P R O F I L E 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 Teaching students to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with confidence and integrity V I S I O N O F T H E G R A D U A T E Core ValuesValues and and Beliefs Beliefs ■ Critical Thinker ■ Communicator ■ Collaborator ■ Self-Directed Learner ■ Innovator ■ Global Citizen 34 Farms Village Road Simsbury, Connecticut 06070 860.658.0451 860.658.1576 (fax) C E E B C O D E 0 7 0 6 7 5 www.simsbury.k12.ct.us PREPARATION . PASSION . PERSONAL GROWTH D I S T R I C T O F F I C I A L S T H E C O M M U N I T Y , S C H O O L & S T A F F Superintendent Matthew Curtis Simsbury, one of the Hartford Capitol Region’s most Asst. Superintendent Susan Homrok -Lemke desirable residential communities, is a charming New Asst. Superintendent Erin Murray England town with outstanding educational, cultural and Director of Personnel Neil Sullivan recreational facilities. Simsbury High School is a four year public high school S C H O O L O F F I C I A L S accredited through the New England Association of Schools Principal Stephen Patrina and Colleges. The school offers an extensive range of curric- Asst. Principal Vanessa Massiah ular and co-curricular programs to 1,300 students, priding Asst. Principal Kenneth Pera itself on the records of outstanding student achievement Asst. Principal Georgia Robert and rigorous academic standards. Director of Athletics Jeffrey Pinney Simsbury High School employs 135 distinguished faculty & Student Activities members who have received recognition for their achieve- ments such as the National Endowment for Humanities S C H O O L C O U N S E L O R S fellowships, Fulbright awards and elections to leadership positions in professional associations. Based on national Director Jane Ellen Peregrin rankings, Simsbury is one of the most competitive high Donna Cannon schools, public or private, in the country. Paula Garza Meredith Girardi C U R R I C U L U M Pam Sickinger Simsbury High School strives to provide students with an Greg Stillman extensive curriculum including academic, fine and applied Amanda Tornaquindici arts, and special education opportunities. Courses are Sandra Vollaro divided into three levels including Advanced Placement and competitive college prep courses. In certain math courses, a third college prep level is offered. G P A Simsbury High School does not rank students. A GPA, calculated on a weighted 4.0 scale, is provided and based on final grades in all subjects, with the exception of courses graded on a pass/fail basis. The point values are based on the level of coursework, with more rigorous courses receiving additional weight. Plus and minus grades are factored in with a .33 value. PROFILE FOR THE CLASS OF 2 0 2 1 COURSE LEVELS POINT VALUE Class Size 323 AB CD 120 Advanced Placement 4.67 3.67 2.67 1.67 100 Level I - Honors 4.50 3.50 2.50 1.50 - 83 80 Level II - Competitive College Prep 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 ~ 78 - Level III - College Prep 3.67 2.67 1.67 0.67 60 64 - 55 40 GRADING SYSTEM Number Studentsof - 26 20 A BC DF 12 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 Below 60 0 5 n Below 1.50 - 2.00 - 2.50 - 3.00 - 3.50 - 4.00 - 1.50 1.99 2.49 2.99 3.49 3.99 4.76 ■ ■ ■ Weighted Grade Point Average: 0 - 4.76 S I M S B U R Y GRADUATION REQUIREMENT ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES & EXAMS 4.0 English Simsbury High School offers ts udents 28 Advanced Placement (AP) courses. 18% 4.0 Math Of the 439 students who took scored <3 3.0 Science 894 AP exams, 82% of the scores were 3 or higher. 3.5 Social Studies 2.0 World Language 82% 2.0 Fine/Applied Arts scored 3 - 5 S C O R E D I S T R I B U T I O N 1.0 Physical Education May 2020 .5 Health Education % 3 or .25 Financial Literacy Subject 5 4 3 2 1 Higher 4.75 Additional Courses Art - 2D Design 2 5 100 25 Total Credits Art - 3D Design 1 3 2 67 . Art - Drawing 2 1 100 ························································~ Biology 3 21 16 1 98 COVID - 1 9 STATEMENT Calculus AB 5 11 2 89 Calculus BC 19 3 1 100 Simsbury High School was closed in mid-March due to the health crisis. During the next three months, Chemistry 2 10 8 5 1 77 students were engaged in rigorous remote learning, Computer Sci. A 1 3 10 5 7 54 with an option to take a Pass or a letter grade for Computer Sci. Prin. 5 12 11 2 93 the fourth quarter. A Pass was not included in the calculation of the final course grade. English Language 30 35 27 13 2 86 English Literature 24 19 18 9 1 86 Environmental Sci. 1 5 3 5 64 NATIONAL MERIT: Class of 2021 Euro History 2 5 8 8 1 63 9 Letters of Commendation French Language 4 5 1 100 Gov. & Pol. - U.S. ...