Service Changes Effective Sunday, September 6, 2015 Route Period Headway Veh Headway Veh Headway Veh "Old" headways are May 2015 unless noted otherwise Old New Old New Old New M-F Saturday Sunday 192 Airport Rocket AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 8'30" 10' -1 10' 10' M-F Midday / S-S Late Morning 8'30" 10' -1 10' 10' 10' 10' PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 8'30" 8'30" 8' 8'30" 8' 8'30" Weekend extra bus added for summer schedules made permanent; running time extended. Early Evening 9' 9' 10' 10' 10' 10' Late Evening 9' 9' 10' 10' 10' 10' After Midnight 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 5 Avenue Road Evening 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 Interlines with 56 Leaside Late Evening 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 Interlines with 56 Leaside 61 Avenue Road North Late Evening 30' 1.5 Interlines with 51 Leslie 6 Bay Late evening 24' 2 9 Bellamy Evening 30' 2 Late Evening 30' 2 30' 2 30' 2 8 Broadview Late Evening 30' 1 30' 1 120 Calvington Late Evening 30' 2 30' 2 30' 2 506 Carlton AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 3'45" 4' 7'09" 7'30" 10' 10' 2 Additional running time for reliability M-F Midday / S-S Morning 5'15" 5'30" 3 7' 7'30" 2 8' 10' PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 5' 5'30" 2 6' 6'15" 3 7'20" 8' 2 Early Evening 7'30" 7'30" 2 8' 8'45" 2 10' 10' 1 Late Evening 10' 8'30" 3 8'30" 9'30" 10' 10' 1 172 Cherry Midday Seasonal change; frequent Pan-Am service discontinued 172A to Carlaw 25' 172B to Carlaw via Cherry Beach 10' 20 Cliffside Late Evening 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 Interlined with 62 Mortimer 87 Cosburn S-S Early Morning 25' 10' 3 M-F Midday / S-S Morning 11' 10' 1 25' 10' 3 25' 10' 3 S-S Afternoon 12'30" 10' 1 25' 10' 3 Early Evening 12'30" 10' 1 25' 10' 3 30' 10' 3.5 Interline with 113 Danforth discontinued Late Evening 22'30" 10' 3 30' 10' 3.5 30' 10' 3.5 22 Coxwell Afternoon 9' 7'45" 1 42 Cummer PM Peak Three 42B Kennedy trips added EB at 7:05, 7:15, 7:25 pm Early Morning 42A to Middlefield 20' 1 42B to Kennedy 20' Morning 15' 1 42A to Middlefield 30' 15' 1 42B to Kennedy 15' 30' 15' Afternoon 12' 1 42A to Middlefield 24' 15' 1 42B to Kennedy 12' 24' 15' Early Evening 42A to Middlefield 15' 1 20' 42B to Kennedy 15' 20' Late Evening 42A to Middlefield 20' 1 30' 42B to Kennedy 20' 20' 20' 30' 113 Danforth Evening 30' 30' 0.5 Interline with 87 Cosburn dropped Late Evening 30' 30' 0.5 30' 30' 0.5 25 Don Mills Morning 7'45" 6'15" 3 Afternoon 5'30" 5'15" 1 Early Evening 7' 6'15" 2 10' 8' 2 10' 9' 1 325 Don Mills Night Overnight 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' South end rerouted to cover 72 Pape to Eastern 101 Downsview Park AM Peak to Early Evening 20' -1 Seasonal change 29 Dufferin Seasonal change: Weekend daytime service to Princes' Gates resumed 329 Dufferin Night Overnight 30' 30' 1 30' 30' 1 30' 30' 1 Extended to Steeles 105 Dufferin North Late evening 30' 1 Service Changes Effective Sunday, September 6, 2015 Route Period Headway Veh Headway Veh Headway Veh "Old" headways are May 2015 unless noted otherwise Old New Old New Old New M-F Saturday Sunday 505 Dundas Added running time for reliability AM Peak 5'15" 5'50" 10' 10' 1 20' 10' 5 Midday 6'30" 6' 2 6'45" 7' 8' 9' PM Peak 5'20" 6'20" 4'40" 5' 5'40" 6'20" Early evening 8' 7'30" 1 10' 10' 1 10' 10' Late evening 12' 10' 10' 10' 2 10' 10' 1 26 Dupont Late Evening 30 1 30 1 30 1 111 East Mall AM Peak Seasonal change. Other periods remain at June 2015 service 15' 12' 1 levels. 