AGENDA Municipality of Central Huron COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 1:00 pm REACH Executive Board Room ATTENDANCE: Council: Mayor Ginn Councillors: Anderson, Barnim, Colquhoun, Lobb, Metzger, and Westerhout Staff: CAO Peggy Van Mierlo- West, Clerk Brenda MacIsaac, Deputy Clerk Florence Stalenhoef, Director of Finance Terri Taylor; Roads Manager Tom Sinclair, Facilities Manager Steve Campbell, Utilities Manager Steve Gibbings, Chief Building Official Lesley Adams, Fire Chief Steve Cooke REGRETS: Deputy Mayor Jewitt Page 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ginn 1.1 Additions, deletions or corrections to the agenda. 2. DELEGATIONS 5 2.1 1:00 PM - ABCA Source Water Protection - Jenna Allain, Source Protection Program Supervisor. Ms. Allain will provide an overview of source water protection. 6 2.2 1:15 PM - Joan Addison - Over-sized garbage 7 2.3 1:20 PM - Teeswater Concrete - Kirk Street 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MONTHLY DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 4. FINANCE DEPARTMENT Director of Finance Terri Taylor 8-37 4.1 Formal Report - Year to Date Report and Balance Sheets as of August 31, 2012. 38-47 4.2 Formal Report - Monthly Cheque Register for the Months of July and August 2012. 48-51 4.3 Formal Report - YMCA 52-53 4.4 Monthly Treasury Department Report 5. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Chief Building Official Lesley Adams Page 1 of 198 Committee of the Whole September 27, 2012 Municipality of Central Huron Page 5. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Chief Building Official Lesley Adams 54-58 5.1 Monthly Building Department Report 59-67 5.2 Formal Report - Building Permits Issued 6. MONTHLY MANAGER/FOREMAN MEETING MINUTES Utilities Manager Steve Gibbings 68 6.1 Minutes of the September Manager/Foreman Meeting 7. UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Utilities Manager Steve Gibbings 69-70 7.1 Monthly Utilities Department Report - September 2012 7.2 Joint Health and Safety 7.3 ERTH Board (Councillor Barnim) BREAK: Approximate Time: 2:15 p.m. 8. FACILITIES/RECREATION DEPARTMENT Facilities Manager Steve Campbell 71-72 8.1 Monthly Facilities Department Report 8.2 Auburn Hall Board (Councillor Anderson) 73-77 8.3 Sloman School Car - June Minutes 78-130 8.4 Regional Equine & Agricultural Centre of Huron (REACH) (Councillors Metzger and Westerhout) 9. ROADS DEPARTMENT Roads Manager Tom Sinclair 131-132 9.1 Monthly Road Department Report 133-139 9.2 Drainage Superintendent Report - Geoff King - July and August 9.3 Ball's Bridge (Councillors Anderson and Westerhout) 10. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Page 2 of 198 Committee of the Whole September 27, 2012 Municipality of Central Huron Page 10. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 140-154 10.1 Mid-Huron Landfill Site Board (Councillor Barnim) Audited Financial Statements 155-159 10.2 Blyth-Hullett Landfill Board of Closure (Councillors Lobb and Westerhout) MOE Amendment to Environmental Compiance Approval and MOE comments on the 2011 Annual Report 160-170 10.3 Maitland Valley Cons. Auth. (Councillor Lobb) SPA and Board Minutesof June 20, 2012 and Board, as well as Resilient Watershed newsletter. 10.4 Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (Mayor Ginn) 10.5 Bluewater Recycling Association (Councillor Metzger) BREAK: Approximate Time: 4:30 p.m. 11. ADMINISTRATION 171-172 11.1 CAO's Monthly Report 173-174 11.2 Formal Report - PV System MOTION: THAT, the report is received, AND THAT, ERTH Holdings Inc. be appointed for the design, engineering, project management and professional services in the amount of $101,956.00 175-176 11.3 Clerk's Monthly Report - (Clerk Brenda MacIsaac) 11.4 Clinton Business Improvement Area (Community Improvement Coordinator Genny Smith) 11.5 County of Huron (Mayor Ginn and Deputy Mayor Jewitt) 11.6 Negotiating/Personnel Committee In Camera (Mayor Ginn, Deputy Mayor Jewitt, Councillor Lobb, CAO) 12. PROTECTIVE SERVICES 177-179 12.1 Central Huron Fire Services Monthly Report (Steve Cooke, Fire Chief and CEMC) 12.2 North Huron Fire Area - Department Update Report 12.3 Goderich Fire Board (Councillor Barnim) Page 3 of 198 Committee of the Whole September 27, 2012 Municipality of Central Huron Page 12. PROTECTIVE SERVICES 180 12.4 Bylaw Enforcement Monthly Report (Kepple Creek/Bruce Brockelbank) 181 12.5 Animal Control Monthly Report 182-198 12.6 Central Huron Police Services Board (Mayor Ginn) 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS/QUESTIONS PERIOD 13.1 All Meetings held at REACH unless otherwise specified. COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. C.O.W. MEETING Thursday, October 25, 2012 @ 1:00 p.m. P.A.C. MEETING Thursday, October 18, 2012 @ 4:30 p.m. QUARTERLY STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING Monday, December 17, 2012 @ 5:00 p.m. 14. