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'' MN:9+5%/$ !!S*2DE#2D!V!F%EL%!)EL8BAAU 1 ISMYCO 2016 ISMYCO 2016 Program Wednesday, November 30 12:00 – Registration 13:30 – 13:35 Welcome Speech Haruo Takahashi (Japan) 13:35 – 14:35 Selected Oral Session Chairs: Kiminori Shimizu, Amnart Poapolathep 13:35- SS01 The evolution of mycotoxin/phytotoxin biosynthesis and virulence in the plant pathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata Yasunori AKAGI 1) , Takashi TSUGE 2) , Motoichiro KODAMA 1) 1) Laboratory of Plant Pathology, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan. 2) Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan. 13:47- SS02 Development of magnetic graphene oxide-chitosan adsorbant for the reduction of multi-mycotoxins in animal feed and toxicity evaluation of the resultant feeds Atena ABBASI PIROUZ 1) , Jinap SELAMAT 1,2) , Mirhosseini, HAMED 3) , Rosa ABEDI-KARJIBAN 4) 1) Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. 2) Food Safety Research Centre (FOSREC), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang Selangor, Malaysia. 3) Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang Selangor, Malaysia, 4) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia 13:59- SS03 Aflatoxin exposure measured by aflatoxin albumin adduct biomarker in six african countries Michael ROUTLEDGE 1) , Yun Yun GONG 2) 1) School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 2) School of Food Science & Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 14:11- SS04 Cultivation methods of forage corn for reducing fumonisin: new “Kimimaru” variety and pestiside application Ryuichi UEGAKI 1) , Sunao UOZUMI 2) , Hiroshi UCHINO 2) 1) National Institute of Animal Health, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Ibaraki, Japan 2) Tohoku Agricultural Research Center, NARO, Ibaraki, Japan 2 ISMYCO 2016 Program 14:23- SS05 Mycotoxin degradation by laccase enzymes from Pleurotus spp Martina LOI 1,2) , Francesca FANELLI 1) , Vania C. LIUZZI 1) , Miriam HAIDUKOVSKI 1) , Maria Teresa CIMMARUSTI 1,2) , Antonio F. LOGRIECO 1) , Giuseppina MULÈ 1) * 1) Institute of Sciences of Food Production, CNR, via Amendola 122/O, 70126 Bari, Italy. 2) Department of Economics, University of Foggia, via Napoli 25, 71122, Foggia, Italy 14:35 – 15:00 Coffee Break 15:00 – 17:36 Young Researcher Session Chairs: Makoto Kimura, Takahito Toyotome, Motoichiro Kodama 15:00- YS01 Feed and feed management factors in relationship to Aflatoxin M1 contamination in bulk milk of small holder dairy farms Wasana CHAISRI 1) , Yoshiko SUGITA-KONISHI 2) , Kanokwan NOIKREU 1) , Anon KITIMA 1) , Dirk van DAM 3) , Ingrid HUNTLEY 3) , Witaya SURIYASATHAPORN 1) * 1) Department of Food animal Clinics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Muang, Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand 2) Department of Food and Life Sciences, The Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Azabu University, 1-17-71, Fuchinobe Chuo-ku, Sagamihara 3) Charm Sciences Inc., 659 Andover Street, Lawrence, MA 01843, USA 15:12- YS02 Critical point of aflatoxins contamination in peanut along the supply chain Norlia MAHROR 1,2) , Jinap SELAMAT 1,3) , Nor Khaizura MAHMUD @ AB RASHID 1) , Cheow Keat CHIN 4) 1) Food Safety Research Centre (FOSREC), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang Selangor, Malaysia. 2) School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden, Penang, Malaysia. 3) Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. 4) Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia. 15:24- YS03 Feed characteristic associated with Aflatoxin B1 contamination in concentrate dairy cow feed Wantanwa MONGKON 1) , Wasana CHAISRI 1) , Yoshiko SUGITA-KONISHI 2) , Witaya SURIYASATHAPORN 1) 1) Department of Food Animal Clinics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. 2) Department of Food and Life Sciences, The Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Azabu University, Kanagawa, Japan. 3 ISMYCO 2016 15:36- YS04 Health risks of mycotoxin contamination in imported wine and beer consumed in Thailand Saranya POAPOLATHEP , Somsakul PHUANGKHAM, Usuma JERMNAK, Amnart POAPOLATHEP Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. 15:48- YS05 Implementation of ISO 22000 food safety management system in Tunisian “Pasta Warda” company and hazard analysis of mycotoxins type ochratoxin A Imed MAATOUK 1) , Chayma RAGOUBI 1) , Yassine ELLOUM 2) , Amel MEHREZ 1) , Aya BEN AMARA 1) , Ahmed LANDOULSI 1) 1) Biochemistry of Lipids Unit and Interaction of Macromolecules in Biology, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Tunisia. 2) The company “Pâtes Warda” specialized in the production of pastas and couscous, Tunisia. 16:00- YS06 Fumonisin production recovery in a Fusarium fujikuroi strain by complementation of three fum genes Sharmin SULTANA 1) , Hironori KOBAYASHI 1) , Ryuou YAMAGUCHI 1) , Masafumi SHIMIZU 1) , Koji KAGEYAMA 2) , Haruhisa SUGA 3) 1) Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan. 2) River Basin Research Center, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan. 3) Life Science Research Center, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan. 16:12- YS07 Protein O-mannosyltransferases are involeved in sterigmatocystin production and fungal development Tram TH LE 1,2) , Kiminori SHIMIZU 1) 1) Department of Biological Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan. 2) Division of Microbial Biotechnology, Biotechnology Center of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. 16:24- YS08 Studies on the inhibotry activity of blasticidin S toward aflatoxin production Tomoya YOSHINARI , Jun TERAJIMA Division of Microbiology, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. 16:36- YS09 Protective effects of schiff base cyclic amino acid derivatives against mycotoxins geno- and cytotoxicity Tigran HARUTYUNYAN 1) , Galina HOVHANNISYAN 1) , Nelli BABAYAN 1,2) , Thomas LIEHR 3) , Arsen ARAKELYAN 2) , Rouben AROUTIOUNIAN 1) , Margarita MALAKYAN 2) 1) Department of Genetics and Cytology, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia. 2) Institute of Molecular Biology, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia. 3) Institute of Human Genetics, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany. 4 ISMYCO 2016 Program 16:48- YS10 Protective role of schiff base derivatives of amino acids against aflatoxin B1-induced apoptosis in rats Diana AVETYAN 1) , Gohar MKRTCHYAN 1) , Roksana ZAKHARYAN 1) , Svetlana KIRAKOSYAN 1) , Hakob DEVEJYAN 1) , Violeta AYVAZYAN 1) , Elina ARAKELOVA 1) , Margarita MALAKYAN 1,2) , Arsen ARAKELYAN 1) 1) Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA, Yerevan, Armenia. 2) Scientific Centre of Radiation Medicine and Burns, Ministry of Health, Yerevan, Armenia. 17:00- YS11 Studies on the mode of action of dioctatin that inhibits aflatoxin production of Aspergillus species. Tomohiro FURUKAWA 1) , Hidekazu KATAYAMA 2) , Takuma ICHIKAWA 2) , Tomoya YOSHINARI 3) , Lumi NEGISHI 4) , Michio SUZUKI 1) , Shohei SAKUDA 1) 1) Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
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