34 Eglinton East Early Morning 12' 9' 2 M-F Midday / S-S Morning 7'45" 7' 1 10' 9' 1 S-S Afternoon 9' 7'30" 2 Early evening 15' 10' 3 Late Evening 14' 10' 2 15' 10' 2 15' 10' 2 334 Eglinton East Night Overnight 30' 30' 1 30' 30' 1 30' 30' 1 Extended to Finch & Nielson 32 Eglinton West S-S Early Morning 5'43" 4'08" 6 32A to Skymark 15' 10' 32C to Lawrence via Trethewey 15' 10' 32D to Jane & Emmett 24' 24' M-F Midday / S-S Late Morning 4'20" 3'37" 5 6' 4'17" 7 32A to Skymark 13' 10' 15' 10' 32C to Lawrence via Trethewey 13' 10' 15' 10' 32D to Jane & Emmett 13' 13' 30' 30' S-S Afternoon 4'19" 4' 2 32A to Skymark 11' 10' 32C to Lawrence via Trethewey 11' 10' 32D to Jane & Emmett 20' 20' Early Evening 6' 5'27" 4 9' 5'27" 5 32A to Skymark 16' 10' 18' 10' 32C to Lawrence via Trethewey 16' 20' 18' 20' 32D to Jane & Emmett 24' 30' 30' Late Evening 6' 4'17" 5 7' 5'27" 4 12' 5'27" 9 32A to Skymark 12' 10' 14' 10' 24' 10' 32C to Lawrence via Trethewey 12' 10' 14' 20' 24' 20' 32D to Jane & Emmett 30' 30' 30' 15 Evans Late Evening 30' 1 Interlines with 48 Rathburn 315 Evans-Brown's Line Overnight 30' 2 30' 2 30' 2 (Corrected 2015.08.23) 39 Finch East M-F Midday / S-S Morning 6'30" 1 7' 2 39A to Neilson 6'30" 14' 39B to Old Finch 19'30" 14' * * 39B Sunday service to be added in October 2015 S-S Afternoon 6' 3 39A to Neilson 12' 39B to Old Finch 12' * Early Evening 8' 1 10' 1 39A to Neilson 16' 20' 39B to Old Finch 16' 20' * 199 Finch Rocket M-F Midday / S-S Morning 4'45" 4' 3 8' 7' 1 S-S Afternoon 7' 6' 2 36 Finch West M-F Midday / S-S Afternoon 5'50" 5'20" 2 5'30" 4'30" 5 Early Evening * Runs interlined with 1 YU Shuttle will operate with 12m * 9' 8' 2 9' 7'15" 3 buses. 100C Flemingdon Park M-F Midday 100C to Eglinton Station 7'15" 6' 3 Late Evening 100A to Don Mills/Wynford 10' 100C to Eglinton Station 10' 3 33 Forest Hill Early Morning 30' 1 Morning 30' 1 30' 1 Afternoon 30' 1 30' 1 Early Evening 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 Late Evening 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 135 Gerrard Early Evening 30' 1 Late Evening 30' 1 30' 1 14 Glencairn Late Evening 20' 2 20' 2 20' 2 38 Highland Creek Early Evening 10' 9' 1 Service Changes Effective Sunday, September 6, 2015 Route Period Headway Veh Headway Veh Headway Veh "Old" headways are May 2015 unless noted otherwise Old New Old New Old New M-F Saturday Sunday 191 Highway 27 Rocket Midday 7'30" 6' 2 169 Huntingwood Morning 30' 3 Replaces 10 Van Horne Afternoon 30' 3 Early Evening 30' 3 30' 3 Late Evening 30' 3 30' 3 30' 3 35 Jane S-S Morning 11' 10' 1 35B to Pioneer Village 22' 20' 35C to Steeles 22' 20' M-F Midday / S-S Afternoon 8' 6'15" 3 10'30" 10' 1 35B to Pioneer Village 24' 18'45" 21' 20' 35C to Steeles 8' 6'15" 21' 20' Early Evening 11' 10' 1 35B to Pioneer Village 22' 20' 35C to Steeles 