••••••..............••••••.............••••••......... 10 11 24 21 13 57 History - U.S. 22 34 43 25 8 75 FUTURE PLANS: Class of 2020 Latin 1 2 8 4 1 69 82% Four Year Colleges & Universities Macroeconomics 3 3 3 1 90 6.4% Two Year Colleges Microeconomics 4 2 6 2 86 0.6% Career Education Physics 1 3 6 5 4 2 70 1.4% Military Physics 2 2 5 5 100 4.4% Employment Physics C: Elec. 1 1 100 Physics C: Mech. 1.9% Transition Academies 12 12 6 5 86 Psychology 30 19 7 1 2 95 0.3% College Preparatory Schools Research 2 1 100 2.2% Gap Year Seminar 8 18 22 2 96 Spanish Language 6 7 3 100 Statistics 11 7 10 8 2 74 ■ ■ ■ H I G H L I G H T S In the US News Rankings, Simsbury High School ranked 2 winners at the FBLA National Conference; 14 students st th 326th in the United States and 6th in Connecticut placed 1 - 4 at the state level competition Newsweek named Simsbury High School one of the top A student scored in the top 5% in the nation in the 5,000 STEM high schools in the country American Mathematics Competition st th 4 students placed 1 - 4 and one student earned A student was awarded a bronze medal and designated a honorable mention in the Connecticut Home Show CT Prudential Spirit of Community Distinguished Finalist Design competition The fencing team won 5 medals at the JV Connecticut NAMM (National Association for Music Merchants) Fencing Tournament Foundation designated Simsbury one of the “Best SHS Athletic Program was designated by the CIAC for the Communities for Music Education” Michaels Cup “Class Act” Sportsmanship Award M E M B E R S O F T H E C L A S S E S O F 2 0 1 9 & 2 0 2 0 M A T R I C U L A T E D T O T H E F O L L O W I N G C O L L E G E S , U N I V E R S I T I E S A N D T E C H N I C A L P R O G R A M S Albertus Magnus College Georgetown University Northern Vermont University The University of Scranton American University Gettysburg College Northwestern CT Community The University of Texas American International College Gordon College College Tufts University Anna Maria College Greenville Technical College Oberlin Conservatory of Music Tunxis Community College Arizona State University Greenville University Oklahoma Christian University Union College Assumption University Grove City College Pennsylvania State University United States Coast Guard Auburn University Hamilton College Pine Manor College Academy Barnard College Harvard College Plymouth State University University of Arkansas Bentley University High Point University Providence College University of California, Berkley Boston College Hobart William Smith Colleges Purdue University University of Colorado Boston University Hofstra University Quinnipiac University University of Connecticut Bowdoin College Husson College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Dayton Brandeis University Illinois Institute of Technology Roanoke College University of Delaware Brigham Young University Iona College Rochester Institute of University of Florida Bryant University Ithaca College Technology University of Hartford Bucknell University James Madison University Roger Williams University University of Illinois at Chicago Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Johnson & Wales University Sacred Heart University University of Maine Capital Community College Keene State College Saint Anselm College University of Maryland Cedar Crest College Lafayette College Saint John’s University University of Massachusetts Central CT State University Lasell University Saint Louis University University of Miami Clark University Lehigh University Saint Michael’s College University of Michigan Clarkson University Liberty University Salve Regina University University of Mississippi Clemson University Long Beach City College San Diego State University University of Nebraska Coastal Carolina University Long Island University, Post Sarah Lawrence College University of New England Colgate University Loyola Marymount University Seton Hall University University of New Hampshire College of Charleston Loyola University Chicago Siena College University of New Haven College of the Holy Cross Loyola University, MD Smith College University of Notre Dame Colorado State University Loyola University, New Orleans Southern CT State University University of Pennsylvania Cornell University Lynn University Southern New Hampshire University of Pittsburgh Curry College Lyon College University University of Rhode Island Dartmouth College Manchester Community College Springfield College University of Rochester Dean College Manhattanville College St.
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