^ o d Beat Luck, OREXEl INSTITUTE PMC Dragons OP t ec h n o lo g y PHIUDELPHIA, pa. Tomorrow OCTOBER 21. 1960 NUMBER 19 HE GOOD OLD DAYS V ■ . Homecotirting Queen Joan Schlesel and Her Court: Maggie O'Brien, Nancy Layton, Gay Ferguson and Sally A nn Faber H om ecom ing 1960 D r e x e l vs. P« A1. C. Drexel Triangle Page 2 October 21, I 960 H om ecom ing Schedule Set For R oaring20*s W eekend ord. the team has shown definite HoriH'coniiiiK lOGO will be climaxed (■f)uple” contest which will be judged improvement throtighout the season. tliiH week-end with niiincrcus ac­ tofiay, the winners will be presented Halftime ceremonies will high­ tivities opcTi for the cnjoyincnl of in their winning “Twenties” cos­ light Saturday's proceedings. N'ick the entire student body, and in par­ tume. at the rally by chairman Tony Falcone. President of the Student ticular, your i)areiits and tlie Drexel (’ai)olla. The j)rizes will be four Senate, will present the I960 Home* alumni. A pej) rally ^''riday niRbi !57..')0 gift certificates. coming Queen, who will be crowned and tb(‘ football j^ame witb Penn­ The evening will end with the by last year’s lovely queen. Chris sylvania Military (’ollege Saturday vigorous improvisations of Kenny Crandall. Next, the President of afternoin will liiKbliKbt the activi­ Delmar’s Dixieland Hand. The I-F Council, Pete Rowe, will present ties. dancing will continue until 12:00. IN‘|) Hully For the student's enjoyment the the coveted little “brown jug” to Student Tnion is liaving an open the winner of the fraternity display. Tonight the festivities will begin house featuring coffee and cake for These displays can be seen starting with a pep rally for the game on all. Friday evening at the respective Woodland Avenue in front of the houses. The Alumni Varsity Club, Another eventful day is planned Drexel Library at 7:30. As in past represented by Miles Etter, will al­ for tomorrow. Commencing at Vice President Richard Nixon as they are welcomed (», years, the Drexel ROTC Hand, the so present an award. Philadelphia by the students of the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel Drexel cheerleaders and quite a few 12:00 at the athletic field at 46th and Haverford Avenue there will I’rcsident’s Tea pecple will be there. During the Institute of Technology. After the game everyone is cor­ After shaking many hands and receiving greetings from the large en­ pep rally the fraternities and so­ be box lunches available for erery- one at a nominal figure of $1.85 per dially invited to the President’s Tea thusiastic crowd, Mr. Nixon expressed his appreciation with a small speech rorities will hold their annual cheer­ couple. Following the box lunch- in the Library at 4:30. Refresh­ before continuing his journey to Convention Hall where he addressed the ing contest, w’hich was won last ments will be served and tours of year by Delta Zeta and Lambda Chi ecn, pre-game activities full of nu­ people of Philadelphia. merous surprises will begin around this new' modern building can be Alpha. Instead of the usual small 12:45. A parade of old 1920 cars taken. This will give the students megaphone, trophies will be pre­ and their parents an excellent op­ sented to the winners. Also the co- led by the Homeccining Queen will arrive from the school and circle portunity to see the entire library Senate A ctio ns To Include chairmen of the Court skit commit­ building and to meet the President tee, Mimi Dugan and Chris Alford the field, after which President Creese will give his welcoming ad­ of the school, Dr. Creese, and to will announce the winners of the dress. Immediately prior to the meet the Homecoming Queen and skit competition held in the (Jreat her court. Conference^ N ew C abinet Court this week. Trophies will be game the Cadet Corps of PMC, five hundred and lifty strong, will march Last, but not least, the ten frater­ awarded in place of the traditional nities at Drexel will have open miniature megaphones. Last year on the field. The football game with PMC will houses Saturday night. Everyone top honors went to the combined including freshmen should feel wel­ efforts of Delta Zeta. Sigma Alpha present the Drexel eleven with their Cabinet of Leaders Cherry Hill Confab come. Mu and Theta Chi. best opportunity for victory this We hope that everyone enjoys and The Drexel Senate announced the A governmental experiment was As a climax to the “best dressed season, for despite their poor rec- partakes in all the activities of this formation of a new advisory group. tried by the Senate on Saturday, year’s Homecoming for much time The group will be functioning as a Oct. 15 at the Cherry Hill Inn. From and effort has gone into making this completely new governmental unit