INTERVIEW VIEW INTER Navigating Global Challenges An Interview with The Honorable William S. Cohen, William S. Cohen (left) with Zhang Gaoli, Executive Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer, The Cohen Group EDITORS’ NOTE Prior to founding The Cohen Group have grown from one office in Washington While the North Korean pariah is a potential in 2001, William Cohen enjoyed a nearly 30-year D.C. with fi ve colleagues to over 60 individuals threat to the United States, it is a very real threat career in the public sector, serving as a member of in Washington, San Diego, Boston, London, Delhi, to our allies South Korea and Japan. Couple this the United States House of Representatives (1973- Beijing, Tianjin, China and an enduring presence with the signifi cance of East Asia to our economy 1979), the United States Senate (1979-1997), and in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE. and the global economy, and we have a very wor- as Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton Our client base has expanded and diversi- risome situation on the Korean Peninsula. (1997-2001). During his tenure in the Senate, fi ed as well. Today, our fi rm represents Fortune I do not believe the North Korean regime Cohen served as Chairman of the Committee on 500 companies in a diverse set of sectors such as to be foolish enough to even consider signifi cant Aging, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, energy, profes- military action unless they believe themselves to Seapower and Projection Forces, and the Subcommittee sional services, health care, telecommunications, be facing a true existential threat. Regardless, even on Oversight of Government Management. He also and information technology. We are proud to the slightest bit of sabre rattling can reverberate served as a member and Vice Chairman of the Select have helped many American companies expand throughout the world and can affect everything Committee on Intelligence and the “Iran-Contra abroad and generate jobs in the U.S. from fi nancial markets to military mobilization, Committee.” An acknowledged leader in environ- What are the key markets and regions and this poses a more serious threat to global sta- mental issues and champion of small businesses, that you are focused on for growth? bility than any far off notions of North Korea using Cohen has also demonstrated infl uence in interna- As with much of the business world, we a nuclear weapon. tional circles, encouraging dialogues between gov- have largely focused on the emerging markets The North Korean threat can be mitigated ernments and launching the William S. Cohen in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. We by the right balance of sanctions and negotia- Institute for International Business at the University maintain offi ces in China and India, and regularly tions. The United States fi rst and foremost seeks of Maine. He serves on the board of CBS and is a visit Brazil and the Middle East. I also serve on the peace, and I think we would be willing to come Trustee at the Center for Strategic and International boards of the U.S.-China Business Council and the to the negotiating table if certain concessions are Studies. U.S.-India Business Council. made. Until this happens, however, I fear that While these markets justifi ably command a we will continue to see episodic fl are-ups on the COMPANY BRIEF Founded in 2001, The Cohen considerable amount of interest among our cli- Korean Peninsula. Group (www.cohengroup.net) is headed by a roster ents, we also guide our clients to overlooked op- What are the biggest security concerns of infl uential leaders from the world stage. With an portunities in other countries that have specifi c and challenges facing the world today? objective to help multinational companies explore requirements that fi t their products or have greater The continued confl icts in many parts of the opportunities both domestically and abroad, the purchasing power. Middle East will pose a challenge for a long fi rm provides its clients with tools for understand- Increasingly, we are also assisting foreign com- time to come. The varying interests through- ing and shaping their business, political, legal, reg- panies seeking to enter the U.S. market through ac- out the region are often viewed as a zero sum ulatory, and media environments. quisitions of sensitive technology or infrastructure game for all sides, where the outcome contin- that requires U.S. government approval. We advise ues to be more and more instability. While I Would you provide an overview of The Cohen both foreign companies seeking to make acquisi- am hopeful for resolutions to all of these con- Group and how the company has evolved? tions in the U.S. as well as U.S. companies being ac- fl icts soon, I fear that it may well be decades Companies hire The Cohen Group to increase quired by foreign interests on how to meet the U.S. before we see any lasting peace in the region. their revenue and market position. We help compa- regulatory requirements, including the Committee This unfortunate reality makes our friends and nies execute long-term strategic market entry cam- on Foreign Investment in the U.S. allies in the region all the more important, as paigns through hands-on assistance in a number Would you provide your views on the they have the unique ability to act as arbiters of emerging markets, such as China and India. We turmoil in Egypt, as well as U.S.-Russian rela- of a long overdue peace. also help companies identify and win government tions and the North Korea nuclear threat? Recent developments in our negotiations and commercial contracts around the globe. Our Egypt has long been a friend to the United with Iran may lead to a lasting breakthrough, product is a result, not a list of recommendations. States and a lynchpin of U.S. policy in the Middle but underscore the tenuous nature of Iran’s true Our core team comprises an accomplished East, but we must also be clear that a strong dem- commitment to foreswearing a nuclear weapons group of professionals who have deep expe- ocratic process in Egypt is not only good for the program. The period we are entering now might rience in the U.S, U.K., Chinese, and Australian United States and the world, but for a strong and actually be the most dangerous and potentially governments, as well as in the private sector. prosperous Egypt. destabilizing as a host of players are likely to Our expertise spans a wide range of key coun- Russia’s political and economic signifi cance seek to torpedo any real and long-term progress. tries and sectors. For example, our clients are cannot be discounted, but their resistance to I am also worried about the unchartered ter- counseled by four highly-respected former U.S. change and economic reforms have implica- ritories of cyber warfare and espionage. Given Ambassadors: Marc Grossman, Nick Burns, Jeff tions beyond their borders. The country continues the relative youth of these technologies and the Davidow, and Jim Smith, who possess expertise to stifl e what we would consider basic political lack of any real international standards to gov- across many regions of the world. freedoms, which ultimately weakens its civil so- ern responsible use of cyberspace, I fear we will Since our founding in 2001, we have rap- ciety and will be a sticking point in U.S. relations continue to see cyber threats from all corners of idly expanded our client base and our team. We for some years to come. the globe.• 24 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2014 LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. VOLUME 37, NUMBER 1.
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