October 29,1983 $10. A Year Price 25c In the News... Kean urges HUD 16 students !i That "throw the arrested for rascals out"attitude to grant waiver •Rie composition of Summit Common Council has always been a testimony to marijuana individualism. Council is not a monolith. By J. J.MARTIN favorable" technical review of Ihe What has been misleading is that dif- SUMMIT— Governor Thomas Kean haa changes made by the City of Summit and ByPEGTHURLER ferences, for the most pan,are ironed out sent a letter lo the United States Depart- the Summit Housing Authority, accor- SUMMIT - Police Chief Frank For- in conference and consequently the public ment of Housing and Urban Development ding to the Authority's executive dircclor. michella said 16 students were charged ill can be misled by ihe introduction of ideas requesting they grant the total develop- Vito Gallo said the letter, sent to Phil with using a controlled dangerous and proposals which are the result of a ment cost cap waiver for the Summit Abrams, undersecretary of Ihe HUD, substance (marijuana) on Oct. 17 during a consolidation of opinions behind a com- senior housing complex. stated that Summit has made "a major at- drug raid. The arrests came after an ex- W mon goal. They are each striving towards According to Assemblyman Bob tempt" to reduce the total developmental tensive investigation conducted with the a common goal. They often differ on how Franks, the governor sent the letter to cost. cooperation of the school administration. lo reach thai goal. This is usually nol ap- HUD on Thursday affirming his "strong "It appears Summit is being penalized The investigation was initialed after parenl lo the citizen who occasionally at- support" of the cap waiver. Franks added continuing observations by the police and tends a meeting of Common Council. lhat is a rare occurrence when a governor through the retroactive imposition of the total development cost cap on public school officials. The arrests were made at Unfortunately, various members of Ihe becomes involved in a local housing mat- a specified location at the high school. Council in ihe past have conveyed an aura ter. housing," Renna said. "Summit worked THE RAZING this past week of the large white Fitterer building on the northeast corner of Chestnut long and hard with the Union County Avenue and Broad Street signalled completion of the clearing of the portion of the Community Develop- The suspects were charged with the use of aloofness. Or one of self sufficiency. "I had been working on the governor of a controlled dangerous substance and One or two, not on the present Common for the past two weeks urging him to send Division on Aging...to provide decent and ment Areo to be used as the site of the long-awaited Senior Citizen Housing project. affordable housing." released to their parents, and enrolled in Council, have suffered from a louch of a letter," he said. "A governor almost drug rehabilitation programs. Court ac- "Father knows best." never supercedes in a local housing The Summit Housing Authority has grant project approval. "It's encouraging to know lhat all of tion is pending. It is not lhat Council is secielive. They authority matter. But 1 think he already received approval on their cost- Gallo said the project has been receiv- these people are concerned, especially the At the Board of Education meeting on are not. Ask any one of them a question underslands we very desperately need this reduction alternatives for the HUD fund- ing support from people on all levels of governor," he said. "It demonstrates the Oct. 20, a parent asked Superintendent of and if they can, you will receive an housing project." ed senior citizen housing project from the government including Mayor James broad support for the project which is Schools Dr. Richard Fiander to give answer. They may not tell you all they John Rcnna, commissioner of the New Newark office of HUD. However the Lovett, who sent a letter to the governor, strongly being transmitted to the details of the arrests, He described the in- know at thai moment, and they may Jersey Department of Community Af- Newark officials stated they were not op- and Freeholder Frank I.ehr, who spoke Washington HUD. It's clear were are get- cident with facts basically the same as judiciously lime the release of informa- fairs, has also sent HUD a "very timistic the Washington HUD would with Renna. ling high level support." those issued by Chief Formichella, adding tion, but you will receive a courteous that the children had been suspended answer. following the incident. Generally Council does not issue public A chemical health coordinator has not statements. They wait upon the yel been hired. Dr. Fiander reported that newspapers to report the facts, and when Franklin School students learn the art of giving a waiver of certification has been rejected the facts are incorrect, they do not ask for by the state. The job description must be a correction. A belter solution lo ihe By J.J.MARTIN since Zanders started the program almost Franklin School Principal Grace re-defined and re-written. The job will handling of inadequate or incorrect repor- 18 years ago. Franklin School is currently Kingsburry spent three summers in- have a new title - Chemical Health ting would be lo call the newspaper in SUMMIT— There is a vast difference between the village children of Upper one of only six schools across the United structing workshops for teachers in Teacher. question and ask thai a correction, be States listed as a major donor by Ihe Save Africa. For her, ihe straits and needs of Dr. Fiander agreed with a comment published. Volta, Africa, and Ihe sixth grade students in Franklin School, Summit. Ihe Children Federation. That's quite an the people were experienced first hand. thai such a teacher, if hired at the beginn- However ihe basic responsibility for Located in central Africa, Upper Volta accomplishment considering most of the Understandably, they have left a lasting ing of the school year, might have helped communication between private citizen other six schools are high schools. impression. to avert the events that led to the drug and Council belongs lo each individual has a population of 5.6 million and is listed as the 14th poorest country in the However, according to Zanders, who "I don't think most of us can ap- raid. However, he noted that even if ap- citizen. After all, the mayor and Council leaches social studies, getting the money is preciate some of the restraint those people proval is given by the state to the new job contribute enormous chunks of time ai no world. Only 1.8 percent of the population attend school and the literacy rale is one not as important to the children as the have to work under. The conditions there description, the applicant who is being pay so it is discouraging when meeting educational purpose of understanding arc not whal we'd expect," she said. "The considered for the position would still after meeting, no one shows up-or just of the lowest in the world. Suffering from malnutrition, starvation what it is like to live in a Third World Bible tells us thai when much is given, have to give three weeks notice to her cur- Ihe regulars, as they say at city hall. country. much is expected. I feel il is exlrcmely im- rent employer. Hut let a hot issue come up, and ihe air and disease, many of the children die every day — most before their fifth birth- "These children we help, live in con- portant for children in an affluent area gels sleamed up. Confrontation is the ap- day. Some believe the problem is so over- such as Summit lo reach out to those that proach. stant poverty," she said. "It's not like it is are less fortunate than them. These OK, yon say. Are you telling us that we whelming that it is beyond help. here in Summit where everyone-has loo much of everything." \ V (Children ar.e doingjust'that." .-;•\ v -.-,:,', should nol speak our piece? The sixth graders at Franklin School, Smithy who has been with thetprograni Of course not., Bui put. yourself in however, do not agree. Zanders also believes the project serves as an integral part of the childrcns' five yearsi said another'Interesting facet mayor and Council's shoes. Hour in and Under Ihe guidance of Elizabeth of the program is'thai some of the hour,out is speni on conferences, resear- Zanders and Winnie Smith, both teachers growth in leadership,.responsibility and academics. T - • ....,„ • •> children who are not good students ch, and problem solving by them with no at the school* the students each year academically end up being the top sales impul from the public. Praise is slow in decide which country they would like to "1. couldn't see any better' way of people. She added all of Ihe students are lot approved forthcoming. Then when the public send money to for help. They then go out teaching social studies," she said,-"Social enthusiastic about the program and have disagrees, statements are often made that on clothing drives, conduct bake sales, studies cannot really be taught out of a an overall good feeling about themselves do nol reflect appreciation for their posi- sell T-shirts — whatever is necessary lo book; citizenship has to be experienced. If as well.
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