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CAMERA 14.1 Required - MOTION: That the Council of the Municipality of Central Huron adjourn to an In Camera Session in accordance with with the Municipal Act, 2001 section 239 (d) with regards to labour relations or employee negotiations. MOTION: That Council reconvene into Open Session. 15. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 198 ... Agenda Item #2.1 From: Brenda Mac Isaac To: Florence Stalenhoef Subject: FW: Invitation to Source Protection Workshops Date: Thursday, August 16, 2012 12:10:21 PM From: Jenna Allain [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:58 PM To: Brenda Mac Isaac Subject: Invitation to Source Protection Workshops Dear Brenda, Last week I sent out an August newsletter which included information about source protection workshops for municipal staff and councillors that will be held in September. We have created a formal invitation to the workshops which I have attached here in an effort to get the word out. You do not need to circulate the invitation if your staff and council are already aware of the workshops through the newsletter we sent out. The idea behind the workshops is to inform municipalities about their role as implementers of source protection policies, and to start discussions between and among municipalities about determining who their risk management official will be. I was also hoping to attend a fall council meeting to provide councillors with an overview of source protection policies, discuss policy implications for municipalities, and offer our support as we move towards implementation. This may be particularly helpful for council members that are not very familiar with source protection and are unable to attend our September workshops. I could attend either a September or October council meeting. Let me know. Thanks, Jenna Jenna Allain, M.Sc. Source Protection Program Supervisor Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, ON N0M 1S5 (t)519-235-2610 (f)519-235-1963 www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca Confidentiality Notice The information contained here, including any attachments, may be confidential, is intended only for use of the recipient(s) named above and may be legally privileged. If the reader of the message is not the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution, disclosure or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please resend this communication to the sender and delete it permanently from your computer system or communication device. 1:00 PM - ABCA Source Water Page 5 of 198 Protection - Jenna Allain, Source ... Agenda Item #2.2 1:15 PM - Joan Addison - Over-sized Page 6 of 198 garbage ... Agenda Item #2.3 From: Brenda Mac Isaac To: Florence Stalenhoef Subject: FW: COW Date: Thursday, September 20, 2012 9:59:12 AM From: Brian Barnim Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 11:39 AM To: Florence Stalenhoef; Brenda Mac Isaac Cc: Peggy Van Mierlo-West Subject: COW Hi I would like to have Roger from Teeswater Concrete attend our next COW meeting at my request to further discuss the Kirk Street (no trucks allowed) issue. Could you advise a time that would work, maybe in the roads report or as a delegation ? Thanks Brian 1:20 PM - Teeswater Concrete - Kirk Page 7 of 198 Street ... Agenda Item #4.1 Municipality of Central Huron Formal Report Finance Department Date: September 27, 2012 To: Mayor & Council From: Terri Taylor, Director of Finance Re: Year-to-date Report and Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2012 INFORMATION Monthly year-to-date budget report provided to Council for information. This report has the column “2012 Budget to Date”. This column calculates the budget allocation up to the current month. For example, the reporting period is for August 2012; therefore, the Budget to Date calculates 8/12th (67%) of the 2012 annual budget. Variances in monthly spending are more easily identifiable and are reported on the Manager’s monthly report. I have removed the column Current Month and replaced with 2011 YTD. The totals in this column represent the revenue and expenses as at August 31, 2011 which provides year over year comparative information at monthly intervals throughout the fiscal year. Balance Sheet for the Period Ending August 31, 2012. Analysis of Capital Work in Progress as at August 31, 2012. This report shows the Capital Work in Progress for projects that have not been completed as yet. Once the projects are completed, they will be cleared out of Capital Work in Progress and will be capitalized and added to the respective Tangible Capital Asset class general ledger balance and amortization will begin as of the in service date. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED Year-To-Date Spending Report Balance Sheet Analysis of Capital Work in Progress ___________________________ Terri Taylor, Director of Finance Formal Report - Year to Date Page 8 of 198 Report and Balance Sheets as of Report and Balance Sheets as of Formal Report ... 2012.05.16
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