
HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 7-27-69 7-27-69 5 8 at 0330 o £> at 1006 4 5 at 1606 t-IOURGlASS o 8 at 2154 J\.. .. ', I ~~.!,.I;~ ... "':,~ !! KWAJALEIP, ISLAl'JlJS Saturday, July 26, 1969 I, VOL 9, No 8458 L Moon Rocks, Soil Go on Display ost Massachusetts Residents For Select Audience of Scientists Want red to Retain Seat (UPI) -- Most Massachusetts residents SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI) -- Pampered with all the tender care technology can _apparently feel Sen Edward M Kennedy muster, the Moon rocks and s011 Apollo 11 brought home go on d1splay today for "'" ",,~;" should retain his seat in the Senate a select aud1ence of scientists ~ Initial response from other parts of The first v1ewing--through glass portholes in a special vacuum chamber - was ~ the country to his plea for advice ap­ eagerly awa1ted by SC1ent1sts who were chosen to analyze them to try to deter­ peared, however, to be more widely di­ m1ne the or1g1n of the Moon and perhaps the Universe vided "It's very frustratlng," said Jeff Warner, a geologist who works at the Moon Boston's three da1ly newspapers, the Isolatlon BUlldlng at the Space Center Record American, Globe and Feral Tra­ "The flrst box came at noon yesterday, veler, reported telephone calls "~2_to and we won't get to look at it unt11 10 Administration Talks 1" in favor of Kennedy am tOllorrow (today)" The Spr1ngfield Union reported less 1he long-awal ted Moon samples--t',o Tough to Business than three hours after the Senator's boxes \"1 th more than 50 pounds of Moon nationally televised speech, they had rock and dlrt--arrlved ln Houston yes­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Nixon Adl111ll1- rece1ved 102 calls, w1th 90 wanting terday from the LSS Hornet in two d1f­ stration has started talking tough to Kennedy to remaln in off1ce and 12 ur­ ferent alrplanes S1X hours apart labor and management about inflatlon­ gLng h1m to reslgn The first box arrived aboard an ary wage settlements But they d~d bO U 5 FROGMEN fY'om the caY'l'1-eY' HoY'­ - Radio and televlsion stations in the Force C141 cargo transport wlth a cr1p­ in the language of the classroom net 7eap fY'om a hov(Y'~nJ hpl1-eopteY' state said their switchboards were ov­ pled englne and went lrnmediately into Labor Secretary George P Shultz, a to the float1-ng Apollo 11 eapsule erworked with most callers support1ng the decontamlnatlon and sterJ11zat10n former econom1CS professor, warned md­ Kennedy nagement today that if wages contlnt..2 process requlred before the opening to­ Kennedy told hlS tel~vision audience day to increase at present rates, bUSlne~s Apollo Astronauts Rest he "would understand full well why could find it hard to meet the payroll With the serond box carne the medical some would think it rlght for ~e to materlal doctors will use to begin an­ when the economy cools After 8 Days In Space resign" 1n the wake of an automobile alyz1ng the health of Astronauts Neil He told unions they l1ight "pr1ce la­ accident which claimed the life of a Armstrong, BU7z Aldrin and Michael Col- bor out of the market" by contlnulng PBOARD JSS HORNET (UPI) -- The men who pretty blonde secretary He sald he llns to demand more pay and benefits opened the Moon to mank1nd, rested and would make the final decision but ask­ The outside of the flrst rock box, It was the closest the Republ1can 1n good health after elght da)s ln ed for the "advice and op1nlons" of conta1nln~ about 20 pounds of material, Adm1nistration has corne to the tech­ space and two days at sea, steamed to­ Massachusetts cltlzens was bplctched wlth several nickel and nlque used by the Kennedy and Johnson warJ a royal Hawa~ian welcome home to SlX carloads of people drove up to quarter-slzed stalns of a grey-brownlsh Administratlons of urglng labor and 10 S SOlI teday the Kennedy family compound at Hyannis color management to But the closest they would come to Port wlthin 10 minutes of the speech ThlS stain is belleved to be caused restrlct wage that ~011 was about three feet, the "The f1rst people were very emotion­ by salt water corrOS10n before Apollo and prlce de- d1stance to the ground from the bed of al very uptight," a guard said "They 11 was launchpd from Cape Kennedy mallds an aLr(raft loader walt1ng to carry told me to tell h1m that 'We're beh1nd The box was put through the aCld bath But in his t~e 'stronauts in their moblle qUdran­ him '" process deslgned to ellm1nate any Farth new9 conference CJ Ie van from Pedrl Farbor to H1ckam Yennedy's press aide, Rlchard Drayne corltamlnation of the bamples and the Snultz stopped 41r Fot e 1db" for the lonB flLght to bald telephone calls to the senator's aCld--strong enough to severely burn a short of making HOLlston offlce were "overwhelmlngly favorable flnger Just by d1pping it ln brlefly -­ hlS plea on pa­ ?n elJholdtE' half-hour \ Llcomlng from both men and women, from ln state dld not remove the spots But the of­ triotic grounds CE'remon l--c'xpected to draw 50, )(1,) peo­ and out of state" But, he added, you flclals dld not appear to be concerned He lald cut ple who would hedr the Astro~auts and "can't really tell untll the telegrams ~Le about the spots They Just were uncer­ what he conS1- thelr SlIvery lsolatlon van but ("nmp 1n " taln as to their orlgin ders the econo­ RGE P SHUI Tl not see the men theMselves--was plan­ The owner of an inn where Kennedy The Astronauts told the laboratory mlC rea11ties '-,ecrf'tary of Labor n0d at I, ~rl qarbor after the van was stayed sald, "He couldn't reslgn It personnel by telegram that the first and told both sides that s~lf- lmpobed n mC'vUl from thlS prlme recovery ShlP wouldn't be the Kennedy way" box to arrlve 1n Houston contained a­ lim1tations were in their own seJf-ln- bout 20 lndlvldual pleces of the Moon, terest each welghlng about a pound each Shultz sald the Admlnlstratlon's an­ Nixon Begins Tour With Warning: The box also conta1ns core tube sam­ t1-inflat10n po11cy is beg1nning to pl~~ and a scientific experiment to take hold and 1f labor and management test the composltlon of the Sun don't reallze that, "the conseauences Peace Must Come From ASians The second box--the one Armstrong and may be something they won't llke " MA'l- \ IPI) -- Presldent Nlxon began hlS tour of Asia today w1th the warning Aldrln filled flrst on the surface of Shultz' news conference was another that peace 1n th~s turbulent part of the world "cannot corne from the United the Moon last Sunday--contains a bulk lnQ1cation the Admlnistratlon is wor­ Stare," but only from AS1ans t-hemselves sample of about 39 pounds of Moon mate­ ried about ltS 1nability to kill off a In a f~rmal statement on arr1val at Internatlonal Airport, the Presldent ex­ rlal It began the processing through "psychology of inflation" WhlCh has pandea upon a brleflng for newsmen on Guam Thursday nlght when he sald that the the decontamlnation system late yestcr­ crept into almost all recent business Fnlted States would avo1d future Vlet Nams and encourage the AS1an aliles to day dec1slons rely on thelr own forces for defense The Phlllpplne welcome was warm Threat- The boxes are opened in a vacuum ened anti-Nixon demonstrat10ns hy left- chanber in the sterll1zatlon system Air 1st students did not materia11ze tlght flexlble gloves allow technlclans Cairo Paper Ridicules The weather was overcast, hot and hu­ and sClentists to do work inside the mld as the silvery presldential Jet,Alr chamber Air Attack by Israel Force One, landed at 12 33 am EDT Speclal mlcroscopes and laboratory Nixon had on a dark buslncss suit and lnstruments were deslgned to let SClen­ (UPI) -- An Israeli air raid across Mrs N1xon wore a summery dress 1n plnk tlStS work through the glass panels of the Suez Canal today caused so llttle as they beamed and smiled at the cheer­ the isolation cabinets and vacuum cham- damage that mortar fire would have lng crowd of approxlmately 15,000 per­ bers done as much, a semi-offic1al Cairo sons at the airport Arrlval of the lunar samples sparked newspaper said today and lmp11ed it The Presldent was welcomed by PreS1- lnterest at the Space Center and about was not worthy of an Egyptian counter­ dent and Mrs Ferdinand ~arcos, both of 150 agency employees, decked out in ca­ attack whom are old friends of the Nixons, and rre-as and clicking pictures llke tour­ Israel said its raids across the fa­ quickly got to the p01nt of his V1Slt lStS, cheered when the first box--re­ nal are demonstrating that Egvpt lS after the usual honor guard ceremonles presentlng $24 bl11ion worth of space not prepared for war Presldent Gamel and the playing of national anthems efforts--was taken from a truck Abdel Nasser told Egypt it must pre­ Nlxon said he wanted to speak candid­ pare for war with Israel ly to "my frlends in the Phillpplnes, I Egypt said its antialrcraft flre, In know you llke straight talk" He then raids on Port Fuad, El fina and fl De spelled out h1s approach to U S pol1cy versoir, shot down three Israeli Jets ln Asia Israel said the raids knock~d out But 1f peace is to corne from Asia several Arab artillery emplacements and I emphasize thlS pOlnt the United Israel said it 'Was the fourth such States will play its part and provide raid across the Canal this week and ltS falr share But peace in Asia can­ that the planes knocked out several not corne from the United States It must Egyptlan gun positions on the Canal'~ come from Psia " west bank The President was to spend 23 hours Bar-Lev said he d1d not believe the ~7IXO'V' C; ROUND-THE-WO'?LD TRIP looks 1n Manila holding talks with Marcos and situatlon had changed much along the hke th1-s on c: map other off1c1als
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