West side of The Site lies beyond the trees the stadium and existing industrial units which lie behind Viewpoint 3: View looking north along Sheldon Road towards the entrance to the Site. The Proposed Development will be screened by the trees which line the road. In winter it will be possible to make out the upper section of the new building and stack above the roofline of the existing buildings within the industrial estate but viewed only through the leafless branches. Effect on the visual amenity of estate workers and visitors: Negligible. Shelton Road Corby FIGURE 10.7.3 Energy Recovery Centre Viewpoint 3 Lighting mast south of the site Viewpoint 4 : From Pywell Road looking north down Pywell Court. The upper section of the new building will be just visible, seen rising above the tree line. The upper section of the stack will be screened by the pine trees to the west of the units. The building and stack will be partially visible between the gaps between the industrial buildings further west along the road but will be seen in the context of these larger industrial units. The effect on the visual amenity of road users and occupants will be Adverse of Minor significance. Shelton Road Corby FIGURE 10.7.4 Energy Recovery Centre Viewpoint 4 Lighting mast south of the Site Viewpoint 5: From Steel Road by Curver Way. It will be possible to glimpse the upper section of the stack when moving past the gap but it will be a fleeting view. The effect on the visual amenity of road users will be Negligible. Shelton Road Corby FIGURE 10.7.5 Energy Recovery Centre Viewpoint 5 Rockingham Stadium Willowbrook Industrial Estate SITE Viewpoint 6 : From Phoenix way looking east. The proposed building and the stack will be visible close to where the cars are situated at a distance of over 1 km and will be viewed in the context of the existing industrial estate and surrounding area. This view is likely to be blocked by future development along Phoenix Way. The effect on the visual amenity of road users will be Adverse of Minor significance. Shelton Road Corby FIGURE 10.7.6 Energy Recovery Centre Viewpoint 6 APPENDIX 11 ECOLOGY AND NATURE CONSERVATION APPENDIX 11.1 – PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Shelton Road, Corby Ecological Appraisal June 2015 Entran Shelton Road, Corby Ecological Appraisal June, 2015 Entran Version Date Author Checked Approved Final 11/06/2015 S Jackson E Glen R Coombes Disclaimer Copyright Keystone Environmental Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be copied or reproduced by any means without prior written permission from Keystone Environmental Limited. If you have received this report in error, please destroy all copies in your possession or control and notify Keystone Environmental Limited. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning party and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Keystone Environmental, no other party may use, make use of or rely on the contents of the report. No liability is accepted by Keystone Environmental Limited for any use of this report, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided. Opinions and information provided in the report are on the basis of Keystone Environmental Limited using due skill, care and diligence in the preparation of the same and no explicit warranty is provided as to their accuracy. It should be noted and it is expressly stated that no independent verification of any of the documents or information supplied to Keystone Environmental Limited has been made. RT Ecological Appraisal V4.4 10/11/2014 Shelton Road, Corby June 2015 Ecological Appraisal Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 1 2.0 Introduction 2 Background 2 Aims and Objectives 2 Site Context 3 3.0 Methodology 4 Desk Study 4 Field Survey 4 Results and Evaluation 4 Discussion and Recommendations 5 Nomenclature 5 Limitations 5 4.0 Results and Evaluation 6 Sites and Habitats Identified by the Desk Study 6 Habitats Identified on Site 13 EBP and Local BAP Habitats, and Networks of these Habitats Identified on Site 15 Protected Species 15 EBP and Local BAP Species 15 Contribution to the Wider Green Infrastructure Resource 15 Invasive Species 16 5.0 Relevant Legislation and Policy 24 Legislation 24 National Planning Policy 26 Regional Planning Policy 27 Local Planning Policy 28 6.0 Discussion and Recommendations 30 Changes to the Baseline 30 Overview of Potential Ecological Constraints Associated with the Proposed Development 30 Further Survey and Mitigation 30 7.0 References 36 Plans Drawing Number: 131773/4/dwg1 Desk Study Map Drawing Number: 131773/4/dwg2 Phase I Habitat Map 131733/4 Shelton Road, Corby June 2015 Ecological Appraisal Appendices Appendix 1 Desk Study Details Contact Details can be found at the end of this document 131733/4 Shelton Road, Corby June 2015 Ecological Appraisal 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Keystone Ecology was instructed by Entran to undertake an update Ecological Appraisal of land within the Willowbrook East Industrial Estate adjacent to Shelton Road, Corby, Northamptonshire (central Ordnance Survey grid reference SP 909 908). The survey was required to inform a proposed amendment to the existing planning permission for the erection of an ACT and Anaerobic Digestion facility (13/00079/WASTEFUL). 