r5)&-&("-*/5&--*(&/$&3 5)634%": .": 70-1 PUBLIC NOTICES +FOOJGFS.D$VMMPVHI 215.557. KNDDVMMPVHI!BMNDPN ESTATE NOTICES GIBBS, III, ETRUSIA B. -- City of Philadelphia Charles M. Gibbs, Esq., Executor, Public Hearing Notice NOTICE TO COUNSEL 1845 Walnut St., 19th Fl., Phila- The Committee on Streets and Services of the Council of the City of Phil- Your attention is directed to delphia, PA 19103; Charles M. adelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, at 3:00 Section 3162 of the Probate, Es- Gibbs, Attorney, 1845 Walnut St.. PM, in a remote manner using Microsoft® Teams. This remote hearing Do you tates and Fiduciaries Code of 19th Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19103. may be viewed on Xfinity Channel 64, Fios Channel 40 or http:// June 30, 1972 (Act No. 164) 5-6-3* phlcouncil.com/watch-city-council/, to hear testimony on the following which requires advertisement items: need to reach of grant of letters to contain the name and address of the LOCHRIE, ANDREW EDWARD 200627 An Ordinance authorizing ARD 1105 Walnut LLC or a subse- personal representatives. -- Linda Jo Simonsen, Executor, quent owner to install, own and maintain various encroachments at 1101- the best ORPHANS’ COURT OF c/o Roger F. Perry, Esq., 734 S. 07 Walnut Street & 138-140 11th Street, under certain terms and condi- PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA tions. 19147; Roger F. Perry, Attorney, 734 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, 210332 An Ordinance amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, by candidates Letters have been granted on the PA 19147. amending Section 9-203 relating to Street Vendors, by prohibiting street Estate of each of the following 5-13-3* vending on certain portions of East Passyunk Avenue and surrounding decedents to the representatives areas. in named, who request all persons MASSIEL CARRILLO, ERIKA having claims against the Estate 210333 An Ordinance establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: to present them in writing and all -- John P. Byrne, Administrator, Pennsylvania’s c/o Matthew McConnell, Esq., 2 Greenwich street and 2nd street; Reed street and S. 4th street; persons indebted to the Estate to Moyamensing avenue and Wharton street. make payment to them (unless Bala Plaza, Suite 300, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004; Matthew McConnell, otherwise noted all addresses be- 210334 An Ordinance establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: legal market? ing in Philadelphia) Attorney, 2 Bala Plaza, Suite 300, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. Morris street and S. 2nd street. 5-13-3* BELLAFANTE, FRANCESCO -- 210390 An Ordinance establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: Mark Bellafante, 115 Beech St., Dauphin street and Belgrade street; Almond street and Dauphin street; Downingtown, PA 19335 and PERTSCHI, PETER EDWARD York street and Almond street; Taggert street and Norris street; Cedar Nancy Bellafante, 194 W. Plumstead (a/k/a PETER PERTSCHI) -- street and Norris street; Marlborough street and Thompson street. Ave., Lansdowne, PA 19050, Ad- Kristopher T. Pertschi, Adminis- ministrators. trator, CTA, c/o Hope Bosniak, 210391 An Ordinance establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: 5-13-3* Esq., Dessen, Moses & Rossitto, Ellsworth street and S. 9th street; Reed street and S. Broad street; Look for Great 600 Easton Rd., Willow Grove, Mountain street and S. 6th street; Latona street and S. 7th street. BUCHSEIN, ERNA -- Kimberly PA 19090; Hope Bosniak, Attor- Anne Radziak-Walls, Executrix, ney, Dessen, Moses & Rossitto, 600 210392 An Ordinance establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: 115 Holby Lane, Pottstown, PA Easton Rd., Willow Grove, PA Moore street and S. 6th street; McClellan street and S. 5th street; Mifflin Results with 19465; David A. Schweizer, Attor- 19090. street to S. 6th street; S. 3rd street to McKean street. ney, Maniaci, Ciccotta & Schweizer, 5-6-3* 6720 Frankford Avenue, Philadel- 210393 An Ordinance amending Section 12-701 of The Philadelphia phia, PA 19135. Code, entitled “Designation of Bicycle Lanes,” to authorize bicycle lanes The Legal 5-20-21* RODECK, ULRICH -- Stephen on Race Street from North 5th Street to North 4th Street; and making Paul Landauer, Executor, P.O. Box associated changes to parking regulations within the same limits; all un- BYRD, LEVAN -- Arthur R. 19, Newtown, NJ 07860; Robert P. der certain terms and conditions. Braitman, Esquire, Administrator, Gasparro, Attorney, P.O. Box Intelligencer’s 527 Swede Street, Norristown, PA 8321, Philadelphia, PA 19101-8321. 210394 An Ordinance authorizing encroachments in the nature of a side- 19401; Arthur R. Braitman, At- 5-6-3* walk café in the vicinity of 941 S. 8th Street, under certain terms and torney, 527 Swede Street, Norris- conditions. Newly town, PA 19401. 