2012 UMD Annual Report u n ! i t a n ed w e c The Global Macedonian United, We Can Make a Difference 2012 UMD Annual Report I. Executive Summary II. UMD Financial Statement III. UMD Operations / Events IV. Youth and Education V. Promoting Macedonian Culture VI. Charitable Activity VII. A Voice for Macedonia VIII. Macedonian Companions Program I. Executive Summary Founded in 2004, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is a leading international non-governmental and non-pro!t organization promoting the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities worldwide. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., UMD has built a formidable operations network throughout the U.S., Australia, Canada, and Europe, with membership spanning six continents. UMD Objectives t4BGFHVBSEJOHUIFSJHIUTPG.BDFEPOJBOTBSPVOEUIFXPSME t6OJGZJOHUIF.BDFEPOJBOEJBTQPSB t$PMMBCPSBUJOHXJUIUIFHSFBUFSJOUFSOBUJPOBMDPNNVOJUZUPQSPNPUFUIFVOJWFSTBMJEFBMTPGQFBDF GSFFEPN self-determination, equality, and justice t1SPNPUJOHUIF.BDFEPOJBOFUIOJDIFSJUBHFBOEJEFOUJUZ t1SFTFSWJOH.BDFEPOJBOUSBEJUJPOTWJBFEVDBUJPOBM TPDJBM BOEDIBSJUBCMFQSPHSBNT UMD Policy Issues t4VQQPSUJOHUIF3FQVCMJDPG.BDFEPOJBTDPOTUJUVUJPOBMBOESJHIUGVMOBNF t%FGFOEJOHUIF.BDFEPOJBOFUIOJDBOEOBUJPOBMJEFOUJUZJOUFSOBUJPOBMMZ t4BGFHVBSEJOHUIFIVNBOSJHIUTPG.BDFEPOJBOTFWFSZXIFSF t*NQSPWJOHCJMBUFSBMSFMBUJPOTCFUXFFO.BDFEPnia and the nations in which UMD operates t4VQQPSUJOHUIF3FQVCMJDPG.BDFEPOJBTNFNCFSTIJQJOSFHJPOBMBOEJOUFSOBUJPOBMPSHBOJ[BUJPOT TVDIBTUIF/PSUI Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union UMD recognizes that the success and well being of Macedonian communities worldwide is essential for the success and well being of Macedonia. 6.%T FČPSUT BSF VOEFSUBLFO CZ JUT QSPGFTTJPOBM TUBČ JOUFSOT BOE WPMVOUFFST BOE DPPSEJOBUFE GSPN JUT JOUFSOBUJPOBM headquarters in Washington, D.C. along with regional o"ces and representatives serving Macedonian communities in: "VTUSBMJB "VTUSJB $BOBEB 'SBODF (FSNBOZ (SFFDF 3VTTJB UIF6OJUFE,JOHEPN UIF6OJUFE4UBUFTBOEFMTFXIFSF 2012 Executive O!cers 6.%T EBJMZ PQFSBUJPOT BSF DBSSJFE PVU CZ JUT &YFDVUJWF UMD Regional Representatives 0ďDFST XIP UJSFMFTTMZ XPSL UP BEWBODF 6.%T FČPSUT 6.% 3FHJPOBM 3FQSFTFOUBUJWFT BSF BU UIF DPSF PG 6.% Primarily all volunteers, the Executive O"cers devote operations serving as liaisons between UMD and its substantial time and their substantial professional NFNCFSTBOE.BDFEPOJBODPNNVOJUJFT6.%3FHJPOBM expertise to UMD. 3FQSFTFOUBUJWFT QSPWJEF B WJUBM MJOL CFUXFFO 6.% BOE JUTNFNCFST LFFQJOHNFNCFSTVQEBUFEPO6.%FČPSUT 4UPKBO/JLPMPW Chairman BOEBDUJWJUJFTBOEMFBEJOHFČPSUTUPSFDSVJUOFXNFNCFST .FUPEJKB",PMPTLJ President JOUP6.%ćF3FHJPOBM3FQSFTFOUBUJWFTBMTPXPSLXJUI Aleksandar Mitreski, Vice President the UMD Executive O"cers to plan and hold UMD events Lidija Stojkoska, Treasurer in their respective regions. George Peters, Secretary Ordan Andreevski, Director of Australian Operations 2012 UMD Regional Representatives Jim Daikos, Director of Canadian Operations Tanja Angelovski, Munich Trajko Papuckoski, Director of U.S. Operations Vera Arsova, New York City Alexander Avramoski, Sydney/New South Wales "SHJF/#FMMJP Indiana UMD Board of Directors Mark Branov, Toronto #e UMD Board of Directors is the highest authority Filip Altiparmakovski, Benelux within UMD. Several members of the Board have been /BUBMJB#VSMJOH#FUJOTLJ Chicago with UMD since its earliest days and are responsible for /JLPMB$VDVMPWTLJ Tennessee TFUUJOH 6.