THE YEAR IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 2009 The Genetics and Ecology of Reinforcement Implications for the Evolution of Prezygotic Isolation in Sympatry and Beyond Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos,a Alicia Grealy,a and Patrik Nosilb,c aSchool of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia bDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA cInstitute for Advanced Study, Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin, Germany Reinforcement, the evolution of prezygotic reproductive barriers by natural selection in response to maladaptive hybridization, is one of the most debated processes in spe- ciation. Critics point to “fatal” conceptual flaws for sympatric evolution of prezygotic isolation, but recent theoretical and empirical work on genetics and ecology of reinforce- ment suggests that such criticisms can be overcome. New studies provide evidence for reinforcement in frogs, fish, insects, birds, and plants. While such evidence lays to rest the argument over reinforcement’s existence, our understanding remains incomplete. We lack data on (1) the genetic basis of female preferences and the links between genet- ics of pre- and postzygotic isolation, (2) the ecological basis of reproductive isolation, (3) connections between prezygotic isolation between species and within-species sexual selection (potentially leading to a “cascade” of effects on reproductive isolation), (4) the role of habitat versus mate preference in reinforcement, and (5) additional detailed comparative studies. Here, we review data on these issues and highlight why they are important for understanding speciation. Key words: speciation; reinforcement; reproductive isolation; female preferences; as- sortative mating; genetic incompatibilities; natural selection Introduction patric) diverging species (Dobzhansky 1940; Howard 1993; Noor 1999). Subsequently, hy- Since Darwin, scientists have strived to un- bridizing populations can achieve full repro- derstand the evolutionary forces that drive spe- ductive isolation when alleles that confer mate ciation (Dobzhansky 1937b; Mayr 1963). In discrimination spread to the entire species particular, can the formation of new species be (Servedio & Kirkpatrick 1997). Importantly, favored by natural selection? One popular the- many types of costs to hybridization, including ory in which natural selection drives speciation both ecological and genetic dysfunctions in hy- is termed “reinforcement.” Under this mode of brid offspring that reduce their fitness, can drive speciation, natural selection strengthens prezy- reinforcement. The process of reinforcement gotic reproductive isolation (for example, mate is usually detectable before species reach full discrimination) as a response to maladaptive prezygotic isolation: because selection against hybridization between co-occurring (or sym- hybrids only occurs in sympatry, then pairs of populations in regions where hybridization oc- curs will exhibit stronger prezygotic isolation Address for correspondence: Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos, The University than pairs of populations in regions where hy- of Queensland, School of Biological Sciences, Goddard Building (8) R120, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia. Voice: 61-7-3365-1767; fax: 61-7-3365- bridization is absent (allopatry). This pattern of 1655. [email protected] greater prezygotic isolation in sympatry relative The Year in Evolutionary Biology 2009: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1168: 156–182 (2009). doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04919.x c 2009 New York Academy of Sciences. 156 Ortiz-Barrientos et al.: Evolving Prezygotic Isolation in Sympatry 157 to allopatry is one of the main “signatures” of reinforcement and has been termed reproduc- tive character displacement (RCD, Servedio & Noor 2003). Reinforcement suffers from several major theoretical obstacles, which have been reviewed extensively elsewhere and are therefore treated only briefly here (Felsenstein 1981; Sanderson 1989; Howard 1993; Butlin 1995; Servedio & Noor 2003; Coyne & Orr 2004). Most of these obstacles involve the “swamping” effects of gene flow. In particular, hybridization (with gene flow) between populations or species in regions of sympatry acts as a homogenizing process, which can prevent divergence via re- inforcement. In addition, an influx of “less dis- criminating” alleles from allopatry into sympa- try can weaken the strength of discrimination against heterospecific individuals, thereby con- straining reinforcement (see Coyne & Orr 2004 for a review). Finally, it can be difficult for alle- les contributing to reinforcement to spread out of regions of immediate sympatry because such alleles may be neutral or even disadvantageous Figure 1. The signatures of speciation by