all indications, the First Annual Homecoming the best. —the Cabinet. The Cabinet will Senate Conference, Section I, proved D IT LA.S, G ets C harter consist of seven presidents of the to be successful for almost all who more general purpose organizations attended. The purpose of the con­ The Drexel Student Branch of the functions and current activities of Gen. Greene Talks at Drexel and the Senate executive ference was for student leaders to Institute of Aerospace Sciences held the I.A.S. and invited all members committee. The Cabinet held its become aware of the problems that to the Philadelphia Branch meet­ its first meeting of the new school first meeting on October 12. the new government has to face this year on Thursday, Oct. 6 in the ings. Coffee and doughnuts were To ROTC Cadets year, to make plans for the Senate, Student Union Building, where it served after the meeting in the On October 13, Major General During the past Spring term the and to formulate the government’s Dragon’s Den. was presented with its charter by Douglas Greene (U.S. Army Ret.) student body provided for the budget. Included in the agenda were Officers for this year are as fol­ Mr. Frank Mamrol representing the Athletic Director and Advisor for Cabinet when they almost unan­ talks and presentations given by lows : ROTC affairs, addressed the mem­ Philadelphia Branch of the I.A.S. imously approved the new combined several student organizations. Receiving the charter were Thomas Chairman—Tom Hayes bers of the Cadet Brigade. government structure. This new Hayes, Chairman and Dr. Chou, Vice Chairman- -Warren Jamison General Greene directed his re­ group will have several functions. Senate president Nick Falccnr Faculty Advisor. Mr. Mamrol pre­ Secretary—Dick Roberts marks to the incoming cadets, stress­ They will check the Senate’s gave a forty-five minute orientation sented a short talk on the objectives. Treasurer—Ed Wachter ing the importance of ROTC in its progress, keep the Senate to their speech which covered such topics as role of training leaders. He ex­ purpose as outlined in the Constitu­ the old and new governments, the pressed his belief that America must tion, and offer new ideas and pro­ concept, scope and structure of the strengthen its Armed Forces to in­ grams to the Senate for adoption. new' governmental organization, the LASTICK DRUGS sure its safety. They will also conduct various advantages and disadvantages of studies on several of the more com­ such a structure, and the purpose of HOTC FATJi FORMAL plicated, far-reacliing problems fac­ the Conference. Starting at 9::^0 3233 Powelton Ave. liEIXG PLANNED ing Drexel students. They will co­ in the morning, the Conference en­ ordinate member organizations to joyed two coffee breaks and a deli This Year’s Advanced avoid overlapping of individual pro­ cious lunch, and adjourned at 4:30 Have your prescriptions filled here. Course ROTC Cadets Fall grams and foster general progress in the afternoon. Formal will be held next and betterment for Drexel. The O ur stock is complete and up to date. Although every student organiza week end at the Otflcers Club group will be primarily advisciry, of the Philadelphia Quarter­ with legislative power remaining in tion was invited to attend the Con­ master Depot. A 12-piece the Senate. ference, many organizations werr orchestra and vocalist will be Phone BA 2'0290 not represented. Most participants featured. Intensive studies in such areas as rated the experiment successful an'! freshman orientation, hazing, the 20.5 credit limitation in the Busi­ useful. In general the Conferenc ' ness College, honor systems, and accomplished all that it set out to the weighted average requirements do by providing insight to the prob­ involved in transferring colleges lems of some of Drexel’s organizii LEXINGTON HAND LAUNDRY will be specific projects the Cabinet will handle. ; tions and providing the stimulu 3600 LANCASTER AVENUE for new’ ideas which are hoped to lu- SHIRT SERVICE The Cabinet is another step to­ tried by and incorporated into th^ ward modern Student government Drexel Senate. 2 4 H o u r DRY CLEANING at Drexel. It permits more student leaders to participate in government. I /2 Hr. and Coin Operated Launder-ette Service The Drexel government concept in­ ASK FOR STUDENT DISCOUNT TICKET cludes the participation of more “SHALL WE DANCE?” responsible student leaders, for The W omen’s Athletic As­ sources of ideas, solutions, and for EV 6-0952 sociation w'ill offer two the efficient functioning of estab­ groups of social dance les­ lished governmental activities. More sons beginning Thursday, and more students are being ap­ October 2 7, 19 60.
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