%T PCKFDUJWFT BOE GPS FOTVSJOH UIBU 6.% Igor Danajlovski, Dusseldorf has the resources to achieve its goals. #e Board meets at Gjorgji Gjeorgjievski, Seattle and Washington State least quarterly to review UMD operations and annually Mishko Josifov, Miami and Florida conducts its annual meeting where its members are #PSJT,BNDIFW St. Petersburg, Russia elected from the UMD membership and where it charts ,SJTUJKBO,PSVOPTLJ Poland 6.%TDPVSTF ,POTUBOUJO/BLPWTLJ Cleveland, Northern Ohio %JNJUBS/BTFW Los Angeles 2012 UMD Board of Directors "MFLTBOESB/BTUFTLB Montreal 4UPKBO/JLPMPW &VHFOJB/BUTPVMJEPV Greece .FUPEJKB",PMPTLJ Zhikica Pagovski, Washington, D.C. Aleksandar Mitreski 3PCFSU1BTRVBMF Australia Treasurer George Peters Goce Peroski, Sttutgart Lidija Stojkoska Dejan Petkovski, Houston and Texas Ordan Andreevski Claude Zoran Spasevski, Paris, France Jim Daikos Goran Saveski %BNF,SDPTLJ Trajko Papuckoski UMD Advisory Council #e UMD Advisory Council is a multi-sector advisory group. Membership on the Advisory Council comes by invitation from the UMD Board of Directors, and drawn from the worlds of the arts, business, and public service. UMD bene!ts greatly GSPNUIF6.%"EWJTPSZ$PVODJMNFNCFSTFYQFSJFODFTJOB variety of !elds to further assist in our mission, particularly in the establishment of innovative partnerships with relevant institutions worldwide. 2012 UMD Advisory Council UMD Voice Ambassador Ljubica Z. Acevska Chris Antoniou George Atanasoski Tale Buling %BOB-,MFJO (FPSHF,PSPMPČ George Markou Mark B. Mitskovski +FSSZ/BVNPČ &MJ[BCFUI/BVNPWTLJ Jim Pavle Chris Stanwyck ćPNBT/5BOFČ Gligor Tashkovich UMD VoiceJT6.%TRVBSUFSMZNBHB[JOFBOEUIF /JDIPMBTćBX premier publication for the Macedonian Diaspora. UMD Lou Vlasho Voice is distributed to UMD members in a printed edition; it can also be downloaded from the UMD website. Each issue of UMD Voice is generally downloaded approximately UMD OFFICES 25,000 times from the UMD website upon the publication of each issue. UMD Headquarters )4USFFU /8 4VJUF #e magazine reaches out to a very wide range of people, Washington, D.C. 20005 of all ages and professions, from all over the world. Aside 1IPOF from stories about Macedonia itself, UMD Voice is also [email protected] your source of news about UMD events, as well as feature interviews with prominent Macedonians in the Diaspora, UMD Canada and features about Macedonia and the Balkans, including 3555 St. Clair Avenue East human rights, economic development, tourism, culture 5PSPOUP 0/ .,- and many other topics of interest. 1IPOF6.