rein- forcement. (A) Persistence of increased prezygotic in other regions (that is, in allopatry) (Table isolation in sympatry despite ongoing gene flow be- 3, Fig. 1). Additionally, from an empirical per- tween sympatric and allopatric populations of one spective, several processes other than reinforce- species. (B) The evolution of prezygotic isolation ment can generate the pattern of RCD, and between two sympatric species (RI), could lead to ruling out these alternatives to reinforcement the evolution of sexual isolation among populations can be difficult because it relies on the presence within species (SI), despite ongoing gene flow. This would lead to the persistence of the signature of re- of stringent—and often unavailable—controls inforcement, and possibly to the origin of another (Rundle & Schluter 1998; Noor 1999). species (the “cascade effects” hypothesis, see text Despite these obstacles, there are convincing for details). m refers to migration rate among conspe- examples that reinforcement operates in na- cific sympatric and allopatric populations of a species ture (Noor 1995; Saetre et al. 1997; Rundle & undergoing reinforcement. p (mismating) is the prob- ability that a female from a given area mates with a Schluter 1998; Hoskin et al. 2005; Silvertown heterospecific male versus a conspecific male. et al. 2005; Jaenike et al. 2006; Kronforst et al. 2007; Nosil et al. 2007; Urbanelli & Porretta 2008), and this process appears to have con- rant further attention. First, the genetic basis of tributed to the origin of diverse lineages of female preferences and the link between the butterflies, fish, fruit flies, birds, walking stick genetics of prezygotic and postzygotic isola- insects, frogs, and flowering plants (e.g., Noor tion have only been dissected in a few cases of 1997; Lukhtanov et al. 2005; Kay & Schemske reinforcement. As discussed below, certain ge- 2008). Servedio and Noor (2003) reviewed the netic architectures facilitate reinforcement and empirical and theoretical evidence for rein- help overcome many of the theoretical ob- forcement and highlighted five areas that were stacles associated with the homogenizing ef- particularly poorly understood, and thus war- fects of gene flow on speciation. Second, the 158 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ecological basis of prezygotic and postzygotic uals may waste time or energy courting het- reproductive isolation is poorly documented. erospecifics that always reject them (Schluter If ecological sources of selection against hy- 2001), which might have further negative fitness brids are widespread, then the selection that consequences such as increasing predation risk drives reinforcement itself could be more com- (Albert & Schluter 2004). In these scenarios, mon than currently thought. Third, connec- failed reproductive attempts before the forma- tions between the evolution of prezygotic iso- tion of zygotes can also create enough selective lation between species and sexual selection pressure to promote the evolution of prezygotic within species are likely,but poorly understood. isolation (Higgie et al. 2000). For simplicity, we Fourth, habitat preferences might also be rein- discuss in subsequent sections the connections forced, but the relative roles of habitat versus between prezygotic and postzygotic reproduc- mate preference in reinforcement are relatively tive isolation, but acknowledge that prezygotic unexplored both theoretically and empirically. isolation might evolve in response to any cost In particular, it is unknown how much these to hybridization, including costs associated with different mechanisms of reinforcement might simply attempting to hybridize. facilitate or constrain one another. Fifth, com- One of the fundamental problems of the the- parative studies outside of Drosophila are scarce, ory of reinforcement is explaining how such yet are necessary if any broad generalities about genetic associations between prezygotic and patterns for the evolution of reproductive iso- postzygotic isolation are maintained when con- lation are to be inferred. Here we review and fronted with the homogenizing effects of gene synthesize recent work that addresses these un- flow (Felsenstein 1981). Certain genetic sce- resolved issues and suggest new avenues for test- narios mitigate this problem. For example, re- ing the importance of reinforcement on the ori- gions of low recombination, like sex chromo- gins of biodiversity. somes (Lemmon & Kirkpatrick 2006; Saether et al. 2007), and chromosomal inversions (Noor et al. 2001b), can help maintain linkage dise- The Genetic Basis of Reinforcement: quilibrium among genes within them (Ortiz- Inversions, Sex Chromosomes, and Barrientos et al. 2002; Butlin 2005). Thus, re- One-Allele Assortative Mating inforcement is predicted to be possible
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