5-13-3* WATSON, JOAN A. (a/k/a JOAN WATSON) -- Thomas L. 210412 An Ordinance establishing a no truck parking regulation on both Starrs, Co-Executor, 3 General sides of the 6400 block of Summerdale Avenue. Re-designed FRANKLIN, MARVIS -- Frank Steuben Drive, Media, PA 19063 A. Franklin, II, Executor, c/o and Robert L. Starrs, Co-Executor , 210413 An Ordinance establishing a no truck parking regulation on both E dgar R. Einhorn, Esq., 7 N. 114 Heatherwood Road, Haver- sides of Lowber Avenue between East Upsal Street and East Hortter Columbus Blvd., Unit #243, Phil- town, PA 19083; Joseph G . Street. Classified adelphia, PA 19106; Edgar R. Maniaci, Attorney, Maniaci, Einhorn, Attorney, 7 N. Columbus Ciccotta & Schweizer, 6720 210414 An Ordinance establishing a no parking regulation on N. 3rd street, both sides, between W. Erie avenue and W. Sedgley avenue. Blvd., Unit #243, Philadelphia, Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19106. PA 19135. Section 5-20-3* 210415 An Ordinance establishing a no-truck-parking regulation on W. 5-6-3* 65th avenue, both sides, between N. Front street and N. 2nd street. CITY COUNCIL 210416 An Ordinance establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: City of Philadelphia N. 12th street and Champlost street; 69th avenue and N. 12th street; Public Hearing Notice Camac street and Champlost avenue; Park avenue and Nedro avenue; Call our The Committee on Public Health and Human Services of the Council of N. 13th street and Olney avenue. the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Friday, May 21, 2021, at 2:00 PM, in a remote manner using Microsoft® Teams. This re- 210422 An Ordinance regulating the direction of movement of traffic on mote hearing may be viewed on Xfinity Channel 64, Fios Channel 40 or certain portions of Paul Street, Meadow Street, Tackawanna Street, Recruitment http://phlcouncil.com/watch-city-council/, to hear testimony on the fol- Worth Street, Pear Street, Gillingham Street, Josephine Street, Blair lowing item: Street, and East Montgomery Avenue, and making associated changes to parking regulations within the same limits, all under certain terms and Advertising 210459 Resolution authorizing the Committee on Public Health and Hu- conditions. man Services to hold hearings regarding mobile crisis units. 210423 An Ordinance amending Section 12-1133 of The Philadelphia Speakers interested in giving testimony on any of these legislative mat- Code, entitled “AllTerrain Vehicles,” to address off-road vehicle use in consultant ters must call 267-279-9298, or send an e-mail to ashley.gilmore@phila. the City of Philadelphia, all under certain terms and conditions. gov by 3 p.m. the day before the hearing and submit the following infor- mation: 210447 An Ordinance establishing a no-truck-parking regulation on today BU K D;;=1<5 both sides of Chester Avenue from 66th street to 67th street. K 1;;213:C5;5?8>=5=D<25AF85A5H>D31=25A513854 K !45=C96HC85A5B>;DC9>==D<25AC81CF9;;25144A5BB54 210448 An Ordinance establishing parking regulations on both sides of Speakers who submitted the above information within the required time Webster Street, between 20th Street and 21st Street. frame will be telephoned during the public hearing and invited to the re- mote hearing. They will be given additional instructions by the Commit- Speakers interested in giving testimony on any of these legislative mat- tee Chair once they are connected. ters must call 215-686-3446, or send an e-mail to david.maynard@phila. gov by 3 p.m. the day before the hearing and submit the following infor- for more Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee mation: on Public Health and Human Services, open to the public, will be held to K D;;=1<5 consider the action to be taken on the above listed item. K 1;;213:C5;5?8>=5=D<25AF85A5H>D31=25A513854 K !45=C96HC8529;;=D<25A>A=D<25ABC81CF9;;25144A5BB54 information. Copies of the foregoing item are available in the Office of the Chief Speakers who submitted the above information within the required time Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall. frame will be telephoned during the public hearing and invited to the re- Michael A. Decker mote hearing. They will be given additional instructions by the Commit- Chief Clerk tee Chair once they are connected. 5-20-1* Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Streets and Services, open to the public, will be held to consider the www.thelegalintelligencer.com action to be taken on the above listed items. Copies of the foregoing items are available in the Office of the Chief For the full online version of Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall. Michael A. Decker The Legal Intelligencer Chief Clerk 5-20-1* 70-1 5)634%": .": 5)&-&("-*/5&--*(&/$&3r PUBLIC NOTICES +FOOJGFS.D$VMMPVHI 215.557. KNDDVMMPVHI!BMNDPN CITY COUNCIL 210418 An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, City of Philadelphia on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to convey to the Commonwealth Public Hearing Notice of Pennsylvania, all or a portion of a parcel or parcels of land in and The Committee on Public Property and Public Works of the Council of about the area bounded by Kingston Street, I-95, East Venango Street the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Friday, May 28, and Bath Street, under certain terms and conditions.
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