Public Document Pack Date: 25 February 2009 Our ref: JTB/Agenda Ask For: Charles Hungwe Direct Dial: (01843) 577186 Email: [email protected] JOINT TRANSPORTATION BOARD 12 MARCH 2009 A meeting of the Joint Transportation Board will be held at 6.00 pm on Thursday, 12 March 2009 at the Council Chamber, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. Membership: Councillor Hayton (Kent County Council) (Chairman); Councillors: M Roberts (Vice-Chairman), Clark, S Brown, Mrs Fenner, D Green, Jarvis, Moores, Mrs Roberts, B Sullivan, Burgess (Kent County Council), Fullarton (Kent County Council), Ms Green (Kent County Council), Hibberd (Kent County Council), Hart (Kent County Council), Poole (Kent County Council), Wells (Kent County Council) and Goodban (KAPC) A G E N D A Item Subject No 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the extract from the Standard Board Code of Conduct for Members, which forms part of the Declaration of Interest Form at the back of this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete that Form and hand it to the Officer clerking the meeting. 3. SPEAKING UNDER 24.1 Cllr Wise to speak on Item 10. 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (Pages 1 - 4) To approve the Minutes of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 27 November 2008, copy attached. 5. THANET QUALITY BUS PARTNERSHIP - WORKING TARGETS (Pages 5 - 8) To receive the report of the Community & Public Transport Officer and the Public Transport Team Leader – East Kent, Stuart Smith and Steve Gasche respectively. Copy attached. 6. 50 GROSVENOR PLACE, MARGATE - COLLAPSED PRIVATE CELLAR UNDER THE HIGHWAY (Pages 9 - 12) Thanet District Council, PO Box 9, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 1XZ Tel: +44 (0)1843 577000 Fax: +44 (0)1843 291640 DX 30555 (Margate) www.thanet.gov.uk Chief Executive: Richard Samuel Item Subject No To receive the report of the Head of Community Operations, Kent Highway Services. Copy attached. 7. BROADSTAIRS TRAFFIC PLAN (Pages 13 - 38) To receive the report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent Highway Services. Copy attached. 8. TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY PACKAGE PROGRAMME (Pages 39 - 50) To receive the report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent Highway Services. Copy attached. 9. NETHERCOURT AND CHILTON AREA, RAMSGATE-HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT SCHEME CONSULTATION RESULTS (Pages 51 - 56) To receive the report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent Highway Services, Mike Smith. Copy attached. 10. FAIR TRADE SIGNS AT THANET ENTRANCES (Pages 57 - 60) To receive the report of the Highways Inspector, Michael Bates and the Signs, Lines & Barriers Manager, Rachel Best. Copy attached. 11. HIGHWAY WORKS PROGRAMME 2008/09 (Pages 61 - 70) To receive the report of the Head of Community Operations, Kent Highway Services. Copy attached. 12. ST PETERS ROAD, MARGATE - EXPERIMENTAL TRAFFIC ORDER (Pages 71 - 80) To receive the report of the KHS Head of Transport & Development, Mike Smith. Copy attached. 13. REPORTS TO THE HIGHWAYS ADVISORY BOARD (Pages 81 - 156) To note the reports submitted to the Highway Advisory Board. Copies attached. 14. ITEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Members to suggest items for future consideration at forthcoming meetings of the Joint Transportation Board. Declaration of Interest form - back of agenda Agenda Item 4 JOINT TRANSPORTATION BOARD MINUTES 27 NOVEMBER 2008 Present: Thanet District Council: Councillors: Brown, Campbell (substituting Cllr Clark), Jarvis, Moores, Mrs Fenner and Roberts (Vice-Chairman), Sullivan Kent County Council: Councillors: Hayton (Chairman), Burgess, Hart, Green, Hibberd, Fullarton, Poole, Wells KAPC: The following Members were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 24(1) and took part in the proceedings as follows: Councillor King Councillor Scobie R165 APOLOGIES AND SUBSTITUTIONS Councillor Clark was substituted by Cllr Campbell. R166 SPEAKING UNDER 24.1 Cllr King was to speak on Items for future consideration. R167 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None Cllr Wells said that he wanted it to be on record that he had declared an interest in the matter regarding the Nursing Home that was the subject of discussion under agenda item 8 of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 25 September 2008. R168 MINUTES To include in the minutes that Cllr Brown was present at the meeting. Members agreed on the minutes. R169 REQUEST FOR STAGECOACH SUNDAY SERVICE FOR GARLINGE, DANE VALLEY, ACOL AND SANDWICH Stuart Smith said that the KCC budget does not allow for extra services. He said that the service was not a good commercial performer. Cllrs Jarvis and Hart were working together on the case. Cllr Hart said that he was going to approach the new Stagecoach Director to present the request for an extra bus service. Members proposed that the matter be referred to the Quality Bus Partnership and requested officers to progress this issue with the Partnership. Cllr Hart proposed. Cllr Poole seconded. Cllr Hibberd abstained. R170 50 GROSVENOR PLACE, MARGATE-COLLAPSED PRIVATE CELLAR UNDER THE