% [email protected] On the Web and Social Media UMD Australia P.O. Box 3122 www.umdiaspora.org Hawthorn, VIC 3122 www.facebook.com/UnitedMacedonianDiaspora 1IPOF www.twitter.com/UMDiaspora [email protected] www.linkedin.com/groups/united-macedonian-diaspora II. FINANCIAL STATEMENT StatementofActivities2012CONSOLIDATED Revenue SpecialEvents $70,010 27% MembershipDues 77,331 29% ContributionsandSponsorship 116,459 44% TotalPublicSupportandOtherRevenue $263,800 100% OperatingExpenses CharitableandEducationalPrograms $151,045 61% CulturalPrograms 39,196 16% ManagementandAdministrative 26,357 11% FundraisingandSpecialEvents 30,192 12% TotalExpenses $246,791 100% ChangeinNetAssets $17,009 UMD2012OperatingExpenses UMD2012OperatingIncome Special Events $26,357 $30,192 Charitable& Contributions 27% Educational and CulturalPrograms Sponsorship 44% Management& Administrative Membership $39,196 Fundraising&Special Duesand Events $151,045 Donations 29% StatementofActivitiesRetrospectiveComparison Revenue 2012 2011 2010 2013 2011 2010 GlobalConference $70,010 $59,225 $(33,191) 27% 25% 24% MembershipDues 77,331 157,102 114,710 29% 66% 84% Contributions,SponsorshipandGrants 116,459 21,834 50,000 44% 9% 37% UMDVoice 474 4,750 0% 0% 3% TotalPublicSupportandOtherRevenue$ 263,800 $238,636 $ 136,269 100% 100% 100% OperatingExpenses CharitableandEducationalPrograms$ 151,045 $146,544 $5,750 61% 59% 4% CulturalPrograms 39,196 15,938 19,757 16% 6% 12% ManagementandAdministrative 26,357 56,404 88,902 11% 23% 56% FundraisingandSpecialEvents 30,192 28,890 33,380 12% 12% 21% UMDVoice 10,522 0% 0% 7% TotalExpenses $246,791 $247,776 $ 158,311 100% 100% 100% ChangeinNetAssets $17,009 $(9,141) $(22,042) UMDRevenueComparison Retrospectivecategorycomparison UMDVoice $160,000 FundraisingandSpecialEvents $140,000 $120,000 GlobalConference ManagementandAdministrative $100,000 CulturalPrograms MembershipDues 2010 $80,000 CharitableandEducationalPrograms $60,000 2011 Contributions, UMDVoice $40,000 SponsorshipandGrants 2012 Contributions,SponsorshipandGrants $20,000 UMDVoice $ MembershipDues $(20,000) 2012 2011 2010 GlobalConference $(40,000) $(50,000) $$50,000$100,000$150,000$200,000 UMDProgramExpenseComparison ChangeinNetAssets $20,000 $160,000 $17,009 Charitableand $15,000 $140,000 EducationalPrograms $10,000 $120,000 CulturalPrograms $5,000 $100,000 $80,000 Managementand $ ChangeinNet Administrative 2010 2011 2012 Assets $60,000 $(5,000) FundraisingandSpecial $(9,141) $(10,000) $40,000 Events $20,000 UMDVoice $(15,000) $ $(20,000) 2012 2011 2010 $(22,042) $(25,000) III. UMD Operations & Events A New Year in a New O!ce At the beginning of 2012, UMD celebrated its move to )4USFFU /8 8BTIJOHUPO%$ćFOFXPďDFJTJO close proximity to the White House and the McPherson Square Metro Station and will enable UMD to conduct its operations more e"ciently. In addition to two desks, UMD has access to space for its interns, a conference SPPN GPS DMPTF UP QFPQMF BOE BCPVU TUBOEJOH room for receptions and gatherings. UMD is able to conduct roundtables, and panel discussions regularly in the facilities. New O!cers, Board Members and Volunteers UMD further expanded its operations this year with the addition of several new o"cers and volunteers. Natalia Buling-BetinskiXBTTFMFDUFEBTUIFĕSTUFWFS$IJDBHP3FHJPOBM3FQSFTFOUBUJWF Eugenia NatsoulidouXBTEFTJHOBUFEBTUIFĕSTU3FHJPOBM3FQSFTFOUBUJWFUP(SFFDF Zhikica PagovskiXBTFMFWBUFEUPUIFQPTUPG3FHJPOBM3FQSFTFOUBUJWFGPS8BTIJOHUPO%$ .BSZMBOE BOE7JSHJOJB 6.% BQQMBVEFE UIF TFSWJDF PG PVUHPJOH 4ZEOFZ/48 SFQSFTFOUBUJWF Tony Joseski and welcomed
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