22' 20' 341 Keele Night Overnight 30' 3 30' 3 30' 3 43 Kennedy Daytime 6' 2 43A to Steeles 8'45" 10' 43B to STC via Progress 15' Early Evening 7'30" 2 43A to Steeles 15' 10' 43B to STC via Progress 20' 343 Kennedy Night Overnight 30' 2 30' 2 30' 2 504 King AM Peak ALRVs 5 5 CLRVs 28 28 ALRV trippers 2 2 CLRV trippers 4 4 Bus trippers 21 21 PM Peak ALRVs 3 3 CLRVs 35 35 CLRV trippers 2 0 -2 Equipment shortage Bus trippers 18 18 304 King Night Overnight 30' 4 30' 4 30' 4 44 Kipling South Midday 6' 4'15" 3 508 Lake Shore AM & PM Peak Service suspended due to equipment shortage 30 Lambton Late Evening 30' 2 354 Lawrence East Overnight 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 Rerouted to Starspray Loop 162 Lawrence-Donway Daytime 30' 2 30' 2 Early Evening 30' 2 30' 2 56 Leaside Early Evening 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 Interlines with 5 Avenue Road Late Evening 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 51 Leslie Late Evening 30' 2.5 Interlines with 61 Avenue Road North 59 Maple Leaf Late Evening 30' 2 59A via Gary 60' 59B via Church 60' 130 Middlefield Late Evening 30' 30' Interline with 132 Milner in place of 134 Progress 132 Milner Late Evening 30' 1.5 Interlines with 130 Middlefield 62 Mortimer Late Evening 30' 1.5 30' 1.5 Interlines with 20 Cliffside 74 Mt. Pleasant Early Evening 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 Late Evening 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 103 Mt. Pleasant North Late Evening 30' 1 133 Neilson Early Evening 10' 9' 1 63 Ossington M-F Midday / S-S Morning 7'30" 5'30" 4 8' 5'45" 4 10' 8'30" 1 Afternoon 6'30" 5'15" 3 7'30" 6'30" 1 Early Evening 6'30" 5'30" 2 10' 8' 2 Late Evening Service Changes Effective Sunday, September 6, 2015 Route Period Headway Veh Headway Veh Headway Veh "Old" headways are May 2015 unless noted otherwise Old New Old New Old New M-F Saturday Sunday 65 Parliament Morning * Further improvements to 10' headways and peak service 30' 15' 2 pending in 2016 Early Evening 30' 15' 1 30' 15' 2 Late Evening 30' 15' 1 30' 15' 1 30' 15' 2 365 Parliament Night Overnight 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 167 Pharmacy North Evening 167B to Steeles 24' 2 Early Evening 167A to Steeles via Consumers 30' 2 134 Progress Evening 30' 22' Interline with 130 Middlefield dropped 80 Queensway Late Evening 30' 1 30' 1 48 Rathburn Late Evening 30' 30' Interline changed from 73 Royal York to 15 Evans 73C Royal York to Claireport via M-F Early Morning New NB trip at 4:55am, SB at 5:36am to reduce crowding Albion Late Evening 30' 30' * Interline with 48 Rathburn dropped 73B Royal York to La Rose Ave Early Evening 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 Late Evening 30' 1 30' 1 30' 1 76 Royal York South Early Morning 76A to Lake Shore 15' 10' 1 76B to Grand Ave 30' 1 Morning 76A to Lake Shore 9' 9' 9' 9' 76B to Grand Ave 30' 1 30' 1 Afternoon 76A to Lake Shore 5' 5' 76B to Grand Ave 30' 1 30' 1 Early Evening 10' 7'30" 1 76A to Lake Shore 15' 10' 15' 10' 1 10' 10' 76B to Grand Ave 30' 30' Late Evening 76A to Lake Shore 15' 10' 1 15' 10' 1 15' 10' 1 76B to Grand Ave 512 St.
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