1.2 The baseline ecology of the site is not considered to have changed since the original Ecological Appraisal (Keystone Ecology, 2013). 1.3 In the absence of mitigation, the following ecological constraints and associated recommendations have been identified: Non-Statutory Sites; (Nene Valley NIA and pLWS), England Biodiversity Habitat (Deciduous Woodland) and White Clawed Crayfish - Installation of hoarding to avoid impacts associated with increased lighting and noise during the construction phase. Implementation of Pollution Prevention measures to avoid incidents to the Willow Brook. Implementation of measures to reduce dust deposition during construction; and Badger, Bats, Great Crested Newt, Reptiles and Breeding Birds – Adoption of a sensitive lighting strategy throughout the construction and operational phases of the development. Installation of hoarding to protect retained habitats and avoid lighting and noise. Avoidance of the clearance of suitable habitats in the first instance. Where this is not possible, minimal clearance only following a Precautionary Working Method Statement and replacement of habitats using native species, ideally of local provenance will be required. 1.4 In addition, a number of ecological enhancements have been proposed for the development. In combination with the mitigation measures as set out above, residual impacts are considered to be Negligible. 1 Shelton Road, Corby June 2015 Ecological Appraisal 2.0 Introduction Background 2.1 Keystone Ecology was instructed by Entran to undertake an update Ecological Appraisal of land within the Willowbrook East Industrial Estate adjacent to Shelton Road, Corby, Northamptonshire (central Ordnance Survey grid reference SP 909 908). The survey was required to inform a proposed amendment to the existing planning permission for the erection of an ACT and Anaerobic Digestion facility (13/00079/WASTEFUL). 2.2 This report provides an update to the Ecological Appraisal conducted in 2013 by Keystone Ecology (Keystone Ecology, 2013) and assessment of any change in the baseline conditions with reference to the amended proposals for the development. Aims and Objectives 2.3 The aim of the survey and supporting desk study was to satisfy the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF - see Section 5.0), identifying ecological features within or near the site that could potentially pose a constraint to the proposed development and opportunities for incorporating biodiversity enhancements into the development proposals. The following ecological features are relevant to this exercise: Statutory and local designated wildlife sites; England Biodiversity Priority (EBP) or local Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) habitats and networks of these habitats; Ancient Woodland Inventory sites; Important hedgerows (as defined by The Hedgerows Regulations 1997); Veteran Trees, those listed under Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and trees within a Conservation Area; Legally protected species; EBP or local BAP species; The wider green infrastructure resource; and Invasive species. 2.4 This report has been produced with reference to current guidelines for preliminary ecological appraisal (CIEEM, 2013) and in accordance with BS42020:2013: Biodiversity - Code of Practice for Planning and Development. 2 Shelton Road, Corby June 2015 Ecological Appraisal Site Context 2.5 The development site is located along the eastern perimeter of the Willowbrook East Industrial Estate and comprises a large car forecourt with thin strips of grassland, scrub and trees present along the site boundary. 2.6 Two further large car forecourts lie west of the site with numerous steel clad industrial units located to the south. Rockingham race track lies approximately 350 metres to the north of the site, with an area of mosaic of scrub, bare ground and deciduous woodland in between. The Willow Brook runs through the woodland to the north, parallel to the site. 3 Shelton Road, Corby June 2015 Ecological Appraisal 3.0 Methodology Desk Study 3.1 Information from Northamptonshire Biodiversity Records Centre (NBRC)/Northants Bat Group(NBG) was received, and Natural England site designations accessed, on 4th June 2015. Information obtained was used to provide a background on ecological features in the vicinity of the site. Refer to Appendix 1 for details of records requested, search radii and sources of information. Field Survey 3.2 The Extended Phase I Habitat Survey was undertaken on 28th May 2015 by an experienced ecologist from Keystone Ecology (Dr Sarah Jackson CEcol, CEnv, MCIEEM). 3.3 Phase I Habitat Survey (JNCC, 2010) is a standard technique for obtaining baseline ecological information for large areas of land in which the main vegetation types present within the survey area are mapped using a standard set of habitat categories.
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