HIGHWAY Members observed that the resident concerned had raised the issue with Kent County Council (KCC) before the situation got worse and that there was a possibility that there Page 1 were even more private cellars along that row of properties. Members felt that a more permanent solution should be sought. Members said that KCC officers should seek legal advice before determining a permanent solution to the problem. Dennis Button was to pursue the issue of seeking legal advice and report back to the next Joint Transportation Board meeting on 12 March 2009. Mike Smith was going to investigate the justification of load limit (weight restriction) to vehicles accessing the road with the properties in question. It was proposed that formal traffic regulation to suspend parking bays on the properties in question be adopted. The Board unanimously agreed to adopt the proposal. R171 TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY PACKAGE PROGRAMME DRAFT THANET BIDS FOR 2010/11 Mike Smith said that the 2009/10 bids have been considered. He reported that those projects not covered in that bid schedule would be considered under the 2010/11 bids. The Chairman said that Cllr S. Tomlinson had requested that the Joint Transportation Board considers traffic calming in the high street in Garlinge. Mr Smith said that the request to attend to the issue of traffic calming in the Garlinge High Street would be considered in the 2010/11 bids. Members expressed that there were potential traffic hazards near some schools and requested KCC officers to look at the sites with a view to taking corrective measures to protect school children. Mike Smith agreed to meet some of the school heads affected. Mike Smith said that Members were encouraged to provide evidence of community support for requests they were making to KCC. He also said that project prioritisation system was being reviewed. Dennis Button provided the attachment on evaluation scheme used for considering project proposals which members could use as a guide for submitting community project proposals. Copy attached. R172 PROPOSED BUS STOP CLEARWAYS-BEACON ROAD & BROMSTONE ROAD, BROADSTAIRS Stuart Smith reported that in early 2009 Service 8 linking Westwood and Canterbury via Broadstairs and Margate is to be reviewed and be converted to Super Low Floor (SLF) buses. He said that there had been some objections to these proposals. The objections sited loss of on-street parking for disabled family members as well as fault lines near some properties. Members decided to move the recommendation that Thanet District Council Cabinet Member approve the implementation of the proposed Bus Stop Clearways. R173 HIGH STREET, MARGATE-CONSULTATION ON EXPERIMENTAL EXTENSION TO PEDESTRIANISATION Mike Smith advised that this was not a transportation matter and therefore could best be dealt by the Margate Renewal Partnership as the issue was about improving the economy of the high street. Members agreed to send the issue to the Margate Renewal Partnership for their consideration. R174 A254 RAMSGATE ROAD / QEQM TRAFFIC SIGNALS- PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS Mike Smith said that the report was to inform the members on the rationale for proposing adoption of traffic signal regulation orders for the A254 Ramsgate Road junction with the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital access road. Page 2 The Board adopted the recommendations that: a) approve the parking restrictions ‘no waiting at any time’ (double yellow lines) for A254 Ramsgate Road, b) approve the parking restrictions (single yellow lines), for Ramsgate Road service road, St Andrews Close and Dene Walk, with an amendment restricting them to operating between 08.00 hrs -18.00 hrs Monday to Friday only. R175 HIGHWAY WORKS PROGRAME 2008/09 Members said that there seemed there was little being done by EDF regarding street lighting on Vale Square, Ramsgate. Members suggested that EDF be approached to resolve the matter. The report was then noted. R176 REPORTS TO HIGHWAYS ADVISORY BOARD The reports were noted. R177 ITEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION -Consider the introduction of the day Thanet Loop Bus Service to cover Westgate -St Saviours Church-request for dog bones -St Saviours School-request for extra school signals on St Mildred Road -Request for Footpath-Minster Road -Green Road and Holy Lane-Request for traffic calming -Hereson Road-Members wanted to find out when the works were going to be completed The meeting ended at 7.53 pm Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 4 Agenda Item 5 THANET QUALITY BUS PARTNERSHIP (QBP) – PROPOSED NEW WORKING TARGETS To: Joint Transportation Board – 12 March 2009 Main Portfolio Area: Commercial & Environmental Services By: Head of Transport & Development - KCC Director of Economic Development & Regeneration - TDC Classification: Unrestricted Ward: Whole District Summary: To recommend that the KCC Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways & Waste, and the TDC Cabinet Member for Commercial & Environmental Services, approve the proposed new working targets for the Thanet Quality Bus Partnership.
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